Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 168 Heavenly Sword Mountain

In the teleportation hall, there are many towers on both sides of the front square. In one of the ordinary five-story towers, Lu Su watched in horror as two cultivators approached him, intending to kill him.

His own Cultivation Base was also banned by Ruoxi's big brother. Faced with the fear of Death, Lu Su regretted it very much. The only thing he could do was to beg for mercy.

"Senior! Please let me go! I really didn't do anything, I don't want to die yet." Lu Su cried,

In the past, Dage always reminded himself that people are sinister, and he didn't take it seriously at all, and often talked back to him. Now that I think about it, I really regret it.

If I had known it would be like this, I wouldn't dare to be curious about any special services.

"Boy! Go to hell!" The man's men took out a Magical Item dagger, and the Magical Item dagger shone fiercely under the infusion of true essence.

"Don't... don't kill me, I can give you Spirit Stones." I, Lu Su, begged tremblingly, moving my body back and forth, but it didn't help.

"Hehe... stop!" At this moment, the big man shouted suddenly, and his subordinates stopped when they heard the words, and looked at Lu Su contemptuously.

Hearing the sound, Lu Su secretly breathed a sigh of relief, leaned weakly on the head of the bed, gasped heavily, looked at the burly man with lingering fear, and didn't even dare to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead.

"Hehehe... My Little Sister was ruined by you, even if I killed you, it was justified,

But if you are willing to take out the Spirit Stones for the loss of my Little Sister, I can consider letting you go, what do you think? "The big man laughed.

These people are actually a group that earns Spirit Stones in this way. The female cultivators who lead the way are responsible for finding the target cultivator, and several female cultivators are responsible for luring the target cultivator.

Then use the incense in the room combined with their charm technique to stimulate the inner desire of the target cultivator, thus creating hallucinations, which is why Lu Su smelled a strange fragrance when he just entered the room.

Most of the target cultivators came for the pleasure of fish and water, and the resulting illusion was naturally a hand-to-hand battle, but Lu Su didn't understand anything, so his illusion was the scene of breakthrough cultivation.

Afterwards, the target cultivator will be stripped naked and their storage bags will be taken away to create a false impression, and then the burly man will appear on the stage pretending to be Dage, claiming the Spirit Stones.


Everything he did to Lu Su was just to intimidate him, in order to break his psychological defense.

"Then...the senior! How many Spirit Stones do you need?" Lu Su, who was relieved, rekindled the hope of living again, and asked cautiously and tentatively.

"Hehehe... How many Spirit Stones do you think your life is worth?" The big man asked back with a smile.

"Huh? I... I don't have many Spirit Stones, but my Dage has, and my Dage has a few friends from aristocratic families, they should also have Spirit Stones,

As long as you find a way to notify me, Dage, I, Dage, will definitely come up with Spirit Stones to save me. " Lu Su said eagerly.

"Oh? What kind of Cultivation Base is your Dage? And what kind of Cultivation Base are his friends from the aristocratic family? You'd better tell the truth, or I will kill you right now," the big man threatened coldly.

Lu Su, who had hope to survive, dared not lie to them, telling the details of Lu Zhishen, Yang Yunfei and others clearly.

"Okay! Put on your clothes, don't worry, as long as we can get the Spirit Stones, we will let you go, so you'd better cooperate obediently, or don't blame me for being cruel." The big man threatened again.

"I swear, I swear by Heavenly Dao, what I say is true, please believe me." Lu Su

After the big man found out about Lu Su's details, he knew that his Dage was only integrated with the middle stage's Cultivation Base, and a few family friends were only in the Foundation Establishment stage's Cultivation Base, and they were from other places.

I have two late stage cultivators on my side, and I was wondering how many Spirit Stones they want, and where is the best place to trade them...

In "Food is Immortal" Yang Yunfei's room, Lu Chen originally came to say goodbye to Yang Yunfei and the others, but he didn't expect that before he had time to speak, he heard the news of Lu Su's sudden disappearance.

This time, it undoubtedly disrupted all his plans.

"Lu Chen! What do you think we should do now? Isn't Yu Qian's father a Power from Nascent Soul period?

You also have a close relationship with the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, based on your relationship with Yu Qian, why not? How about you go to him for help? " Zhao Chengzhi suggested.

"That's right! Lu Chen..." Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and they looked at Lu Chen one after another.

If Yu Qian's father is there to help, it will definitely be much more useful than them.


Don't look at me like that, okay? It's as if I don't want to go, don't worry, Lu Su is also my brother, I will do my best in this matter. " Lu Chen laughed.

At this time, the guy from "Food is Immortal" sent a message Jade Slip, saying that someone downstairs asked him to give this Jade Slip to a cultivator named Lu Zhishen.

Lu Zhishen took the Jade Slip, injected Divine Sense into it in doubt, and then his face changed greatly...

Tianjian Mountain is located in the south of Qianyang City, more than 1,000 kilometers away. This mountain rises from the ground, like a sharp sword drawn into the sky, so it is named Tianjian Mountain.

Since ancient times, there has been a literati cultivator who wrote poems and praised:

The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the Star can be picked by hand.

Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heavenly beings.

According to legend, there was a powerful sword sect in ancient times, which was established on the basis of Tianjian Mountain, and it was also famous in southern Xinjiang. Later, for some reason, Tianjianzong also fell into the long river of history.

The initial establishment of Qianyang City was also based on the surroundings of Tianjian Mountain. Later, with the development of the city, there were four new urban areas in the east, west, north, south, and south.

Logically speaking, this area should also be an extremely prosperous and lively area, but in fact, this area has long been deserted. Not only are there no cultivators living in it, there are no houses and buildings, and it has become a wasteland.

At day and night, a Sword Ray streaked across the sky, and Lu Chen Yujian flew in the direction of Tianjian Mountain according to the location on the map.

The message Jade Slip received by Lu Zhishen mentioned that if you want to rescue Lu Su, you must send a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, bring 500,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, and go to the designated place for trading, and only Allow one to go, or they will tear up the ticket.

The place of the transaction is Tianjian Mountain. Although it is more than a thousand kilometers away, it is still within the range of Qianyang City.

And this distance is about tens of kilometers for cultivator.

Although he didn't know who the other party was and whether there was any danger, Lu Chen still volunteered to rescue Lu Su.

After all, among Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi, Lu Chen was the strongest, and he met the other party's requirements.

Seeing in front of him, a mountain peak appeared like a sharp sword drawn straight into the sky, Lu Chen immediately accelerated his flying speed and flew down the mountain...

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