"Elder Yan, you are too serious. Qi Xianyun is dead. You'd better accept the reality. Everyone saw Qi Yunxian being beaten to death and thrown into the sea. I'm afraid he has been eaten by fish and his body cannot be found there.

I think Qi Jiahua's idea is good. A person like Brother Qi cannot be without a bloodline. But who should he be? It remains to be considered."

The only one who dares to go against Yan Bingyun is the family elder who is also in the foundation-building stage. Unlike Elder Yan, the one who speaks is Qi Guohua, the elder of the Qi family and the only remaining family elder of Qi Yunxian's lineage.

He is the cousin of Qi Yunxian's father. After Qi Yunxian's father died, he became the person in charge of their lineage in the family.

Originally, among the six major bloodlines, their strength was second only to that of the head of the family in power. Qi Yunxian's parents were both in the foundation-building stage, and her mother's friend Yan Bingyun was three, plus Qi Guohua was the fourth elder of the lineage, which was not much weaker than the five foundation-building cultivators of the head of the family.

This was also the reason why there were rumors in the clan that Qi Xianyun's father would be the next head of the family.

"What is this? The seniors of the same lineage did not think about how to find the missing Qi Xianyun, but how to divide the inheritance left by his parents. How dare you say that? Those excuses of yours can't even fool yourself, let alone outsiders."

Yan Bingyun couldn't stand Qi Guohua's behavior. It was fine for other people, but Qi Guohua was able to build his foundation entirely because of the support of Qi Xianyun's parents. I didn't expect that he could do such a thing just three years after the two of them passed away. It can be seen that he is cold-hearted.

"Yan Bingyun, what are you talking about? Today is the day of my nephew's funeral. It's not a place for you to be unruly. This is the family affair of the Qi family. It's not your turn as an outsider to interfere. It's not up to you to decide whether to adopt or not. No matter how you make trouble, you can't touch the things of the Qi family."

Qi Guohua responded forcefully. As a foundation-building cultivator of the Qi family, his status is higher than that of ordinary guest elders. In addition, this matter is also a private matter of his lineage. How to deal with it is also decided by him as the head of the lineage. There is no need for guest elders to intervene.

This is the reason that he is in the right when he makes trouble in front of the clan leader. To be frank, the Qi family is the host after all, and the guest elders are just guests. What qualifications do they have to talk about him?


Yan Bingyun was furious. She also knew that she couldn't decide anything. As a guest elder of the Qi family, some things were still very sensitive, such as rashly intervening in the internal struggle of the Qi family. However, she was unwilling and couldn't say much.

At this time, a voice came from the crowd,

"What day is today? The house is so lively. The last time such a scene happened was three years ago. Oh, I haven't even had a funeral yet. It's not auspicious!"

A figure slowly walked out of the crowd. It was Qi Yunxian who came all the way.

"Yunxian, you are okay. That's great. Brother Qi has a successor and doesn't need someone else's cheap son."

Yan Bingyun looked at Qi Yunxian who had just returned with a surprised look on his face, and said this with a mocking tone.

Qi Yunxian had just arrived and didn't know what this cheap son meant. He just saw that his second uncle in his memory and the foundation-building cultivator of the same lineage didn't look very good.

"Thank you, Aunt Yan, for your concern. My nephew survived a disaster and returned to Baiyun Island today. Why did you hold a funeral for me as soon as I got home?" Qi Jiahua, Qi Yunxian's second uncle, said with a smile on his face, "Hey, this matter is all my fault. When I went to the clan to inquire about the situation, the people who were with you said that you, Yunxian, were killed and your body was thrown into the sea. That's why I took the initiative to hold this funeral." "Uncle, have you never thought about looking for me? Why didn't you even look for the body and held the funeral in such a hurry? It's too hasty. You are really my good uncle!" Qi Jiahua was also embarrassed by the question, but his heart was in turmoil. The man clearly said that Qi Yunxian was dead and his body was thrown into the sea without a trace. Otherwise, why would he be so anxious to hold a funeral and plan to adopt his son to take over Qi Yunxian's family inheritance. Others may not know, but as the second uncle, Qi Jiahua naturally knows how much inheritance his brother left behind. The contribution points in the clan alone are enough to exchange for two foundation-building pills, and there are three top-grade magic tools, one top-grade magic tool, and 12,000 low-grade spirit stones stored in the clan.

Who wouldn't be tempted by such wealth? He couldn't resist the temptation and made a deal with a big shot in the clan. That person would support him in seizing Qi Yunxian's inheritance, and he only needed to transfer all the contribution points to the other party plus the top-grade magic tool, and the other party would be able to block all the pressure in the clan for him, including the pressure from the people coming.Pressure from the clan leader.

This is also the reason why Qi Jiahua, a mere ninth-level Qi training master, dared to participate in this matter. Otherwise, after Qi Yunxian died, he would not dare to touch this hot potato. The price of the foundation-building pill fluctuates around 10,000 spirit stones. Because the sea area where they are located is remote, the foundation-building pills are not much, but they are not absent.

Every 20 years or so, he can buy one or two foundation-building pills. In other words, as long as he has those 12,000 spirit stones, he can definitely give his son a chance to build a foundation, and even after selling the three top-grade magic tools, he can have another chance to build a foundation.

Who can resist such temptation?

"Hmph, Qi Yunxian, you insisted on going out to sea with the fleet and asking for trouble. My father also took care of your funeral out of kindness because he knew you died outside. You still don't appreciate it and question my father. Do you still have any respect for the elders?"

Qi Yunpeng also saw that his father was speechless when he was asked, and immediately jumped out to confuse the audience.

"Oh, so that's the case. Should I thank my second uncle?"

"No, no, since Yunxian you are fine, we will leave first."

Qi Jiapeng could hear the sarcasm in his words, and pulled Qi Yunpeng who was still trying to argue and turned away.

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