Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 662 Deep Blue [Additional Update On 95Th Day]

Chapter 662 Deep Blue [Additional update on 95th day]

"In ancient times, civilizations are fighting endlessly. Our human race was born in chaos, grew up in insignificance, and finally conquered the heavens."

"In ancient times, the gods shined and rose like stars, and fell like them. However, our human race has endured for a long time, becoming the darling of heaven and earth, dominating one era after another."

"There are all kinds of changes in the world, vicissitudes of life, eras ups and downs, and epics passed down from generation to generation. However, my Zhang family is immortal and has been passed down from generation to generation to this day! We have become the only affiliated family of the alliance!"

"I, Zhang Bu Dao, now the head of the Zhang clan, also serves as the leader of the Deep Blue Merchant Alliance in the alliance and is in charge of the Merchant Alliance!

Now that I feel that the alliance has revived, I have reopened the 'Dark Blue Temple', restarted the Deep Blue Merchant Alliance, and rebuilt the Deep Blue Teleportation to connect all realms. "

"Starting from today, all members of the alliance with two yellow stars or above can apply to create a dark blue branch. Each store will have a small number of rare and signature goods to sell in a year to attract traffic!

The cargo lane and transmission are now open. The rule of free delivery once a day remains unchanged, but people and goods are separated. The cargo lane will no longer be used for personnel transportation, and the portal function will be used!

The portal also has one daily free transfer, and two daily transfers will be billed. The charging standards will be adjusted based on usage and historical usage data.

In theory, the daily charges will increase geometrically, and the daily charges will be discounted and reduced based on multiple uses. Please explore on your own for specific conditions! "

"At the same time, the Deep Blue Virtual Auction House will be opened to conduct 24-hour auctions. The all-member auction list will also be opened, three times a month, and on the first day of each ten-day period, a 24-hour scheduled push auction will be opened...

In addition, the Deep Blue Business Alliance is back and will provide exclusive alliance benefits related to the alliance, please check it out yourself. "

Following Zhang Bo's words, the light screen flickered in front of everyone, and information continued to emerge. Everyone clearly understood Zhang Bo's words.

Especially the welfare page has always been what alliance disciples are most concerned about!

As the information emerged, everyone discovered that the benefits were still divided into two categories: golden rare benefits and ordinary benefits. There were no major changes, but a lot of new ones were added.

Rare member benefits:

1. Promotion and Enlightenment

Efficacy: It can briefly gain breakthrough insights and insights after breakthroughs.

Contribution: Varies (depends on cultivation level, apprentice breakthrough contribution: starting from 10 points)

Requirements: Corresponding level breakthrough, the promotion of corresponding star level ‘Dao Fruit’ is required.


2. Breakthrough of luck

Effect: If you are stagnant in Rank One for a long time and cannot break through, you can try to obtain the power of the alliance to break through.

Contribution: Varies (depends on cultivation level, apprentice breakthrough contribution: starting from 10 points)

Requirements: Regardless of level, it depends more on luck and strength.

Note: Tribulation, Tribulation, and Transcending Tribulation can lead to luck. There is a certain chance of failure if you rely on this power to break through. Use it in conjunction with 'Promotion Benefit' to have a miraculous effect.


3. Infinite Companion (Rare)

Effect: Those who obtain unlimited companions can achieve unlimited breakthroughs.

Contribution: Varies

Requirements: A companion, a companion ‘Dao Fruit’ is required. There are many types of companions, including artifact companions, core rune companions, special companions, etc. The redemption time is specifically explained.


4. Xuanhuang Duzun Seal

Efficacy: Obtaining this seal will greatly improve your foundation, be unique throughout the ages, and achieve world-shaking cultivation.

Contribution: Varies

Requirement: A copy of Xuanhuangyin’s special ‘Dao Fruit’

Note: This seal is often accompanied by benefits and is the biggest lucky prize in the alliance.


5. The Imperial Seal of Heaven and Earth (unique, each member has only one redemption opportunity)

Efficacy: If you obtain this seal, you can become the darling of the times and the protagonist between heaven and earth.

Contribution: Varies

Requirement: A copy of Tiandiyin’s special ‘Dao Fruit’

Note: Most of all ‘Dao Fruit’ come from alliance mission rewards.

Among the golden pages, three has become five, especially the fourth black and yellow seal. There is no karma limit, and Zhang Deming does not intend to hold it like the heaven and earth seal.

Although we don’t say they will be distributed in batches, they will be distributed in large quantities. The white page has also changed. The most important thing is the fifth benefit, which will definitely make all the disciples in the alliance advance by leaps and bounds.

General member benefits:

1. Request for assistance


2. Spirit-nurturing beads


3. Utensils


4. Panacea


5. Sacrifice of the source of monsters (source of blood benefits).

Efficacy: Sacrificing a monster beast can exchange for the blood of the monster beast. This is a product of sacrifice, and its effect is similar to that of the corresponding level of cultivation enhancement elixir. Without the corresponding erysipelas, the absorption efficiency is also stronger than that of the elixir.

Of course, there are corresponding consequences. If a large amount of source blood is absorbed in a short period of time, the evil spirit will rush into the brain, affect the mind, and make it easy to get angry!

Contribution: Varies (depending on the level of the monster)

Requirements: No ‘Dao Fruit’ requirement


6. Calculation······

Note: All ordinary benefits and some cherished benefits come from alliance members, which are of course special members. The things exchanged for contributions have special effects that far exceed those of the same level on the market.

The changes in welfare caused everyone's mood to fluctuate violently, and that was all. There were no examples in a short period of time, and the effect was not yet clear.

However, the explanation of "Original Blood Benefits" in the general benefits has attracted many grassroots disciples. Does this mean that killing monsters will have the benefits of monster flesh and blood?

Wouldn't it be true that with the alliance, we no longer have to buy elixirs for ordinary cultivation gains, and we no longer have to be exploited by alchemists?


There are still many people who are not paying attention to welfare. They look at the twelve rotating light balls around them, like twelve rotating worlds, and they are all speechless.

There are not as many movable secret realms in Hongmeng Sacred Land as there are twelve! At this moment, many people gradually understood the power of the alliance!

When many people came back to their senses, the scene in front of them had dissipated and they returned to the outside world. They were speechless for a long time.

Among them, nurturing Sacred Land: Li Shifan, Tong Hou, Pei Xiaoxiao, Pan Juan'er;

Hongmeng Sacred Land: Li Shangyuan, Yu Mingxin, Du Xuanda;

Lingshan Sacred Land: Huineng;

Tianyu Holy See: Archbishop Jian Deyi.

These nine people who participated in the first Hongmeng Council, plus Zhang Deming who turned into Li Zhengkun, a total of ten people, did not leave, but looked slightly in a trance, and the surrounding world changed, and they came to the building of sentient beings together.

Elder Huang and Elder Xing were sitting on high seats, their figures were a bit illusory, they didn't seem to be really there, there were only two projections, and ten people stood in front of their respective seats, observing everyone.

Compared with the unfamiliarity last time, everyone is now familiar with the alliance, no longer confused or flustered, a little more calm and scrutinized, and many people have spare energy to observe others.

When ten people, um, nine people looked around, almost all their eyes fell on the position represented by Li Shifan. At this moment, there was only a huge transparent crystal standing there.

If you look at the crystal carefully, you will find that there is a vague outline in the crystal. Everyone is stunned when they look at this scene. As his eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Long time no see, everyone!" Li Zhengkun, transformed by Zhang Deming, looked at everyone, looked around and spoke to break the silence.

Hearing this, Pan Juan'er showed a sweet smile, looked at Zhang Deming and replied: "Long time no see, Lei Sword Fellow Daoist!"

Looking at Pan Juan'er with the chaotic mist on his face, and listening to her brisk words, Zhang Deming's eyes flickered slightly.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for several years. How are you all?" Li Shangyuan also said at this time.

"Haha, it's just a matter of years." Du Xuanda replied.


"Have you not noticed that Sword Painting Fellow Daoist is in a very strange state at the moment?"

When Zhang Deming started to get acquainted with everyone, Yu Ming took a new glance at Li Shifan, looked around while talking, and finally stopped his eyes on Huang Lao and Xing Lao, who were obviously illusory in the main roles.

Zhang Deming heard this and glanced at Yu Mingxin. Did you guess Li Shifan's situation? Or just curious?

Following Yu Mingxin's words, everyone became quiet again, looking at the two illusory figures in the main seat, either obviously or implicitly.

For a long time, no reply was received.

"It seems that we need to organize this meeting ourselves?" In the silence, Tong Hou broke the silence.

He once participated in the Tianling Council and still maintains it now. This is not the first time he has seen such a situation where the steward is absent.

As he spoke, he attracted everyone's attention, and many people looked at him carefully. Yu Mingxin looked at Tong Hou and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiqi grows up very fast!"

The semantics of the words are a bit inexplicable. I don’t know whether it refers to height or something else!

The words that had no beginning and no end made everyone look different, but Tong Hou smiled and said: "It's been more than ten years at least, you must grow up!"

In his words, it was as if he was talking about growing taller. After all, he came to the meeting as a little kid last time.

At this time, Mr. Huang's figure suddenly became solid and the exchanges among all the people stopped.

"Old friends reunited and chatted a little more. Okay, now let's start the second All-Hongmeng Council!" After Huang Lao's figure solidified, he looked at everyone and said as if to explain.

"As usual, let me say a few things first." While speaking, Huang Lao looked around the crowd and said:

"First, Quan Hongmeng's out-of-territory two-world exchange meeting team has come to an end, and it is estimated that it will be over in a few years.

Here I am posting a grassroots mission, I hope you will use your connections to let your respective forces make comprehensive statistics about the general situation of a new formation technique.

It is the life rune technique that started with the "Heavenly Spirit Sect" on the 49th. After more than 20 years of vigorous spread in Quan Hongmeng, its spread has become wider than the original "Speech: Words"!

Now the top executives of the alliance want to know the situation, there is no need to go into details, just the general situation. Of course, it is also possible to be able to explain in detail whether there is anyone who has comprehended this technique, but it is not required! "

Huang Lao's words caused everyone in the seat to be a little puzzled, wondering what they were going to do, so most of them just frowned slightly and thought.

However, Yu Mingxin and Du Xuanda's pupils shrank and they looked at Mr. Huang in surprise. If it weren't for the chaotic mist on their faces, the changes in their expressions would have been impossible to hide.

Huang Lao seemed to sense the gazes of the crowd, and responded with a glance.

"I don't know what's the use of Mr. Huang's investigation of these things?" Du Xuanda asked with his heart churning.

It's no wonder that he reacted so strongly, with his status, he only knows a little bit about this matter.

This two-world exchange meeting outside the domain is not as simple as it appears on the surface, it is the product of the two sides' different methods! This is something that involves those people at the top of Hongmeng!

It's fine if the outside world doesn't know, what Huang Lao means... seems to know this matter very well?

Upon hearing this, Mr. Huang gave Du Xuanda a meaningful look and said: "It's of no use, it's just that some people within the alliance are itchy and want to get involved in some things and check the situation in advance!

These are not the levels you should be exposed to, and it’s useless to talk about them, anyway, just remember them, and the benefits should not be small. "

Some of the people were silent, some nodded, with different expressions.

Mr. Huang didn't care and continued: "Secondly, since the alliance's comeback, it has gradually become more active. The emergence of the Deep Blue Merchant Alliance means that the alliance is now on the right track.

However, the number of venerables in the alliance has not improved much. As the alliance's guardian force, it cannot be too far behind the business alliance.

After all, even if the old man can be transformed into thousands, as the alliance expands, some things cannot be done by himself, especially the low-level things.

Therefore, the "play request for help" originally under the joint supervision of Duzun Building and Xuanhuang Building also needs the help of Venerable.

Therefore, Venerable screening must also be put on the agenda. After all, once the low-level request for help is transferred to the Venerable, some Venerables will be needed to be ready to take on the low-level request for help.

For this reason, the Deep Blue Business Alliance has specially provided the Black and Yellow Seal welfare rewards. Venerables who have passed the recent assessment will have great priority in obtaining the Black and Yellow Seal.

Believe me, every Black and Yellow Seal is worth fighting for, and every user of the Black and Yellow Seal is worth winning over. You will gradually understand in the future! "

Li Shangyuan is the person who has collected the most welfare disciples. In the Alliance Goldfinger 1.0 era, he collected 3,000 symbiosis disciples in one breath. This is not just a rumor, and he is still paying for it to this day.

Therefore, he understands the power of the alliance's rare benefits best. This is a symbiotic species, and the even rarer Black and Yellow Seal can be imagined.

His expression moved slightly, and he immediately said: "If the person Venerable accepts is not on the list of people you always give to prepare Venerable, what are the standards?"

Mr. Huang tilted his head and looked at Li Shangyuan and said: "After these, you can ask the book of living beings, and freedom will have standards to emerge.

Whether it is the review standards on the preliminary list, or the audition of all alliance members outside the list, or even the selection of people who are not affiliated with the alliance, etc.

Duzunlou has already provided a set of system standards for these standards, which you can check by yourself. As for special personnel who do not meet the standards, they can contact Mr. Xing to request an interview.

Regarding these, I won’t repeat them here. If you want to recruit someone, you can go and check it out. If it is not clear, you can also use the book of living beings to judge it. "

(End of chapter)

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