Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 204 The Braggart Boy

"Hehehe... The senior is really joking. I have the appearance of a willow. How can I get the eyes of the two. I have some Spirit Stones here, and I hope the two seniors will accept it!"

Sun Erniang took out a storage bag, smiled and dealt with it calmly, hoping that the other party would let her go after receiving the Spirit Stones.

"You're pretty good at it, but I'm not picky eaters, hahaha..." the mustache Fatty cultivator smiled playfully.

After speaking, he shot a genital energy at Sun Erniang, intending to seal her Cultivation Base, and then let himself decide.

Sun Erniang frowned slightly when she heard the words, she had been secretly on guard for a long time, and reacted quickly.

I saw her throwing out a Magic Treasures that looked like an umbrella, blocking the Fatty cultivator's real essence.

Then, under the astonished eyes of the other party, another formation plate was thrown, and the formation plate turned into a golden brilliance, with a mysterious rune, and shot towards the two of them.

Six formation light curtains instantly formed around the two seniors, like a prison cell, trapping the two of them in the air.

"Damn it! Brother Zhao! You and I will work together to break through this formation. Today we must ravage that bitch."

The Fatty cultivator surnamed Han said angrily as he watched Erniang Sun fleeing away.

None of them expected that the female cultivator who thought she could easily integrate the early stage would have such a mysterious method,

Rao couldn't respond to the Cultivation Base of the late stage fusion of the two of them, and was trapped in the formation light curtain.

How did they know that for many years, Sun Erniang had been wandering around the world alone, so how could she not have some means of self-defense.

"Jingzhu! You are really good at it, so easily restrained two late stage cultivators." On the flying boat, Lin Tian smiled and praised Sun Erniang.

Although his Dantian was broken and lost his Cultivation Base, he was once a Cultivator at the Dzogchen Fusion stage, and he still had vision. Lin Tian judged the Cultivation Base of those two people based on his own experience.

Sun Erniang frowned when she heard the words, showing a solemn expression, and desperately controlled the flying boat's extremely fast flight, but the speed of the flying boat had reached the limit.

"What's wrong with Jingzhu?" Seeing that Erniang Sun's expression was not right, Lin Tian asked in confusion.

"Hey... If Lin Dage's judgment is serious, my array is just a third-level spiritual array, and I'm afraid it won't be able to trap the two of them for long," Erniang Sun said with a bitter smile.

"Ah? So what to do, Jingzhu! I'm really sorry for putting you in a dangerous situation because of my affairs."

Lin Tian apologized with self-blame.

"Lin Dage is serious! If it wasn't for Lin Dage's rescue, I would have..." Sun Erniang comforted.

After Nie Qing died, in order to continue her life, Sun Jingzhu rented a booth on Qianyang City Street to do some small business.

Because of her beauty, she was often harassed by rogue cultivators. At that time, Sun Jingzhu was the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment middle stage,

Once, a rogue cultivator who merged with the early stage secretly followed Sun Jingzhu home, intending to hug her by force.

His clothes were all stripped off, Sun Jingzhu was so desperate that he couldn't do anything even if he wanted to die. At the critical moment, Lin Tian suddenly killed him,

Killed the rogue cultivator, saved Sun Jingzhu, and then stood up to stand up for Sun Jingzhu, which gave Sun Jingzhu a quiet environment to do business.

"Hahaha... want to run, daddy will see how you run today."

Just as Sun Erniang was desperately controlling the flying boat, there was a clamor behind her.

Lin Tian and Sun Erniang turned their heads and saw that the two cultivators were chasing after Yujian quickly, and they were getting closer.

Lin Tian revealed a look of helplessness and self-blame.

Sun Erniang saw that the distance between the other party was getting closer, and took out a bead the size of a ping-pong ball from the storage bag,

First, he slashed a sword ray at the two cultivators about 100 meters behind him, and then threw the bead in his hand. When the two of them got closer, Divine Sense detonated the bead.


There was a sudden loud bang in the air, forming a mushroom cloud in the air.

The huge energy instantly spread to the surroundings. Even if Sun Erniang and the others had already flown far away, they could still feel the huge destructive power of the explosion.

The flying boats were shaking a bit.

After doing this, Erniang Sun breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to drive the flying boat desperately.

"Retreat down! Damn bitch, there are even golden explosive beads." Fatty cultivator shouted, and the two each took out their defensive Magic Treasures and flew towards the ground with their swords.

The Fatty cultivator knew that Sun Erniang was scheming, so he was always on guard against her.

When Sun Erniang launched an attack, his Divine Sense kept watching Sun Erniang's actions.

When he saw Sun Erniang throwing a brown bead, he immediately recognized that it was a golden explosion bead, and quickly told his companions to retreat and defend.

Gold Explosive Beads are one-time Magic Treasures, similar to the Thunder Explosive Beads that Lu Chen bought in Duobaolou.

It's just that the power of the golden explosive beads is greater, and the destructive power generated by the explosion is equivalent to that of Gold Core

The full blow of the early stage cultivator.

Lu Chen was flying in the direction of Nanhuzhou in a flying boat, and just happened to fly nearby, feeling the power of the Golden Explosive Beads. He is comparable to the Divine Sense of the Gold Core early stage,

Captured Lin Tian being hunted down by two fused late stage cultivators, and at the same time saw Lin Tian's situation.

Lin Tian's character is quite recognized by Lu Chen. At the beginning, his Cultivation Base was higher than his own, and he didn't make a sneak attack on him, and let himself attack first, which is quite a gentleman.

So Lu Chen decided to help him one or two.

The two cultivators who merged into the late stage were prepared for a long time ago, although they suffered some minor injuries, they were not serious, and quickly caught up with Sun Erniang and Lin Tian.

Their flying boat was forced to stop in the air, and the scene was tense.

Just when Sun Erniang was about to resist desperately,

A young and handsome cultivator with regular features, sharp edges and corners, with a confident smile on his face, stepped on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, and flew to the middle of the two sides with his frivolous imperial sword.

"It's you?"

Sun Erniang was wondering where did the early stage cultivator come from, and she dared to appear among them in such a grand manner, Lin Tian was surprised.

"Hahaha...Lin Dage! I think you are also a cultivator of Dzogchen Dzogchen, how did you become like this?" Lu Chen joked.

"Hey... little brother, please don't make fun of me anymore. If little brother can save me today, I will be very grateful." Lin Tian sighed with cupped fist cupped hands.

Although he couldn't remember Lu Chen's name, Lin Tian still remembered Lu Chen's terrifying strength,

If Lu Chen is willing to make a move today, then he and Sun Jingzhu will be safe and sound.

"Hehehe... Lin Dage! I respect you for being a man, otherwise I wouldn't show up,

Don't worry about today's matter, I will definitely protect you well, after I swatt these two flies to death, it won't be too late for us to talk about the past slowly. "Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

"Hmph... What kind of brat, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big. Today, grandpa abolished your Cultivation Base to let you know the consequences of provoking a senior." Fatty cultivator said coldly.

As he spoke, he directly rushed towards Lu Chen with his sword, intending to kill him, the speed was so fast that he almost reached Lu Chen in the blink of an eye.

Sun Erniang looked at Lu Chen in confusion, then at Lin Tian, ​​wondering what kind of medicine they were selling in their Calabash,

Why is Lin Tian so sure that this kid who merged with the early stage can help them out,

However, in the next second, Erniang Sun's pupils shrank, and she looked at Lu Chen's figure in shock...

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