"Husband!" At the critical moment, the distraught Li Yanan let out a mournful cry, and was about to go to Yujian to block the 100-meter-long Sword Ray.

"Stop her quickly!" Lu Chen shouted eagerly, even if Lu Chen didn't shout, Wang Juntang and his wife Hu Lanying had already blocked Li Yanan's way.

"How courageous!" Almost at the same moment, Yu Zhantian shouted, and his body turned into an afterimage and rushed to the sky like lightning.

A Lingbao-level broadsword appeared in his hand. Under the infusion of its true essence, the broadsword instantly condensed a huge knife shadow with a length of more than 100 meters.

With lightning speed, he blocked the Sword Ray dangerously from bottom to top.

"Boom..." When the swords collided, a huge bang sounded immediately, and then the two lights and shadows condensed from true essence collapsed instantly.

Father Yu Zhantian's eyes were fixed when he saw this, and Divine Sense saw a black-clothed and masked cultivator, and his eyes were also shocked.

Then he turned around and left in Takong, how could Yu Zhantian let him escape so easily, with a thought, Takong chased after him at top speed.

Li Yanan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw someone blocking the huge Sword Ray that was slashing towards Horn.

Because Yu Zhantian's speed was too fast, he didn't see clearly that it was Yu Zhantian's hand.

"Kacha Kacha..." At this time, another lightning tribulation descended from the sky, which was already the fifth lightning arc.

At this moment, Horn has lost all his clothes, sitting in the naked Lotus Position in the middle of the formation, his whole body is filled with lightning, emitting a faint halo,

He is constantly copying the life souls from the three souls and seven souls into Dantian, and there is a shrunken phantom in Dantian that looks exactly like Horn.

The reduced version of the phantom is also full of lightning and is being baptized by the thunder calamity. It only needs to persist in four more arcs of lightning, and Horn can breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage and achieve a Power.

However, at this moment, Hong Quanwu, the head of the Peerless Mercenary Corps, raised his mouth slightly, and shot a dagger directly at Horn. The dagger was completely black, and its trajectory could not be seen with the naked eye in the dark.

However, a figure was prepared as if it had been prepared for a long time. It dodged in front of the dagger, and a black stone the size of a mountain appeared in front of it.

Hong Quanwu was surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect that the Hidden Weapons issued by his Nascent Soul early stage Cultivation Base could be blocked by that fusion boy.

In fact, when Lu Chen learned that the middle-aged cultivator was the leader of the Peerless Mercenary Group, he was always on guard against him.

Especially after Yu Zhantian chased and killed the black-clothed and masked cultivator, he became more careful


So when Hong Quanwu made a move, Lu Chen reacted immediately.

However, Lu Chen still underestimated the attack from the cultivator during the Nascent Soul period.

The black dagger hit the black stone the size of a mountain, making a crisp sound of "ding".

With a powerful impact and strong inertia, the mountain-sized black stone hit Lu Chen's body directly like a truck,

It knocked Lu Chen into a mess, and his body quickly flew backwards, because all this happened so fast, Lu Chen didn't even have a chance to hide in the world of Jinzhu.

"Be careful, Lu Chen!" Wang Juntang saw Lu Chen's body flying towards the range of Thunder Tribulation at high speed, and anxiously raised his true energy and shouted loudly.

Seeing this, Hu Lanying and Li Yanan's pupils shrank, and their faces showed horror.

Lu Chen, who was flying upside down at a high speed, opened his eyes violently after hearing the shout. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was locked by some kind of terrifying air mechanism,

Lu Chen stabilized his figure, when he saw that he was less than 200 meters away from the top of Horn Transcend Tribulation,

He immediately realized what that terrifying aura was, and it scared him out of his wits.

Without even thinking about it, they communicated with the world of Jin Zhu and prepared to run away, but at this critical moment, the world of Jin Zhu made a joke with Lu Chen,

No matter how Lu Chen communicated with Divine Sense, he just couldn't enter the world of Jinzhu, which never happened.

"Crack, click..." At this moment, a terrifying lightning arc as thick as an electric pole came straight to the top of Lu Chen's head at such a fast speed that Lu Chen almost only saw a blue light.

"Damn it, my life is over!" Lu Chen subconsciously yelled, and was smashed hard by the terrifying thunder calamity, his body instantly became scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Lu Chen!" Li Yanan and the others exclaimed in unison.

Being hit by such a thick arc of lightning, I am afraid that even the cultivator at the Transcend Tribulation stage will not be spared, not to mention that Lu Chen is only at the Cultivation Base at the Dzogchen stage.

Immediately, Li Yanan and others looked at Hong Quanwu with hatred.

"Hmph! Overestimate your own strength, do you still want to avenge that kid?"

Hong Quanwu felt the unfriendly eyes of several people, and snorted coldly.

"Boom...Boom..." At this time, the dark clouds in the sky rolled quickly, mixed with a huge thunder, which was more terrifying than the previous sound, making everyone present terrified.

"What's going on? How could it emit such a terrifying power? Could it be?" someone in the crowd of onlookers wondered.

But he didn't finish his words, "Kach... Kacha..."

There were two loud bangs again, followed by two thunderbolts the size of electric poles.

The blue lightning arc fell directly from the sky.

"No..." The sudden change made Li Yanan shout hoarsely, tears streaming down her face.

Because if Huo En was hit by these two arcs of lightning, there might not even be scum left. How could this not make Li Yanan feel sad?

"Hmph! It's cheap for you," Hong Quanwu thought proudly the moment the thunder arc fell,

He originally wanted to kill Horn who dared to steal customers from him, but now the result is the same.

Just when everyone thought that Horn would be wiped out because of those two terrifying lightning arcs,

Those two lightning arcs shot to the side like a ghost, as if they hit something dark.

With the faint light of the lightning, the onlookers clearly saw a figure sitting on a big knife in the Lotus Position, with two terrifying arcs of lightning connected to its body.

"It's Lu Chen? Is he still alive? How is this possible?" Wang Juntang exclaimed in shock when he saw this.

Li Yanan and Hu Lanying looked at everything in disbelief, even ignoring that Horn was just hit by the eighth arc of lightning.

"It's that kid just now! How could he be fine when he was hit by a special lightning tribulation?"

"Monster! What a monster! I guess that kid must be Spiritual Roots, but even if Spiritual Roots can absorb the element of thunder, it is impossible to resist the thunder calamity! I really can't figure it out, I can't figure it out!"

Among the cultivators watching, various speculations and discussions continued to spread.

In fact, how did they know that the reason why Lu Chen did not die was entirely due to the thunder beads in his body.

In the situation where the golden bead world was a challenger, when Lu Chen was hit by the first lightning calamity, he instinctively operated the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue and the Chaos Body Refining Art.

Quickly meditate:

"Tao can be Tao, very Tao, name can be named, very famous.

The nameless beginning of heaven and earth, the nameless mother of all things.

It is because the Dao produces one, the one produces two, the two produces three, the three produces all things, and all things produce infinity... This is the Dao...

Let him be strong, let the breeze blow the mountains, let him do whatever he wants, and the bright moon shines on the river..."

The content of the two formulas quickly emerged in Lu Chen's mind, and Lu Chen entered a mysterious state.

The needle-sized thunder beads in the body, after sensing the powerful thunder elements brought by the thunder calamity, the long whale absorbs a large amount of thunder elements by absorbing water, thus strengthening itself.

The Cultivation Base of the Ancestral Body Realm of Body Refining Technique is also growing rapidly due to the baptism of Thunder Tribulation.

Therefore, not only did Lu Chen not die, but he got a lot of benefits because of a blessing in disguise...

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