After Dongfang Yuanhua and the counterfeit Danchi Baichao left Banyue City, the two came to Xinyang City, a small fringe town belonging to Yichang Prefecture, in order to obtain the Spirit Stones.

Xinyang City is located in the northeast of Yichang Prefecture, bordering Xiling City. The total population of cultivators is not very large, which is equivalent to the population of a small county.

However, the entire Xinyang City has been plunged into a haze these past few days, and the streets have lived up to the prosperity of the past. Every household basically stays behind closed doors, or people go to the buildings in advance.

The defense formation of the entire city is fully opened, and the four city gates are heavily guarded. All cultivators are not allowed to enter or exit, otherwise they will be shot to death.

Wu Hongen, the lord of Xinyang City, was even more anxious like ants on a hot pot.

At this moment, in the city lord's mansion, cultivators with swords flew in from time to time, and cultivators left with swords non-stop. Everyone's expression was very solemn.

"Reporting to the city lord, Danshi Zhao...he..." A middle-aged cultivator in brown clothes hesitated to speak, and dared not speak.

City Lord Wu Hongen saw this, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he still asked with an attitude of trying:

"What did Master Zhao say? Is he willing to come to Xinyang City? Tell me if it's okay!"

Hearing that, the middle-aged cultivator said in a helpless tone:

"Hey... back to the city lord, once Pill Master Zhao heard that our Xinyang City was in trouble, he should have refused directly, but in order to keep it secret, I have already killed him.

Santo! Why don't we abandon the city, what if... what if this damned yaoli spreads to the city lord's mansion? "

As a subordinate, he actually opened his mouth to ask the city lord to abandon the city and flee. If it was normal, Wu Hongen would probably be direct and slap him to death.

But Wu Hongen sighed lightly when he heard the words, and said with a helpless expression:

"Hey... Don't mention this matter again. Wait a few days and see if there is any good news from Pill City. If there is no way for Pill City, or if you are unwilling to help,

I will quietly send you out of the city, after all you have followed me for many years, how can I have the heart to watch you sacrifice your life in vain, as for me, you don't have to worry about it anymore. "

"The city lord can't! If you want to go together, the subordinates are willing to follow the city lord and live with this Xinyang city."

Hearing this, the middle-aged cultivator immediately knelt down on one knee, and expressed his determination with cupped hands.

"I've made up my mind on this matter, so let's make a decision first. In addition, you can try to go farther and find some pill refining masters.

Even if it's a lie, trick me into getting a few pill refiners back. After all, the prevention work still needs to be controlled by pill refiners. "Wu Hongen said with firm eyes.

"Uh..." The middle-aged cultivator knew that it was useless to talk too much, so he cupped his hands again and resigned respectfully.

, and then quickly flew towards the gate of the city with Yujian,

As the confidant of the city lord, he holds a special identity jade card and can leave Xinyang City through a special hidden passage.

The city lord, Wu Hongen, looked tired when he saw his subordinates leave. In the past few days, because of the "severe" incident in Xinyang City,

Even though he has the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul Dzogchen, he still feels physically and mentally exhausted.

The so-called "Yao Li", to put it simply, is a kind of frightening infectious disease in the Cultivation World.

It can not only spread through the air and contact, but also lurk in Spiritual Qi, and spread extremely fast.

Once the cultivator is infected with "Yao Li", a terrible abscess will appear all over the body.

And the body will emit a disgusting corpse smell, and Dantian will also quickly sluggish. Generally, the infected person will fester all over the body and bleed to death from the seven orifices within 15 days.

What's more terrible is that "Yao Li" has nothing to do with the cultivator's Realm, whether you are a cultivator in the Qi refining stage or a boss in the transformation stage

Once infected with "Yao Li", the whole body will eventually fester, Dantian will languish, bleeding to death from seven orifices,

However, if your Cultivation Base is more advanced, the time from infection to Death may be slightly longer.

According to the records of Jade Slip in the history of ancient times, there was once a cultivator in the stage of transforming gods who was infected with "Yao Li", and it lasted for a month at most, but he still couldn't escape death.

Therefore, "Yao Li" is almost a word that changes color in Cultivation World.

If a place is found to have a large number of "Yao Li" infected people, then that place will basically face the end of massacre,

Then seal that place directly with formation, and disappear from the human world. Biqu library

Therefore, when the city lord of Xinyang City received the news that a cultivator had been found with a suspected case of "Yao Li".

Immediately, Wu Hongen was scared to death, and immediately sent someone to take down the cultivator for a careful examination. After learning that the diagnosis was confirmed, Wu Hongen felt as if the sky was about to fall.

Immediately ordered that the infected person and the pill refiner in charge of the inspection be slaughtered to prevent future troubles.

But within a few days, seven or eight "Yao Li" infected people were found in Xinyang City, and the city lord Wu Hongen realized the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately ordered to block the city in the name of the exercise, and opened the defensive formation of the moat, announcing that all cultivators are not allowed to enter or leave, otherwise they will be killed without mercy.

At first, people didn't pay attention to this matter, but on the third day after the city was sealed off, almost overnight, hundreds of "Yao Li" infected people appeared in the entire Xinyang City.

And the infected cultivator is still growing exponentially. At this time, people finally realized that the "Yao Li" broke out in Xinyang City


The outbreak of "Yao Li" immediately plunged the cultivators in the city into endless fear, and they all wanted to escape from Xinyang City as soon as possible.

However, there is a large guard formation on top, and the city lord's mansion is strictly guarded below. The whole city is like a huge cage, and no one can get out.

As the number of infected cultivators continued to increase, a large number of cultivators rioted in Xinyang City immediately. Burning, killing and looting can be seen everywhere. Fortunately, there are no high rank cultivators appearing in this kind of fringe town.

With the strength of the City Lord's Mansion, the riots can basically be wiped out in the cradle, and the method of suppression is also very simple, just kill them all.

However, with more and more cultivators infected with "Yao Li", and the families with many infected people being quite powerful, and they didn't take the initiative to make trouble, it is impossible for the City Lord's Mansion to kill all of them.

Therefore, Xinyang City is now divided into two large areas, one is the infected area, which is full of "Yao Li" infected people, and the other is the safe area.

And arranged the corresponding formation to isolate the infected area. At the same time, it also called on cultivators who were not infected to form volunteers to cooperate with the city lord's mansion to strictly guard the infected area and maintain the formation operation of the infected area.

At the same time, it also announced to the infected people that the city lord's mansion has contacted Dancheng, and there will be a corresponding solution to save everyone soon.

Many infected people were originally sluggish, unable to use their true energy and were in a state of waiting to die, so they just let it go and resigned themselves to fate.

Now, the wealth and lives of more than 300,000 people in Xinyang City are entrusted to Dan City.

If Pill City fails to conquer "Yao Li" and refine the corresponding antidote, God knows if there will be "Yao Li" infected people lurking in the safe zone,

This is also the reason why Wu Hongen did not dare to release these uninfected cultivators out of the city.

Once there is another accident in the safe zone, the 300,000 cultivators in Xinyang City will be massacred and disappear in the long river of history.

However, the sudden closure of Xinyang City immediately attracted the suspicion of countless passers-by, or cultivators who wanted to enter Xinyang City.

Some speculated that something important might have happened in Xinyang City, which required a temporary closure of the city.

Some speculated that there might have been a mutiny in Xinyang City, and a large-scale fight was taking place in the city.

But no one has guessed about "Yao Li", because "Yao Li" has not appeared for a long, long time since ancient times.

Until the nearby Xiling City, Tongling City, and Jiujiang City were also suddenly closed, and rumors spread that "Yao Li" may have appeared in these three cities.

As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar among the neighboring states immediately...

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