Chapter 12, Martial Arts Secrets

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【12/12】

Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/5】【15/15】

Proficiency value: 54

Xu Fei's Crane Shape Breathing Technique upgraded very quickly.

In the beginning, after practicing for more than a dozen times, the level limit will be increased. Although later on, as the level increases, the increase in the limit gradually slows down, but after all, in a short period of time, it reaches a level that exceeds that of the master.

In addition, Xu Fei gradually felt the effects of practicing the breathing method in the past half month.

The body is getting healthier.

Originally, the process of obtaining proficiency points twice a day inevitably made Xu Fei a little overwhelmed as it continued day after day. However, after the level of the breathing method increased, Xu Fei became more and more energetic.

In terms of rest, physical strength, etc., it can be said that Xu Fei's physical fitness is improving in an all-round way.

However, because the time is still short, the effect is not obvious enough to exceed that of ordinary people.

But it also made Xu Fei become more and more attentive to practicing the breathing method.

Master practiced the breathing method and lived to be more than ninety years old. Can he live to be more than a hundred years old?

Or even...longer life?

As it became increasingly difficult to upgrade his medical skills and breathing techniques, Xu Fei began to think about finding a real martial arts practice.

After all, the medical skills and the Crane Shape Breathing Technique taught by the master were somewhat related to Xu Fei's previous plan, but it was not the core.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but think about the various martial arts that his eldest brother had practiced back then.

Are there any secrets or anything like that left behind?

But even if there is, he is studying medicine here. If he brings up the matter of learning martial arts again, my parents may not give it to him, right?

It's really not easy to learn martial arts.

If you can't go back and save up your salary at the medical clinic, join the Sword Club to learn some sword skills?

While thoughtful, Xu Fei came to Lingniang after a busy day.

Recently, Ling Niang came to have a small life.

Although Xu Fei has tried other tricks, there is no proficiency bonus unless it is for the purpose of spreading branches and leaves.

This also made Xu Fei very helpless.

His plug-in is still not smart enough, and other tricks are obviously more enjoyable.

Instead of tormenting Ling Niang any more, Xu Fei even helped Ling Niang cook a meal and then gained cooking skills.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【12/12】


Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/5】【15/15】

Proficiency value: 54

However, although he can satisfy his appetite by studying cooking skills and improving his skills to a higher level, Xu Fei still plans to save his proficiency points and use them in martial arts.

Went home.

Zhang Lian glanced at his son while holding his rice bowl.

Continue to eat.

Recently, Zhang Lian had a lot of objections to his son who did not continue studying.

Xu Fei naturally understood the problem, but Xu Fei was unwilling to let him continue studying.

Not to mention that he failed to acquire the skills to study, but the end of studying must be the imperial examination.

And after the imperial examination?

Be an official?

So is Xu Fei going to scheming with his "colleagues", go along with the crowd, or simply join the crowd?

As a time traveler, there are also plug-ins.

Join the locals?

Xu Fei panicked.

As for going with the flow?

That's even more nonsense.

As for intrigue, Xu Fei felt he didn't have that ability.

After all, although he is not stupid and knows how to go home and collect clothes when it rains, he is not the kind of person who is quick and flexible.

The turbulent officialdom is basically unplayable.

Therefore, the path of studying is naturally not suitable for Xu Fei.

Mrs. Liu looked at her husband and then at her son.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

The son's mind is not on studying, but the husband wants his son to study.

She can understand that her son has his own wishes, and she also understands that her husband really wants his son to have a better future.

But here lies the problem. Even though both of them are right, things are still at a stalemate.

Only when time passes, or the husband slowly lets go of his obsession, or the son gives up studying medicine and obeys the husband's arrangements, can this problem be solved.

"Dad, when my brother was practicing martial arts, did he leave any martial arts secrets?" Xu Fei said after picking up his rice bowl and taking two bites.

Zhang Lian glanced at his son.

"There are some, what's wrong?"

"I want to take a look." Xu Fei said.

He tried to be as understated as possible, as if he was occasionally interested and wanted to see what the martial arts secrets looked like.

However, after hearing that his son wanted to see martial arts secrets, Zhang Lian continued to eat without comment.

Xu Fei waited for a while and saw that his father didn't say anything else. He knew that there would be no chance in a short time, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After all, he still had to disguise himself to prevent his parents from seeing through his intentions.

If that were the case, it would be even more troublesome for him to learn martial arts.

After dinner, Xu Fei washed up, lit mosquito coils and enjoyed the cool air in his small courtyard.

Mosquito-repellent incense has been around since ancient times, but the materials used today are different.

And just when Xu Fei was leisurely, Mrs. Liu came over.

Juhua beside Liu looked at Xu Fei with some resentment.

He had obviously agreed to get her, but the young master was indifferent.

After Xu Fei noticed Ju Hua's little expression, although he wasn't embarrassed, he was also embarrassed.

After thinking about it, it was better to keep Chrysanthemum by my side.

After all, I still need to test whether the proficiency points given by different women are the same.

Maybe some more and some less?

And if there is only one woman by his side, his progress in gaining proficiency points will be suspended while the other person is still young.

It's also a problem.

"Mom, what's going on?" Xu Fei said.

Mrs. Liu looked at her son, and then took a few books from Juhua's hands after hesitation.

Xu Fei's eyes shrank.

Is that what he thought?

"Chuan'er, you have to agree to be my mother, but you can't just think about wandering around in the world just because you have practiced martial arts." Liu said.

Xu Fei suppressed his desire for these martial arts secrets.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm just looking at these martial arts secret books." Xu Fei said.

On the one hand, the son is now a doctor in a medical clinic and has his own income. If he wants to continue to stop him, he is basically unstoppable.

In addition, Mrs. Liu was also worried that her son would buy some messy martial arts secrets, and instead of developing any skills, he would injure his body.

Only then did she convince her husband to bring over the martial arts secrets that his eldest son had practiced before.

If it were not for such worries and the lessons learned from the fact that the eldest son went out to explore the world after learning martial arts and has not been heard from until now, how could he have agreed to the second son practicing martial arts again.

I can only say that I have pity for parents in the world. They are worried about their children's future and don't want their children to suffer. But no matter how much they worry, unexpected situations will always happen.

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