"Cough, cough."

With two coughs, Qi Yunxian woke up from his coma and looked at the strange and simple room, feeling a little confused for a moment.

A little girl of six or seven years old at the door, holding a bowl of fish soup, just met his eyes.

"Ah! You're awake! I'll go call my brother."

With a scream, he put the fish soup on the table and ran out of the house quickly.

"Brother, that man is awake!"

The voice was getting farther and farther away, and Qi Yunxian began to recall his previous experience.

That day, he successfully led everyone in the mine to break through the blockade of the third-level magic array, but was hit by a fatal blow from the manager surnamed Wei at the cost of breaking the formation.

He used several defensive magic weapons seized from the mine to resist, but they were useless. In the end, it was the big rock snake who sacrificed himself to resist. Even so, he was still severely injured by the golden light.

Finally, he fell into the sea, and when he woke up, he was already in this dilapidated house.

Qi Yunxian briefly checked his situation and sighed.

"The power of the third-level magic array is indeed extraordinary. Just one blow almost killed me on the spot. I was too careless this time. The big rock snake was also seriously injured and dying. If it hadn't been put into the beast control treasure book at the last moment, I would have died on the spot."

Qi Yunxian struggled to support his body and half leaned on the bed. At this time, the door opened and a boy of twelve or thirteen years old came in with the little girl.

The boy was not very old, but his eyes were very determined. His skin was dark and he looked at him with some vigilance.

"Where is this? Did you save me?"

Qi Yunxian spoke to break the deadlock.

"My brother fished you out of the sea. You have been sleeping for several days. If you were not still breathing, we would have buried you."

The little girl said shyly, hiding behind the boy. She had never seen someone as good-looking as Qi Yunxian, who was different from the people in their fishing village.

"Thank you, brother and sister. By the way, where are your parents?"

Qi Yunxian showed a kind smile and said to the two children,

"They are dead. Not long after we were born, our mother died. When our father was fishing at sea, his fishing boat was overturned in the sea and he also died. Now we are the only two siblings living at home."

The young man said in a low voice,

"Sorry! I remind you of bad memories. Where is this place?"

Qi Yunxian asked softly,

"It's okay. We don't care anymore. This is Fangjia Village on Guyan Island. We are a fishing village that makes a living by fishing."

Then I learned their names from the two children. The boy's name is Fang Haifeng and the girl's name is Fang Siyue. They are locals of Guyan Island. They grew up here since childhood and have never left the island. They don't know the situation in the nearby sea area at all.

However, Qi Yunxian has a sea chart with him. After the description of the two children, he also figured out where he was.

Guyan Island is located more than a thousand miles east of Huangshi Island. It is an isolated island with only a first-level spiritual vein.

Qi Yunxian asked the two children about the traces of the immortal cultivators. According to the two children, they had never seen immortals flying in the sky.

He only heard from the old people in the village that there was an old immortal master on the island. Although he could not fly, he could call the wind and rain and was the real master of the entire Guyan Island.

A few days later, Qi Yunxian was able to get out of bed and walk, but his meridians were damaged and had not recovered. Although his movements were not hindered, he could not fight with others for the time being, let alone return home.

At this time, there was only half a year left before the Baiyun Island Family Competition. If he wanted to return as soon as possible, he had to recover from his injuries first. Unfortunately, he had no power to protect himself for the time being and dared not contact the immortal cultivators on the island.

However, based on his judgment of the spiritual energy on the island, there might not be many immortal cultivators on this island. The sea chart marked this place as a first-level island.

But there is only one first-level spiritual vein, which is the lowest level among the first-level islands. It is difficult for a casual cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage with a little strength to look at such a place.

This means that the strength of the cultivators on the island is not too high, so the elixirs they carry are probably not many.

Qi Yunxian stood on the coast, the sea breeze blew, rolling up the stormy waves, but there was one thing in his heart that made him hesitate.

"Forget it, this thing was originally taken by it, and it should be used on it, not to mention that it was used to save me from my injuries."

After making up his mind, a ore emitting a faint golden light appeared in Qi Yunxian's hand. It was the golden crystal stone worth at least 100,000 spiritual stones, and he put it into the Beast Taming Treasure Book.

Because the big rock snake blocked the fatal blow for Qi Yunxian, it was basically beyond saving. As long as it was released from the Beast Taming Treasure Book, it would die immediately.

The only way to save it is toBreak through the bloodline limitation and advance to the foundation-building stage, but it cannot break through to the foundation-building stage normally as a mortal monster bloodline.

However, Qi Yunxian happened to have something that could allow it to change its bloodline and advance to the foundation-building stage, which was the golden crystal stone that the big rock snake had snatched, plus the body of the gold-eating rat king.

Through the beast control treasure book, there is a certain probability that it will become a foundation-building monster. The biggest auxiliary function of the beast control treasure book is that it can allow monsters to have a certain probability of bloodline mutation and change their original race.

However, this also requires certain conditions, such as high-grade ore or high-grade monster blood. It just so happens that the third-grade golden crystal stone is used as a sacrifice for evolution. Since the golden crystal stone is a metallic ore, after the big rock snake successfully evolves, it is likely to change its attributes and become a metallic monster.

After putting the golden crystal stone into the beast control treasure book, the body of the gold-eating rat king was put into it as a nutrient.

The evolution probability of the Beast Taming Treasure Book is not absolute. It also depends on the state of the monster and the monster's own will. However, the flesh and blood of high-level monsters can also be used as nutrients to increase the success rate.

With the addition of the corpse of the Gold-Eating Rat King, the Rock Snake has at least 80% chance of advancing to the Foundation Establishment Stage. If this fails, it can only be blamed on the bad luck of the Rock Snake.

Just the value of this high-level ore and the corpse of the Gold-Eating Rat King is already as high as 100,000 spirit stones. I am afraid no one would be willing to spend such a large price to support a Qi Refining Stage monster to build a foundation.

You should know that such spirit stones can at least buy three Foundation Establishment Stage monsters, of course, only monsters in the early stage of Foundation Establishment.

Especially when Qi Yunxian himself has not yet built a foundation, if it were not for the Rock Snake to save him from his injuries, he would not be willing to give up these resources.

Under Qi Yunxian's control, the Rock Snake in the Beast Taming Treasure Book was shrouded in a golden light, and the whole body involuntarily coiled into a ball, and waited until the light dissipated.

The Rock Snake had been wrapped in a huge stone ball. Qi Yunxian used his spiritual sense to observe and found that everything was normal. He was relieved. When the stone ball was broken, the Rock Snake would successfully evolve.

"Brother Qi! Brother Qi, come back quickly. My brother has been captured!"

Qi Yunxian suddenly looked back and saw the younger sister of the two siblings running over. She was full of anxiety and threw herself into Qi Yunxian's arms and said.

"What's going on? Tell me slowly. I'm here. There's no rush."

Qi Yunxian asked softly while holding the little girl.

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