Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 757 Casting

Chapter 757 Casting

In addition, Zhang Deming has given up hope for the ability to advance through the next level. He used to expect great luck. After so many years, not a single rune has solidified, so he completely understands the probability of this thing.

Even if the probability has increased now, he doesn't have any ideas. Of course, he still has simple expectations, and he will try it slowly when he has time.

Although there is no eager idea of ​​hitting big luck, but the mentality of winning the lottery is still there. What if the curing is successful?

The level is definitely increased by one, this is the power of rules! ! !

After reading the spell information and sorting out the changes in the breakthrough, Zhang Deming got up and left the practice room, went to the spell practice room nearby, and began to get familiar with it after the breakthrough.


A few months passed by. On this day, after Zhang Deming completed his daily lectures, he returned to the courtyard and paused. Qin Shizhong and Dang Rushuang who were following behind him immediately stopped.

Zhang Deming looked back at the two of them and said, "You guys are timid today, but what do you want to say?"

The two looked at each other and motioned for each other to come, but neither of them spoke hastily.

Zhang Deming glared at Qin Shizhong, and said, "Tell me! How old are you, and you still push me with a junior."

Qin Shizhong was named by Zhang Deming, and he spoke slightly, "Uncle Shi, the disciples didn't..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Deming stared at him so that he didn't dare to speak, and finally changed his words decisively: "The disciple is that he has prepared all the spells."

Zhang Deming was stunned and said: "If you didn't say this, I would have almost forgotten. I asked you to prepare a few spells and you have been preparing for five or six years. With your current status of serving in Dao Palace, it doesn't cost you a lot of money." Right? Are you so poor?"

Qin Shizhong was embarrassed for a moment and said: "No, it's just been done before. Uncle Master, you have been very busy, so you didn't say anything. Uncle Master seems to be free these days, so..."

Zhang Deming glared at Qin Shizhong again and said: "You have such a temper that you will never change despite repeated admonitions. How many times have I told you that you don't need to worry about my situation! Bring it!"

"What?" Qin Shizhong was reprimanded and didn't react.

"Spells, what else can you do!" Zhang Deming said.

"Oh!" Qin Shizhong immediately turned over his hands and took out a few books.

Zhang Deming waved and took a look: "Earth Evil: The Eighteen Transformations of the Golden Cicada", "The Transformation of the Dragon", "The Transformation of the Yellow Bird", "The Transformation of the Green Bird"...

Looking at the several spells in his hand, Zhang Deming raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you going to be a bird on the three paths of dragon, monkey, and mimicry?"

Qin Shizhong nodded anxiously and said: "The Eighteen Changes of the Golden Cicada require eighteen changes. The previous three ways were a bit inconsistent, so I had to choose an extra one and add poultry."

Zhang Deming turned over his hand and put the book away. Without saying anything, he turned his head and looked at Dang Rushuang and said, "Where's yours?"

Hearing this, Dang Rushuang turned over his hands and took out a book of spells, which he handed to Zhang Deming.

"Mind: Illusionary Mind"

"Because I started with the Way of Heart and Soul, I don't plan to learn too much about the technique. This is the last advanced technique that I haven't fully understood yet. The other things are preparations in other directions." Dang Ru Shuang said.

Zhang Deming nodded, of course he knew this. If it weren't for the high-level path she took, she would not have been trapped in the Liangyi stage for decades with Dang Rushuang's qualifications.

After all, he is still a Heavenly Spirit Sect genius. If he is promoted to the ordinary third talent stage, it will not be a problem.

"Okay, you can go down now. I will look for you when I make plans for you." Zhang Deming said.

"I understand!" The two of them retreated as they greeted each other.

Zhang Deming took the spell and entered the practice room.

First of all, he looked at a series of transformation techniques. He actually knew several of them. Over the years, when he encountered the basic transformation techniques, he learned them habitually.

Of course, after learning it, just leave it in the Dantian and leave it alone. There is no mounting or anything. The reason for this is simply because the transformation technique of forced editing without Integrated Union blood has special Integrated Union properties, which can increase the richness of his methods.

After all, as long as he has enough basic changes, and combines his uniqueness with his own magic runes, to a certain extent, he can be a guest star in the copycat version of Apex Level Magic: Ever-changing!

Now there are dozens of unmounted runes in his Dantian, almost all of which are various basic changes.

Zhang Deming took a look, and first looked at Jin Chan's Eighteen Transformations, one of the core spells of this transformation path, which is at the same level as the Thirty-Six Transformations and the Seventy-two Transformations.

There is no inevitable gap between the three. It does not mean that the more changes, the stronger. It is just that the focus of development is different.

Zhang Deming took a deep breath, held "The Eighteen Transformations of the Golden Cicada", and was about to edit, when his movements suddenly stopped.

He restrained his mind and entered the spirit-nurturing space, where the monitoring elves in the sky kept flashing.

Zhang Deming waved his hand, and the monitoring elf flew down. Now after the 5.0 iteration, its main resources are surplus, and it seems to make it a lot smarter.

"Special reminder: Tianyu Blue Sky Sect's good camp's protagonist reserve team has been surplus, and all aspects meet the special training requirements. Please make a final leader selection in a timely manner."

The moment he looked at the message, Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had accidentally dropped it in order to test Tianyu.

"How is Tianyu Lantian Church doing now?"

"Back to the main brain, through Meng Yuandong's viral development and the support of alliance resources, it has become the number one underground sect in Baiyue City.

Perhaps after initially coming into contact with the mastermind, I was wary of the mastermind's character and was afraid of leaving a bad impression on the mastermind.

Although the other party's preaching methods are extreme and similar to pyramid schemes, they stop there and are restrained within the basic moral line. However, it is still officially defined as a cult.

In recent years, due to its growing scale, the underground world and slums have begun to spread, reaching out to the aristocracy of Baiyue City.

It has attracted the attention of the authorities and the Holy See. The Knights of the Holy See have begun to pay attention and suppress it. Of course, it hasn't been taken seriously yet, it's just a common practice. "

"Ha, it seems that I didn't choose the wrong person, he is actually a talented person!" Zhang Deming whispered.

"Because the 'backdoor boss' whitewashing plan requires the good camp to have a certain strength, even if it is cultivated with the resources of Tiandiyin, it will take a certain amount of time.

Considering the current development of Blue Sky Church, it is urgent to determine the chief executor of the whitewashing plan. Please confirm it as soon as possible. "

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Then let's list the candidates for the competition, and I'll see who we can finalize!"

"Information inquiry..."

"The first-echelon pre-selection target: 3, the second-echelon pre-selection target: 19, the third-echelon target: 456, the targets of the three major echelons are all believers, and they have become reserve members of the alliance either explicitly or covertly. They can be contacted at any time and completely drawn into the alliance."

Zhang Deming looked at the information and clicked on the first-tier information first.

Name: Ming Zhihu

Sex: Male

Spiritual Root: 35

Cultivation level: First level junior magician (Tai Chi Lifetime)

Age: 47

Identity: Heir to the Ming family in Baiyue City.

Background: A family in the core aristocratic circle of Baiyue City, their family status has been fully demonstrated, and their abilities are acceptable. The current head of the Ming family is about to die, and succession is inevitable.

Recommended Priority: 1


Name: Le Guoqi

Sex: Male

Spirit root: 41

Cultivation level: First level junior magician (Tai Chi Lifetime)

Age: 45

Identity: Commoner Grassroots

Background: He is an extremely ordinary member of the poor kiln in Baiyue City, but according to the test, it is estimated that he has the potential of a saint and is extremely suitable for missionary work.

Recommended Priority: Two


Name: Che Yuting

Gender: Female

Spirit root: 97

Cultivation: None

Age: 13

Identity: The product of a one-night stand between a disciple of the Che family and a girl in a nightclub

Background: Abandoned at a young age, his fate is rough and his life is miserable. His father is a prodigal son whose existence is unknown to this day.

Recommended Priority: Three


"Comprehensively considering the three major candidates, Mingzhihu is recommended first. Its status is the best support for the 'backdoor listing' whitewashing plan, and naturally occupies the two classes of nobles and commoners."

Zhang Deming listened to the monitoring elf's words, but turned his attention to the last third Che Yuting, reached out and clicked on the detailed information.

"Special reminder: This woman is the only Immortal Spirit Root qualified disciple that the alliance has found in Tianyu so far, so she was able to enter the first echelon.

In addition, it does not help the whitewashing plan of "backdoor listing". Especially for her female gender, it is not easy to get ahead in the aristocratic circle of Baiyue City, and it is even more difficult in the sect circle. "

But Zhang Deming smiled, looked at the monitoring elf and whispered: "It seems that you are still a little failed in personification, in my opinion, among the three, this girl is the protagonist.

But gender is indeed a difficult point. It’s okay if you are in Hongmeng. In Tianyu, the female pope, female pope, etc. are really a bit difficult to mix. Forget it, let’s wait and see! "

As he spoke, Zhang Deming's eyes flickered and gradually spread out. His vision seemed to pass through multiple spaces and he saw everything in another person's eyes.


Tianyu Federation, Shenqi Continent, Baiyue City, the main city of the Federation, and poor kilns in the lower city.

Che Yuting was prostrate on the ground, tilting his head, looking at the dirty and dark street corner. At the entrance of the alley, there are many figures, voices and traffic.

People in different clothes can be vaguely seen, laughing and laughing, or walking through the alley in a hurry. On the pedestrian street next to it, the smell of various snacks is wafting.

The face of the owner of the barbecue stand was full of oil, and the lady proprietress shuttled among the customers with a smile. The crowd in twos and threes passed through the stall, carrying the smell of fireworks far away, mixed with popularity, and turned into a human flavor.

However, all of this seems to have nothing to do with this alley. After the alley, it becomes two worlds.

It's dark, damp, dirty here, and there's no hope at all. It seems that the sky is like the sky at this moment, the evening has passed, the last ray of sunset has disappeared, and darkness has enveloped the earth.

Che Yuting's body was covered in blood and she was lying on her back with weak breathing. She knew that this should be her last life.

She didn't know when, but she heard someone say this: "The Chaonan District is the hope of this city, the Wubei District is the city's tranquility, and the Upper East District is the city's paradise."

The slums of the Lower West Side are not mentioned in the discourse, because in the eyes of many people, that is not a place where people should go. Just like the people living here, they are not living life.

"Gods, have you ever had mercy and will you care for this world?"

The fuzzy thoughts gradually became clearer. The noise outside the street corner seemed to be noisy, and the darkness of the streets became more real.

Che Yuting, who saw everything in his eyes, knew that his last time had come to look back. Unconsciously, her short life began to flash through her eyes.


Thirteen years ago, the first moment Che Yuting remembered clearly was a pale but very beautiful woman.

At that time, she looked at her with innocent and ignorant eyes, and she also looked at her with vicissitudes of life and gloomy eyes. In the memory, the woman was pale and bloodless. She had just given birth and was very weak.

"I'm sorry, it seems that I can't support you anymore!"

This is the first sentence in Che Yuting's memory. It is deeply engraved in the depths of his mind and will never be erased. What’s funny is not the babbling about “mom” and “dad”.

After that, there was not a long period of silence, and there was also the cold wind and the pain of blowing my cheeks.

"Oh, my Sun King Spirit!"

Following the old woman's exclamation, she was picked up by a nun from the orphanage and looked at carefully.

"What kind of god is this? The Sun King is watching all the time!"

The mother-in-law yelled at the big iron gate. She seemed to be quite experienced, so she didn't even chase her out, so she turned around and walked into the yard with her in her arms.

In the following months, Che Yuting gradually understood many things. The woman in his memory should be her mother, and she was an abandoned baby.

But why did she understand this so quickly?

At her age, she shouldn't understand, right?

Perhaps after understanding the fact of abandoning the baby, she, who was already smart, became even more precocious. She hid everything about herself and tried her best to blend in with the babies around her.

As time passed, she gradually understood everything. She thought that her future life should be to grow up in this small courtyard until she was fifteen or sixteen years old, and then start another life under the guidance of those gangs at the intersection.

When she was four years old, she learned something else: adoption. It turns out that in the orphanage, things like adoption should happen frequently, but their courtyard is special, plus some previous events, no one has been here for many years.

Since that time, she has quietly inquired about some things. Precocious, she no longer goes out often, and is no longer a sensible and well-behaved girl. Although she is still obedient, she has become withdrawn, weird, and not clean.

Therefore, the "good-hearted people" who came here occasionally year after year didn't take a fancy to her.

But as the years passed, she found that she should have become more and more different. Even though she was weird, withdrawn, and never washed her face, the big boys in the yard often peeked at her .

She knew it couldn't go on like this.

That night, she took the glass piece and sat on the bed for a long time, but in the end she didn't stop. Through the moonlight, she saw a person who looked like an elf in the broken lens.

(End of chapter)

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