Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 02 Dad, I'm Going To Cultivate Immortals

"Father!" Lu Chen yelled in horror, he didn't expect his father to come, he must have been attracted by Chen Xiang's cry for help just now.

Lu Tianhao saw Chen Xiang with a bloody head on the ground, and the sack in Noble's hand. It could be seen that the incident was premeditated by his son. Although he was shocked, he didn't say anything. He turned to look at Lu Chen and asked, "What's going on?" Biqu library

Now that Lu Chen had nothing to hide, he told the story about Chen Xiang pushing himself down from the Zuihualou last time, causing him to almost die. He also listed many crimes against Chen Xiang, saying that Chen Xiang deserved to die, so he looked at Lu Tianhao uneasily.

After all, Lu Tianhao has been through the world for a long time, so he can naturally tell the truth of the matter. He has no doubts about Lu Chen's words, nor is he concerned about Chen Xiang's death. Let the rest of the matter be handled by the father!"

Lu Chen is naturally happy if his father is willing to take care of his aftermath.

The next day, the whole mansion was peaceful. After exercising, Lu Chen deliberately passed by the back garden and found that the traces on the ground had been cleaned up, as if nothing happened last night.

Until another day later, the housekeeper sent a bad news saying: "Biao Young Master encountered a bandit on the way of transporting goods, his horse was frightened, and he accidentally fell into the cliff without leaving any bones."

Lu Chen's mother, Mrs. Chen, was very sad when she learned about the incident, and she cried so hard that Lu Chen and his father comforted his mother. Before leaving, Lu Chen quietly gave his father a thumbs up, and they looked at each other. smile.

After solving the potential crisis of Chen Xiang, Lu Chen can finally live the life of a rich second generation with peace of mind.

Early in the morning, Lu Chen brought Noble to Luo Cheng Black Tortoise Street, where the streets were bustling with people.

This is Lu Chen's first time shopping in this world, and everything Lu Chen sees is very fresh. Whether you like it or not, you can buy them all. Anyway, when you go out, you ask your father for a lot of money.

It didn't take long before Noble, with a lot of burdens on his body, followed Lu Chen staggeringly.

Near noon, Lu Chen's stomach made a "cuckoo" sound, so he took Noble to find a good-looking tavern.

This tavern is quite distinctive. There is a high platform in the lobby, on which there is a table, a chair, a floating ruler, and an old man is telling a story.

The general content of the talk was about how a poor scholar fell in love with a rich lady. The audience listened with great interest, but Lu Chen didn't take it seriously. What TV programs didn't you watch in your previous life? Just find a story that sounds better than the old man.

"I said, old man Li, you tell these repetitive jokes all day long, and my ears are so callused. Can you change it? If you say it well, the silver ingot will belong to you." A harmonious voice interrupted the storyteller, and the scene fell silent.

The one who spoke was a burly man with a face full of flesh, holding a silver ingot in his hand.

"That's right! It's good for you to say that our second master is happy today, haha..." The younger brother sitting next to the big man echoed.

"Who is that person?"

"Shhh! Don't look over there. That man is the second head of the Black Tiger Gang. He is nicknamed Smiling Tiger. He is cruel. Let's eat quickly and leave after eating."

Lu Chen heard the cautious discussion of the guests sitting next to him, and began to look curiously at the so-called second master, who was really similar to the one on TV, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the scar on his face was particularly ferocious. it's not good


"Yo! It's the second master, the little old man is apologizing to you. I don't know what jokes the second master likes to listen to. Can you give me a hint?" The old man Li smiled with his hands in his hands.

"Let's talk about something new, don't use what you said before to fool Daddy, otherwise you won't have any money, be careful that Daddy smashes your job and breaks your bones, haha..." said with a smile on his face.

"Second Master, you can put out the fire. With old man Li's little ink, how can there be any novel jokes, or you can stop embarrassing him. Today's consumption will be avoided, and you should pay Second Master for everything!" The shopkeeper saw the matter. It's not good, hurry up and smooth things over.

"Get lost! Don't talk too much, be careful that daddy burns down your tavern." The smiling face said displeased.

The shopkeeper smiled awkwardly, he was in a dilemma, now he can only hope that old man Li can come up with some good jokes, and hurry up to make this plague god amused, otherwise the tavern may suffer disaster today.

Old man Li thought for a long time, and asked tentatively, "Second Lord, have you heard of immortal cultivators?"

"Oh? Immortal cultivator? Let's hear it!" The smiling tiger became interested.

Everyone in the tavern looked at Old Man Li expectantly. No matter where the word "immortal" is, it is an existence that people yearn for.

Old man Li breathed a sigh of relief, stroked his beard and smiled, "This is not really a story, but something I have seen and heard from traveling around when I was young."

"Our Yunluo Cheng is actually just a small city in the southernmost part of the Jialan country. There are tens of thousands of big cities outside of this, and there are other countries outside of the Jialan country. In the academies of those big cities, every year There will always be immortal cultivators who will test the qualifications of the students, and those who pass the test can become disciples of the sect, and step into the road of cultivating immortals from then on..."

"There is also an academy in Yunluocheng, why have we never heard of what you said?" a diner in the tavern asked.

"As far as our kind of thinking is concerned, people probably don't like it haha..." Another diner laughed at himself.

"The guest officer is right. I heard that there is no one in ten thousand who has the aptitude to cultivate immortals. Naturally, Jia Luo Cheng was not favored by those sects of cultivating immortals," old man Li responded.

"No! Old man, I often go to those big cities, why haven't I seen a fairy?" A young man questioned.

"That's because immortal cultivators cannot step into the realm of mortals at will, otherwise they will be punished by other immortal cultivators," Old Man Li replied.

You talked to me at the scene, a bit like Mr. Li's press conference.

At this time, Lu Chen took Noble and left quietly. He was eager to go home and ask his father. After all, his father traveled all over the world in business, so he should know about the cultivators.

Lu Chen remembered that dream again. In the dream, the giant dragon brought him to this world. Whether the dream is true or not, he did come to this world from the earth. If Xiuxian really exists, then Lu Chen must Gotta try it out.

When Lu Chen went home and told his father Lu Tianhao what happened today, seeing that his father didn't show any surprise, Lu Chen knew that his father must also know about the cultivators, but the old man was vague and refused. Said, this pissed off Lu Chen.

Finally, when Lu Chen said that he would leave the Lu family to find Xianyuan.

"No! Absolutely not! I'm just a son like you. Cultivating an immortal is not an easy task. You don't know how dangerous it is." Father Lu Tianhao resolutely objected.

"Father! Do you have a dream?" Lu Chen asked with firm eyes

Lu Tianhao looked at Lu Chen, and was also shocked by his sudden aura. Is this still my ignorant son?

Lu Chen

Then he said: "I used to be ignorant of abuse, let alone what dreams are, but today I finally have a dream to pursue. The reason why I told my father was not to ask for your permission, but out of respect."

"Chen'er has finally grown up, but have you ever thought about your mother?" Lu Tianhao said in a complicated mood.

"Uh!" Lu Chen was taken aback, looking at his grey-haired father, thinking of his mother's love, a warm current of blood thicker than water surged into his heart.

Then he looked firmly and said: "Father! Give me five years. If I have learned something after five years, I will definitely find a fairy medicine to increase the lifespan of your two elders. From then on, my Lu family will definitely flourish."

"Hehe... Chen'er, it seems that you are really sensible. You are worthy of being my Lu Tianhao's son. I support you for my father. I will talk to your mother for you." Lu Tianhao patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and said.

Afterwards, Lu Tianhao took Lu Chen to find the Chen family, and expressed Lu Chen's thoughts. The Chen family strongly objected when he heard it, and did not agree with anything, but he couldn't stop Lu Chen's father and son's stubbornness, and finally compromised.

The inquiry revealed that when Lu Chen planned to go to Hangshui City thousands of miles away to seek immortality.

Chen was worried about the long journey and feared that something might happen to her son, so she revealed a shocking secret.

This secret made Lu Chen and Lu Tianhao dumbfounded.

It turned out that the ancestors of the Chen family had rescued an immortal cultivator more than a hundred years ago. In order to thank the ancestors of the Chen family, the immortal cultivator gave him a jade pendant. Jade pendant, the immortal will help. Later, this jade pendant passed into Chen's hands.

When Lu Chen heard this secret, his eyes lit up, and he excitedly searched for the jade pendant on Chen's body. With this kind of relationship, there is no need to run so far to take risks.

Three days later, in the gazebo in the back garden of Lu's house, Lu Chen's family of three burned incense and bathed, and Lu Chen finally got the jade pendant he had dreamed of.

I saw the jade pendant, the size of a palm, with diamond-shaped patterns, and dark green all over, it was not ordinary at first glance.

"I... I fell?" Lu Chen held the jade pendant excitedly, looked at his parents and asked.

"Hmm! Drop it!" Lu Tianhao responded.

"one two Three."


The jade pendant was thrown to the ground by Lu Chen, breathing could be heard at the scene, and several people stared at the torn jade pendant, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Lu Chen looked around, but nothing happened. He picked up a jade pendant, looked at his mother and asked, "Did mother take it wrong?"

Chen Shi glared at him.

"Where are the descendants of Chen Da?"

The sudden sound startled several people, but no one noticed that there was an extra person in the gazebo.

The man has white hair and a childlike face, is dressed in a white robe, has bright eyes as if he has insight into everything in the world, holds a Duster in his hand, and has an air of elegance.

Lu Chen and the others quickly knelt down and shouted in unison, "The descendants of the Chen family are here,"

Mother Chen secretly gave Lu Tianhao a look, but Lu Tianhao didn't seem to notice.

The immortal master claimed to be Dongli Daoist, exchanged a few words with Lu Chen's family, and was grateful for Chen Da's kindness back then. It seemed that it was not so difficult to get in touch, so Lu Chen boldly expressed his idea of ​​apprenticeship.

However, Dongli Zhenren said that Lu Chen's qualifications were extremely poor and he was unwilling to accept him as a disciple.

Poor aptitude is better than no aptitude. In line with the idea that hard work can make up for one's weakness, stupid birds fly first, gold is the result of success, and gold and stone are the ones. Lu Chen just knelt down and vowed to worship him as his teacher.

Master Dongli had no choice but to agree to take Lu Chen back to Sect in order to avoid this karma, but Master Dongli did not agree to accept him as a disciple.

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