Chapter 80, Friendship

After waiting for a while, no additional changes were found.

Xu Fei jumped into the courtyard and opened the door of the two brothers' residence.

After smelling the smoke for a while, I realized that it was a rather inferior smoke.

Just pour some cold water on it.

So Xu Fei went to the well in the courtyard to get a bucket of water, and poured it directly on the two brothers who had inhaled a lot of smoke and fell into coma.

After a while, the two brothers woke up in a daze.

When he saw Xu Fei, who was dressed in black and masked not far away, he was suddenly shocked.

But they soon realized that the person in front of them might be the person they were looking for.

"Master Li? Are you Master Li?!" said his brother Wang Kai.

The younger brother Wang Yuan on the side is still confused.

"What do you want from me?" Xu Fei said.

Although Wang Kai still didn't understand why this great hero would throw cold water on their brothers, he couldn't care less now.

"Please also ask Master Li to help our Wang family get justice..."

After listening to the other party's story, Xu Fei was speechless.

Because of the shady operations of Liang Guo's current officials, Jianghu gangs began to get involved in local people's livelihood.

But these Jianghu gangs don't know how to operate and manage.

After all, even civil servants who have read poetry and gone through the imperial examination and officialdom can still mess up the world.

Not to mention these warriors.

They are basically idiots who only know how to plunder and don’t know how to recuperate.

Fangcheng is no exception.

The Wang family where the two brothers came from had a lot of wealth because their father had a good reputation as a civil servant.

When the world is stable, a rich family fortune can naturally lead a happy life. But in times of chaos, wealth becomes a recipe for disaster.

Because of a trivial matter, the Wang family was destroyed by Fangcheng's gang.

Only two brothers escaped with the help of their loyal old servants.

But the two brothers were obviously not willing to accept the end of their family and their lives. At this time, the elder brother Wang Kai also thought of the rumors about a heroic Li Feiyu in Yongle City.

He came directly with his younger brother.

They want to ask the legendary Li Feiyu to avenge them.

After hearing what the other party said, Xu Fei turned around and prepared to leave.

How can he take care of this kind of thing?

And can you manage it?

But just when Xu Fei reached the door, he stopped.

Because there are dozens of people approaching here.

Did the person just leave and come back?

Xu Fei guessed in his mind, and at the same time he flashed to the courtyard and stood still.

Soon, dozens of people who were discovered by Xu Fei approached.

Two people jumped on the wall and were stunned when they saw Xu Fei standing in the courtyard.

Then the two made several gestures to their accomplices behind them to convey the message.

Although there was an accident, the dozen or so people did not leave. Instead, two more people jumped onto the wall.

One of them narrowed his eyes when he saw Xu Fei.

Then he thought that the reason why the two brothers they were chasing came to Yongle City was to ask for help from the legendary blood book Li Feiyu.

So the person in front of me is the blood book?

Unjust is doomed to destruction.

The bloody words left behind by this murderer are very impressive.

That’s why it’s nicknamed Blood Book.

"Friends, we are from the Fangcheng Tianlang Gang, please do us a favor." The man, in his thirties, had two scars on his face and looked quite fierce in the night.

Hearing the commotion outside, the two brothers Wang Kai and Wang Yuan, who were ignored by Xu Fei for help, quickly came out of the room and looked desperate when they saw the man.

The people from the Sirius Gang are chasing us!

"What if I say no?" Xu Fei said.

Although he would not go to Fangcheng to avenge these two innocent teenagers, but now that he happened to encounter them being hunted down, he would not just sit back and watch.

The man's expression turned cold when he heard this.

"Then my friend, you just don't give face to us, Sirius. If you don't give face, then you can only be an enemy!" The man said in a cold voice.

Xu Fei was neither sad nor happy when he heard this, he just raised his hand and flew over with a chopstick.

Under the night, an ordinary chopstick flew at a speed faster than an arrow.

Hit the man directly in the shoulder.

Only after being shot through the shoulder by the chopstick did the man react. He looked at the chopstick with only an inch exposed on his shoulder with a horrified expression, and turned to look at Xu Fei again.

But he is no longer as arrogant as before.



He was seriously injured with just one chopstick. How high is the opponent's kung fu?

The man from the Sirius Gang looked uncertain.

If he fails to eradicate the two Wang brothers who slipped through the net, he will also be punished by gang regulations when he returns.

But the opponent in front of them is absolutely unable to compete with them.

At this moment, Li Gongchang, the chief bodyguard of Dadaohui Yongle City, opened the courtyard door and walked in.

He is also the most polite among them all.

At least they walked through the main entrance and didn't jump over the wall.

"Master Li." After Li Gongchang came in, he greeted Xu Fei with a smile.

Xu Fei was noncommittal.

But Li Gongchang didn't take it seriously and turned to look at the Tianlang Gang and his party.

"Go back and tell your gang leader that we, Da Dao Gui, will protect these two children." Li Gongchang said calmly.

Apart from guarding escorts and transporting goods, the Dadao Club usually does not take part in these feuds and grievances.

But this does not mean that their strength is not good.

But they don’t want to create extraneous problems.

But when the reward is greater than the effort, it doesn’t matter if you participate.

When the men from the Tianlang Gang heard Li Gongchang's words, their expressions were quite ugly but at the same time they also felt somewhat relieved.

After all, after Da Dao showed up, the matter was beyond what he could handle.

"The mountains will remain green and the waters will flow forever. We will meet again in the future." After the man left such a scene, he hurriedly left with his men.

Xu Fei was originally a little surprised that Li Shanchang of the Dadaohui came forward to protect the Wang brothers, but after a while he understood what the other party meant.

It's nothing more than taking the opportunity to help, improve his reputation, and leave a little friendship.

And with this incident, the good relationship between Dadaohui and Li Feiyu will also spread.

So unknowingly, has he become a being that others need to work hard to please?

After Xu Fei thought about some situations clearly, he ignored these trivial matters.

Seeing that this man did not stop him, Li Gong couldn't help but smile.

Although he failed to recruit the enigmatic Li Feiyu as a guest at the meeting, he also made a friendship today.

There will be a foundation for future contacts.

As for forming a feud with the Sirius Gang?

What Sirius Gang?

Give them face, they are the Sirius Gang, don't give them face, they are just a pile of corpses.

That’s bullshit.

Just when Xu Fei was about to leave, the Wang brothers suddenly knelt down.

"Thank you, Master Li." Although the two brothers were a little naive, they were not stupid after all.

Understand that they can only get the protection of the Broadsword Society because of the Li Feiyu in front of them.

Xu Fei glanced at the two brothers and was not prepared to give any advice.

Most of his own things were not perfect.

How do you qualify to enlighten others?

"My hero, please stay." Brother Wang Kai said again.

Xu Fei frowned when he heard this, but still stopped leaving and looked at the two brothers again.

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