Chapter 77, invitation

They look majestic.

But in fact, for Xu Fei at this moment, it was just a matter of a few chopsticks.

And if their positions are more concentrated, Xu Fei can save a few chopsticks.

"I am Li Feiyu, please disperse." Xu Fei said calmly.

Hearing these words, the originally aggressive nursing staff fell silent.

Li Feiyu? !

Master He Dehe could have provoked this person? !

Seeing that these nurses were motionless, Xu Fei rummaged around the room and found a stack of banknotes.

It looks like about a thousand taels.

Although there are other gains if you look for the designated one, Xu Fei is not such a greedy person.

As long as the thief doesn't leave empty-handed.

Seeing Xu Fei's actions, the eyes of many nursing staff couldn't help but flash.

Xu Fei ignored these guards and prepared to go find Master Xiang.


One of the guards probably thought that being a cannibal meant being loyal to others, so after Xu Fei passed by, he suddenly slashed with his sword and attacked in a sneak attack!

But what moved faster than him was Xu Fei's chopsticks.

When the other party couldn't even see the action clearly, a chopstick stabbed hard into the shoulder and neck of the guard who made a surprise attack, leaving only an inch outside.

‘Dang Cang~’ Pu Dao fell to the ground.

Xu Fei turned to look at him.

However, they have no intention of exterminating all these nursing homes. The Xiang family's father and son have done many evil things but have been safe and sound because of their 'contribution', and they are undoubtedly accomplices.

But today he only came to kill the first culprit.

"Where is Master Xiang?" Xu Fei said calmly.

Under Xu Fei's gaze, the seemingly loyal and brave guard who had just attacked Xu Fei turned pale.

There is injury, pain, blood loss, and fear.

Finally he couldn't hold on any longer: "Left, left courtyard."

Xu Fei withdrew his gaze and walked towards the left courtyard.

But even if Xu Fei exposed his back to the guards, none of them would dare to take action.

And just after Xu Fei left, the nursing staff dispersed and began desperately searching for the Xiang family's belongings.

In a few steps, Xu Fei came to the left courtyard mentioned by the nurse.

There was such a big commotion, and Master Xiang naturally heard it.

But he just stayed in his room and didn't dare to go out to see what happened.

In normal times, he shows off his power and disregards human life, but when faced with danger, he shrinks back.

The color is sharp and the heart is full.

Xu Fei looked around and found Master Xiang's room easily.

There was not even a light in the room.

But with Xu Fei's now sensitive six senses, he could detect that there were two people in the room.

He stepped forward and used the force of his palm to break the door latch.

He was seeing a human figure hiding on the bed, huddled under the quilt.

There was also a woman in the corner next to the bed with a frightened face.

Xu Fei lit the candle and threw it on the bed.

The candle lit the quilt, and after a while the person in the quilt couldn't bear the scorching heat and jumped out of the quilt.

"Heroes, spare their lives, heroes, spare their lives." Young Master Xiang, who had shown off his power before, was now in a state of embarrassment, without any trace of his usual majesty.

"Be a good person in the next life." After Xu Fei finished speaking, another chopstick flew out of his hand.

Hit the young master Xiang's throat.

Begging for mercy from the young master, he held his throat in vain and fell dead in a moment.

Xu Fei glanced at the frightened woman next to him, then looked away and turned away.

When I came to the Xiangjia courtyard, I looked at the Xiangjia who was already in chaos.

Xu Fei ignored this and jumped onto the wall. He jumped several feet away again.

In a blink of an eye, the figure had disappeared into the night.

But after leaving Xiang's home, Xu Fei stopped at a house.

Then he turned and looked behind him.

"Master Li, I'm going to meet Li Gongchang, the chief bodyguard of Yongle County, and I don't mean any harm." A voice came from the shadow where Xu Fei was looking at, and at the same time, a man in his forties slowly walked out.

Xu Fei looked at the other party, noncommittal.

Seeing that Xu Fei didn't talk to him, but didn't take action either, Li Gongchang knew that the other party was waiting for him to say something.

"I have no choice but to follow Master Li today. I wonder if Master Li is willing to join our Dadao Association? Our Dadao Association is willing to treat us as guests."

"In addition, we will also help deal with all the disputes and disputes that Hero Li had in the past, and they will be kept without any involvement in the future." Li Gongchang made his intention clear without being verbose.

If you don't have a family, then Xu Fei joining the Broadsword Club is actually a good choice.

After all, no matter how you say the Great Sword Society, it is a power in the world that is as famous as Wuyongmen, Damo Temple, Tianwang Temple, and Xuanwu Sword Sect.

After becoming his guest, Xu Fei will have all kinds of conveniences, whether it's money, social status, or even Xu Fei's collection of various martial arts.

It's just that Xu Fei is not willing to get involved in the disputes between rivers and lakes.

Even now he occasionally fights for some ordinary people who are being oppressed.

In addition, if Xu Fei joined the Broadsword Club and enjoyed so many conveniences, how could he not pay for it?

Then there will be no freedom now.

"Don't follow me again." Xu Fei warned lightly, then turned around and jumped out.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the night again.

Seeing Xu Fei leaving, several more people appeared behind Li Gongchang.

They looked at the direction Xu Fei left.

"Chief escort, are we just going to give up?" A man said rather unwillingly.

Li Gongchang glanced at the man.

"What can I do if I don't give up? The opponent's strength is amazing."

"Okay, from now on the Dadao Association will not allow Li Feiyu to be an enemy, otherwise it will be treated as a violation of the association rules." Li Gongchang quickly made a decision.

Judging from the opponent's several attacks, the opponent's martial arts was so high that he could hardly see the back of his neck.

He can't even tell how strong the other party is.

Maybe even the guild leader is not a match for this ‘Li Feiyu’?

Thinking of this, Li Gongchang dispersed his thoughts.

These were not things he could consider.

Xu Fei left Yongle City first.

The 6 or 7 meter city wall is like walking on flat ground.

He climbed over the wall with just one stroke of strength.

Arriving outside the city, Xu Fei circled twice more to make sure no one was following him before returning home.

And it only took less than an hour for him to come and go.

After looking at Yun Niang, he saw that she seemed to have not woken up, so Xu Fei simply continued to rest.

The next day, Xu Fei came to work in Jixiang Hall.

But I heard a lot of discussion in Jixiang Hall about the murder of Xiang's father and son.

But it was generally applauded.

Obviously, the poor reputation of Xiang's father and son has made people hate them.

From this point of view, Xu Fei did not kill the wrong person.

But another thing left Xu Fei speechless.

Because Xiaoniang Xun was clearly killed by him because she only cared about her own good clothes and food, and did not care about Xiang's father and son, so she killed her adoptive father and tried to please the wolf-hearted.

Why was it that when they got outside, it was rumored that it was because Li Feiyu helped avenge his adoptive father's blood that he wanted to die because he had no worries? !

If Xu Fei hadn't been at the scene at the time, he would have almost believed such rumors.

I can only say that the gap between rumors and facts can sometimes be quite outrageous.


Reply to book friend 546’s comments.

Regarding the plot of Chapter 76, this book friend gave a long comment. It can be seen that the book friend's mood was affected by the plot. Although the backstage responded immediately, I still want to talk about it here.

People can choose to give in when faced with oppression, but they cannot have no bottom line. After the foster father who raised her for more than ten years was killed, Xun Xiaoniang turned around to enjoy life. According to some book friends, she already had a way to die. I personally think there is no problem with this.

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