Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 269 First Rank Alchemist

Qianlingzhou, the former site of Shennongmen, serves as the temporary office of the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center.

When he received a message from Dai Zong, saying that Hu Guangyi, the boss of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, had brought more than 100,000 cultivators with a fusion period of more than 100,000 to surround the Yinfenggu secret realm,

About 70,000 to 80,000 cultivators from southern Xinjiang were stranded at the scene, and the situation was at a critical moment.

The heads of the seven Sect headquarters were all furious upon hearing the news, and immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter.

On Wuling Peak, there is a majestic Great Hall that exudes vicissitudes and simplicity. It makes people feel that this Great Hall has gone through countless years.

At this moment, in the Great Hall, the heads of the seven Sect headquarters gathered together.

They are:

Head of Tianyan Sect, Ouyang Qingkong

Head of Xuantian Sect, Situ Xuanye,

Head of the Albizia Sect, Hua Changshou,

The head of the Xuan Artifact Pavilion, Qiao Yifeng,

The head of the Jade Girl Palace, Shangguan Zhiruo,

The head of Shennongmen, Qingxu real person,

The head of Divine Beast Mountain, Chu Tianxiong.

The main members of the seven Sect joint operations command centers are composed of these people.

Because it is on the site of Shennongmen, Daoist Qingxu sat directly above the Great Hall, and the other six big bosses sat down one by one.

"I believe everyone knows the urgent message sent back by Dai Zong! Whether it's war or peace, let's discuss it!"

As the head of Shennongmen, Master Qingxu spoke first.

"Hmph! Hu Guangyi of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is too much, what does he want to do? Does he want to snatch the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley?

We should immediately issue a statement strongly condemning Hu Guangyi's provocative actions against the sovereignty of southern Xinjiang. "

Xuantian Sect is in charge, Situ Xuanye said indignantly.

"Hmph! No matter how strongly you condemn, it's useless. This old boy even brought someone to beat us to the door.

I suggest directly dispatching 300,000 joint combat formations and leaving that old boy in southern Xinjiang directly,

And immediately seized all the industries under the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce in the southern Xinjiang area, and took them into our possession. Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to share him equally? "

Chu Tianxiong, the head of Shenshou Mountain, shouted angrily with a loud voice.

"Hehehe... I, the Hehuan Sect, seconded the proposal." Hua Changshou, the head of the Hehuan Sect, expressed his support for Chu Tianxiong's idea immediately after Chu Tianxiong finished speaking.

However, Ouyang Qingkong, the head of Tianyanzong, showed disdain when he heard the words, and said sarcastically:

"Hehehe... Chu Tianxiong! Can you please use some brains when you speak? I really don't know how you got into the position of the head of Shenshou Mountain.


Have you forgotten the treaty of peaceful coexistence signed by Qizong and the Central Plains family back then?

If a large-scale battle takes place, Beichen Continent will be devastated. Once the guardian of Beichen Continent imposes punishment, do you think you, the God Beast Mountain, or the Central Plains family, can afford it? "

"Boom..." Chu Tianxiong, the head of the Divine Beast Mountain, heard Ouyang Qingkong scolding himself for being stupid, his face instantly became ugly,

Flocking to Ouyang Qingkong with overwhelming momentum, he said angrily:

"Ouyang Qingkong! You'd better keep your mouth clean for daddy, otherwise the old man will teach you how to behave."

"Hehehe... What a joke, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Ouyang Qingkong said without showing weakness,

They also swarmed towards Chu Tianxiong with the same momentum.

The two forces collided in the air with equal momentum, and each secretly competed, as if wrestling wrists, and no one gave way to the other.

At this time, Master Qingxu frowned slightly, raised his hand and shot a purple beam of light, hitting the intersection of the two people's momentum accurately,

"Boom..." A piercing voice sounded,

Ouyang Qingkong and Chu Tianxiong, who were sitting on the chairs, felt that they were shaken away by a huge force, their bodies leaned back, and they looked at the real person Qingxu in surprise.

"Hehehe... Qingxu! Has your strength recovered?"

The head of the Jade Maid Palace, Shangguan Zhiruo's beautiful eyes moved, and she laughed softly.

Since the Cultivation Technique cultivated by Master Qingxu is relatively unique, after breaking through to the Great Perfection of the Expanding Aperture period, the Cultivation Base must be dissipated and rebuilt.

It can increase the chance of breaking through to the Fractionated Divinity stage, which is the real reason why Daoist Qingxu was the head of Shennongmen before, but only had the Nascent Soul stage Cultivation Base.

Now that Qingxu Daoist's Cultivation Base has broken through again to the Great Perfection of the Expanding Aperture stage, then he is very likely to aspire to the Fractionated Divinity stage,

For a while, the heads of the other six sects all had their own thoughts.

"Hehehe...I made everyone laugh. The guardian has not appeared for many years. This is why the Central Plains family started to move towards the southern border.

But they didn't dare to act rashly. After all, once the guardian appeared in the world, it would definitely be another bloodbath. This was something no one wanted to see.

And I just received news that the reason why Hu Guangyi came to the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley with great fanfare this time is that

Not to fight for the secret realm, but to find the murderer who killed his son,

Now Hu Guangyi has led his people to retreat, and Dai Zong and the others are also on their way back.

It won't help the two of you to fight again, let's change the subject and discuss it, Yinfenggu

It's time for the secret realm to open again! "

Daoist Qingxu said lightly, neither admitting nor denying,

But the faint coercion that was stronger than everyone else already explained the problem.

From the breakthrough again to the Great Perfection in the Expanding Aperture stage, Daoist Qingxu has practiced twice from the qi refining stage to the fusion stage, and his strength is still greatly increased.

Therefore, there is an aura of defying the world in the words.

If they were at the same level, Daoist Qingxu's true energy would definitely be much thicker than the opponent's, so it wouldn't be a problem to fight two against one.

This is also the benefit brought by the particularity of his cultivation of Cultivation Technique.

Next, several bigwigs made a preliminary discussion on the opening time of Yinfeng Valley secret realm and late stage,

Considering that the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley belongs to the secret realm of the new world, and there are so many resources in it, it is tentatively scheduled to be opened once every ten years.

It took Lu Chen about three days to analyze the obtained spiritual herbs one by one by using the powerful analysis function of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue.

Not only did I learn about the pharmacological properties of a large number of spiritual herbs, but I also got a lot of spiritual herbs of the divine grade.

At present, Lu Chen's pill refining technique belongs to the level of a ninth-rank alchemist, and the next step is to try a breakthrough first rank alchemist.

Pill refining masters are divided into two grades, spiritual grade pill refining masters and divine grade pill refining masters, and each rank is subdivided into first rank to ninth rank.

And it is another qualitative leap from a spiritual alchemist to a divine alchemist. Every time a divine alchemist breaks through a small level, it seems to cross a huge gap.

Just like Yu Tongwei, who is known as the alchemy king, he has cultivated for most of his life, isn't he also the first rank divine alchemist?

As for the entire Beichen Continent, the most powerful pill refining master known so far is only the seventh-rank god alchemist, that is, the lord of the pill city, who is known as the "pill god", Kong Qiu.

Therefore, it can be seen how difficult the pill refining technique is.

Lu Chen Lotus Position sits in the golden bead world and takes out:

Fifty-eight first-level Spiritual herbs such as star anise black ice grass, black ice flower, fire spirit fruit, cold blood grass, earth thorn grass, daffodil, golden wood grass, etc.

Then he sacrificed the alchemy furnace, and with a thought, Wu Lian's heart fire was under the alchemy furnace, flashing a bewitching blue light, which was very dazzling.

Immediately, Lu Chen threw these fifty-eight kinds of spiritual herbs into the pill furnace,

Divine Sense stirs the air, forming fifty-eight cyclones in the alchemy furnace, and the cyclones drive the Spiritual herbs to rotate rapidly,

Lu Chen quickly made seals with his hands, his fingertips shone with pale golden brilliance, and the spiritual herbs in the cyclone achieved the effect of "taking the essence and discarding the dross".

Not long after, fifty-eight balls of crystal clear liquid medicine were extracted...

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