Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 365 A Strong Enemy That Backfires

Huangfeng Valley Jianzhong Gorge, before sunset, when Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, Tong Minghong, and Zhao Chengzhi followed the others, panting, and supported each other across the end of the canyon.

An open land appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the open land continued to extend to both sides until the mountains appeared.

Right in front of the open land are continuous, tall and straight peaks, with verdant trees in the mountains and fairy mist on the top of the peaks, giving people a beautiful and mysterious feeling.

Everyone dragged their tired bodies, looking for an open space everywhere, and just sat on the ground, panting heavily.

The long sword in his hand was also casually put aside, too late to take care of it.

"Look!" Someone yelled, and everyone looked back, only to see Jianzhong Gorge where long swords were scattered all over the canyon.

Looking at the past at this time, it was another ordinary canyon scene.

"Hahaha... My true essence is ready to use, please check if your Cultivation Base has recovered?"

At this time, another disciple smiled happily, and then sat in the Lotus Position, and began to recover his strength.

When everyone heard the words, they also used the Cultivation Technique to feel the true energy of own, and then everyone showed joy, and then quickly sat in the Lotus Position, each recovering from the fatigue of own.

Under the nourishment of true essence, everyone soon became full of energy, and the fatigue on their faces disappeared. Even the injured disciples recovered quickly.

Some disciples who are a little bit flirtatious deliberately display their own aura to highlight their own Cultivation Base, because these people find that,

Among the disciples present, the highest Cultivation Base is the Cultivation Base that integrates the late stage, and there are not many of them.

Most of the others are in the Foundation Establishment stage, and there are a small part in the fusion early stage and fusion middle stage.

"Huh? It's already sunset, and almost everyone who should be there has arrived. Why is there no sign of Shen Elder?"

Yang Yunfei looked around, and saw that there were more than 150 disciples present, and no one came out of the canyon. It seemed that the 20 or so disciples had already fallen into the canyon.

The rest of the disciples were already talking to each other in low voices, asking doubtfully.

"Hahaha... Never mind, what should come will come anyway, anyway, we have passed the test according to his requirements,

Now we have finally become disciples of Huang Fenggu, it is really not easy! "

Zhao Chengzhi smiled indifferently, and he didn't know where he picked a piece of grass root, and it looked very leisurely in his mouth.

"Slap!" At this moment, a clear and loud applause suddenly sounded, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

I saw a tall, sturdy-looking cultivator with a full face, who didn't look like a good person at first glance, and was viciously teaching a cultivator who was relatively weak in stature and appearance.

And the frail cultivator was

After the fight, he could only keep silent, and offered a Lingbao-level long sword from the storage bag with both hands, looking very cute and pitiful.

"It's actually them!" Qi Yutang immediately recognized the tall and sturdy cultivator.

It was the villain they met in Jianzhong Gorge, but they didn't expect that the frail cultivator would still be bullied after they came out.

"Hmph! That kid deserves it, who told him to be so rude."

Zhao Chengzhi complained in a low voice,

Apparently he still remembered that several people rescued the weak cultivator, but he was worried that he would wait for someone to snatch his Lingbao long sword and leave on his own.

It is simply to save the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Forget it! Let's stop meddling in other people's business, because that man is not easy to mess with, I can't even see his Cultivation Base,

Obviously, at least it is also a Cultivation Base that integrates the middle stage, and we will try to avoid it in the future. "

Tong Minghong glanced at the tall and fierce cultivator, and said with a slight frown.

"What?" Yang Yunfei and others were all shocked when they heard the words,

If even Tong Minghong's Cultivation Base integrated with the early stage is no match, then their Foundation Establishment period's Cultivation Base is even more unnecessary.

This news caused a haze to rise in the hearts of several people.

However, what the few people didn't want to happen happened backfired.

I saw that tall and sturdy cultivator walking towards Yang Yunfei and others arrogantly, and said dismissively:

"Hehehe... You guys are safe and sound! I, Zhang Deyi, said in the canyon that I will remember you all.

I thought you guys have such a high Cultivation Base, you dare to meddle in other people's business and act as heroes, but it turns out that you are just a few soft-legged shrimps in the Foundation Establishment period,

Don't worry, I won't do anything to you now, but then I will let you know how stupid it would be to offend me, Zhang Deyi. "

Zhang Deyi's words were like a sledgehammer, hitting the chests of Yang Yunfei and the others hard, but they could only bow their heads in silence.

Because everyone knows that in this comprehension world where strength is the most important thing, if one of them fails to do well, he will be killed.

"Silence!" Suddenly a serious voice sounded,

Then, an old man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties, wearing the uniform uniform of the Yellow Maple Valley Elder, with a kind smile on his face, and a restrained aura, landed in front of everyone.

"Hello Shen Elder!" All the disciples present respectfully shouted in unison after seeing the visitor.

Seeing the complaint, Zhang De had to step aside first, but he still gave Yang Yunfei and others a look of malicious intent.

Shen Elder looked around at the crowd, and waved slightly to them, telling them to keep quiet.

Then he smiled like a ray of spring breeze:

"Hehehe...not bad, first of all congratulations on your success

Passed the assessment test of Jianzhong Gorge and became an Outer Sect disciple of our Yellow Maple Valley. Biqu library

At the same time, I also hope that after one year, all of you can pass the assessment test again and become the inner disciple of my Yellow Maple Valley.

Secondly, because of the rules of the gate, as I said before, you can only take one thing you like in the canyon.

Therefore, I hope that those disciples who have taken too much will take the initiative to hand it over, so that I can let the past go, otherwise I will have to deal with it according to the school rules.

Finally, here are the gate rules of our Huangfeng Valley. I hope you read them carefully and avoid touching the gate rules.

I'll take everyone to the Outer Sect to report later, okay, is there any disciple who took the initiative to hand over the sword? "

After Shen Elder finished speaking, he took out a hundred Jade Slips from the storage bag, and Jade Slip flew to each disciple without any mistakes, and then continued to smile and look at everyone kindly.

After hearing the words, many disciples subconsciously looked left and right, and found that most of the disciples remained motionless,

But some disciples took the initiative to take out one or several long swords from the storage bag,

Divine Sense controlled the long swords and flew to Shen Elder's feet, then stood there in shame.

Just when everyone thought it was time to leave, Shen Elder, who was originally smiling and kind, suddenly changed his face.

Immediately, everyone felt that they were enveloped by a terrifying aura, and just when they wanted to use their Cultivation Technique to resist, the terrifying aura suddenly disappeared again.

"Bump bump..."

Immediately a horrible thing happened, after a few muffled "bumps".

In the crowd, the bodies of five cultivators exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood mist, without even a chance to scream.

This scene scared everyone to death, especially the few disciples who were relatively close to the cultivators whose bodies exploded.

The blood mist splashed all over their faces, and they were so frightened that they trembled all over, not daring to look at Shen Elder again.

No one could have imagined that Shen Elder, who was smiling one second, would be so direct and cruel the next second.

" don't need to panic, I gave them a chance beforehand, but these five people are still stubborn,

But I don't know, I already know your every move in Jianzhong Gorge, so the people here simply deserve to die.

Well, everyone, follow me, and I will take you to the Outer Sect Elders to report. "

Shen Elder returned to his harmless face, and smiled kindly.

Those disciples who took the initiative to hand over their swords were all thankful for their actions just now, otherwise they would have turned into a cloud of blood mist now.

Immediately, a group of people flew with their own swords, followed behind Shen Elder, and flew up the mountain.

Started their new journey of self-cultivation……………………………………………

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