Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 458 Preparation

Chapter 458 Preparation

Zhang Deming looked at More than 500 Luck with a smile.

Do you keep it or use it?

Save it!

Forget it, use it!

No matter how much energy there is, it’s useless if you don’t use it!

He had been coveting the strange inheritance of the Divine Court Artifact he had obtained for a long time. As for luck, he could always save it after using it up.

No matter how poor and crowded, there will always be some!

While thinking, Zhang Deming turned over his hands and took out the book "Symbiotic Species" that he had copied a long time ago.

It has been more than half a year since I got this book, but so far, Zhang Deming has not even figured out whether this crap is a spell, a weapon refining technique, a martial art, or something else, let alone comprehending it.

This book, even Zhang Deming's understanding of the inheritance ball, is like meditating on the "Tao Te Ching" in the previous life. After a few blind attempts, I can't even touch the fire door, and I don't know what it means.

"Ordinary energy 500, editable small plug-in.

Editing conditions met!


Feeling the familiar information, Zhang Deming smiled. No matter how difficult it is for you, just give him the energy and he can do it!

As the spell was edited, runes were generated in the Dantian, and a large number of standard insights suddenly appeared in Zhang Deming's mind. At the same time, he also understood the function of this spell.

This is an auxiliary spell. It cannot be used alone, or it has no effect when used alone. It can only be used together with other spells. It has only one effect - symbiosis.

When refining a weapon, if this technique is used at the same time, the weapon will have "symbiotic properties".

What does that mean?

Even if the refined artifact is not spiritually enlightened, it naturally possesses a certain spirituality, and after being bound to its owner, it can grow together symbiotically.

The most important thing is that the growth of this thing is unlimited and has unlimited growth potential. Just look at improving with the host.

In other words, the sooner a practitioner is bound, the greater the potential and growth of this thing.

If possible, Zhang Deming could even equip everyone with a growth weapon that can grow infinitely.

This was originally its original ability, or the ability that Shenting Qi Dao knew.

But... Zhang Deming found that there was no restriction that this thing could only be used with the weapon refining technique.

In other words, Shenting Qige has narrowed its scope of use. Of course, it may be that there are not many people who can understand it, and there are even less people who are directly proficient like Zhang Deming.

So much so that most of them have only scratched the surface and don't know that this thing can be used with any spell, which means... he can create infinitely growing spirit-nurturing beads.

What does that mean?

Although he can't rely on symbiosis species to get bonus points for others, due to the unlimited growth conditions, any technique he masters using this technique to make beads will have no difficulty in breaking through.

Although you still have to comprehend it yourself in order to improve, the promotion from Rank One to Rank Two is all about breaking through after completing the comprehension, just like when you add points, you upgrade when the experience value is full.

And what is the most difficult thing to improve the difficulty of spells? Isn’t it a breakthrough?

This is true not just for magic, but also for many aspects of spiritual practice.

What does this mean?

A Spirit-nurturing Bead or a Law Weapon can make a Goldfinger!

This thing is simply... against the sky!

Not to mention 500 yuan of luck, 5000 yuan is worth it!

The only thing I'm speechless about is that this piece of shit really has no level and can't be upgraded or strengthened. The only way to understand it is at Apex Level.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Deming suddenly thought that just after the opening of Xundao City, such a symbiotic species came. Isn't this fate?

Seekers each have a Law Weapon that grows infinitely? Or don't you need to break through the skills in your hands, and you can level up after you practice enough, and prepare for promotion?

While thinking, Zhang Deming first came to Xundao City again and changed some of the inherited spells.

Then he returned to the training room and started various attempts. The effect of this technique was so unbelievable that he needed to figure it out carefully.

After Zhang Deming initially tested the spell for a while, he discovered something speechless. "Symbiotic Species" had almost no influence on the mounting spell on him.

It's right to think about it. His magic can be improved with just luck, which is equivalent to infinite growth! This is the most speechless shortcoming.

Arriving at the training room, Zhang Deming took out most of the spiritual crystals and began to learn the techniques while hanging them.


Time flies, and it’s been more than half a year.

Zhang Deming completely understood the functions of symbiotic species. He found that with his current methods, he could already start training a train of disciples.

Symbiotic species + weapon refining (or spiritual cultivation) + spiritual cultivation enhancement can help most people achieve breakthroughs and become Goldfinger.

As for senior members, with a Heaven and Earth Seal (subroutine), they can own the system and send people to super gods.

In today's alliance, he already has perfect training methods, which are more exaggerated than any Sacred Land. The Tianling Empire also allows him to no longer lack people.

The hundreds of thousands of basic disciples are comparable to the tens of thousands of years of Heavenly Spirit Sect. The only thing missing is the high-level disciple, which means that what he currently lacks is just time to accumulate slowly.

For six months, Zhang Deming hung up and occasionally went to parties, and everything went smoothly.

With the income of more than a year before and after, plus the more than 700 spiritual crystals left, now he only has 60 left. He finally became a rich man by eating soft food, and now he has become a poor man again.

Of course, there are still gains. The result of the intense consumption of spirit stones was that his cultivation level once again broke through.

His breakthrough in the heaven realm was the same as in the earth realm. He quietly changed a false identity, rented a temporary breakthrough Cave Mansion, and left after completing it, leaving the people of the Qingyu tribe speechless for a while.

Because he didn't owe the other party rent, the other party just gave up after a symbolic search.

Kung Fu: Little Yin Yang Five Elements Secret Code (Rank Eight Peak)

Cultivation: Three Talents Level 3 (0/1.6/100 million)

Rune Core: Spirit Vine Demon Summoning Lv6 (200/800)


The experience value doubled again, a painful 160 million. In addition to experience points, he also faced a problem, it was time to prepare four elephant promotion resources.

Back in the Heavenly Spirit Sect, because he had enough authority, he had already obtained the formula for the Four Elephants, but now he only had one main ingredient.

Four Symbol Recipes: Summon·Spirit Possession Summon

Spell requirements: All three souls must be condensed and integrated with the branch runes.

Main materials: Four Spirit Crystals (obtained), Colorful Immortal Crystal (missing), Dragon Marked Demon Spirit Grass (missing);

Auxiliary materials: One Qiang flower (obtained);

A standard unit of Divine Token Wood (missing);

One standard unit of Spiritual Treasure Jade (missing);

A standard bottle of Earth Core Chalcedony (missing);

One copy of any demon soul, with four or more cultivation levels, Beast Core demon soul is the most (missing);

Optional additional auxiliary materials: Heaven and Earth Spirit Crystal (missing), Fairy Spirit Demon Vine Heart (missing), Hundred Soul Fire Source (missing)...

Note: The three souls are condensed, the seven souls return to their positions, and the four images are completed. During the Four Symbols period, the soul is fully formed and the determined path is completely stable. This will be a key step. Prepare as many supporting materials as possible to help stabilize your cultivation.

The materials for promotion in the Four Elephant Stage are all four-star precious materials. Not to mention the main materials, even the auxiliary materials are very precious and extremely difficult to find.

In the past six months, he did not collect with a strong purpose, but just collected by chance, so he only obtained one Qiang flower.

There is also a copy of the four-star main materials of other roads. You can try to exchange them when the time comes. It should be much easier. But the remaining materials were a headache.

You know, it would take hundreds of years for a person to come and work together to raise a resource for promotion of the Four Elephants.

Even after Zhang Deming broke through the heaven realm, he began to collect materials with all his strength. Even using the identity of Zhang Wu to send collection tasks under the alliance division, there was no gain.


On this day, Zhang Deming came to the Shenlan branch on Qingyu Third Street again, and was led up to the fourth floor in a familiar manner.

Tong Hou seemed to have something to do, because he waited for about ten minutes before this guy hurried over.

This guy seems to be extremely busy in the past six months, and he doesn't know what he is busy with.

"I'm sorry, Manager Li. I did have something to do before, so I couldn't get away immediately and was delayed for some time." Tong Hou, who arrived in a hurry, bowed to Zhang Deming and immediately apologized.

"It doesn't matter, I just came here." Zhang Deming waved his hand and said in an easy-going manner, "How about I ask you to help find the materials?"

Hearing this, Tong Hou smiled bitterly and said: "Manager Li, all you are looking for are the promotion resources of the Four Elephant Stage, or the summoning category.

For these things, even if Qingyu Street can produce one or two pieces of materials every ten years, it would be good, and every time they appear, they will be auctioned.

In a short period of time, there is really nothing my subordinates can do. If it is found, my subordinates will definitely submit it as soon as possible. After all, Manager Zhang is also in our Tianling District, helping the manager release transaction information. "

Zhang Deming frowned slightly and said: "This damn resource control, everyone is hiding resources, making it increasingly difficult to find resources in the market."

"Yes!" Tong Hou answered.

"What about the other thing? What's going on with Li Shangyuan, whom I asked you to help investigate?" Zhang Deming asked.

Tong Hou took out a piece of information and said: "There are already some clues, the other party is a well-known alchemy monk in Herring City, a lot of information is not difficult to get.

But because he is a bit old, and has been nested in Herring City for the past few hundred years, it will take some time for more secret news. "

While speaking, Tong Hou pushed the light screen in front of him, and the light screen floated in front of Zhang Deming.

Name: Li Shangyuan

Road number: Qiyun

Age: 5,700 years

Personality: Slightly loyal (As a thousand-year-old monster, if you think he is a fool who is easy to bully, then you must have been kicked in the head by a donkey, and the kick was not light.)

Biography: Originally a disciple of the Quanqingguan Li family, but a half-marginal figure in the family.

It is said that 1,500 years ago, due to a trip to a secret realm, he suffered a very serious injury, the root of which was injured, and his cultivation stagnated since then.

Afterwards, perhaps because of death, or other reasons, the other party left Quanqing Temple and came to live in Herring City.

The reason for this has not yet been ascertained due to the fact that it is a long time ago and may involve the factional struggle in the Grotto-Heaven of the blessed land.

After moving into Herring City, it took five hundred years to heal the injury, or suppress it.

Because it hurt the root, as a alchemy cultivator, when he was nearly five thousand years old, there appeared the image of the five declines of heaven and man, and it was suspected that his lifespan was short.

Eight hundred years ago, he tried to break through the five elements by borrowing the five-star spiritual vein of the herring clan in order to prolong his life, but failed. Moreover, the instant gray hair, old face, and suspected breakthrough not only failed, but also affected old wounds again.

For eight hundred years, I have been searching for the life-extending Spirit Medicine. Because I am the most famous and the only five-star peak alchemist in Qingyu City, I have gained a lot from the life-extending Spirit Medicine.

But also because of its reputation, and the undisguised collection of Life Extension Spirit Medicine, it has also been sold at high prices by many people over the years.

In addition, according to its eight hundred years of high-level transaction records, the other party should have prepared a second breakthrough material. It is suspected that the opponent's time is running out, and they should make another five-element breakthrough before the deadline.

Advice: It is an overhaul that is about to enter the soil, and you should not mess with honest people.


Tong Hou saw Zhang Deming looking at the information and was silent for a long time. He couldn't help but say: "The information about the other party's youth belongs to Quanqing Guan because of the long time ago. It would be difficult to investigate in detail."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming came back to his senses and said with a smile, "No, these are enough."

After saying that, Zhang Deming stood up and said, "Then I will stop bothering you, there are still some things to deal with, and you are quite busy."

"Don't dare to lie to Manager Li, my subordinates are really busy recently." Tong Hou got up and saluted.

"Well, then you are busy with your work, so I will go first." While speaking, Zhang Deming already walked downstairs.

"As for the promotion materials, if the subordinates have any news, they will definitely notify the steward immediately." Tong Hou's words came from behind.

"Well, just remember it." Zhang Deming disappeared into the building while speaking.


He walked back to Qingyu Island, but Zhang Deming did not go back to his Qingzhu Mansion. Instead, he drifted to one of the three four-star High Grade Cave Mansion - Lingyu Courtyard.

This courtyard, located in the middle of a small lotus pond, is a rare place.

It is said that this place already belongs to Li Shangyuan because Li Shangyuan made elixirs for the Qingyu tribe. It is probably the kind of situation where you don't need to pay and live for free, but you can't sell it.

Hmm, staff assigned room?

Although some are not very appropriate, but in general it should be. In other words, it should be called Keqing Cave Mansion.

Zhang Deming came to Lingyuyuan, stepped lightly on the lake water, and strolled to the center of the pond.

The entire courtyard was enveloped by a huge formation, which seemed to be operating at full strength at the moment. Looking at the situation, Zhang Deming frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and reached out to trigger the formation.

There was no response for a moment, and no one came out of the yard.

‘Refining alchemy? '

Zhang Deming frowned and waited for a moment, shook his head, and planned to turn around and leave.

However, after only a few steps, he felt the fluctuation of the formation behind him. Zhang Deming turned his head and looked, the entrance gate of the formation had been opened at some point, but no one came out.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Deming hesitated for a moment, then walked into the Cave Mansion.

This Lingyu Courtyard is a nice place, the layout is very different from Zhang Deming's Green Bamboo Courtyard. His place has a style of seclusion in the mountains. There is a small courtyard in the bamboo forest, which is elegant and aloof from the world of mortals.

And this Lingyu Courtyard is very exquisite with beautiful bells and bells. But... the owner who lives there seems to be a bit out of tune with the style of this place, and he is not a talkative person.

That's right. The alchemist should live in a water house. He should live in a pastoral style place. After all, he can grow more herbs, right? This herring tribe simply has no discernment and does not know how to arrange their counterparts.

While thinking, Zhang Deming smelled a strong medicinal fragrance, not the kind that was newly opened, but a mixture of elixir and medicinal herbs, which had been accumulated over a long period of time, and permeated the entire Cave Mansion.

It seems to have become the original smell of this yard. It is not unpleasant, but rather refreshing. If an apprentice who has just entered the cultivation threshold comes to live here, this smell is a good treasure.

When he arrived at the courtyard, no one came out to receive him. Zhang Deming stepped into the courtyard and prepared to wait quietly. After all, looking at it, it is alchemy.

Although the two of them have become somewhat familiar with each other over the past year or so, they are still just acquaintances. It is their first time to visit. It would not be good if they broke into the house so hastily.

"Fellow Daoist Zhengkun, just come in. There is no need to be so scrupulous. I don't have any ferocious tigers or reckless animals in my yard." The moment Zhang Deming paused, Li Shangyuan's words came from a side hall.

Zhang Deming was slightly stunned, turned his head to look at the side hall, and stepped in after a little hesitation.

Entering the side hall, Zhang Deming found that it was a very empty room. The room is very large, except for a huge refining furnace in the middle, there are only a few strange shelves like medicine cabinets around it.

At this moment, under the alchemy furnace in the center, a raging flame is burning. Li Shangyuan was sitting in front of the alchemy stove, facing the door sideways.

At this moment, the other party was twisting the alchemy formula and looking at Zhang Deming. He was distracted and did not affect the alchemy operation at all, which shows that the other party's alchemy skills are high.

"Fellow Daoist, please wait for a moment. This is a batch of five-star elixirs. The level of the Daoist is limited. The elixirs are ready immediately. I don't dare to leave carelessly at this time." Li Shangyuan looked at Zhang Deming and said.

Zhang Deming: "······"

Five-star elixir, the elixir is about to come out, so you can refine it while chatting, is this called a limited level?

So Versailles!

I suspect you are pretending!

"It's okay, Brother Dao, you go first, I'm not in a hurry." Zhang Deming replied thoughtfully.

"Then neglect it!" After Li Shangyuan said, he turned his head and began to concentrate on making tactics. At this moment, Zhang Deming also smelled a little bit of Danxiang.

Well, it seems to be the five-star green serum elixir, a Middle Grade elixir for five-element monks to improve their cultivation.

Obediently, refining the five-star elixir with the cultivation base of Sixiang is already a superb skill, and it is so easy to lift the weight, this old man has something!


A moment later, as Li Shangyuan finished his work, five spirit pills flew out of the pill furnace one after another, and Li Shangyuan put them into an exquisite special jade bottle.

"It makes Fellow Daoist laugh. Due to my limited cultivation, in order to be safe, I can only refine it in a small furnace. The orthodox refining furnace after furnace will always smash a few pills, which is not worth it." Li Shangyuan put away the elixir and took it with him Said with a peaceful smile.

"Hehe, if I were Daoist brother, maybe I would refine them one by one." Zhang Deming shrugged and replied.

"This is a pill refined in batches. It takes too much time to refine one by one!" Li Shangyuan shook his head and replied.

"But it can prevent it from being scrapped and earn more spiritual stones!" Zhang Deming replied: "Brother Taoist, you don't know how poor our blacksmiths are, and they are incomparable to your alchemy masters."

"Traditional refining has declined, and now the cost of refining materials, blueprints, etc. has plummeted, while the price of high-end finished products is slowly rising.

But the way of alchemy is still like yesterday, and there are as many alchemists as the sand in the sand sea, and the crucian carp crossing the river. Only at the high level can it be a little better.

This back and forth comparison...

Zhengkun Fellow Daoist, do you really envy me when you say that, or are you here to ridicule the poor! "Li Shangyuan brought Zhang Deming to the yard, and said as he asked Zhang Deming to sit down.

His words are quite easy-going, a bit like an Old Medicine farmer, and with his snow-white hair and old face, he is inexplicably kind.

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "My weapon refining skills are different from traditional fire forging. Refining high-level Law Treasure takes too long, and I can't earn a few spiritual stones."

Zhang Deming is not lying about this. The five-star Law Treasure starts at 20,000 to 30,000 yuan and tops out at 80,000 to 80,000 yuan. Even the wise Law Treasure has almost one hundred thousand spiritual stones in his head.

But for Law Treasure, which sells 100,000 spirit stones, the material price must be at least 40,000 to 50,000. It will take him a month to grow it.

Well, this refers to normal circumstances. Under special circumstances, such as Transcendent Level, which is customized exclusively for rich people, it can be sold for several million.

This is equivalent to the difference between luxury goods and daily necessities, but how can such a wealthy person be met when he meets him? That is a rare resource!

Li Shangyuan nodded and said: "Well, I saw it from the artifacts sold by Fellow Daoist. If I guessed correctly, Fellow Daoist is a wood tempering instrument master in Qimen Forging!"

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "Well, more or less, wood and earth are combined together."

"No wonder, no wonder Fellow Daoist can refine Law Treasure so easily. Although the forging of this Wood and Earth Qimen is a little slower, it is still very advantageous." Li Shangyuan sighed.

Law Treasure creatures, there are roughly two methods now, one is directly trained by the refiner, this is very difficult, and it also tests the refiner's skills and materials.

The other one is the spiritual cultivator. This depends on the spiritual cultivator’s skills.

"Well, as a Qimen weapon refining technique, it can't be all bad!" Zhang Deming replied with a wry smile.

Li Shangyuan had already brewed tea at this time, and his whole humanity suddenly became several times stronger. One second, he was a kind old man, and the next second he became a mortal immortal, the kind who does not eat human fireworks.

It's much more powerful than when Zhang Deming used Feng Mingyou's mirror image. It's almost as good as the temperament he had when he was in the soul-nurturing space, using the soul-nurturing space plus Feng Mingyou's tea ceremony.

Zhang Deming's eyes glazed over for a moment, and then he said in shock: "Brother Taoist, is he a minor in tea ceremony?"

"What's the problem? Most alchemists minor in tea ceremony or farming, right? Isn't this the same reason as your weapon refiners minor in formation or five elements?" Li Shangyuan asked proudly.

"I just didn't expect that Brother Dao has reached such a state of tea ceremony. This is comparable to a professional monk of tea ceremony!" Zhang Deming felt the all-time Dao Yun, and his every move was natural.

"Hey, it's just a show, I know two cups of tea. You want me to use the tea ceremony to assist in the battle. I won't be able to hold back a cup of spirit tea until my teammates die." Li Shangyuan replied.

(end of this chapter)

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