Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 319 What Did You Drink For Me?

After the captain of the guard in charge of this block left, Lu Chen looked at the young cultivator who was called the second son and said with a smile:

"Hehehe...Thank you! But the acting skills of the two of you are really fake, I almost couldn't help laughing."

"Hahaha...Some things have to be done for others to see, don't you think, besides, I'm doing this to help you?

correct! When did you come to Banyue City, why didn't you look for me, I just have a big piece of good news to tell you. "

The two young masters smiled familiarly.

"Hmph! You still have the nerve to say, I just went to your Yufu to look for you in the morning, but the guard said that there was no such person at all.

You don't know how fierce they were at that time, and how embarrassed I was, by the way, can you tell me any great news? "

Lu Chen thought that he had been rejected, and complained in his tone, and said angrily.

Because the second young master in front of him was none other than Lu Chen's long-time friend, Young Master Yu Xiao.

"I can't do anything about the guards. Last time in the secret realm of Shadowwind Valley, you made me miserable. I didn't dare to go out for a while.

Walk! Don't say anything, you have to treat me to a good meal today, we won't go home until we're drunk, I know you made a lot of windfall. "

Young Master Yu Xiao seemed to have something hard to hide when he heard the words, so he took the initiative to change the topic to the matter of Lu Chen robbing many cultivators in the medicine garden space before.

The guard of his own house actually denied the existence of the master. Lu Chen guessed that something happened to Mr. Yu Xiao's house.

But Mr. Yu Xiao didn't mention it, and Lu Chen couldn't point it out, so he had to follow his meaning first, and said with a smile:

"Hehehe...Let's go! Young Master Lu will pay for today's consumption, that's right! You haven't told me yet, what kind of good news surprised you?"

"Don't be in a hurry, it's not too late for us to drink and talk later." Mr. Yu Xiao was playing tricks at the moment.

Under the leadership of Mr. Yu Xiao, Lu Chen and the two came to a relatively large restaurant in the east district of Banyue City.

In the private room, Mr. Yu Xiao didn't want to cheat Lu Chen as he said, he deliberately ordered a lot of expensive ingredients,

I just ordered a few appetizers, but I ordered a lot of spirit wine, and I really looked like I wouldn't go home without getting drunk.

After the food and wine were served, the two began to push each other.

Cup for cup, you come and go, when the drink is almost done, Mr. Yu Xiao seems to let go of the grudge in his heart,

Opened the chatterbox, said a lot of things.

Lu Chen spent most of his time as a listener, occasionally echoing a few words.

Through talking with Lu Chen, he learned that something really happened to their family recently, and it all started with his grandfather Yu Zhantian.

Mr. Yu Xiao's grandfather, Yu Zhantian, has two sons. The eldest is called Yu Beiming, and the second is called Yu Nanshan, who is Mr. Yu Xiao's father.

Mr. Yu Xiao's grandfather was seriously ill recently and was in critical condition, so he invited many pill refining specialists to check it out, but none of them helped.

This is equivalent to giving the old man a critical illness notice, and he is short of directly arranging for the funeral.

The boss, Yu Beiming, has a strong and domineering personality since he was a child. He likes to win or lose in everything. When he grows up, he develops a cunning and treacherous personality, but his cultivation talent is extremely high.

The second child, Yu Nanshan, is relatively weak by nature, he doesn't like to argue with others, and belongs to the kind of honest and responsible character.

Therefore, when the old man Yu Zhantian was young, he had a partial preference for the second son Yu Nanshan, and when he grew up, he promised to pass on the position of Patriarch that originally belonged to the eldest Yu Beiming to the second son Yu Nanshan.

It is equivalent to passing the position of the city lord of Banyue City to the second child.

This caused resentment in Yu Beiming's heart, and his relationship with his family members seemed to be in harmony with each other, and his face and heart were at odds.

This time, the old man Yu Zhantian was seriously ill and was in danger, so Yu Beiming started to move around, and secretly did a lot of small tricks.

Yunanshan naturally noticed these things, but he just didn't take care of them. He has been busy recently, looking for medical treatment for the old man.

That's why when Lu Chen went to find Young Master Yu Xiao, the guard directly said that there was no such person.

Because these guards have been told by the eldest son Yulintang before that the Yufu can only have one room. They were also forced to do it because of the power of the Elder Master.

Own's father is not even willing to fight for that position, the second room is weak in Yu's house, so one can imagine the days they live,

Therefore, Young Master Yu Xiao was filled with grievances almost every day. If the old man was not in danger, Young Master Yu Xiao would have traveled around long ago. Biqu library

And another so-called great news is that Tianyuan Pavilion offers rewards for any

On the task list, there is no such task as Lu Chen wanted.

In other words, Lu Chen became worthless, so no one would spend all his time looking for him.

After Lu Chen heard the news, he was naturally full of joy, but he also had a lot of doubts in his heart. He didn't know which song the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce sang.

At this moment, neither of the two of them used their real energy to resist the strength of the wine. After drinking more than twenty pots of spirit wine, both of them got drunk.

Fortunately, Mr. Yu Xiao's wine quality is not bad, and he is not like some people when he is drunk, crying and making noises, tears and nose, showing embarrassment.

Looking at Young Master Yu Xiao who was sleeping soundly on the table, Lu Chen showed a dignified expression, and then used the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to dispel the alcohol in his body, and his eyes instantly became clear.

Controlled by Divine Sense, a drop of milky white liquid flies into the wine glass and blends with the spiritual wine in the glass.

Then Lu Chen sent a beam of true energy to Mr. Yu Xiao, who was sleeping soundly, sat up smartly and exclaimed:

"Oops, it's raining...uh...hehehe...sorry, I had a dream just now and made you laugh, brother Lu, come and have another drink."

After finishing speaking, Young Master Yu Xiao picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it down without a doubt.

But when Young Master Yu Xiao drank the spirit wine, his pupils shrank suddenly, he looked at Lu Chen in shock, and then looked at the empty wine glass in his hand. Biqu library

The originally sleepy eyes became clear all of a sudden, and he looked at Lu Chen in disbelief and said incoherently:

" you...what the hell did you give me to drink?"

When Lu Chen heard this, a black line appeared on his forehead, and he cursed almost in a growling tone:

"Get out! Don't take Daddy's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs. If you don't refine the medicine and miss this opportunity, then you can cry!"

"Uh...well...hahaha..." Mr. Yu Xiao laughed excitedly when he heard the changes in his body.

Don't dare to delay now, just sit on the stool in Lotus Position, run your own Cultivation Technique and start refining.

I saw a faint white halo flashing on the surface of Young Master Yu Xiao's body, and an expression of ecstasy but trying to hold back appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Lu Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, poured himself a glass of spiritual wine, sipped the tea slowly, and waited for Young Master Yu Xiao to wake up...

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