Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 163 Major Discovery


"Uncle Zhang!"

Zhang Haoyang and Wang Jingxuan exclaimed.

The sudden change made Wang Jingxuan, who had planned to refuse the marriage, stop talking again.

Seeing this, Wang Haocang hurriedly checked Zhang Bingtian's condition, then took out a healing Medicine Pill, fed it into Zhang Bingtian's mouth, and then shot out a beam of real energy to help Zhang Bingtian refine the Medicine Pill.

After a while, Wang Haocang shook his head silently, with a serious expression on his face, glanced at Zhang Haoyang and Wang Jingxuan, and sighed hesitantly.

"Uncle! My father?" Zhang Haoyang asked tentatively. ""

"Father! Uncle Zhang, he should be fine!" Wang Jingxuan asked worriedly.

"Sigh... brother Zhang's old illness has relapsed, although there is nothing serious about it, but the foundation in his body has been damaged, and there is nothing I can do about it." Wang Haocang sighed.

"Cough, cough, cough... Thank you, Brother Wang, for saving me, my old bones! I can't die yet," Liang Chaobei and Liang Chaobei; Wang Haocang

At this time, Zhang Bingtian woke up with a few coughing sounds, but his face was still very pale.

"Father! Do you feel better? When did you get injured? Why do I not know?" Seeing Zhang Bingtian waking up, Zhang Haoyang hurried forward to help him up, feeling very sad.

In his heart, his father is a hero who guards one side, the majestic Power of the Nascent Soul period, usually majestic and majestic, he has never seen Zhang Bingtian in such a depressed state.

"Hehe... don't worry my son, this is an old problem, if there is a chance to breakthrough again in the future, this injury will naturally be nothing to worry about,

My only wish now is to see you get married and spread the branches and leaves for my Zhang family. At that time, even if I die, I can still smile at Jiuquan. "Zhang Haoyang and Zhang Bingtian smiled earnestly. Zhang Haoyang

"This..." Zhang Haoyang subconsciously looked at Wang Jingxuan when he heard the words.

"Jingxuan! Cough, cough..." Zhang Bingtian looked at Wang Jingxuan who was about to speak, but suddenly coughed again.

"Uncle! It's not too late to say something later, you should pay more attention to regulating your breath and body now." Wang Jingxuan said happily.

"Cough cough cough... Alas... Jing Xuan! Although my son is not a person with outstanding talents, but fortunately he is upright and has good conduct. You are also a good boy.

As for the engagement between our two families, I think it would be better to set it on the third day.

Tianhou, what's your birthday, I don't want it to be a double happiness, cough cough..."

After Zhang Bingtian finished speaking, he coughed violently again, his bloodless face looked even paler now.

"Ah?" Wang Jingxuan was stunned when she heard the words, she didn't expect Uncle Zhang to say that suddenly,

Originally, Own planned to reject the engagement with Zhang Haoyang, but faced with Uncle Zhang's inquiry, a Wang Jingxuan was in a difficult situation and didn't know how to speak.

"Hehe...ah what! I think your Uncle Zhang is right. On your birthday, an engagement ceremony will be held for you and Haoyang, and then there will be a double happiness."

Seeing his daughter in a daze, Wang Haocang didn't speak for a long time, he took a step forward and said with a smile.

"Jingxuan!" Seeing his father assisting him, Zhang Haoyang looked at Wang Jingxuan expectantly.

"Jing Xuan! Do you disagree with this marriage? Cough cough cough..." Zhang Bingtian asked with a disappointed expression.

"Uncle! I..." Seeing that Zhang Bingtian had lost control of his emotions and coughed several times, Wang Jingxuan nodded mysteriously.

"Hehe... Well, well! It is my son Haoyang's blessing that my Zhang family can marry a daughter-in-law like you." Zhang Bingtian saw Wang Jingxuan nodding, which meant that she had agreed to his decision to get married, and a gratified smile appeared on his face.

"Hehe...Brother Zhang! Now that the matter has been decided, we will be in-laws from now on. My daughter has been abused by nature, so please take care of me in the future," Wang Haocang said with a smile. Biqu library

Seeing that he finally got his wish, Zhang Haoyang showed excitement in his eyes, but Wang Jingxuan's mind was blank at this moment, and he was at a loss.

In private room No. 38, Lu Chen spent most of the day sorting out his experiences in the past few years.

At first, after I left Xuantian Sect in Anlin Prefecture, I went to Longquan City in Chengzhou, and met Wang Jingxuan on the way.

Because Qi Delong, the second generation of the family who offended the Qi family, was designed by him to embezzle his own Spirit Stones, and later he made a big fuss in the Qi Huibao Pavilion, and with the help of Wang Jingxuan, he was able to escape from the predicament with the help of the Great Teleportation Talisman.

After coming out of Longquan City, she met Zhou Hongfu, Ye Rushuang's Master Hongfu Elder, and assisted Zhou Hongfu in beheading Fan Zhengshan.

Later, because I was going to Hengyang Prefecture, Changfenling to fetch Yinhuo, and I happened to drop in with Zhou Hongfu, so I escorted her for a ride.

And with her help, let me discover Tianhuo Wulian Xinhuo,

Zhou Hongfu said that Wulian Xinhuo should be fostered by a certain Power, and warned herself to use it carefully, which invisibly added an unknown and powerful enemy to herself.

Later, in Hengyang Prefecture, outside Hengyang City, because he beheaded Chu Chenggou, the grandson of the head of Shenshou Mountain,

So much so that his grandfather Chu Dingtian went to Yulin Prefecture in the south of the Yangtze River with great fanfare, and Shennongmen sought revenge on him, but Chu Dingtian was a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he couldn't beat him and had to run for his life.

Later, he killed two bastards in the endless forest, which attracted the pursuit of the Lei family in the Central Plains.

In the end, it was the third generation of Song Yushu that the beauty steward said.

Of course, there were still some small fish and shrimps that died in the hands of own, so Lu Chen didn't bother to count them carefully.

If you calculate it carefully, it seems that there are not many enemies that can be targeted at own.

At this time Lu Chen realized a problem,

According to the beauty steward, her superior asked her to pay attention to a cultivator wearing a navy blue robe. Before that, Lu Chen subjectively thought that the other party was targeting him.

But after sorting it out, Lu Chen realized that something was wrong.

First of all, it was the first time that this outfit of mine appeared at the auction, which meant that the other party didn't know Own's true identity. It should be after this dress that he caught the other party's attention.

As for the reason, Lu Chen does not know.

Secondly, I have nothing to do with the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, but their executives are looking for me, which makes Lu Chen puzzled.

But then Lu Chen made a bold assumption, assuming that the executive is not from the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce? Or was he bought off?

This seems to make sense, I have no problem with Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, but the executives of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce are looking for me, and that person belongs to the own enemy.

Lu Chen doesn't think that the other party is looking for him to eat, it must be that the visitor is not kind,

Fortunately, after the beauty steward accepted Own Zhuyan Pill, under Own's begging, he agreed to hide his whereabouts for him.

The only requirement is that after I leave the auction, I must go to Feiyu Pill Pavilion to find her once, there is no way! In order to save his life, Lu Chen had no choice but to agree reluctantly.

To sum up, if the assumption is true, Lu Chen has discovered a problem, that is, there are traitors inside the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce...

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