Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 152: Pill King's Fury

The beautiful melody in the room, other people couldn't hear what happened inside because of the formation, but Yu Tongwei could hear it clearly because of the profound Cultivation Base.

Yu Tongwei was worried at this moment, and the murderous intent spread to the surroundings like a substance. Yang Yunfei and others all pressured Shan Da, collapsed to the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone didn't understand where the master came from and why he was so angry. They all looked at Yu Tongwei with lingering fear, not daring to move an inch.

The old man raised his hand and was about to break in, but suddenly withdrew his hand and froze there, making Yang Yunfei and the others puzzled, but they didn't dare to ask or say anything.

Because just when Yu Tongwei was about to break in and destroy the murderer who harmed his daughter's innocence, he heard Yu Qian's voice from inside: "Lu Chen! I..."

"Lu Chen? Why did own daughter get involved with Lu Chen?

If I rushed in now, with my daughter's feelings for Lu Chen, I probably wouldn't let myself kill that kid,

And it doesn't seem appropriate to go in now, does it?

Hmph... It's really cheap you brat. "Yu Tongwei's inner thoughts turned after hearing the sound,

In the end, he gave up the idea of ​​rushing in, and planned to settle accounts with Lu Chen after he came out.

"You! Come here! Tell me what's going on inside?" Yu Tongwei pointed at Yang Yunfei and said coldly.

He thought that his daughter's appearance here and these people guarding the door must have something to do with Lu Chen.

When Yang Yunfei heard the words, he felt uneasy, he didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, if he said something wrong and made the other party unhappy and killed him, it would be a sad reminder.

"I asked you something, are you deaf?" Yu Tongwei said displeased when Yang Yunfei didn't respond to him for a long time.

"In the senior, a friend of mine is healing a wounded girl..."

Yang Yunfei bit the bullet when he heard the words, and carefully outlined what happened, and observed the senior's expression from time to time.

Yu Tongwei had a gloomy face, and after listening to what happened, he didn't expect that there was such a secret in it,

When he heard that his daughter was injured and nearly died, murderous intent appeared in Yu Tongwei's eyes, and he vowed to beat the murderer who injured his daughter to ashes.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's friend rescued him in time, and he felt grateful

He glanced at Lu Zhishen excitedly, making Lu Zhishen tremble in fright.

Yu Tongwei guessed in his heart that it must be Lu Chen who cured his daughter's injury, and then the daughter promised Lu Chen with her body in order to thank Lu Chen.

"Yes! That must be the case, that bastard is really cheap." Yu Tongwei murmured in his heart.

Immediately, with a dark face, Yang Yunfei and the others continued to wait at the door.

Yang Yunfei and the others felt relieved when they saw that the old guy had restrained his aura and had no intention of attacking them again.

Several people glanced at each other, each with their own guesses in their hearts, but no one dared to leave at this time, and the time passed like this for another half an hour.

Because there was a sound-proof formation and a formation that shielded the Divine Sense in the room, Lu Zhishen and the others didn't know the specific situation inside. They all thought that Lu Chen was healing the girl.

But at this moment in the room, Lu Chen and Yu Qian had already achieved their success, and their merits and virtues were consummated. Yu Qian shyly curled up in Lu Chen's arms, closing her eyes and not daring to look at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, admired the beautiful woman in his arms with a sense of accomplishment, his palms were not idle, and he was filled with emotion.

In my previous life, I was at the bottom of the society, with a meager salary, and achieved nothing. I wanted a house but no house, a car but no car, and my income was unstable. No girl would look at me seriously, so that I was still single in my thirties. .

There are so many things going on, now that a beautiful woman embraces her, and she has a way of cultivating immortals, as long as she keeps working hard, everything will be fine.

Look at the shy lady in her arms again, with a jade face and red cheeks like peach blossoms, a pair of beautiful eyes that attract people's admiration, graceful and graceful, everyone praises her,

As soon as the music starts, prepare to play again,

Yu Qian shyly refused. How could she endure Lu Chen's torture again after she had passed through the world.

"Haha... Generally, if girls say no, they do. If they say they do... they just don't. You say... do you want... or don't?" Lu Chen smirked, unable to stop.

Yu Qian naturally chose the latter when she heard the words, and it turned out to be in Lu Chen's hands.

"Lu Chen! You little bastard, get out of daddy!" At this moment, a familiar growl suddenly exploded in Lu Chen's mind, the tone was very angry, and he was startled and interrupted I have another idea.

"What's wrong?" Yu Qian wondered when she saw that Lu Chen's movements suddenly stopped.

"'s nothing, it seems

It's your dad! Seeing that Yu Qian didn't seem to hear any sound, Lu Chen guessed that it was his father who transmitted the sound to him through Divine Sense.

"Ah? Then what should I do?" Yu Qian's expression also changed when she heard this, as if she was flustered like a child who had made a mistake, with a frightened look on her face.

"Hehe...don't worry, I'll take care of it. Let's get dressed first." Lu Chen patted Yu Qian's jade shoulder and comforted her softly.

Yu Tongwei at the door just now heard that the commotion inside had ended, and thought that kid Lu Chen would come out when he was done, but he never wanted to hear the words that this bastard planned to come again.

This pissed Yu Tongwei off. Do you still have to wait for him here, so Divine Sense sent a voice transmission to Lu Chen to let him know that daddy is still waiting for him to settle the score at the door.

After Lu Chen and Yu Qian got dressed, Yu Qian put the sheet with the falling red and the clothes that were shattered by the two before into the storage bag.

After checking that there were no omissions, he shyly signaled to Lu Chen that he could open the door, while he hid behind Lu Chen, not daring to face his father, Yu Tongwei.

Lu Chen put away the formation, shot out a burst of real energy, and the door opened automatically.

Yu Tongwei walked into the room angrily, and the room was filled with a smell of hormones, which made Yu Tongwei's already dark face even more gloomy.

Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang and others hid at the door, carefully observing the movement in the room.

"Hehe...Uncle Yu! What a coincidence! Why are you here? It's been a long time since I saw you, how is your health?"

Lu Chen smiled shyly, ignoring Yu Tongwei's face directly, if he looked at it from another angle, he would probably be angrier than him.

"Hmph! You're looking for death!" Yu Tongwei was furious when he heard the words,

Seeing Lu Chen's obedient face after being cheap, the anger in his heart finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he raised his hand to slap Lu Chen across the face.

At this time, a slim, glamorous figure stood in front of Lu Chen, and it went without saying that it was Yu Qian.

Seeing this, Yu Tongwei stopped his palm suddenly, and with the force of the wind, he blew up Yu Qian's long hair that used to cover half of his face.

Revealing a face as white as jade, exquisite features, glamorous, unfamiliar yet familiar, Yu Tongwei was suddenly in a trance and froze on the spot.

"Like! It's really too similar..." Yu Tongwei murmured to himself with soft eyes,

The long-sealed memory deep in my heart is opened again...

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