Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 240 Wanting Next Door

Hu Shilong was not eager to express his attitude when he heard the words. As the prince of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, which is one of the best in Beichen Prefecture, will he lack Spirit Stones?

Besides, the opponents are only two cultivators who are in the Dzogchen fusion period, and Hu Shilong is not without a chance of winning.

"Hehehe... What a joke, give us some Spirit Stones? How much can you give? One million medium-grade Spirit Stones? Or 10 million medium-grade Spirit Stones?

Or, do you think that none of us know the value of this ice muscle snow lotus? "

Among the other two cultivators, the tall cultivator smiled disdainfully.

Ice Muscle Saussurea belongs to the sixth-level divine grass, which has the functions of purifying the spiritual roots of cultivators below the Gold Core stage, increasing their comprehension of Talent, and so on.

You must know that just adding the function of cultivator's comprehension Talent is enough for people to fight desperately,

Comprehension of Talent determines the level of cultivation that the cultivator can achieve in the future, who would not want to climb to the highest level of cultivation?

So the tall cultivator sneered,

Spirit Stones didn't have it, and they could spend time earning more money, but facing the icy muscle snow lotus that could be met but not sought after, the tall cultivator was obviously unwilling to withdraw from the competition.

"Hmph! Since everyone is unwilling to give in, let's see the truth!" the Fatty cultivator said displeased.

Immediately, Yujian quickly flew towards the rocky mountain in the middle of the water.

"Hmph! Courting death!" The tall cultivator snorted coldly, and then Yu Jian flew to stop the Fatty cultivator at an extremely fast speed.

His companion knew that there was a big gap between his strength and the others, so in order not to drag down Senior Brother Own, the moment the tall cultivator flew out, Yu Jian dodged far away.

I saw that the two of them showed their own housekeeping skills, and neither of them was willing to spare the other.

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind over the water area, swords and swords shone brilliantly, magic spells frequently occurred, huge energies collided with each other, and then separated from each other, no one would admit defeat.

Because both of them are the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen in the fusion period, it is difficult to tell the winner in a short time when both sides are desperate.

"You also step back, but don't be too far away, just in case something happens." Hu Shilong whispered to Mu Nianci.

After speaking, his body turned into an afterimage and joined the battle between the two.

The two people who were fighting fiercely saw Hu Shilong Yujian flying towards them. Without understanding the situation, the two stopped each other by coincidence and stepped back for a while.


"Hehehe... I want five million middle-grade Spirit Stones, or other resources of equivalent value, otherwise I will help him deal with you."

After Hu Shilong Yujian entered the battle area between the two, he smiled at the Fatty cultivator with a greedy expression.

"Okay! As long as you promise to join forces with me to kill him and give me the ice muscle snow lotus, I promise to give you five million middle-grade Spirit Stones."

Fatty readily agreed upon hearing this.

"Damn it!" the tall cultivator cursed,

Seeing Hu Shilong bluntly saying that he wanted to help that Fatty cultivator deal with him, he was very angry but helpless.

Reluctantly glanced at the ice-muscle snow lotus on the rocky mountain, without saying a word, directly Yujian fled in the direction of his companions,

Seeing this, Hu Shilong smiled slightly, feeling that the other party was still knowledgeable about current affairs, and he didn't intend to chase after him.

"Uh..." The Fatty cultivator didn't expect the other party to be so decisive, and left as soon as he said he wanted to save the other party.

But now that the other party has escaped, it is definitely not easy for him to chase.

"Hehehe... Thank you fellow daoist for your help. These are five million middle-grade Spirit Stones. I also hope that fellow daoist can keep his promise and give me the snow lotus with ice muscles."

Fatty cultivator is also a cheerful person, although Hu Shilong only said a word and did not make any substantive moves,

But he still threw a large storage bag to Hu Shilong.

Then, Yu Jian was going to pick the icy muscle snow lotus......

In a forest in the secret realm, in a clearing under a big tree, a fire was lit, and the dry wood in the fire kept crackling and crackling.

Next to the fire there are two stones with two Magic Treasures swords on them.

A few unknown pieces of meat were placed on the long sword, and they were roasted until they were sizzling, and a smell of roasted meat permeated the air.

"'s quite fragrant. It would be great if there were some more cumin, it's really a fly in the ointment!" Lu Chen looked at the meat that was about to be cooked, and smiled happily.

On the dry grass about two or three meters away from the fire, there was a nun wearing a light blue nun's plain robe, with a round face, delicate features, and a sweet smile in her sleep, which was very cute.

It was this female cultivator who rushed out of the tree hole before, and almost didn't realize that she was changing clothes

Lu Chen who took it was frightened to become impotent.

Then the female cultivator suddenly fainted again. At first, she thought that the other party was touching porcelain,

Later, it was discovered that the other party had been poisoned, and it was also the poison of the Yin & Yang snake.

Yin & Yang snakes, the whole body is covered with red and black spots, black is Yin, red is Yang,

Anyone who is bitten by the Yin & Yang Hundred Flower Snake will surely die without being treated by the heaven-defying Heavenly and Mortal Treasures within a short period of time, and will be separated from his family Yin & Yang.

Combining these two points, it is named Yin & Yang Hundred Flower Snake, which also reflects from the side that this snake is extremely poisonous.

To put it bluntly, if she hadn't met Lu Chen, she would have passed away long ago.

The reason for saving her is also because Lu Chen met her once before leaving for the secret realm.

Lu Chen remembered that this female cultivator seemed to be called Wanting. At that time, he saw that she was cute, so he took a few more glances at her. Later, he was chased away by the other's cousin with strength.

Wanting also used her body to block her cousin and prevent her cousin from attacking her, so Lu Chen still has a good impression of her.

In order to detoxify Wanting, Lu Chen also generously took out a drop of Wannian Stone Marrow Dew.

Song Wanting, who was lying sideways on the hay, was attracted by the smell of barbecue, and opened her eyes leisurely.

Seeing the head of a huge Demonic Beasts, with her eyes closed tightly and bleeding from seven holes, it was very horrifying. She was so frightened that her face paled instantly, her body rubbed against her, and she retreated a few meters away. Biqu library

At this time, I saw Lu Chen looking at him with a smirk on his face, holding a piece of barbecue in his hand, and chewing it non-stop.

"It's you? You rascal, my cousin is right, you are a bad person." Song Wanting pointed and scolded.

Lu Chen's almost naked appearance appeared in his mind, and he felt ashamed and angry.

"Hehehe... little girl, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. I didn't do anything,

Before, because my clothes were seriously damaged, I just found a place to change my clothes.

Who knows where you popped up out of nowhere, I was almost scared to death by you, you know? Think about it carefully, is this the case? "

Lu Chen was not angry because of the other party's bad words,

Wanting gave him the feeling that she was as silly as the little girl next door, innocent and cute, making it impossible to get angry.

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