Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 219 The New Secret Realm Appears

Yinfeng Valley is located in the southwestern part of Wuchuan Prefecture, in the middle of deep mountains and dense forests, it is a natural and dangerous place of good fortune,

There is a long and narrow crack in the ground in the valley, and there are gusts of wind blowing out of the crack all day long, the wind is sharp and cold,

It is also mixed with a breathtaking momentum, so it is called: Yinfeng Valley.

Because there are few resources nearby, few cultivators come here.


Three days ago, the dark clouds over Yinfeng Valley changed suddenly, and then the wind became violent again, and soon formed a super huge tornado,

The huge tornado almost completely enveloped the kilometer-long Yinfeng Valley, covering a wide area.

The ground is connected to the dark clouds in the sky, and the lightning and thunder among the clouds, as if the end of the world is coming, exudes a terrifying power.

The powerful attraction uprooted the trees and gravel within a radius of several thousand meters, and stirred them all into the tornado, and then miraculously disappeared without falling.

Strangely, the huge tornado didn't move, it stayed in the Yinfeng Valley, spinning at a high speed, which was very spectacular.

This change was soon discovered by a passing cultivator, and the news flew to Wuchuan Prefecture and the southern Xinjiang area as if it had grown wings. Biqu library

As the news continued to spread, countless cultivators came to check it out one after another, and some even spread the news that there is a possibility that there will be a heaven-defying treasure in Yinfeng Valley.

Regardless of whether the news is true or not, it has attracted more cultivators and rushed to Yinfeng Valley,

Among them is the cultivator belonging to the seven Sects.

Yinfeng Valley suddenly became a hot topic among cultivators in Southern Xinjiang.

Of course, quite a few cultivators believed that this was just an ordinary natural phenomenon, and did not believe the rumors that there would be some heaven-defying treasure in the world.

For three days, for three full days and nights, the huge tornado kept spinning at a high speed,

Not only did it show no signs of dissipating, but the wind has increased a lot, and the scope of its influence has gradually expanded.

At the same time, within three days, tens of thousands of cultivators gathered outside the range of about 3,000 meters from the tornado,

During the period, many cultivators also believed that:

"Isn't this a tornado? What's there to see? It's been three days and I haven't farted a single fart,"

So I chose to leave, but because of curiosity, more cultivators were attracted one after another.

These cultivators, from the low-altitude Foundation Establishment period cultivator to the high-altitude Transcend Tribulation period Power, are distributed orderly from bottom to top, forming a cultivator encirclement, enclosing the tornado in the middle,

Also formed, a magnificent landscape.

three kilometers away,

Relatively speaking, it is safer.

Because during the period, some daring cultivators wanted to fly into the inside of the tornado to find out.

As a result, as soon as they approached the area of ​​influence of the tornado, they were sucked in by the powerful attraction, and then they were twisted into blood mist by the tornado.

Only then did people realize that tornadoes are not as simple as they appear on the surface, and the wind in them is extremely lethal.

You must know that among the cultivators who were strangled by the tornado because of curiosity, there are many Nascent Soul Dzogchen Power users who are flying through the air.

Now, no one dares to try it lightly, not even the Transcend Tribulation cultivator at the highest altitude,

The reason is simple, because they are also afraid of death. Although they have not set foot in it personally, many people have been damaged in Divine Sense.

On the fourth day, Yinfeng Valley suddenly experienced drastic changes, and a huge golden beam of light shot straight into the sky from the center of the tornado, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

Then, a vicissitudes of life and simplicity spread to the surroundings, making the surrounding cultivators feel that they seem to have experienced tens of thousands of years, which is very mysterious.

Then, as everyone saw, the huge golden beam of light converged into the sky, forming a huge circular formation light curtain. Like a gate, the formation light curtain slowly unfolded to both sides, revealing a deep space.

The edges around the space are glowing with golden brilliance, and countless mysterious runes are flashing.


The sudden change in Yinfeng Valley caused an uproar from the tens of thousands of cultivators around.

"Look! What's that?" Someone pointed at the opened formation light curtain at the top of the tornado and exclaimed.

"Then...then it must be the portal!" Someone said unsurely.

The function of the teleportation gate and the teleportation array is the same, they both teleport the cultivator from one place to another,

It's just that the laws of space and time contained in the portal are more mysterious.

"That's right! That's the portal. I guess it should be. There is also a secret realm that was sealed in ancient times. Because of its age, it automatically appeared in this world." A knowledgeable cultivator in the crowd said.

Once this statement was spread, people suddenly realized, thinking of the legend that has been circulating in Cultivation World for a long time,

Then the more I looked at the magical scene in the sky, the more I felt that this statement was true.

Excitement and fiery expressions appeared in the eyes of everyone, looking expectantly at the teleportation gate high in the sky.

It is a rare opportunity to witness the emergence of a new secret realm. This is undoubtedly a witness to the miracle of history.

Immediately, everyone began to speculate again, the new secret realm arrived

What kind of scene will it be like, and what kind of opportunity will it have? All kinds of discussions and descriptions can be heard everywhere.


In ancient times, the resources of Cultivation World were relatively abundant.

However, with the huge increase in the number of cultivators, the resources for cultivation have become less and less, and often a spiritual herb is picked by the cultivator before it matures.

Therefore, the comprehension powers in ancient times, for the sake of future generations of practitioners, opened up many secret realms and set up powerful formation protection.

It wasn't until tens of thousands of years later that these formations became loose one after another, and secret realms gradually emerged, and the Canglan secret realm was one of the secret realms that existed thousands of years ago.

It's just that for nearly a thousand years, there has been no new secret realm in southern Xinjiang.

So many people don't think in this direction.

All of a sudden, everyone became busy and spread the news of the new secret realm in Yinfeng Valley.

Southern Xinjiang is under the jurisdiction of the Seven Sects,

When the heads of the headquarters of the seven sects received the news that a new secret realm appeared in Yinfeng Valley, they immediately realized the importance of the matter.

Immediately led by Ouyang Qingkong, the head of the headquarters of Tianyanzong,

Organization: Xuantian Sect, Hehuan Sect, Divine Beast Mountain, Jade Maiden Palace, Shennongmen, Xuanqi Pavilion, held an emergency summit meeting,

The entire meeting lasted half an hour, and quickly made preliminary policies and core ideas.

The meeting clearly stated:

First, immediately, the heads of the seven Sect headquarters will form the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center.

Second, immediately, in the name of the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center, declare to the outside world the thought and determination of the sovereignty of southern Xinjiang.

Third, immediately, set up the seven Sect joint temporary combat formations, one million cultivators, and head to the south bank of the Beichen River two days later to hold a three-month military exercise.

Fourth, immediately, in the name of the Seven Sects Joint Operation Command Center, send invitations to Sects, aristocratic families, and the Rogue Cultivators Alliance who support the Seven Sects in the Central Plains,

Invite them to participate in the exploration of the secret realm of Shadowwind Valley, and give corresponding places.

Fifth, immediately, with the theme of "gratitude to the ancestors, pioneering and innovative", a special action team was established to go to Wuchuan Prefecture and Yinfeng Valley to conduct preliminary exploration of the secret realm.

Once the summit meeting of the seven Sects is over, the corresponding announcement will be spread quickly in a unique way of the seven Sects.

All of a sudden, there was an uproar in the southern border area. Everyone saw the determination and confidence of the seven sects in the new secret realm.

At the same time, the entire southern border region has also fallen into an atmosphere of turmoil, and there is a tendency that the mountain rain is about to come...

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