Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 356 Fragrance On Fingertips

Lu Chen was full of emotions, and expressed his simplest thoughts in the simplest vernacular.

From the corner of the eye, I caught a glimpse of Kong Danshi and Wu Hongen's educated looks, as well as the adoring eyes of the stunning beauty in charge.

Lu Chen himself felt that he was great, and he couldn't help being happy in his heart, but on the surface, please pretend to be compassionate.

Pill Master Kong's face felt hot when he heard the words, and his face turned red. He didn't expect Lu Chen to be so enlightened and say such words that he cared about the world.

Immediately, I regretted my own move.

Even Wu Hongen looked at Lu Chen in surprise, because in his eyes, Lu Chen was just an arrogant, conceited, shameless person with some petty tricks.

But today's words made Wu Hongen feel good about this little man.

While Su Ruolan was grateful to Lu Chen for saving her, her eyes were even more complicated.

"Hehehe...don't look at me like that, I intended to tell the world about the pill recipe, so it's not a big problem."

Lu Chen looked at Su Ruolan and smiled.

Next, Su Ruolan prepared a room for each of Lu Chen and Kong Danshi on the top floor of Feiyu Pill Pavilion, so that they could use pill refining.

This point was also approved by Kong Danshi.

And the city lord Wu Hongen saw that he had nothing to do next, so he took the initiative to bid farewell to everyone, because there were still a lot of things waiting for him to work on in the city lord's mansion.

Lu Chen threw a storage bag to Danshi Kong, which contained about a thousand medicinal materials for refining apricot widower stone marrow pill, and then entered the own room.

In the room, when Kong Danshi Divine Sense checked, Lu Chen gave his own storage bag, and found that there were actually a thousand medicinal materials for refining apricot widower stone pulp pill,

A look of surprise immediately appeared on his face, and then he calmed down again, and murmured with a smile:

" are such a magical little guy."

After saying something inexplicable, he took out his own pill furnace and started pill refining.

"What are you doing here? Hurry up and get out, I'm going to pill refining, and you can't be disturbed during the pill refining." Lu Chen said angrily.

As soon as he entered the own room, Su Ruolan stepped into the room first, looked at herself with deep meaning, and then said with a charming smile:

"Hehehe...Little Brother, you are such a strange person. Even though your aptitude is in a mess, your cultivation speed is astonishing.

If I remember correctly, when you were in Qianyang City, you started the Dzogchen period from the Foundation Establishment,

It seems that it took less than a year from the breakthrough to the fusion period, which is not so fast.

Also, you are obviously a treacherous and cunning boy, but you can say those compassionate words,

It's only now that my sister realizes that she really can't see through you more and more. "

As he spoke, his body deliberately moved closer to Lu Chen's side, the waves on his chest were turbulent, very eye-catching, and his jade fingers were about to pick up his chin, making a provocative move.

Seeing this, Lu Chen quickly backed away, cursing Su Ruolan as a goblin in his heart.

"Hehehe... Sister Su, I just got some opportunities, so I made a breakthrough on Cultivation Base, which is not surprising.

But men and women don't know how to kiss each other, you'd better go out quickly, I still have to hurry up to pill refining, so I won't send you far away. "

Lu Chen smiled shyly.

But Su Ruolan still stood still, obviously not intending to leave, but took out a Jade Slip and asked:

"You came up with all the above methods?"

"Hehehe...these are all small tricks, not worth mentioning, you first do what I say, and I promise you won't suffer from Feiyu Pill Pavilion, and you will also make a lot of money.

I really need to start pill refining, or the time will be too late. "

Lu Chen looked at the Jade Slip in Su Ruolan's hand, and urged with a smile again.

The Jade Slip was quietly handed to her by Lu Chen just now. The content on it was also some small marketing method that Lu Chen came up with after meeting Su Ruolan.

This will not only increase the extra income for Fei Yu Dan Pavilion, but also get a lot of Spirit Stones from it.

After receiving Lu Chen's affirmative answer, Su Ruolan felt a little relieved.

Because the method recorded above was something she had never seen before, and she didn't dare to try it lightly, so I came to ask to understand.

Just when Lu Chen thought that Su Ruolan was going to leave, she saw the corners of her mouth suddenly raised slightly, showing a strange smile and saying:

"Hehehe... Do you still remember what my sister once said?"

"Uh... what?" Lu Chen looked at Su Ruolan in confusion.

But in the next second, Su Ruolan's body turned into an afterimage, disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Lu Chen once again.

Then he shot at Lu Chen like lightning, but when Su Ruolan's jade palm slapped Lu Chen's chest, he found that figure collapsed directly.

"It's actually an afterimage?" Su Ruolan was subconsciously shocked.

You must know that you are in the Gold Core

In the previous Cultivation Base, this kid was the first to avoid the own attack, which shows how fast he is.

But Su Ruolan continued to attack Lu Chen persistently. Lu Chen dodged several times and warned loudly:

"Hey, hey, hey... Sister Su, I didn't ask you to provoke you, why are you attacking me? If you don't stop, I will be rude to you."

But Su Ruolan still didn't intend to stop when she heard the words, and once again gathered her true energy in the palm of her hand, attacking Lu Chen non-stop.

In fact, she herself didn't understand why she wanted to hit Lu Chen, anyway, she just wanted to hit him a few times, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

But after hundreds of rounds, she didn't even touch the hem of Lu Chen's clothes. She felt angry and wanted to beat Lu Chen even more.

"Hehehe...Since Sister Su is disobedient, don't blame me." Lu Chen smiled triumphantly.

Feeling that Su Ruolan did not intend to kill him, Lu Chen also had a bad taste in his heart.

I saw him stepping on the Xuantian nine steps, his body dodging Su Ruolan's attack as fast as lightning, and at the same time, finding the right time, he grabbed Su Ruolan's wrist.

Then he pulled her into his arms fiercely, feeling the softness of the other person's body, coupled with the faint body fragrance, Lu Chen felt an unknown fire burning in his heart.

"Asshole! I won't play with you anymore, let me go."

Su Ruolan, who was in Lu Chen's arms, suddenly mobilized her true energy and scolded loudly. Biqu library

"Uh..." Lu Chen panicked at her sudden slamming, feeling like he had made a mistake, and subconsciously let go of her.

"Hehehe... Little Brother with a heart but no courage, my sister won't play with you anymore, you should practice your Medicine Pill quickly... Hehehe..."

Su Ruolan, who broke free from the shackles, saw Lu Chen's panic-stricken look just now, her heart was very complicated, and she returned to her usual charming appearance, she said shyly.

The appearance was very provocative, which made Lu Chen's heart itch.

After finishing speaking, he left in a flash, coming and going in a hurry, leaving Lu Chen with a beautiful back and a faint fragrance.

"Uh... What a monster." Thinking of the charming scene with the beautiful woman just now, feeling the warmth of the other party's body and the faint fragrance of the fingertips, Lu Chen couldn't help smiling and said to himself.

Immediately, he shot out a ray of true energy, closed the door, arranged several formations, and disappeared in place with a thought...

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