Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 97 Xuanhuang Upstairs [Big Chapter]

Chapter 97 Xuanhuang Upstairs [Big Chapter]

Zhang Deming nodded in confirmation.

Feng Mingyou said: "In other words, you went behind the sect's back and joined some kind of secret organization, instead of having someone in the upper echelons of the sect?"

Yesterday's guidance, this is what the other party wanted, so that's it.

Zhang Deming nodded again and said, "Yes."

Feng Mingyou's face flashed and looked a little ugly. This was so different from what he expected. He felt like he was on a pirate ship.

You know, although the sect's management is loose, but going behind the sect's back and joining another sect is another matter.

But Feng Mingyou knew that it was too late to say anything now.

At this point, as a member of a secret organization, since the other party has turned over, he has no choice.

At this time, instead of talking about other disharmonious words that destroy the tacit understanding between the two people, it is better to take one step and look at the other before speaking.

Feng Mingyou took a deep breath, regained his calm expression, and said: "So, what kind of alliance does this have the means to ensure that I can quickly learn Rank Two spells?"

Zhang Deming laughed when he heard this.

What a smart guy to find the most advantageous situation so quickly.

Zhang Deming directly took out a glass bead, put it on the table, and said: "Guanshi Feng should know this thing, right?"

Feng Mingyou's pupils shrank, he held the spirit-nurturing ball and looked at it for a moment, and said in horror: "Proficient Rank Two magic spirit-nurturing ball?"

No wonder he was so surprised, the value of a spiritual ball usually starts at twice the price of a spell.

A Rank Two spirit-nurturing ball has a guaranteed base price of sixty to one hundred spirit stones, and its value retention is even greater than that of spirit stones.

This still refers to ordinary spirit-nurturing beads, master-level spirit-nurturing beads, which are rarely circulated in the market.

Because at this level, those who have not learned it can use it, and the success rate is at least 40%. Those who have learned it can still use it to improve their understanding of the technique.

More importantly, as the difficulty of getting started with Rank Two spells increases, every Rank Two spirit-nurturing ball is a strategic resource of the sect.

They can't be bought with money. They are usually arranged as high-end items and rewards.

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "To be precise, it's the "Ling Shui Jue" spiritual nourishing ball."

When Feng Mingyou heard this, his pupils contracted even more violently. He had just given the spell book to Zhang Deming yesterday.

If it is really what he thinks, this Blue Sky Alliance will be amazing.

Just because of the spiritual cultivator behind it, it is worth the risk for countless people to join.

You must know that the Heavenly Spirit Sect is one of the largest in Hongmeng Realm, with only three spiritual cultivators.

"One is not enough, the normal success rate of the Soul Nurturing Ball is 20%, and the mastery rate is 40%.

And I haven't tried it for several years before, so I am very unfamiliar with Lingshui Jue.

To ensure success, the probability is three.

And you must know how much resources this represents. "Feng Mingyou said with some melancholy.

Zhang Deming silently took out two more and said: "The Blue Sky Alliance's spirit-nurturing balls are different from the outside world, with a success rate of 40 to 50%.

These should be enough. "

Feng Mingyou looked at the three spirit-nurturing balls with a hint of greed in his eyes, and said with a wry smile:

"Together, we can raise a promotion resource that is not too rubbish. It seems that Feng is really going to sell himself this time.

Tell me what I need to pay to get this. "

The words actually brought a bit of freedom and relief.

Zhang Deming took out a piece of white paper and handed it to Feng Mingyou.

Feng Mingyou had a solemn face and looked at the white paper carefully for a long time. After five or six minutes, Feng Mingyou, who still had no results, turned his head in confusion, looked at Zhang Deming, and said:

"What does this mean? Forgive me for being blind, but I didn't see the mystery behind it."

Zhang Deming said: "This is a soul-blood contract, similar to the Dao Heart Oath, but it is more binding.

As long as Manager Feng signs it, he can start practicing the technique. "

Feng Mingyou said: "Since it is a contract, what are the terms?"

Zhang Deming said: "You will know after signing."

Feng Mingyou: "."

What kind of overlord agreement is this? You won’t know the terms until you sign!

Zhang Deming looked at Feng Mingyou's silence and said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to go to such trouble to trick you, Manager Feng."

"How to sign." Feng Mingyou said.

"Just a drop of blood." Zhang Deming replied.

When Feng Mingyou heard this, the water in his hand surged, and a transparent water needle condensed in his hand, and he lightly pricked his fingertips.

A drop of fingertip blood was dripped on the white paper by him.

After that, like Qu Qizhong, he mustered up his energy and paid careful attention, staring blankly at the white paper, waiting for changes.

Until the blood soaks in and blooms like ordinary white paper.

For a long time, he was better than Qu Qizhong in that Zhang Deming reacted without reminding him.

Probably, maybe, he couldn't see anything unusual about this blank piece of paper.

Seeing that he had come to his senses, Zhang Deming silently took the blank paper and said immediately: "Steward Feng can start to realize the truth, I will guard it for you.

By the way, these things are paid in advance and are not given away for free.

Therefore, it is best for managers to reduce overdrafts. After all, it would not be a wonderful thing to be in debt before entering the league. "

Feng Mingyou nodded when he heard this, picked up a spirit-nurturing bead, and began to inject Entering Spirit power.

Countless white light spots formed a hollow ball that enveloped Feng Mingyou. In the center of the ball, a flowing stream of water flowed back and forth and swam into the center of Feng Mingyou's eyebrows.

On the surface of the hollow sphere, countless sparse light spots were flickering.

Zhang Deming waited quietly. He had stuffed in the Rank Two spells himself, and he knew it was much more than the Rank One ones.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the light ball flashed and exploded into a pile of light spots and disappeared.

Feng Mingyou opened his eyes with some disappointment. Zhang Deming had expected it. After all, if the other party was a genius, he wouldn't have been marginalized for so long.

Feng Mingyou calmed down and did not use the spirit-nurturing ball again immediately.

Instead, he closed his eyes and started sorting out what he had learned before. Zhang Deming did not interrupt and drank tea quietly.

It wasn't until he brewed a pot of tea many times that Feng Mingyou opened his eyes.

He picked up the second spiritual water cultivation ball on the table and input the spiritual power without hesitation.

The ball of light enveloped the opponent again, and Zhang Deming watched quietly.

More than ten minutes later, the ball of light flashed again, this time it trembled and shrank on the edge of breaking.

Feng Mingyou, who closed his eyes, flew his hands rapidly, and a stream of water like an elf appeared in front of him, swirling around his hands.

Immediately, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the flowing water fell directly into the teapot that had been destroyed by Zhang Deming.

Feng Mingyou silently started to turn on the fire and make tea, and a wave of Tao Yun drifted from his body.

Zhang Deming instantly felt a sense of peace and tranquility surrounding him.

After a long time, Feng Mingyou took the tea that Zhang Deming wasted and made Zhang Deming another cup.


The two of them said nothing and tasted it in silence for a moment.

Zhang Deming then spoke: "Guanshi Feng's tea ceremony skills have reached the point where he has become a quasi-Tai Chi monk.

Then I would like to wish Guanshi Feng in advance that he will be promoted to Tai Chi. "

Feng Mingyou was not modest and said, "It's just a little gain."

Zhang Deming reached out and put away the last spiritual ball on the table, then picked up the piece of white paper and lit it on the tea set in front of Feng Mingyou.

Looking at the rising smoke, Zhang Deming smiled and said, "Remember to be polite."

Feng Mingyou looked at Zhang Deming in confusion, with questioning eyes.

Zhang Deming ignored the other party. In his mind, he reached out and grabbed the still flickering light spot.

This time, Zhang Deming was not thrown directly into the tunnel and ravaged repeatedly.

Instead, he came to the rune summoning space formed by the spiritual cultivation technique. At this moment, the place was completely white.

It was no different from when it entered other people's consciousness before. Except for the sky, where there were five light spots twinkling like stars, there was nothing else.

Thoughts flashed through Zhang Deming's mind, white mist rolled in the space, and a floating island began to rise.

Fairy birds are flying around the island, rare and exotic animals are running around on the island, and rare plants are beginning to sprout from the ground.

A pavilion made entirely of white jade appears in the center of the island, with carved railings and jade walls. It is very beautiful.

A plaque slowly gathered on the attic, which read: Xuanhuang Tower

There is also a line of small characters in the corner: Huangzilou.

The top floor of the entire loft is a viewing pavilion-like glazed floor without a single wall. The view is very good, and the entire surrounding islands can be seen very clearly.

The surrounding white mist began to turn into countless clouds, shrouding the surroundings.

The entire island seems to be in the depths of the sky.

Hmm, feel like something is missing?

Standing on the top floor of the viewing pavilion, Zhang Deming frowned and thought.

By the way, it’s water!

In the blessed land of the Immortal Family, mountains and rivers are particularly important. How could there be no water in such a place?

Not far from the attic, a lake suddenly appeared, and small rivers ran through the entire island, eventually flowing down into the clouds.

Zhang Deming raised his head, and saw a stream of water like the Milky Way, penetrating from the clouds, pouring down, and pouring into the lake in front of him.

This time, it was perfect instantly.

Zhang Deming looked at the surrounding scenery and nodded.

The decorations around him and his face began to change, from a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old to an old man in his fifties or sixties, with white hair as shiny as silver threads.

An extremely ordinary thing, just like a Taoist robe in a mortal Taoist temple, appeared on his body.

After looking at my appearance, I guess I don't have much left.

Zhang Deming waved to the sky, and among the five hidden starlight points, the light point representing Feng Mingyou was directly waved in front of him.

Zhang Deming pointed at the light spot, and then the light spot flickered. Zhang Deming felt something coming in quickly and asked to enter the space.

After being passed without leaving any trace, Zhang Deming turned around, looked at the scenery outside with his hands behind his back, and began to act like an expert.

In a short moment, as the light spots flickered and disappeared, a somewhat transparent figure appeared in front of Zhang Deming.


Just when Zhang Deming was about to speak, a poem came on the stage, and his whole body froze in place.

Looking at Feng Mingyou who was half lying on the ground and retching, Zhang Deming Transcendent Level felt embarrassed.

Play ball and forget about this!

I've taken off my pants, and I'm ready to show off my big pussy. Do you want to do this for me?

"The distance is a bit too far and the traffic is not very good. Just be patient and you will get used to it."

There is no fate for Shihao to appear. If this scene appears, it will ruin the atmosphere too much. Let's just go for a semi-people-friendly route.

Looking at Feng Mingyou who kept retching, Zhang Deming thought so and said calmly.

Feng Mingyou, who was retching, paused slightly when he heard the old voice.


Then he retched uncontrollably again, and Zhang Deming's face twitched a few times.

Is it such an exaggeration? He just endured it the first time and passed it.

Or is it that the feeling of going is not the same as coming?

That shouldn't be the case. Shouldn't lying down and taking the initiative have the same effect?

After waiting for a while, Feng Mingyou managed to control himself, or in other words, he took advantage of the opportunity of retching to calm down.

After letting the sudden encounter prevent him from being completely confused, he raised his head and took stock of the environment.

"Is this here?" He looked around with confusion, and at the same time reached out to touch the corners of his mouth for non-existent vomit.

Zhang Deming said calmly: "Blue Sky Alliance, Yellow Character Department, lead the floating island.

You can understand it as Grotto-Heaven, a blessed place, whatever is convenient for you. "

"Blessed place?!!! Senior said this is one of the nine blessed places of Hongmeng?" Feng Mingyou said in surprise.

In Hongmeng Realm, there are forty-nine gates, nine Blessed Lands, and three Sacred Lands.

Such forces constitute the entire Hongmeng Cultivation World, and they rule the entire world like a unified body.

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "This is not Hongmeng Blessed Land."

"where is that?"

After all, Feng Mingyou was just an outer disciple. Although he had decades of experience, his knowledge was still limited.

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "This is not your place to ask. Let me introduce myself. I belong to the Yellow Character Department of the Alliance and am in charge of signing blood contracts for entry. You can call me Mr. Huang."

"Hello, Senior Huang."

Already buffered by a brief period of vomiting, plus Zhang Deming's ambiguous words.

Feng Mingyou already roughly understood what happened, so he was not completely confused.

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "If you're polite, don't say any more. I'm using this technique to arrest your consciousness just to sign a blood contract, so don't be verbose."

Feng Mingyou said respectfully: "Senior, please tell me. I, this junior, will remember everything."

“Currently, the league has five major rules, and apart from the five major rules, there are no other restrictions.


You must remember these five rules. If you violate them, no one can save you.

As for the rest, the management of the alliance is particularly loose, and you can do whatever you want, including but not limited to joining other organizations, sects, etc.

Have you written this down? "

Following Zhang Deming's words, Feng Mingyou realized more and more how mysterious and powerful the Blue Sky Alliance was.

He replied respectfully: "Back to senior, junior has taken note of it."

Zhang Deming nodded, looked Feng Mingyou up and down, and said: "Although his talent is not good, his Tao Yun is pretty good.

It seems that Zhang Wu guy has really been busy these days. I watch you do Foundation Building Tai Chi, and remember the Rank Two technique Foundation Building.

The Alliance does not exclude any path, but only those who don't like salted fish are useless. If you are a Rank One spell Foundation Building, you will not have much possibility in the Alliance. "

(end of this chapter)

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