Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 295 Identity Exposure

On Misty Peak, Lu Chen was standing in the air at this moment, facing the big bosses of Shennongmen, behind him were Lin Zhiping and many disciples watching,

It can be said that the surrounding water was blocked, but before Master Qingxu spoke, no one acted rashly.

However, when Lu Chen finished greeting Master Qingxu, seeing that the other party was unmoved, he thought to himself:

"It's broken! The other party can't recognize who he is because he is wearing a mask!"

At this time, I just heard an old man with a white beard aggressively asking for instructions, wanting to arrest himself and punish him.

Lu Chen sneered when he heard this, and said to himself:

"You said that you are a Power of the Expanding Aperture period. I recruited you to provoke you? Why are you so proactive and catch yourself if you catch up?"

But Lu Chen didn't know that when he destroyed the tower, he just interrupted Xu Elder's opportunity to perform, so he felt resentful.

"Master! Why do you need Elder Xu to personally deal with such a trivial matter, and I have a grudge against this man for taking his wife. Please let me personally kill this thief."

At this time, Lin Zhiping Yujian came in front of Daoist Qingxu, and said respectfully with cupped hands.

"En!" Hearing the words, Master Qingxu nodded, and gave a faint hum, expressing his approval.

Lin Zhiping was very excited to be able to get the opportunity to perform in front of the bosses at the headquarters. If this matter is done well, coupled with his father's operation, he will definitely have a place in the headquarters in the future.

And this kid is the stepping stone for him to gain a good impression in front of the headquarter boss.

After Lin Zhiping saluted the cupped hands of Daoist Qingxu again, his body almost turned into an afterimage, flying directly towards Lu Chen at an extremely fast speed.

"Don't!" Ling Manyu shouted anxiously seeing that the development of the situation was extremely unfavorable to Lu Chen.

He was about to go to Yujian to ask Daoist Qingxu, but was stopped by Mu Kexin in a timely manner.

"Man Yu! Don't be impulsive, don't run into Qing Xu's head, otherwise it will only hurt Lu Chen."

Mu Kexin grabbed Ling Manyu's arm and anxiously stopped her, but as soon as she finished speaking, she realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and it was too late to change her words.

"What? That kid is Lu Chen?" A late stage fusion disciple standing next to Mu Kexin was instinctively surprised when he heard the word Lu Chen.

No way, now Lu Chen is a hot topic in southern Xinjiang, worth 100 million mid-grade Spirit Stones, which can be called a walking Spirit Stone mine.

So the disciple who merged with the late stage, the reaction is the best

will be so big.

When Mu Kexin was about to explain to that senior brother, he saw that senior brother run away without a trace.

"Senior Sister! You?" Ling Manyu saw that Mu Kexin said Lu Chen's name in one word, and was heard by the people around him. What should I do now.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Man Yu, I was in a hurry and said something wrong, please forgive me." Mu Kexin hurriedly explained at a loss.

At the same time, a scene that shocked everyone's jaws happened in the sky.

Everyone knew that Lin Zhiping got the approval of Qingxu's head, and thought it was another big battle.

But as everyone saw, when Lin Zhiping rushed towards Lu Chen aggressively,

But at a distance of about ten meters from Lu Chen, his body stopped suddenly, as if he saw something terrible, which made him dare not continue to move.

Because the distance is so far apart, many people do not know what happened.

But looking at Lu Chen's gestures, it seems that he showed Lin Zhiping something, which caused Lin Zhiping to stop attacking.

"Zhiping! What the hell are you doing? Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and kill that kid!"

Seeing that Lin Zhiping stopped suddenly, Lin Dahai secretly urged his son Divine Sense through voice transmission without knowing the reason.

"Hehehe..." Seeing this, Master Qingxu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a look of understanding.

Several other Elder Divine Senses stretched out quickly, and when they saw what Lu Chen was holding, they quickly withdrew their Divine Senses, and then looked at the Qingxu Sect Leader beside them complicatedly, without saying a word.

Seeing the Elder beside him, Lin Dahai had a strange look on his face. He was puzzled, and quickly extended the Divine Sense, and then withdrew it in a desperate manner.

Looking at the real person Qingxu in the same complicated way, he felt a kind of indescribable feeling that a dumb man would suffer from eating yellow lotus.

Because of Lin Dahai's Divine Sense, he saw Lu Chen holding a jade plaque in his hand, and it was precisely because of this jade plaque that Lin Zhiping stopped suddenly.

I saw that jade tablet was about the size of a palm, and was green all over. It was hollowed out with strange patterns around it, and the word "Qingxu" was engraved on the front.

Others may not recognize this jade tablet, but all disciples of Shennongmen know its meaning.

Because this jade plaque is the identity jade plaque of the head of the Shennongmen Headquarters, it means that seeing this jade plaque means that the head is in person.

When Lin Zhiping saw this jade plaque, his jaw dropped in shock. After confirming that it was correct, Divine Sense had to

Stop attacking.

He also thought about killing Lu Chen first as if he had never seen the jade plaque before, but the terrible thing was that the true deity of Qingxu was standing in the air behind him.

If I really did that, it would undoubtedly be tantamount to provoking the sect's rules and provoking Qingxu's head, so why don't I mess around.

" did you steal this jade plaque?" Lin Zhiping was shocked.

"Cut! You idiot! Please go out with some brains, please, this is the identity jade card of the head of Qingxu, you go and steal one for me to try!

I advise you to keep your stinky mouth shut, lest if you talk too much, you will miss it, and you know that misfortune comes from your mouth? "

Seeing that he showed his jade card, which had an effect on Lin Zhiping, Lu Chen immediately acted like a tiger and acted arrogantly.

Since Daoist Qingxu recognized the jade plaque back then, it meant that he recognized Zhou Hongfu's favor. As for the kind of favor, or the relationship between the two of them, Lu Chen is now too lazy to care about it.

As long as this jade plaque can deter Lin Zhiping before his eyes, that's all.

"You..." Lin Zhiping looked at Lu Chen angrily when he heard this, his fists were tightly clenched, but he didn't dare to move.

After saying your word, Lu Chen scolded:

"What are you? Do it if you have the ability! Hit me! Look at my uncle, who is the head of your headquarters, Daoist Qingxu, I can beat you to death."

When Lin Zhiping heard this, and seeing Lu Chen's arrogant face, he almost spit out his old blood with anger.

"Hahaha...Master! Long time no see, how could you forget me? Look! Am I exactly Lu Chen? Hahaha..."

Lu Chen left the angry Lin Zhiping behind, and Yu Jian flew to Daoist Qingxu, took off his mask, pretended to recognize his relatives, and declared himself his family.

"Wow..." The moment Lu Chen took off his mask, there was an uproar from countless cultivators. Some disciples even took out their weapons to prevent him from escaping.

"He is Lu Chen! I didn't expect Lu Chen to come to our Shennong Gate! No wonder the cultivators outside couldn't find him. This guy is really cunning."

Many disciples pointed at Lu Chen and said in shock.

"Hahaha...he has made a fortune now. It is said that he was wanted by Tianyuan Pavilion for killing the crown prince of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. The reward is as high as 100 million middle-grade Spirit Stones." Another cultivator said, with greed in his eyes .

Master Qingxu saw Lu Chen nodding and bowing, his face was still unhappy, and he couldn't see any expression...

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