Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 257 Fusion Late Stage

In the Yinfeng Valley, the sky is still covered with dark clouds, lightning flashes and thunder, a huge formation light curtain stands like a gate between the dark clouds,

The formation light curtain flashed with pale golden light, and there were mysterious runes dancing around it, which was very mysterious and magical.

Under the dark clouds, a huge tornado is still whistling and soaring upwards, directly connecting the sky from the ground, making people daunting.

Dai Zong led the temporary combat formation formed by the seven Sects, guarding around the tornado,

Because of the emergence of the new secret realm, many cultivators rushed to hear the news, and the seven Sect joint operations command centers had already announced that there is no limit to the number of people entering the secret realm.

So later cultivators, as long as they meet the conditions, can enter the secret realm.

Of course, some later cultivators had never seen the horror of a tornado,

He just didn't believe in evil, and under the obsession with profit, he refused to listen to dissuasion and forcibly broke into the tornado.

At first, Dai Zong's subordinates tried their best to stop them, so that the two sides fought violently, and several members of the combat formation were killed.

This made Dai Zong so angry that he didn't care about it afterwards, and went to whomever he loved,

The result is that every once in a while, there will almost be one or two self-righteous cultivators who die tragically under the wind of the tornado.

As the saying goes: "Where there are people, there is a market."

With the opening of the Yinfeng Valley secret realm, nearly tens of thousands of cultivators gathered around,

The chambers of commerce, large and small, sensed business opportunities and organized special teams one after another to come to Yinfeng Valley.

As a result, near Yinfeng Valley, a simple market has been formed, with various stalls set up, selling a variety of goods, and there are many cultivators coming and going, which is very lively.

"Woo... woo..." With the sound of a loud horn.

A gigantic monster came from far to near at a very fast speed, dragging a long rainbow and galloping towards it.

The cultivators near Yinfeng Valley all raised their heads to look at the sky, and saw the words "Seven Sects" written on the hull of the flying ship.

Everyone guessed that it should be the arrival of a certain big shot belonging to the Seven Sects.

Because Dai Zong received the message from the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center in advance,

Knowing the extraordinary identity of the visitor, he was ready to welcome him in advance.

After the flying ship docked steadily in the air, the defensive formation light curtain covering the flying ship slowly opened.

Dai Zong came to the deck of the flying ship, at this moment, two old men with immortal demeanor walked out from the cabin of the flying ship.

The people who came were An Lushan, the seventh-rank divine formation master, and Xuanyuan Zhen, the seventh-rank divine weapon master.

"Hehehe... I have heard about the names of Mr. An and Mr. Xuan for a long time.

It's a great fortune to meet each other every day, and I hope the two seniors will forgive me if I miss Dai Zong. "

Dai Zong walked forward with a smile, cupped hands said respectfully.

Although the Cultivation Base of several people are all in the Expanding Aperture stage, Dai Zong is also the deputy sect leader of Shenshou Mountain, which is equivalent to the second head of Shenshou Mountain, and also has an extraordinary identity.

But in front of An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen, Dai Zong still behaved politely.

"Hehehe... I have been admiring you for a long time! Dai Sect Leader is too polite, and then we have to bother Dai Sect Leader."

An Lushan smiled with his cupped hands, and Xuanyuan Zhen smiled back with his cupped hands

Before the two set off, the heads of the seven sects had informed Dai Zong in advance.

After a few pleasantries, Dai Zong proposed to take the two of them to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment first.

Regarding the purpose of An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen's arrival this time, the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center also sent a message to inform Dai Zong.

He also asked him to go all out to cooperate with the two of them in their work, and if he encountered anyone who dared to block him, he could beheaded first and played later, killing without mercy.

In the secret realm of Shadowwind Valley,

Lu Chen used the method of formation to set up five sixth rank spirit arrays, and successfully robbed more than one hundred cultivators who had entered the secret realm of the medicine garden.

Among them were twenty-nine Gold Core early stage cultivators. This move can be described as daring and caused a catastrophe.

But Lu Chen's harvest is also very huge. It can be said unequivocally that almost half of the spiritual herbs in the entire medicine garden have been collected by Lu Chen.

And also got a lot of Spirit Stones, Hu Shilong alone invested one million mid-grade Spirit Stones.

During the period, Xia Housheng of Tianyanzong offered an olive branch to Lu Chen based on the idea of ​​cherishing talents.

As long as Lu Chen agrees to join the Tianyan Sect, then the troubles he caused will be settled by the Tianyan Sect for him.

However, Lu Chen did not accept Xia Housheng's kindness, and before sending Xia Housheng away,

He also smiled and took away the few 60,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones in his storage bag.

Because Xia Housheng did not participate in the search team for Spiritual herbs,

So Lu Chen didn't deliberately make things difficult for him, and directly sent him out after receiving the Spirit Stones.

At this moment, only Lu Chen was left in the entire medicine garden space, and the surroundings were very quiet.

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and with a thought, he would appear in the world of golden beads in the next second.

"Quack, quack..." The gold-eating toad sensed Lu Chen's breath, and his body turned into several afterimages, running towards Lu Chen.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." The little flame magic bird also fluttered its wings and ran towards Lu Chen at high speed, followed by the sky knife mantis.

But the ancient mythical beast Pixiu is lying on the shoulder of the Heavenly Knife Mantis

On, a drowsy look.

At this moment, the little flame magic bird has grown a lot of feathers, and it is no longer like a chicken like before.

It has to be said that the little flame magic bird is worthy of being called the flying Demonic Beasts. Its size is comparable to that of an elephant, and it leaves the sky knife mantis far behind.

Feeling the cheers of several Demonic Beasts, Lu Chen was very happy and felt like going home.

After appeasing several Demonic Beasts, Lu Chen came to the forbidden area in the Golden Bead World, which was a place Lu Chen specially circled for himself.

Multiple defensive formations are arranged around to prevent a few Demonic Beasts from entering by mistake.

This place can be regarded as Lu Chen's treasury, which contains all kinds of treasures and cultivation resources that Lu Chen usually collects.

Lu Chen looked at the more than one hundred storage bags he had just robbed, and smiled excitedly in his heart:

"Hahaha... Sure enough, the bold and the timid are starved to death, and now I have become rich again."

Immediately, Lu Chen Divine Sense controlled the storage bag and took out all the Spirit Stones inside,

Looking at the mountain of Spirit Stones, Lu Chen grinned from ear to ear again.

After being excited for a while, I calmed down, and then sat in Lotus Position beside the Spirit Stones mountain.

Then he took out the Rongsheng Pill that he had bought at the auction before, and put it into his mouth.


As soon as the little Rongsheng Dan entered the belly, a burst of powerful energy came out. This energy passed through the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, quickly traveled through the whole body, and then merged into Dantian.

Lu Chen quickly operated the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to refine this energy, so as to accelerate the thickening of the true essence in Dantian,

At the same time, like a long whale absorbing water, it continuously absorbs the Spiritual Qi in the nearby Spirit Stones.

The cultivator converts Spiritual Qi into Spirit Power through practice, and stores it in Dantian. At this time, Spirit Power is in the state of gas, which is the Qi refining period.

Then convert the gaseous Spirit Power into a liquid state and store it in Dantian for the Foundation Establishment period.

Transforming the liquid true essence into a viscous state is the fusion period.

And Rongsheng Dan is equivalent to an enhanced version of the coagulant, which can accelerate the solidification of the true essence, and then the cultivator directly from the fusion early stage, breakthrough to fusion late stage,

A cultivator can only take Rongsheng Dan once in a lifetime, almost 100% can breakthrough two small levels,

Taking Rongsheng Dan after breakthrough will have no effect.

At this moment, a faint halo flickered all over Lu Chen's body, sitting in the Lotus Position, shielding the five senses, and entering a realm of ecstasy.

The Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in the body was operating to the extreme, and the true essence in Dantian changed from viscous to thick at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It marks that Lu Chen's Cultivation Base is moving from the fusion early stage to the fusion late stage...

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