Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 160 Goodbye Beauty Manager

Song Yushu was staring at the numbers on the formation screen at this moment, his face was very gloomy, he didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would come out in the end to compete with him for the Rongsheng Pill.

"Hmph! If you dare to increase the price again, I'll give it to you! It depends on whether you have the order to take Rong Shengdan out of the Changqing Building." Song Yushu said coldly, and then wrote the number of four million.

"Wow..." As soon as the price was revealed, there was an uproar, and various discussions made the venue noisy.

"This No. 37 is really rich and powerful. It suddenly rose to 4 million mid-grade Spirit Stones, which is enough to buy two Rongsheng Pills. People are really stupid and have a lot of money." A cultivator in the audience expressed his own opinion.

"Hmph...they are really two bumpkins, just a Rongsheng Pill, and they are auctioned for a high price of 4 million. I really have never seen this before," Dongfang Yuanhua in the No. 98 private room said with a snort,

Then he continued to move his waist in front of the formation light curtain, looking at all the living beings below, doing wonderful things, he felt that this was very exciting... The beauty in front of him showed a helpless and painful expression, and he scolded Dongfang Yuanhua in his heart. brute.

Lu Chen is also caught in a dilemma at this moment. On the one hand, he can't afford more than 4 million mid-grade Spirit Stones.

On the other hand, we have reached this juncture, if we give up like this, Lu Chen is really not reconciled, and Rongsheng Dan is not common in the market, and I really don't know when we will meet again next time.

If you get this Rongsheng Pill yourself, you can also use the powerful function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to analyze it, so as to master the refining method of Rongsheng Pill.

On the high platform, Gongsun Sheng saw that No. 38 had not moved for a long time, so he knew that the other party might have given up and was about to read out the number of times according to the usual practice.

The number on the formation screen changed again and became 4.05 million.

"Huh! Bang Dang..." Song Yushu kicked the table down angrily when the other party raised the price again, and the fruit plate fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

Immediately, Song Yushu took out the information jade card, and with a thought, he disappeared into the room. He had to investigate and find out the No. 38. If he was killed, he could get the Rongsheng Pill, and the remaining Got Spirit Stones.

The price increase on the 38th once again made the whole venue boil. Some people said that the 38th was deliberately angry with the 37th, because no matter how much the 37th increased, they would only add 50,000. This is not disgusting, it is What?

As everyone knows,

Lu Chen really wanted to save some Spirit Stones. If it wasn't for the rule that each price increase should not be less than 50,000, he would have directly added a middle-grade Spirit Stone.

When Gongsun Sheng called 4.05 million for the third time, it was finally announced that the Rongsheng Pill belonged to the thirty-eighth guest.

Then the formation screen scrolled again, and a picture scroll appeared. The painting on the scroll was a picture of mountains and rivers, which was lifelike and lifelike.

In the blank space on the left, it is written like a silver hook painted on iron

The lonely setting sun and the setting sun, the light smoke Sword Qi the jackdaw, a little flying bird falls, the green mountains and green waters, the turbid wine and the sword Tianya,

Just as Lu Chen was reading the meaning of this poem with many cultivators in the audience.

A beautiful figure appeared in Lu Chen's private room, and it was Su Ruolan who was in charge of escorting the lot.

Seeing that Lu Chen was wearing a navy blue robe, his entire figure was covered by the robe, so she couldn't see his face clearly. She rolled her beautiful eyes and thought, "Isn't this the cultivator that the higher-ups are looking for?"

"Senior! This is the Rongsheng Pill you bought, a total of 4.05 million middle-grade Spirit Stones." Su Ruolan smiled respectfully as usual,

Because she couldn't see the opponent's Cultivation Base with her Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base, so she tried to keep her posture as low as possible.

But how did she know that Lu Chen was deliberately hiding the Cultivation Base, not to mention her, even a cultivator in the transformation stage can't see Lu Chen's Cultivation Base

"Hehe...uh..." Lu Chen who turned around was about to speak, but when he saw the beautiful woman in front of him, he froze for a moment,

I thought to myself: "How could it be her? Isn't this the beauty that I sold Medicine Pill in Feiyu Dange before, and that beautiful woman who always called me Little Brother was in charge? How could she be here?"

"Senior! Look? How will the Spirit Stones be paid for?" Su Ruolan said in a calm and authentic tone. Seeing that Lu Chen was stunned, he thought that the other party was also because of his own beauty, so his tone became a little cold.

"Uh...hehe... I don't have many Spirit Stones here, but I have a panacea. Can you see if you can offset the 4.05 million middle-grade Spirit Stones?" Lu Chen Zhenyuan controlled his voice, Make a rough voice of a middle-aged man.

"This... I'm afraid this is against the rules, right?" Su Ruolan frowned slightly when she heard this, if it wasn't because she couldn't see the other party's Cultivation Base, Su Ruolan would have slapped him long ago.

While the two were in the process of negotiating, a fierce competition for the picture scroll had already begun at the venue.

"Ha ha

…Don’t worry, you might as well read my Medicine Pill before making a decision, or ask you to ask for me, if it doesn’t work, I can find a way to pay you Spirit Stones. "

Lu Chen said that Divine Sense controlled it, and a Medicine Pill emitting colorful brilliance floated between the two of them.

"Zhuyan Pill?" Su Ruolan asked in shock.

As the saying goes, which woman does not love beauty, especially a first-class beauty like Su Ruolan, who cherishes her own appearance even more, so a Zhuyan Dan is also something she dreams of in her heart.

It's just because Zhuyan Dan is too precious, and Spirit Stones may not be available for purchase, she even wanted to pay the Spirit Stones for Lu Chen, so that she can stay young forever and have a fixed appearance.

It's a pity that she couldn't take out more than four million middle-grade Spirit Stones for a while. Out of some cautious thoughts, Su Ruolan turned her beautiful eyes and said seriously:

"Sorry senior! There are rules in the auction, we only charge Spirit Stones, and what you did is really not in compliance with our rules."

" have to know how to be flexible in everything! If you don't ask for me, how will you know if your boss will agree?"

As Lu Chen spoke, he took out a storage bag from the Golden Pearl World, and Divine Sense controlled the storage bag to fly to Su Ruolan, the intention of bribery couldn't be more obvious.

However, when Su Ruolan saw the storage bag, she showed a startled expression, and looked at the senior wearing a navy blue robe with weird eyes.

As if to see through Lu Chen, he secretly operated the secret method and looked at the senior in front of him again.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Lu Chen thought that the other party was engaged in an ideological struggle. He was not in a hurry, and took this opportunity to carefully appreciate the beauty in front of him.

From head to toe, he didn't let go of any place, and secretly held his hands halfway, and made a gesture to see if his hands could catch the opponent, because it was really big by visual inspection, it seemed bigger than Yu Qian's.

Just when Lu Chen was thinking a little bit, the beauty suddenly attacked Lu Chen, so fast that Lu Chen couldn't react at all.

Seeing that beautiful woman lifted Lu Chen's hat and saw that it was a bearded, ordinary-looking middle-aged cultivator, she thought she had made a mistake.

He was stunned for a moment, then showed a clear expression, with a smile that confuses all living beings, and said softly:

"Hehe...Little Brother! You can really pretend! You almost didn't recognize me, hehehehe..."

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