Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 246 Be A Good Person In The Next Life

During the period, Horn also thought about whether these two people would also be called by Lu Chen to deliver resources.

After all, with the lessons learned from Lu Zhishen and Lu Su, if you make a mistake, you will be in trouble.

But according to Lu Zhishen, the other party seems to have robbed and killed Lu Chen and others, which means that the other party has an enmity with Lu Chen, and it is impossible for Lu Chen to send an enemy over!

While Horn was deep in thought,

Lu Su, Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, and Horn's wife Li Yanan rushed back with Yang Yuqin.

Li Yanan was shopping with Yang Yuqin in Banyue City, but recently because of the new base of the mercenary group,

She left all these messy things to Horn to deal with alone, so she had a rare leisure recently.

Li Yanan, who was shopping, suddenly received a message from her husband Huo En, saying that there was an enemy attack, and she rushed back immediately.

On the way, I happened to meet Lu Su, Zhang Long, and Zhao Hu again, so they came back together.

Li Yanan and others flew with their swords, and just landed in the courtyard, Li Yanan saw Lin Tian and Sun Erniang.

When I saw that they were all Cultivation Bases in the fusion period, I also had doubts in my heart.

"Ma'am! The thing is like this..." Seeing his wife coming, Horn immediately sent a voice transmission through Divine Sense,

He told his wife what he saw and heard when he came back.

After Li Yanan finished listening, she glanced at Sun Erniang and Lin Tian, ​​and then smiled knowingly:

"Hehehe...I don't know the surnames of the two Gaos. Since the distinguished guests are here, please forgive me if there is any negligence. There must be some misunderstandings, so please explain it to me."

"Sister-in-law?" Lu Zhishen asked in confusion after hearing the words.

The other party is clearly an enemy, so why did he become a distinguished guest?

He was about to argue a few more words, but Horn secretly stopped him and shook his head lightly. Divine Sense told himself to wait and see what happened.

"Hehehe...My servant Lin Tian, ​​this is Sun Jingzhu," Lin Tian smiled with cupped hands neither humble nor overbearing.

The head of the group, Horn, didn't rush to shoot himself because of the big man's words, which shows that the other party is not a reckless man who listens to him.

And the female senior in front of him must be the head's wife, with a shrewd and intelligent look in her eyes.

The other party just said "hospitality" by himself

Then Divine Sense asked if he was a friend of Lu Chen, and briefly introduced the members of the mercenary group.

And welcome yourself and Sun Jingzhu to join the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

So Lin Tian didn't intend to hide it anymore, and immediately revealed the reason why he came here and his relationship with Lu Chen,

It's just about his wife, Lin Tian didn't mention it.

"What? Lu Chen asked you to join our group? How is it possible?" Lu Zhishen showed an expression of disbelief when he heard this.

Back then, Lin Tian led a team to rob and kill himself and others, and Lu Chen fought Lin Tian to the death. How could Lu Chen ask Lin Tian to join the Chinese Mercenary Corps?

The key is that the opponent is not far away

Wan Li came to the Central Plains, and Lu Zhishen was very puzzled.

"Hahaha... It's really flooding the Dragon King Temple, brother Lin! I'm really sorry just now, you said... If you told us the truth earlier,

Everyone wouldn't make such a big misunderstanding, oh... that's right! When Lu Chen called you here, did he ask you to bring us something? "

Horn asked with a smile.

He thought that since Lin Tian was called by Lu Chen, would he also bring some resources or Spirit Stones or something.

"Things? Lu Chen didn't ask me to bring anything?" This time it was Lin Tian's turn to be puzzled.

Li Yanan glanced at Horn with a look of hatred, and secretly reprimanded through Divine Sense:

"Can you show some face, you are a cultivator in the Dzogchen stage of the Gold Core stage, how come you know that you are thinking about Lu Chen in one day, you must know that Lu Chen is a Cultivation Base in the early stage of the fusion stage."

Facing his wife's scolding, Horn turned a deaf ear to it and continued to laugh:

"Hahaha... First of all, you are welcome to join the Chinese Mercenary Corps. From now on, we will be a family.

I declare that today, in order to cleanse the Lin Tian brothers and the Jingzhu brothers and sisters,

Later, we will go to the "Celestial Immortals Residence" to celebrate. "

"Oh..." Horn's words naturally attracted cheers from Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, and Lu Su.

Li Yanan, however, gave Horn a gouged look, with the look of you waiting for me at night.

But in public, Li Yanan still gave Horn a face, and smiled to agree with Horn's decision,

Immediately, everyone left the small courtyard and rushed towards the "Celestial Immortals Residence".

Shadowwind Dale secret realm,

Yan Zixia originally thought that she could successfully deceive the three bad cultivators by taking out the enlightenment tea.

Of course, Yan Zixia did not have the real Enlightenment tea. She just took out the tea leaves that resembled Enlightenment tea that she bought from a small vendor when she was traveling in the Northern Territory.

Unexpectedly, although none of the three of them saw the flaws of Wudao Tea, they aroused even greater greed in the other party.

The other party directly wants to own the entire storage bracelet, or all the items inside.

As the executive president of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, Yan Zixia naturally has a lot of precious things in the storage bracelet.

There are many priceless treasures among them, how can they be easily given to others.

"How about it? I want the contents of the entire storage bracelet, or if you hand over the storage bracelet, I will promise you to leave safely, how about it?"

Among the three bad cultivators, the boss smiled greedily. Biqu library

Yan Zixia frowned when she heard the words, she didn't expect the other party to be so greedy, and secretly injected Divine Sense into the communication jade token.

Before, she found that there were two red dots that were relatively close to her, which meant that two subordinates who followed her into the secret realm were nearby.

I believe that it won't be long before the two protectors will find themselves.

That's why Yan Zixia tried her best to delay the time, and even took out the storage bracelet to seduce the other party.

"Hehehe...Dream! Remember to be a good person in your next life!" Yan Zixia said something inexplicable with a sneer after quitting the Communication Jade Card.

Because she had already seen two Sword Rays flying towards them quickly, combined with the information in the communication jade token, Yan Zixia judged that these two should be Own's subordinates.

Sure enough, the expressions of the three bad cultivators changed upon hearing this.

"Stinky bitch! You are looking for death!" The second child in the bad cultivator yelled loudly.

"Boss! Stop talking nonsense with her, this girl is obviously playing tricks on us, it is impossible for her to give us the storage bracelet,

I went to snatch the storage bracelet, daddy didn't believe that she dared to blow up the storage bracelet, if she really dared to destroy the contents inside,

Daddy will definitely rape her first and then kill her, "

The third child looked at the boss and threatened viciously.

Seeing that Dage didn't intend to stop her, the third child used Movement Technique to quickly rush towards Yan Zixia.

When Yan Zixia heard that rape before killing, a sharp look flashed in her eyes,

"Kill them! Not one of them will be left behind!" Yan Zixia's face was cold, and she looked at the third child rushing towards Own with indifference in her eyes.

Suddenly facing the air, he said loudly, as if he was giving an order to someone.


Just as the third child was about to approach Yan Zixia, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared and blocked the third child,

The man was expressionless, looking at the third child as if looking at a dead person, raised his right hand lightly, and patted the third child who was rushing like a willow in the breeze.

The third child was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the cultivator, but because the cultivator appeared so fast that the third child wanted to change direction, but it was too late.

With a sound of "touch...", the man's palm patted the third child's chest with a muffled sound.

"Uh..." Time seemed to freeze at this moment, the third child didn't even scream, his body was covered with horrible cracks like broken glass,

Then he fell limply to the ground. If you use Divine Sense to check, the bones and flesh of the third child's whole body were all smashed, showing the horror of the palm of the comer.

Immediately, another person quickly appeared in the middle of several people with Yujian.

"Boss...boss!" Seeing this, the second child looked at the eldest in horror.

"Gudong..." The boss swallowed, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his eyes fixed on the two people who had just appeared, and he felt very regretful.

Even the Cultivation Base with its own fusion period can't see the opponent's Realm, so it can be seen that the opponent must be a master of the Gold Core early stage.

"Yes..." The eldest looked sideways at Yan Zixia, and before she could utter her pleading words, her eyes darkened and she lost consciousness. The second child's result was the same.

After eliminating a few bad cultivators, one of his subordinates told Yan Zixia that the Seven Sects were sending out "cloud-piercing arrows" to summon the disciples of the Seven Sects.

After Yan Zixia heard the words, she immediately asked the two of them to lead the way...

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