Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Blood Thirteen, you even threatened Miss Zhong San with me. Do you dare to be more shameless?" Blood Thirteen's words almost didn't give Wan Dong amusement.

I have seen Shameless, but I have never seen Shameless to this point. If you can't save your life, just ignore your comrade-in-arms, and in turn use your comrades' lives to threaten your enemies. Seeing the kindness of others, you just bullied. Is there a bottom line? What a bit bandit is also a bandit.

Zhong Yuyao couldn't help but round his eyes, and his eyes were full of surprise and disbelief. It turned out that the world could be so dark, and human nature could be so ugly!

Compared with the anger of Wan Dong and Zhong Yuyao, Blood Thirteen is full of 'candidness', and he is even quite proud of his reversal. Ignoring Wan Dong's whispering, he smiled and looked at Zhong Yuyao. "How about Miss Zhong San, one dead thing for another, you are making a big profit from this sale."

"Girl, don't be stupid. We are enemies. You can't be threatened by him!" Wan Dong said to Zhong Yuyao, and he felt the runes on the Fulong ring more and more. This is tied to his hands, letting others torment the crime, Wan Dong is enough, it is time to end this boring farce, and at the same time, he does not want Zhong Yuyao's pure heart, bloodless thirteen bottomless dog Any stains on the things.

"Okay! With your words, it proves that you still have some conscience. I hope that from now on, you will be able to leave Shatian Temple and be a good person!"

Wan Dong is now racing against time, but Zhong Yuyao's girl shows a decisiveness beyond his imagination. Almost without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and said, as if he had agreed to Blood Thirteen. Wan Dong was once again convinced by the kindness of this girl. The ability to love the treasures in exchange for a life of the enemy is not something that can be done.

Zhong Yuyao, the girl, really has great love in her heart!

"Okay! Miss Zhong San is refreshing!" Blood Thirteen's overjoyed expression, at this time, Zhong Yuyao's slightly bitter and aggrieved face set off that kind of lasciviousness.

Wan Dong's eyes glanced over him, which was chilling. It's just that all the thoughts of Blood Thirteen were put on the Fulong ring, and he didn't even notice Wan Dong's gaze at all, and he was completely disdainful to Wan Dong, let alone one of his eyes.

"Can you guarantee that this person will be put to life?"

"Haha ... God has the virtue of a good life, and my blood thirteen is not a demonic killing. Not to mention, although Luo Tianzong's people are all waste, they are also the dogs I raised in the sky. I don't have to kill him. Reason. "

"It turns out that you also know that God has a good life!" Zhong Yuyao made a sneer at Blood Thirteen and turned to look at Wandong Road. "I will now remove the Fulong ring from your wrist. After removing it, you will Immediately leave, the people in Chatianfu are very cruel, and the six relatives do not recognize it. The words they say are not worth believing. After you leave, I will tell him the mantra. "

The little girl had no experience in rivers and lakes, but at this time, she could think of Wan Dong so carefully and so carefully that Wan Dong didn't know what to say.

Blood Thirteen Cold eyes looked on and did not stop, Wan Dong was really insignificant in his eyes.

I saw Zhong Yuyao's red lips opening and closing, murmured in his mouth, and his hands were not idle, and a series of complicated handprints were turned into succession. Turn your hands and feet.

Seeing such a situation, Wandong shook his head secretly, the power of this Fulong ring was indeed extraordinary, but it was a little ridiculous to urge it to be so troublesome. I want to come, the reason why Zhong Yuyao used Fulong ring to restrain Wandong was that Wandong did n’t take Zhongyuyao seriously. Secondly, Wandong did n’t know that this girl had Fulonghuan on her body. Beware. Now it seems that as long as he takes a little precaution, before the little girl urges the ups and downs of the dragon ring, he has already gone a long way.

Not to mention Wandong, even if it was Blood Thirteen, Zhong Yuyao could not use Fulong Ring to capture it!


As Wan Dong's thoughts flew, a purple light suddenly lit from his wrist. In the purple light, purple runes circled one after another, showing infinite morality. Seeing these runes, Wan Dong's head suddenly buzzed, as if something had been pierced, a sense of bluntness that gave him a full blow.

In a flash of time, Wan Dong understood everything, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. Dare to love the true meaning of this Fulong ring, Zhong Yuyao didn't understand it at all, and she didn't even release the power of this Fulong ring.

Just say it! How can the treasures handed down from the ancient times be so tasteless?

"Hurry up!"

Just when Wan Dong shook his heart to understand the purple runes on the Fulong ring, Zhong Yuyao suddenly made a reprimand, flew a foot, and kicked towards Wan Dong's ass. Wan Dong is now a free body. Naturally, he will no longer let his **** suffer, and his body sways slightly, so he hides this foot.

Zhong Yuyao kicked in the empty place, although it was an accident, but he had no time to deal with Wan Dong at all, his wrist suddenly lifted, and the dragon ring with a sharp sound, turned around in the air, straight towards the blood thirteen In the past.

"Hey ... Miss Zhongsan, you don't keep your promise."

Blood Thirteen gave a playful laugh, raised his hand and shot it, an invisible palm wind, immediately put Fu Longhuan against it, so that he could no longer step forward. Blood thirteen, the old bird of the rivers and lakes, is obviously not what Zhong Yuyao can deceive.

"Miss Ben fights with you today!"

That Zhong Yuyao sneered, his figure did not recede, his hands danced faster and faster, the Fulong ring began to hum continuously, and then it trembled violently, and there were constantly purple runes leaping into the air , Blinking indefinitely.

"Miss Zhongsan, what are you doing?"

Blood Thirteen's face was gloomy, and there was a little more alertness in his expression.

Wan Dong knew it clearly, but he was also taken aback. This girl was so amazing that she wanted to urge Fulonghuan to explode. The treasures such as Fulonghuan passed down from the ancient times, the heaven and earth spirits contained in it are very amazing. Once detonated, the power must be beyond imagination. Although Blood Thirteen can't escape, Zhong Yuyao may not be able to retreat.

"Girl, don't mess up, close up!" Wan Dong could not help but exclaimed.

"Hurry up! It's dangerous here, it will die if you stay!" Zhong Yuyao didn't listen, but urged Wandong instead.

Wan Dong subconsciously had to show his magical powers and force Fu Longhuan's control from Zhong Yuyao. Now Wandong has fully understood the proverbial meaning of Fulonghuan, which is a breeze for him. But the problem is that Wandong's treasure control technique is too domineering. When he forcibly seizes the control power of Fulonghuan, it will inevitably have a considerable impact on Zhong Yuyao's consciousness sea, or even a serious injury.

"Oh, it seems that I'm naive! But it doesn't matter, even if Miss Zhong San refuses to impart the tactics of Fu Longhuan's urging method to me, I believe it is not difficult to push the show with our strength, but it just costs Some price. "

"You still dream to get Fu Longhuan? I want you to die here today!" Zhong Yuyao scolded sharply.

Blood Thirteen smiled coldly, and his expression was full of sarcasm, "Miss Zhong San is too small to look at me for the blood son! Don't think that under this world, only Miss Zhong San is pregnant with an ancient magic weapon."

In his words, Blood Thirty-one pressed Fu Longhuan with one hand, and with the other hand, he drew from his arms, a blue light, and a burst of sound flew out. Before waiting for Miss Zhong San to see the true content of this ray of light, the light rushed directly to the Fulong ring, turned into a blue flag streamer, and directly wrapped the Fulong ring.


At the same time, Zhong Yuyao exclaimed, a white face like snow, filled with shock and disbelief. The moment the blue flag streamer wrapped the Fulong ring, the connection between her and Fulong ring was forcibly cut off. In other words, in this moment, Fu Longhuan no longer belongs to her.

Such things as seizing other people's magic weapons are not uncommon in the fairy court, let alone in the Holy Land. But such a domineering, so unreasonable, almost impossible to guard against the method, but still makes Zhong Yuyao chill.

Not to mention Zhong Yuyao, Wan Dong also suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the blue flag streamer, unable to hide the glow.

This magic weapon urged by Blood Thirteen is even more amazing than the Dragon Ring. It doesn't have much damage to the monk or something, but taking up Bora is almost as good as his treasure control. And the key is that this thing does not need to consume the mental and fairy power as Wandong's treasure control technique, just move the mind, it is not too convenient.

First, the Fulong ring, and then the blue flag streamer, Wan Dong's expectations of the Holy Land became higher and higher.

Fu Longhuan was wrapped in that blue flag streamer, and immediately "honestly" came down, the self-explosive breath disappeared. Looking at the stunned Zhong Yuyao, the face of Blood Thirteen was full of unspeakable pride. "Miss Zhong San, come and see, how about my treasure streamer?"

"Such a baby falls into the hands of you, such as a little night lover, and it's a violent disaster!" Zhong Yuyao gritted his teeth tightly, his face full of anger and helplessness.

"Hahaha ... I can understand Miss Zhong San's anger at this moment. My treasure streamer, but today you have a big heel."

"Planted and planted, it's a big deal!" Zhong Yuyao didn't look at the young age, but his bones were very hard. At this time, Xing was glaring, and there was a lot of energy to look at his death.

"Don't be busy! Wait for me to cook this Luo Tianzong puppy first, and then come and wait for you, Miss Three."

Upon hearing this, Zhong Yuyao shivered uncontrollably, a look of exasperation "You are not mistaken, he is your own, why should you put him to death?"

"Miss Three, you can't exaggerate him too much. How can he be considered a human, at best a dog."


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