Chapter 21, coveting

After the sparring session, Xu Fei said goodbye to Zhou Yue and left the Zhou family.

But Zhou Biaotou came out of the room and looked at the old man on the stone table in the courtyard with a complicated expression.

"Girl, I am the young master of the Zhang family." Captain Zhou said.

Zhou Yue didn't understand it at first when she heard the words. After blinking, she realized what her father meant.

This made Zhou Yue blush and stomp her feet in embarrassment.


Seeing that his daughter really had no interest in Zhang Chuan, Captain Zhou was relieved.

If it was the time when he was still the head guard of the Da Dao Club, then his daughter would be worthy of Zhang Chuan.

But now he is just a cripple.

Thinking of this, Captain Zhou couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It was his inability to delay his daughter.

Zhou Yue saw that her father was feeling sorry for himself again, but she didn't know how to comfort him.


Zhou Biaotou heard this and shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

Xu Fei left the Zhou family and came to Ling Niang.

Eat first, be happy later. After a set of procedures, Xu Fei left with 3 points of proficiency.

He planned to get Ling Niang pregnant to see how much proficiency points he would get from breeding heirs.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei felt that he would make a lot more money.

After all, even if Ling Niang is not allowed to enter the house in the future, he can still give Ling Niang and the child a proper arrangement.

Xu Fei still couldn't unplug the ruthless things.

After returning home and having another dinner, Xu Fei couldn't help but sigh that he had eaten a lot.

Since practicing martial arts, his appetite has been increasing day by day.

And there is no meat and no joy every day.

Therefore, the saying that the poor in literature and rich in military is really not nonsense.

After all, if it is an ordinary family, how can they afford a meal that costs several taels of silver a month?

The next day, Xu Fei got up early and came to the hospital.

After this period of time in the clinic, many people knew that Zhao Ji Medical Clinic had a young doctor like him.

Therefore, when some patients come to the medical clinic, they no longer 'ignore' them.

Seeing this situation, Xu Fei thought about it and decided to show advanced level 7 or 8 medical skills, which was almost the same as his master's medical skills.

As for why he suddenly decided to reveal his superior medical skills, on the one hand, he studied the poisonous medicine medical records of his great uncle. If he didn't make progress, it would be somewhat unfair to his character of a medical genius.

In addition, Xu Fei has made progress in practicing martial arts. Soon he may be able to gain inner strength and become an inner strength warrior.

There's nothing wrong with showing off some medical skills.

Doctor Zhao, who was the first to notice that Xu Fei's medical skills had improved again, couldn't help stroking his beard when he looked at the prescription prescribed by his apprentice.

This child is progressing too fast in the medical field.


Maybe in two years, he won't even be able to teach.

Thinking of this, Dr. Zhao felt a sense of urgency and felt that he had to do something to maintain his dignity as a master.

At noon, Xu Fei said goodbye to his master, went to Ling Niang's place for lunch, and then bought some fruits and went to Zhou's house.

Captain Zhou expressed his welcome with a smile on his face.

Then he took the fruit very naturally.

My daughter is sparring with this guy, so it's natural for her to eat some fruit from him.

Seeing her father's unceremonious look, Zhou Yue couldn't help but feel shy.

Xu Fei didn't care, after all, he brought the fruit to the Zhou family and his daughter as a reward for Zhou Yue to practice with him.

Biaotou Zhou, on the other hand, took the fruit and ate it.

Xu Fei started sparring with Zhou Yue.

After almost an hour, the sparring session was paused for the two of them to rest.

Xu Fei thought for a moment: "Sister Yue, what kind of boxing do you practice?"

He clearly took aim at the opponent's punches.

Xu Fei learned the Crane Shape Breathing Technique, and after learning the Sitting Tiger Internal Skill, the level limit was increased by analogy.

If you can learn the opponent's boxing skills, then the level limit of Tiger Fist can probably be increased.

"What I practice is skillfully playing eighteen moves." Zhou Yue said.

Playing eighteen tricks skillfully?

This sounds like a boxing technique that women practice.

But Xu Fei doesn't mind it either. As long as it can increase the level limit of Tiger Fist, it's a good martial art.

But how to ask for advice became a problem.

Say it directly? Will it make people feel that they covet what the other party has learned?

If it is self-defeating and the relationship becomes tense, it will be unsightly.

After all, it is still difficult to find a suitable sparring partner.

Isn’t it because of his master’s connections that Xu Fei wants to spar with Zhou Yue?

I'm afraid I'm not thinking about shit.

After all, let’s not talk about the defense between men and women, let’s talk about how much money Xu Fei has to pay, right?

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't rush to speak.

Prepare to get acquainted with the Zhou family and his daughter a little more, and then the chance of success will be greater.

Soon, another day of sparring ended.

Xu Fei left the Zhou family.

Opened the panel and took a look.

The upper limit of the level of Tiger Fist has been raised by one level, but there is no movement in Sitting Tiger Internal Skill today.

This made Xu Fei scratch his chin.

Do I need to find a few more internal skills? Regardless of whether to practice or not, it is also good to refer to raising the upper limit of the level of Sitting Tiger Internal Skill.

It's just that even various martial arts are not easy to obtain, and internal strength is probably even more difficult.

After arriving at Lingniang's place, Xu Fei left with 3 proficiency points after more than half an hour.

Because of the previous practice of spreading branches and leaves twice a day, Xu Fei's Nasha was still affected, making it difficult for women to get pregnant.

So Xu Fei was thinking about whether he should lower his frequency?

But after thinking for a moment, Xu Fei decided to do this for the time being and observe the situation for a while to see what happened.

After all, he gained a lot of proficiency points every day, which made Xu Fei reluctant to pause.

After returning home, Xu Fei went to visit his grandma first.

The old lady had a stomach problem a few days ago. She took three doses of medicine prescribed by Xu Fei, and after some treatment, she has recovered.

However, Xu Fei was also strictly ordered by his father to check up on his grandma every day.

"Grandma, you are in good health and there is nothing wrong with you." Xu Fei said after taking Grandma's pulse.

Zhang Fangshi laughed when he heard this.

"That's right, it doesn't matter who treats me."

The old lady has reached the point of doting on her grandchildren.

There is no question of right or wrong, scolding is not tolerated, and beating is even more impossible.

Although Xu Fei has the heart of an adult, after receiving such love and care, he still respects and loves his grandma a little more.

Xu Fei laughed twice, but a look of thought flashed in his eyes.

After all, the elderly are getting old, their physical condition is irreversibly aging, and they have many problems.

So it is not easy to adjust it.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's medical skill level has reached the 21st level, and he quickly came up with a suitable prescription.

Write down the maid Chun Xing and give it to grandma.

"Chun Xing, take three doses of medicine first. Once you take the medicine, boil it once in the morning and once in the evening for grandma to eat." After explaining Chun Xing, Xu Fei turned to look at the old man.

"Grandma, although our health has improved, we still need to take some more medicine to replenish our health." Xu Fei tried not to mention the old man's physical problems.

Zhang Fangshi nodded happily again after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, everything is fine."

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