Qi Yunxian rode the wind with his sword and returned to Yanyun City in less than a moment.

With Fang Siyue and Fang Haifeng, as well as the father and son of Shitou who were rescued by chance, he drove the carriage back to the fishing village.

Along the way, Fang Haifeng was a little hesitant to speak. The experience of these days was like a dream to him. The person he accidentally saved turned out to be an immortal who was more powerful than the old immortal.

Compared with his young and heartless sister, Fang Haifeng had a little more awe for Qi Yunxian in his heart. Looking at Fang Siyue sleeping in Qi Yunxian's arms, his eyes were a little complicated.

"Fang Xiaogui, what are you thinking about?"

Qi Yunxian asked casually. He had noticed that this kid was a little upset. Could it be that he was dazzled by the colorful world during his time in Yanyun City?

After all, Xu Li and others tried their best to please the two children for Qi Yunxian's sake.

"No, nothing, is Brother Qi leaving?" Fang Haifeng asked in a somewhat depressed tone, "Yes! Now that the matter is over, it's time for me to leave. But before I leave, I will settle you down." Qi Yunxian looked out the window and responded casually, I have wasted a lot of time here, and there are not many days left before the clan competition, so I still have to go back to settle some causes and effects and take back what belongs to me. Shitou and his son drove the carriage outside, running all the way, and finally returned to the fishing village successfully after two hours. Qi Yunxian did not take the two children into the fishing village, but asked Shitou and his son to stop at the entrance of the village and let them leave first. After getting off the carriage, Qi Yunxian woke up Fang Siyue in her arms, facing the sea and said to the two of them,

"Now it's time to say goodbye. You have saved my life and let me get a very precious treasure. So I give you a chance to choose your own fate, whether to leave with me or continue to stay on Guyan Island."

Fang Haifeng was about to answer, but Qi Yunxian stopped him.

"Don't rush to make a decision. Listen to me first. If you stay here, I will teach you the peerless martial arts you longed for before, as well as the elixir that can prolong your life.

And the only immortal on Guyan Island will also take care of you for my sake. His status is higher than that of the three former commanders. You can live a happy life without leaving your hometown.

If you choose to leave with me, maybe the world of immortals is not as beautiful as you think. It is full of fighting and hatred. This is why the immortal on the island wants to come back here. Fang Haifeng, you have to think clearly. Your talent is not high. It is much worse than your sister, even worse than that old immortal."

Qi Yunxian said slowly. He had already investigated Fang Haifeng and his sister. They were both people with spiritual roots, especially the sister Fang Siyue who had a top-grade water spiritual root, while the brother Fang Haifeng was much worse, with only the talent of a low-grade water spiritual root.

If it weren't for the disappearance of the spiritual veins on Gu Yan Island and the fact that it was too closed, people with spiritual roots would have been abducted by casual cultivators and used to trade with small families of immortal cultivators, especially since Fang Siyue had a high-grade spiritual root.

Although the birth of spiritual roots is random, after years of research in the immortal cultivation world, it has been found that the probability of parents with spiritual roots giving birth to children with spiritual roots is far higher than the probability of parents without spiritual roots giving birth to children with spiritual roots.

This is also the reason why some small immortal cultivation families absorb some foreign bloodlines. Only in this way can the spiritual roots of the next generation be guaranteed not to disappear, especially the higher the spiritual root talent of the parents, the higher the spiritual root talent of the children born.

If Fang Heng had not been imprisoned for many years, he would probably have the intention of accepting disciples after discovering the talents of the two little guys.

After hearing what Qi Yunxian said, Fang Haifeng did not make a decision immediately. Instead, he began to struggle with whether to go out to see a bigger scenery or live a peaceful life with his sister on Gu Yan Island.

Qi Yunxian was not in a hurry to see this, and waited slowly on the side. Although Fang Xiaozi started to support the family at a young age, he was still a child after all. How could a boy of eleven or twelve years old easily make such a decision to change his fate.

After a moment, Fang Haifeng looked at Qi Yunxian with a firm look and said,

"I am willing to leave Guyan Island with Brother Qi and see the outside world."

Qi Yunxian looked back a little surprised,

"You have thought about it, maybe this time you leave, maybe you will never have the chance to come back."

"I have thought about it, I want to go out and see, I don't want to fish like my father all my life, I don't want to live my life like this, I also want to be a fairy who can fly and hide like Brother Qi."

Fang Siyue was still young, teasing Huizi on the side, but Huizi was not a little girl who could catch him, butIt was Huizai who was teasing Fang Siyue.

"Do you need to go back and say goodbye to the villagers?"

Qi Yunxian asked Fang Haifeng,

"No, Brother Qi."

Fang Haifeng looked back at the fishing village behind him, pulled Fang Siyue who was chasing Huizai, and kowtowed to the fishing village in her surprised eyes.

Unexpectedly, Fang Haifeng's character was quite free and easy, and Qi Yunxian thought secretly on the side.

"Brother Qi, we can go now."

Fang Haifeng held his sister's hand and looked at the sea. He didn't know how Qi Yunxian would take them away from Guyan Island.

You should know that the most powerful fishermen on the island dare not leave the waters of Guyan Island more than fifty nautical miles. Once they exceed this range, it is difficult to return safely, according to some experienced old fishermen.

Beyond fifty nautical miles, only immortals can cross safely, and mortals will be hunted by monsters in the depths. Only the sea not far from Guyan Island is where they can stay.

Qi Yunxian waved his hand to release the spirit boat and took the two people into it.

Although they knew that Qi Yunxian was a legendary immortal, the two children were still surprised by such a situation that came out of nothing.

Especially the little girl Fang Siyue, who started to stroll around the spirit boat directly. Although the spirit boat was not big, it was much better than the small boat in their family.

"Brother, look, this is a fairy boat. It can move without a sail?"

Fang Siyue shouted. The little girl was always full of curiosity about these new things. Compared with her, Fang Haifeng was more stable.

After setting the route according to the sea chart, Qi Yunxian also walked out of the cabin.

"Be careful, don't get close to the boat, be careful that the monster will eat you in one bite!"

Qi Yunxian scared the two children.

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