After driving the crowd of onlookers to another three thousand meters, An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen flashed into the air.

"Hehehe... Dai Sect Leader has to work! Please back up a little too." An Lushan smiled at Dai Zong's cupped hands.

"Hehehe... Mr. An, don't be polite, this is my duty." Dai Zong laughed with his cupped hands.

Immediately, he quickly left the field with his subordinates, and organized the manpower well, strictly prohibiting anyone from approaching the established range, otherwise they will be killed without mercy.

When there were only An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen left within a radius of 6,000 meters from the tornado.

"Brother Xuanyuan! Let's start!" An Lushan smiled.

Immediately, the momentum of his whole body changed, and he disappeared directly in place, and when he appeared again,

An Lushan had teleported to the other side of the tornado, facing Xuanyuan Zhen across the tornado.

The two confirmed the start of their respective Divine Sense voice transmissions.

I saw that An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen were forming seals with their hands almost at the same time.

An Lushan's fingertips shone with blue brilliance, while Xuanyuan Zhen's fingertips shone with purple brilliance.

As the two kept making seals, countless golden formation flags flew out of their storage bags,

Then it turned into countless golden light spots and hovered around the periphery of the tornado, densely packed, like a mad dragon going out to sea, forming a beautiful landscape in the air.

Such a spectacular scene naturally caused an uproar among the cultivators present, pointing to the sky and discussing.

"What are those two old men doing?" Among the crowd, a young cultivator asked in shock.

"You don't even know this? They are arranging formations. Presumably the seven sects want to directly control the secret realm of the Valley of Darkness."

Someone next to the young cultivator explained.

"Huh? After we break through to the fusion early stage, won't we be able to enter the secret realm?" In the crowd, many cultivators during the Foundation Establishment period were discussing this


"Probably not, I guess it will be opened every once in a while like Canglan secret realm,

But whether you can participate depends on the follow-up policies of the seven sects. "Among the cultivators watching, someone echoed.

At this moment, as Xuanyuan Zhen and An Lushan continued to drive the formation flag into the air.

Almost all sides of the tornado were surrounded by array flags all over the sky.

Arranging the formation is a bit more difficult, just like making a universe spaceship. It is a high-precision technology that ordinary people can't learn.

To put it simply, it is as simple as building a building. The formation flag is equivalent to countless bricks. The formation master only needs to master the corresponding formation knowledge to arrange the corresponding formation.

Formation is generally divided into three parts, array base, array model, and array body.

The formation foundation is equivalent to the need to lay the foundation for building a building, and the formation model is equivalent to the need to model and make the corresponding shape after the foundation is laid.

The array is equivalent to the reinforced concrete structure of the building, and then accumulate layer by layer, and finally complete the construction of the building.

After the preparations were completed, An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen communicated again through Divine Sense.

Then the two changed their handprints, and the countless golden light spots that originally hovered around the tornado quickly spread around.

Some disappeared instantly on the ground, and some disappeared in the air until all the golden light spots disappeared.

An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen each took out a long object with a flashing white halo.

I saw the long white thing, once it was taken out, the surrounding area was immediately filled with rich spiritual Qi, even the cultivators who were thousands of meters away felt this strong spiritual Qi.

Immediately, under the control of the two of them, the long white object instantly grew larger, like a mountain range, quickly plunged into the formation, and disappeared.

"Then... what kind of treasure is that? How could it exude such a strong spirit?"

gas? "Many cultivators asked in shock, but none of the cultivators around could recognize the long thing and what it was.

It wasn't until a while later that someone was shocked and said in disbelief:

"I remembered, the spiritual vein, I have seen the record about the spiritual vein in Jade Slip, it is the same as it."

The spiritual vein is a mountain range composed of countless Spirit Stones. In order to maintain the operation of this large formation, the Seven Sects deliberately took out two treasured spiritual veins.

With the input of spiritual veins, the entire formation is equivalent to having a source of motivation.

At this time, An Lushan shouted loudly, and shot out a blue light beam as thick as an electric pole in his hand, and Xuanyuan Zhen shot out a purple light beam.

The two beams met at the top of the portal, and then intertwined into a larger beam, which fell from the sky again.

"Om..." At this moment, a huge buzz sounded,

Immediately, two huge golden formation light curtains rose from the ground. The two formation light curtains were hemispherical and closed slowly, almost covering the distance of five to six kilometers around the tornado.

This is why Dai Zong ordered all cultivators to retreat another three kilometers.

With the combination of the formation light curtains, the entire Windward Valley, together with the portal in the sky, seemed to be enveloped by a layer of translucent formation light curtains.

The formation light curtain flashed a faint golden brilliance, and danced with a mysterious rune, flickering and flickering is very mysterious.

Then, An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen shot a beam of energy towards the portal in the sky,

After the light beam disappeared into the portal, the two each made a gesture of closing their efforts, looked at each other, and showed gratified smiles.

This also means that the Great Formation of Sealing the Sky and Locking the Earth has been completed.

At this moment, due to the excessive consumption of true energy, the two of them were sweating profusely and panting heavily, as if they had experienced a big battle.

Immediately, each of them began to recover their true essence.

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