Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 103 News Of Lu Chen's Death

I don't know how long it took before Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, there was a pain in his body, and he felt like his whole body was about to fall apart.

Thinking of the power of the true essence shot out by the phantom before, Lu Chen still has lingering fears.

"'s good if you're not dead, it's good if you're not dead...cough...cough cough..." Lu Chen murmured, because his emotional fluctuations affected his injured lungs, and he coughed up several mouthfuls of blood continuously.

Sky Knife Mantis had already sensed it when Lu Chen opened his eyes. He looked at Lu Chen in surprise, and made a strange sound from his mouth, as if he was jumping for joy.

After recovering, Lu Chen tried Divine Sense, and saw that he could still use Divine Sense, so he quickly covered the body of Tiandao Mantis with Divine Sense, and in the next second, one person and one beast disappeared in place.

Lu Chen returned to the world of Golden Beads with a sense of security in his heart. Because his injuries were too serious, Lu Chen still lay flat on the ground.

"Quack...quack..." The Gold Devouring Toad came forward, and there was still a fly-sized ancient mythical beast Pixiu lying on top of its head. Seeing the miserable appearance of its master, the eyes of the two Demonic Beasts were also full of worry.

Divine Sense checked himself, and Lu Chen was also taken aback by his body full of cracks. If it wasn't for the body-refining spiritual realm, his body probably wouldn't be able to handle that powerful true energy.

With a thought in his mind, Lu Chen appeared directly under the bitter bamboo in the next second, and the Chaos Daosheng Art in his body began to recover from his injuries.

Time is always passing by inadvertently, and the Daoist Art of Chaos once again showed its strength. After a day of recovery, although it has not fully recovered, the cracked wound on the surface has healed.

During the period, Lu Chen also made a special trip to bring Mr. Lei and Tian Wei's storage bags back to the Golden Pearl World.

This is something that can’t be helped. Lu Chen buried 100,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones under the bitter bamboo and became a pauper again.

Now the injury has not fully recovered, if it does not rely on absorbing Spirit Stones, it is not known when it will be able to recover to the best condition.

The two fusion stage cultivators from the Central Plains really did not disappoint Lu Chen. There were almost 70,000 to 80,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones in their storage bags.

Then Lu Chen sat under the bitter bamboo again in Lotus Position and began to recover from his injury.

Outside Zhongba City, although there are still a few days before the end of the endless forest trial, but at this time, there are already

Cultivators came out of the endless forest from time to time, some used Movement Technique, and some flew with their swords.

This kind of thing is not surprising, just like no matter how large an exam is, someone will always hand in the paper and leave the exam room in advance. Biqu library

If they are disciples of the seven major sects, they will return directly to the own camp, and there will naturally be a dedicated cultivator in the camp to receive them and do a good job of handing in resources.

If it is Rogue Cultivators, or children of aristocratic families, they will come to the temporary acquisition points set up by various large and small chambers of commerce, and choose their favorite chamber of commerce to sell their resources.

The cultivators who came back alive all have a common characteristic, everyone's face is filled with the joy of victory.

A few days later, there are still three days left before the formation signal tower is closed, and the number of cultivators who have come back these days has gradually increased.

Among them was a small team that quickly appeared at the edge of the endless forest using Movement Technique. When they stepped on the grassland, several people stopped, smiling happily, and stopped to look back at the endless forest.

This team is Yang Yunfei and others. In order to take care of Zhong Tao and Gu Feng in the team, they gave up Yujian Fei.

"Senior! Thank you for your life-saving grace, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to come back." Gufeng cupped hands said respectfully.

"Yes! I am also very grateful to the seniors for their help, otherwise Gufeng and I would really be doomed." Zhong Tao also said respectfully.

When they saw the vast and boundless grasslands in Western Tibet, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng's hanging hearts finally fell. They both thanked Yang Yunfei and others for their help. Without their guidance, they would definitely not be able to get out of the endless forest.

"Hehe... I said that we are all friends, why are you being so polite." Yang Yunfei smiled lightly, and the others began to agree.

Because of Lu Chen's relationship, Yang Yunfei and the others did not put on the airs of seniors along the way, and took good care of the two of them.

"Haha... let's not talk about it anymore, I decided to wait for Lu Chen to come back, and we must give him a good meal." Qi Yutang laughed.

"It's a good idea, I agree, Zhong Tao, Gu Feng, you can follow us to Zhongba City, so that we can meet Lu Chen then." Zhao Chengzhi said.

"Yes! I guess Lu Chen will be very pleasantly surprised if he sees you all." Yang Yunfei said.

"This... the two of us have to report to Sect first

At that time, if Elder agrees, I will come to you again! "Gu Feng hesitated for a moment, his face was a little embarrassed, and he secretly glanced at Zhong Tao with deep meaning.

Gu Feng thought that he and Zhong Tao hadn't seen Lu Chen for many years. He is now a senior in the Foundation Establishment middle stage. He didn't know if he still recognized him and Zhong Tao.

"That's right! As disciples of the Seven Sects, Sect does have regulations. Returning disciples must report to the Sect camp, so we have to go back to Sect first, and I hope the seniors will understand." Zhong Tao naturally understood Gu Feng's meaning , he's not stupid, he's just a little bit out of character.

Both of them are old people from Cultivation World, they are used to the warmth of human relationships and the fickleness of the world, so these things naturally make sense.

"Okay then! We are food immortals in Dongcheng District. If you Elders allow, come here to find us, and Lu Chen will also meet us there." Yang Yunfei smiled.

Zhong Tao and Gu Feng agreed with a smile, and after parting ways with Yang Yunfei and the others, the two of them looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and as the formation signal tower buzzed again, the faint brilliance at the top of the tower dissipated, indicating that the formation signal tower had stopped operating.

At the same time, it also means that this endless forest trial has come to a successful conclusion.

The cultivators who can come back will basically plan to come back on time, and the cultivators who have not been able to come back so far can only regretfully say that they have fallen.

The most important follow-up work of the Seven Sects is to publish the list of fallen cultivators through formation.

This data will be hung on the square in front of the city lord's mansion in Zhongba City for three days, so that family members or friends who participated in the trial can get accurate information.

In the private room on the third floor of Shiweixian in Dongcheng District, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang rushed back from the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Everyone! Something unfortunate happened. Lu Chen... Lu Chen should have fallen." Zhao Chengzhi said with a sad expression.

The Endless Forest Trial has ended. Yang Yunfei and others had originally agreed with Lu Chen to meet at Shiweixian in Dongcheng District, but they hadn't seen Lu Chen return for a long time, and they suddenly had guesses in their hearts.

So Zhao Chengzhi took the initiative to take a look at the list of fallen cultivators, and it turned out that Lu Chen's name was on the list.

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