Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 287: Magic Brush

Zhong Tao saw Tian's surnamed cultivator start, his own Cultivation Base happened to have a breakthrough again, full of confidence,

Just about to find someone to try his fists, he yelled: "Good job!" After that.

With a thought, he quickly cast the Movement Technique, leaving a fat afterimage on the spot.

At the same time, Tong Wei retreated a thousand meters with Yujian at the right time, leaving enough space for them to flex their fists.

A square chessboard the size of a washbasin appeared in Gu Feng's hand, and he looked at the tall cultivator warily.

And the tall cultivator surnamed Gao, with a Magic Treasures-level long sword in his hand, rushed towards Gu Feng at a similar speed.

It's too late, but it's fast.

When the short cultivator named Senior Brother Tian appeared again, he had already arrived in front of Zhong Tao.

True essence was poured into Fang Tian's painted halberd, and Fang Tian's painted halberd flashed fiercely, mixed with purple lightning, and struck Zhong Tao from top to bottom with terrifying power.

Zhong Tao did not show any weakness, he poured his true essence into the writing brush, and saw that the giant brush, which was as long as a mop, suddenly shone brightly under the infusion of true essence.

Zhong Tao brandished a giant brush, and directly faced Fang Tian's painting halberd.


Suddenly there was a huge bang, and the powerful energy quickly spread to the surroundings. Passing the water surface, the pool of water kept rolling like boiling water.

Zhong Tao and the short cultivator each backed away, and the strength of the two in their first confrontation was even between brothers. Biqu library

"Hehehe... I really didn't expect you, a dwarf, to breakthrough so quickly."

Zhong Tao, who stopped Yu Jian in the air, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He didn't expect that in the endless forest, this ugly and short cultivator was only the Cultivation Base of the Qi refining stage, and in less than a year, the other party actually broke through to the Realm of the fusion middle stage.

How did Zhong Tao know that the Daoist family was the son of the head of a sect, as the second generation of the sect,

All kinds of resources are naturally indispensable. As long as he is not a pig, under the vigorous cultivation of Sect, the rapid breakthrough of the basic Realm is also normal.

"Hmph! Damn Fatty, you talk so much nonsense, go to hell!" the short cultivator shouted,

Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand was once again radiant, and the purple thunder arc sizzled, looking like he would never die.

At this time,

"Boom..." A huge bang resounded through the world, and then a vicissitudes of ancient simplicity struck, making people fearful.

Zhong Tao and the short cultivator looked sideways.

I saw Gu Bo's displeased smile on Gu Feng's face

, the robe on his body is automatic without wind, and the Magic Treasures long sword is standing in mid-air. Biqu library

The hands kept making seals, and then continuously shot a golden beam of light high into the sky.

That golden light beam is connected to a pitch-black ancient Tianyuan chessboard.

The square chessboard that was originally the size of a washbasin has now become a giant chessboard the size of a basketball court, upside down in the sky, and countless criss-crossing lines are clearly visible.

And in the sky, under the huge chessboard, there is a tall, handsome, majestic cultivator with long flowing hair, coupled with his good looks, who looks like a knight and sword fairy, as if trapped in the The space below the board is average.

This person is the tall cultivator who came with the short cultivator.

At this moment, he was very anxious, with a frightened expression on his face, like a headless fly, scurrying around with his sword in the air, but he couldn't fly out of the space covered by the huge chessboard above his head.

Looking up, the black chessboard seems to be pressed by Mount Tai, giving people a very heavy feeling.

Just now, after he raised his sword and fought Gu Feng for dozens of rounds,

Gu Feng suddenly displayed the washbasin-sized chessboard in his hand. Under the infusion of Gu Feng's true energy, the chessboard almost became the size of a basketball court in the blink of an eye.

Then the tall cultivator was instantly enveloped, and the tall cultivator was taken aback by the powerful coercion emanating from the Lingbao chessboard.

Knowing the extraordinaryness of this chessboard, Yu Jian ran away desperately, wanting to fly out of the sky covered by the chessboard,

However, no matter how hard he tried to fly with the sword, he found that he was still under the chessboard, as if the space was infinite and endless, and the same was true for changing different directions one after another, which was very strange.

Following Gu Feng, he poured his true energy into the huge chessboard.

The huge chessboard seemed to be ready to go, suddenly the golden light flashed, and countless mysterious runes danced on the chessboard.

Then, a shocking scene happened.

I saw countless criss-crossing lines on the chessboard, and after the golden light flashed, a huge golden grid suddenly descended.

All this happened almost in a blink of an eye.

"Damn it! It's actually a Lingbao!" Seeing this, the short cultivator yelled, leaving Zhong Tao behind, and prepared to fly to the rescue with Yu Jian.

Seeing this, Zhong Tao showed a smug smile on his chubby face.

Then pour the real essence into the mop-sized brush, and then lift it up

That large writing brush is a gesture to the air.

As Zhong Tao continued to write, every time he waved, a golden stroke would be born out of thin air, which was very mysterious.

After turning horizontally and vertically, and vertically folding the hook,

A "Ding" character the size of a door panel mysteriously floated in the air, and then flew towards the short cultivator at extreme speed.

The speed was so fast that it shot into the body of the short cultivator almost in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the short cultivator flying with the sword suddenly stopped,

Time seems to have been stopped, just fixed in the air like this, eyes wide open, unable to speak, it is very miraculous.

" really is a good baby." Seeing that he had written the word "ding", Zhong Tao fixed the other party in the air, and laughed happily.

"Ah..." At this moment, a miserable cry sounded.

I saw the light beam grid formed by the huge chessboard in the sky, falling towards the tall cultivator like a knife, passing through the body instantly, cutting the cultivator into several small pieces.

Gu Feng was very satisfied with his own masterpiece, and put the tall cultivator's storage bag in his pocket with a smile on his face.

Then with a thought, the giant chessboard in the sky turned into the size of a washbasin again and flew back into Gu Feng's hands.

At this time, the short cultivator was fixed, and the body was automatically untied,

Because the word "fix" has a time limit, with Zhong Tao's current strength, he can hold his opponent for at most three breaths.

Of course, if you meet a master, the word "fix" will have no effect.

The short cultivator, who had regained his freedom, looked at Gu Feng with lingering fear, although his own Cultivation Base was one level higher than the other party,

But he felt that the opponent's chessboard was really terrifying. It could kill the early stage cultivator in seconds, so he probably wouldn't be able to please himself under the opponent's hands.

What's more, this damn Fatty is also very difficult to deal with, especially the writing brush of the other party can hold him strangely.

He roughly calculated just now, and he was frozen for three breaths, but the terrible thing is, for the cultivator,

The time of these three breaths is enough for the opponent to kill himself several times.

I really don't know if the ancestral graves of these two damned guys are emitting green smoke, otherwise how could they have such luck to get such a heaven-defying treasure.

With these thoughts, the short cultivator is already thinking of quitting, but will the other party let him go...

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