Then Wang Juntang mentioned that as long as anyone captures Lu Chen, he will hand it over to any Tianyuan Treasure Pavilion under the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

There will be a special person to check and pay 50 million middle-grade Spirit Stones.

It is precisely because of such a high amount of reward that the cultivators in the entire Wuchuan Prefecture are almost crazy about it. Almost all the people in the world are looking for Lu Chen.

For a while, "Catch Lu Chen and make a fortune" became a hot topic among countless cultivators in Wuchuan Prefecture.

Lu Chen's face turned dark when he heard this, he didn't kill Hu Shilong at all, okay? But who can I turn to for reasoning now?

If the prediction is correct, the phantom that protects the seal in the Movement Technique treasure should be Hu Shilong's father, Hu Guangyi.

Otherwise, where did the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce get its own portrait?

"Lu Chen! The situation outside is not good for you now, why don't you find a hidden place to hide first, and it's not too late to go out after the momentum passes."

Hu Lanying, Wang Juntang's wife, expressed her concern for Lu Chen's life-saving grace.

"That's right! Lu Chen! Lan Ying is right, you really can't go out now, among the people looking for you, there are people who are more advanced than our Cultivation Base,

Wang Juntang agreed.

"Hehehe... Wang Dage, sister-in-law, don't worry, I have my own way to escape. I have a Magic Treasures mask, and it is not a problem to avoid the cultivator below the Nascent Soul stage.

But you guys, I don't know what plans Mrs. Dage has next? "Lu Chen said with a smile.

Immediately, he took out a Magic Treasures level mask and a set of navy blue robes from the Golden Bead World.

This set of equipment was bought by Lu Chen and Yu Qian when they were shopping in Qianyang City in order to participate in the auction held by the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

Thinking of Yu Qian, Lu Chen couldn't help but see her proud figure and fiery lingering in his mind.

I didn't expect this mask to come in handy again today. Of course, Lu Chen also has an acquired Lingbao-level mask.

It was originally prepared by Yan Zixia for herself in the competition representing the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

But Lu Chen didn't dare to use it. At the beginning, Yin Cang issued a reward order for Li Xiaoyao's identity, and he was wanted. God knows if anyone will recognize him.

"Hehehe... As Rogue Cultivators, our husband and wife are naturally at home everywhere, and we will go wherever there is an opportunity." Wang Juntang laughed.

Lu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he was thinking about how to deceive the two of them, uh... no, he was invited to the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

"Hehehe... Dage! Sister-in-law! I have a request here, I don't know about Dage..." Lu Chen was a little embarrassed to express his own thoughts,

As a result, before Own finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Juntang.

"Hahaha...Brother Lu Chen, you and I don't know each other. If you don't ask for anything, brother, if you have something to ask, it's okay to say it. I'll definitely be bothering you, hahaha..."

Wang Juntang was born tall and tall, and when he heard that Lu Chen was asking for something, he was grateful for Lu Chen's life-saving grace, and immediately interrupted Lu Chen's words, speaking boldly and honestly.

Hearing this, Lu Chen was delighted to see that the other party was not cheating, and immediately said with a smile:

"Hehehe... Dage! Sister-in-law! I set up a mercenary group in Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains, in the area of ​​the Banyue Mountains, called the Chinese Mercenary Group.

If Mrs. Dage doesn't mind, I would like to invite the two of you to join my mercenary group. How about we do something big together? "

Lu Chen said "Dage" on the left, and "sister-in-law" on the right, which is very kind. At this moment, even if the other party is not Dage, it is better to kiss Dage.

"Uh... this!" Wang Juntang was a little surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect the other party to make such a request. He and his wife were used to being free.

If you agree to the request of the other party, I am afraid that there will be no such freedom to dissipate in the future.

I secretly regretted that I said too much just now, and now I don't know how to refuse. For a while, I hesitated and didn't know how to say no.

"Hehehe...I think it's ok, Juntang! Since Lu Chen kindly invited us, we've been wandering for so many years, it's time for us to take a break."

Seeing that her husband was hesitant, Hu Lanying naturally knew her husband's thoughts after being together for many years, so she stood up and persuaded her with a smile.

"Uh...hehehe...Brother Lu Chen, you understand those who have a family. Since Madam has no objection, it doesn't matter if we go with you to the Banyue Mountain Range!"

Seeing what his wife said, Wang Juntang hurriedly asked his wife through Divine Sense voice transmission, and after receiving confirmation from his wife's Divine Sense voice transmission, he readily agreed. Biqu library

"Hahaha... Sister-in-law Dage, please rest assured, I will definitely live up to the two of you's decisions today."

Seeing that he had successfully invited two masters to join the Chinese Mercenary Corps, Lu Chen smiled happily in his heart.

There is always a banquet in the world, after several people exchanged some pleasantries, Wang Juntang suggested that they go to Yidu Prefecture in the Central Plains together,

However, Lu Chen kindly persuaded them to go to Banyue City to find the Chinese Mercenary Group first, and he had other things to do

Feelings, go to them when you finish dealing with them.

In fact, what Lu Chen was worried about was that if something unexpected happened on the way, he could still hide in the world of golden beads to save his life.

But they can't, it would be better if they acted alone.

After parting from the two, Lu Chen put on a mask and a navy blue robe, and flew to the direction of Yun Luo Cheng in Nanhuzhou alone, intending to meet his parents before heading to the Central Plains for development.

And at this moment, even in the wilderness of Wuchuan Prefecture, from time to time there will be a cultivator Yujian shuttling in the sky,

These people are all looking for Lu Chen's cultivator for the huge sum of 50 million middle-grade Spirit Stones.

In another place where mountains and rivers intersect in Wuchuan Prefecture, there is a calm pool with crystal clear water.

There is a pile of fires that have already been extinguished on the shore, which can prove that someone once stayed here.

Dozens of carp are swimming regularly according to the established trajectory, which is very magical.

This is the place where Zhong Tao, Gu Feng and Tong Wei grilled fish before.

Later, Gu Feng discovered the strangeness in the water, and several people entered the ancient times by mistake, one of the dojos where Li Xiaoyao sat down,

In this ancient cultivation Immortal Cave, there are not only a large number of high-level cultivation jade slips and Medicine Pills, but also many Magic Treasures, and three spiritual treasures, exactly one for each person.

What's even more commendable is that there is also a spiritual spring the size of a footbath, in which strong Spiritual Qi is constantly gushing out, and several people start their own electives, and start a long practice of Cultivation Technique that suits them.

Along with, a steady stream of Spiritual Qi poured into the bodies of the three from the spiritual spring, and with the cooperation of higher-level Cultivation Technique and Medicine Pill,

The Cultivation Base of the three broke through one after another like a bamboo shoot.

At this moment, the three of them faintly exuded a powerful aura, especially Zhong Tao,

Because what he practiced was Li Xiaoyao's natal Cultivation Technique "Xiaoyao Zizi Gong".

Cultivation Base has skyrocketed directly from the Foundation Establishment early stage, breakthrough to fusion middle stage,

Gu Feng and Tong Wei were the two talents who broke through to the Cultivation Base that integrated the early stage.

Therefore, it can be seen that the Cultivation Technique of "Happiness and Freedom" is powerful.

It's a pity that Gu Feng couldn't practice because he was not a boy.


When Zhong Tao felt that no matter how hard he practiced, he could no longer break through, he slowly opened his eyes and felt the powerful true essence in his body.

Zhong Tao couldn't help laughing, he looked very arrogant and proud, feeling like he was invincible...

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