Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 446 Take The Initiative To Hand Over [Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 446 Take the initiative to hand over [Please subscribe, please vote]

"Disciple understands how to deal with it!" Qin Shizhong heard this and replied.

"Well, I feel most at ease when you do things." Zhang Deming nodded and said, "By the way, it's been more than half a year since the last payment. How many spiritual stones do you have?"

Before breaking through the three talents, Zhang Deming had not paid for the spiritual stones for two months. After that, it took another half a year to get out of the mountain, so he had not paid for more than half a year.

"Back to Uncle Master, you haven't settled the payment for nine months, and the materials you asked your disciples to resell before were sold slowly because many of them were Samsung.

But because you haven’t sent any new material for six or seven months, Uncle Master, it’s almost sold out. Coupled with the store's profit commission, a total of 215,000 spirit stones have been earned in nine months. "

Qin Shizhong directly answered Zhang Deming without looking through his account book. Obviously, this aspect has been occupying his most energy.

As the owner of Tiandiyin, Zhang Deming also revealed it to him, and Zhang Deming also has it. Therefore, he himself knows best what Zhang Deming should focus on most.

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "Pass it to me using the cargo passage ceremony. I need some spiritual stones recently. As for advanced material processing, you don't have to worry about it. I'll find another sales point."

Qin Shizhong paused when he heard the words, and in the end he didn't say a word, but said respectfully: "I understand."

After a while, he opened the cargo channel ceremony and passed several small boxes over.

Zhang Deming looked at the spirit stone box in front of him, nodded, and said: "Okay, that's it for today. If you have anything, you can ask me in the book of all beings, or you can ask me in the communication array card."

After saying that, under Qin Shizhong's respectful gesture, Zhang Deming waved off the contact with the book of sentient beings.

Immediately, Zhang Deming looked at the two wooden boxes, one large and one small, on the small table, and opened them with a wave of his hand, and a strong aura rushed over.

The big one is full of ordinary spirit stones, and the small one is filled with a dozen or so spirit crystals. It seems that Qin Shizhong is quite concerned about this.

In Heavenly Spirit Sect, spirit crystals are rarely used as currency! It's impossible to change so much without worrying.

And his wealth is not weak anymore, since he didn't keep it for himself, it's okay, it's worth cultivating.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Deming waved away the spirit stone, restrained himself, and entered the spirit cultivation space.


Arriving in the spirit cultivation space, Zhang Deming first waved his hand, and a square seal like a jade seal flew down from the sky.

While the square seal fluctuated, a vague figure came out, bowed to Zhang Deming, and said, "The code has seen the weaver!"

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "How is the current situation of the Tianling Empire?"

The Heavenly Spirit Empire, that is, the new kingdom composed of seventeen states under the Heavenly Spirit Sect, is also the mortal world created by Zhang Deming.

"Since the establishment of the Law Code and the establishment of the Yige, the Tianling Empire has stepped into the right direction. Nearly four years ago, the Zongmen sent a Liangyi family to become the Tianling Royal Family.

After doing a lot of small things, until they figured out the situation of the Yige, and knew that it was you, the Spell Weaver, who created the Yige, the Yuan family became a happy royal family, and could be supported and cultivated with peace of mind, without excessive management. Secular.

After more than four years of development, the Tianling Empire is already quite prosperous.

The 'Great Steward' Qin Shizhong, in his capacity these years, often issued missions in the outer sect, asking the apprentices of the outer sect to help manage the common customs and govern the states.

Call wind and rain, disaster relief and pest control.

The Tianling Empire has been doing well for these years, and has entered a prosperous age that has never been seen before. Dharma Weaver, you are now a myth in heaven and earth, and there are longevity tablets everywhere, offering incense every day. "

Zhang Deming looked at the code, this person has no personality, no specific face.

Before, Zhang Deming touched his personality and manually edited it once. Then, just to be sure, after obtaining the life rune spell, he used the spell to weave the opponent again.

After four years, there is still no sign of recovery of human nature, but because it is basically a human soul, it is obviously more personified than the monitor elf.

Hearing this, Zhang Deming nodded and said, "In that case, let's spread out the prayer ceremony and prayer words, don't make too much noise, it doesn't hurt to slow down.

With each family's longevity ranking as the basis, no one should notice the problem if it takes a little longer. After all, everyone is offering incense now, but there is no unified standard for praying. "

"Understood, create a long-term task, pray!"

"Calculation of the best solution, the calculation is completed, let the weaver choose the solution!"

As the phantom movement stopped, several light screens appeared in front of Zhang Deming, displaying the execution plan.

Zhang Deming looked at the light screens one by one, paused at one of them, and said with gleaming eyes: "Just leave it at that. If you follow this plan, you can get a lot of unexpected gains!"

"Option 4, Concealment Level 1, Diffusion Level 10, the level of secrecy is too low, and it does not match your previous request, weaver, do you confirm the implementation?"

"Haha, then let everyone in the secular world start praying first, and don't rush to issue rituals. Anyway, the longevity tablets have been erected for so many years. Let's unify the prayers first, draw attention, and then talk about it after the ceremony." Zhang Deming While pondering, he spoke.

"In the revision plan...the revision is complete."

"Do you want to confirm option four: National prayer?"

"Note: This plan will further facilitate the nationwide law enforcement of the code. It will use the official seal as the base station, break it into parts, and lock every mortal with a prayer point. However, due to the impact of the armed disaster, it is extremely vulnerable to the attention of the sect."

"Execute it. The longevity tablet has been hanging for four years. Obviously the sect is not unaware of it and should be used to it. Now as long as it doesn't spread to the Tianling Empire, it should be fine." Zhang Deming said.

"Confirm execution plan, executing..."

"Using a viral approach to spread the prayers, it is expected to take at least three months!"

Zhang Deming looked at the code, waved his hand, and the opponent's figure disappeared, and the jade-like square seal flew back to the chaotic depths of the sky, hanging there together with the book of living beings and the monitoring elves, no longer caring about it.

This is a completely random arrangement, and there should be no results within a few decades. After all, his main purpose is to become a monk, and he wants to influence the circle of monks with the secular world of the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

Then the best possibility is...for ordinary people with spiritual roots, it will take many years to enter the circle of monks!

Oh, there are also some extremely low-end market circles that should be easily affected.

After dealing with these, the affairs of the alliance in the past four years have been initially dealt with. What still needs to be dealt with now is the matter of the secret realm.


Zhang Deming waved to the sky again, and a huge amber-like crystal flew down. Surrounding the crystal, there was this strange symbol of lightning flashing, rotating around it.

Zhang Deming took the crystal and took one step forward to the top of the Xuanhuang Tower.

After pondering for a moment, the chaotic fog surged in the sky, and the invisible giant city below the island emerged clearly.

The surrounding Sentient Building and Duzun Building all moved closer together, and the two cities on the third floor seemed to be very close, clearly visible at a glance. At the same time, there seemed to be many strange buildings beyond the third floor, looming.

Countless enlightenment light points in the sky flickered, and various pictures were projected in the light points, which were exactly the pictures of the light pointers' enlightenment.

However, all the images were blurred by Zhang Deming, and only countless images could be seen flickering. Accompanied by the light spots that looked like stars all over the sky, it was extremely mysterious.

Zhang Deming's appearance also quietly changed into that of Mr. Huang, standing on the top floor of the attic with his hands behind his back. The roof above his head had disappeared without knowing when, as if he were on a rooftop.

Mr. Huang just stood on the edge of the rooftop, overlooking everything below, his expression indifferent, but giving people endless vicissitudes of life, like a fairy from ancient times, overlooking all living beings since eternity.

With the gentle breeze on the island, Huang Lao's hair and Taoist robes on the edge of the rooftop fluttered slightly, carrying a fairy spirit, but also revealing an endless feeling of loneliness.

The feeling of the entire space has also changed. It no longer feels like the previous spiritual nurturing space.

At the same time, the amber melted rapidly, and in a moment, only a crystal-like full-body dress was left, covering Hong Quanyang.


As Hong Quanyang's head was completely unsealed, he slowly woke up and was about to speak when he saw the scene in front of him.

He looked at Huang Lao, who had a unique temperament, like a mortal, but also like an immortal. His pupils shrank, and he was speechless for a moment.

"I feel wronged, Fellow Daoist, but the Fellow Daoist Dao Fruit is already half-finished. There is hope for Celestial Immortal. Pindao cannot be too optimistic about his newly recovered state."

In ancient times, it was called True Immortal, and above it was Celestial Immortal!

Mr. Huang didn't look back, but his faint words came out. The words were plain, but they gave people a feeling of vicissitudes of life.

"You are..." Hong Quanyang, who was stunned, came back to his senses after hearing the words and looked at Mr. Huang in surprise.

"Pindao Huang Cunshan, the director of Xuanhuang Building of the Blue Sky Alliance, a person who deserved to die but did not die."

As he spoke, Huang Lao's temperament became a little deeper, carrying endless vicissitudes and loneliness.


Hong Quanyang frowned slightly. In his thousands of years of life, he seemed to have no relevant memory at all. In confusion, he turned his head and looked.

After seeing the scene around him clearly, he was stunned.

"Alliance...Alliance...Are you the ancient god of the Shenting Federation?"

As he spoke, even the old monster who was about to break through the world was full of horror.

"Haha, the Conferred Divinity List is broken, the Shinto is dead, and the true spirit has nowhere to store. How could anyone among the ancient gods survive to this day!"

There was obviously laughter, but there was no smile at all, only desolation and silence.

"Then what kind of force is this Blue Sky Alliance, and why has Lao Chan never heard of it? This is a new force that has been dormant for thousands of years?" Hong Quanyang asked doubtfully.

"Oh... Fellow Daoist's talent should be very good, right?" Huang Lao sighed and answered the question.

Hong Quanyang shook his head and said: "It's not that good of a talent, it's just comparable to Immortal Spirit Root!"

Immortal Spirit Root?

Ninety-five o'clock?

Just pay it off?

At the edge of the rooftop, Mr. Huang, who was turning around and walking over, almost stopped. Fortunately, he had enough self-cultivation and good skills, so he didn't show any changes.

Strolling to the tea table on the rooftop, he sat down lightly, looked at Hong Quanyang's serious expression, and continued to ask: "Then, the current level of cultivation of the Fellow Daoist should be less than ten thousand years old?"

Hong Quanyang nodded and said: "Although Pindao's talent is not top-notch, he is still an Immortal Spirit Root. Even if he only has a talent of ninety-five, he is not considered dull.

From the beginning, it took a total of six thousand years to reach the ranks of Liuhe True Immortal. "

"Then it's not surprising that Fellow Daoist doesn't know about the alliance!" Huang Lao said.

Hong Quanyang asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Because the Fellow Daoist is at most 16,700 years old, and the last time the Alliance escaped from the world, it has been more than 20,000 years, nearly 30,000 years!" Huang Lao suddenly looked up at the sky while speaking.

"More than 20,000 years?" Hong Quanyang whispered, and followed Huang Lao's gaze upwards. What he saw was the stars in the sky and countless blurry scenes.

It is very similar to the blurry shadows of Wen Qingxu appearing in the opening scene of the Ghost Wood Forest during the Qingmu Yanglei High School Assessment.

Hong Quanyang froze again, his pupils shrank, his mind was shaken, and he could not speak for a long time.

"These are...?" After a long time, he said dryly. As a former perfect score assessor, he was not familiar with these.

"Alas..." Huang Lao sighed when he heard this, his indifferent face showing a bit of reminiscence, a bit of desolation, and a bit of pain.

"It's just some old friends who can't be forgotten. Some old guys don't give up and always feel that there is still a possibility to revive them, so I let the old man keep this remaining breath.

Haha, the divine court no longer exists and reincarnation disappears. In my opinion, this is just some self-deceptive comfort! "

Hong Quanyang tasted the meaning from Huang Lao's words that he couldn't believe. Does this mean that the stars in the sky are all the afterimages of ancient powers?

The legendary twenty-eight constellations?

The bosses of various factions in the Shenting Federation?

Do they still want to resurrect the stars in the sky?

"Fellow Daoist said before that the alliance is not the Federation of Gods?" Hong Quanyang looked at the light and shadow and asked again.

"Yes, how much does Fellow Daoist know about the Ancient Divine Court?" Mr. Huang did not answer immediately, but asked indifferently.

Hong Quanyang paused and said: "I don't know much about it. The information from Shenting seems to have been blocked by the Information Dao Sutra. The source of the Tribulation in the Third Age has become completely secret.

As for the Shenting of the third era, there are only a few words left, and it has gone through a long time. After the establishment of Hongmeng Sacred Land, there is not much understanding. "

"Is that so?"

As Huang Lao spoke, he looked up at the sky again and said, "It is said that several Huiyuan ago, in that distant ancient period, Shinto flourished and reached its peak.

All the heavens are ruled by the court of gods, and countless monks hope to become gods, even if it is a dime land and mountain god, as long as they can send their spirits to the list, they will grab the top position.

At that time, the Dao of Immortals and the Dao of No Spiritual Weapon (technical civilization) were all suppressed and became affiliated with Shinto, a not too big faction in the Federation of Gods.

But at the moment when the Conferred Divinity List was shattered, the divine way died out, but the immortal way and the Wudao way were liberated. Although in the disaster, they were still on the verge of extinction.

But unlike the total annihilation of Shinto, the fire of these two paths is still passed down. "

"Could it be...?" Seeing Huang Laoyan reach this point, Hong Quanyang stopped and said in surprise.

"That's right, the Alliance was formed at the beginning of the Fourth Age by the remaining incompetent children of many Shinto descendants.

When Shinto was prosperous, some Shinto disciples were too incompetent to take up Shinto. He could only practice the immortal way, but in the end he was a blessing in disguise and survived. And thus the alliance was born. "

As he spoke, Mr. Huang's face was full of memories and loneliness, with a hint of bitterness.

“After eternity of changes, the passage of time, the alliance changed from bright to dark, the immortal way gradually recovered, and then Hongmeng Sacred Land came into being.

It was also at that time that many old guys realized that the era had really passed. The sudden death of his heart probably caused the alliance to completely escape from the world for tens of thousands of years! "

Following Huang Lao's words, Hong Quanyang could not speak for a long time.

"Why did the Fellow Daoist tell the poor Taoist this?" Hong Quanyang asked after a long time.

"Because I have a deep relationship with Grand Master Wen, I will never allow his inheritance to be broken like this!"

Before Mr. Huang could reply, a voice suddenly sounded, and the two turned their heads at the same time, looking in the direction of the source of the voice, which was the direction of Duzun Building.

As the two of them looked around, they saw a figure walking through the air in Duzun Tower.

If Huang Lao is like a mortal being banished to immortality, this figure is the Great Emperor who has spanned the ages, with an extremely domineering temperament.

"Why did you run out? Didn't you say that this matter will be resolved by me? You have just recovered. If you don't recover well, why are you out here messing around?"

Mr. Huang looked at Mr. Xing, with a slight hint of headache on his indifferent expression.

"I've been looking at your ink for a long time, but you still haven't gotten down to business. I'm really annoyed." After saying that, he turned to look at Hong Quanyang and asked:

"Boy, since I have made an oath with the junior members of the alliance, then execute it, otherwise..."

"Get out of here, old man!"

Before Xing Lao's threatening words could be spoken, Huang Lao's words were rare and stern, and the entire Xuanhuang Building seemed to come to life, trembling slightly.

The extremely domineering Mr. Xing was instantly blurred. When he came to his senses again, he had already appeared outside Xuanhuang Tower.

Mr. Xing paused outside Xuanhuang Building, looked at Mr. Huang and said, "Old Loach, you'd better hurry up and don't let me force you to pull people away, otherwise your broken building won't be able to stop me."

After saying that, he waved his hand and simply disappeared into Duzun Tower.

When Huang Lao heard this, he shook his head with a headache.

"Fellow Daoist, this is..." Although Hong Quanyang was still confused, he probably understood.

Mr. Huang shook his head and said: "Our alliance is divided into five cities and twelve floors, which are controlled by Duzun Tower.

Alliance The Venerable team can be regarded as the guardians of my alliance, but because of this, as its controller, the temperament is a bit domineering, and it needs to be domineering. Fellow Daoist, don't mind. "

Hong Quanyang was silent for a moment and said: "I thought at first that I had entered a realm of meridian magic, but now it seems that I am not?"

"It has some origin. The place where the disciple caught you before was indeed the legal domain. But it was not formed after the completion of the scriptures. It was built by chance because the other party connected to the alliance's headquarters.

And the junior you met before is the awakener of this generation's alliance. Probably the leader, well, you can think of it as the leader of Hongmeng Sacred Land, but the leader of the alliance is more formal.

Because you are already in the realm of Liuhe True Immortal, that guy just wanted to be on the safe side, so he sent you to the headquarters and asked me to come and talk to you. " Mr. Huang looked at Hong Quanyang and said with an indifferent expression.

Hong Quanyang was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand, and three illusory light balls without any spiritual power appeared in the air, and said: "This is the "Little Yin Yang Thunder Code", "Nine Heavens Thunder Sword", and "Nine Heavens Thunder Wings".

"Fellow Daoist is really straightforward!" Mr. Huang said in surprise. After all, the other party understood his purpose before he even opened his mouth and took the initiative to hand over.

Hong Quanyang smiled bitterly and said: "So what if we don't do it altogether? Whether it's the previous legal space or the unknown place here now.

I have been completely restricted and have no chance to resist. Now that I have lost the restraint of the oath, I am just fish on the board. "

Huang Lao looked at Hong Quanyang and seemed not to feel the other person's sadness at all. He had no mercy and said indifferently: "You have to pay a price for doing something."

"Pindao understands! Pindao is just a temporary feeling!" Hong Quanyang replied.

"Now that the matter is over, I still have a lot of things to do here, so you can go back and forth as you please! Your outcome is not decided by me, nor do I want to decide it."

As he spoke, Hong Quanyang's crystal armor proliferated rapidly, sealing him into a crystal in a moment. As soon as Mr. Huang waved his hand, he turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sky. He fell into a trance.

‘Well, the information from the Heavenly Spirit Sect information room, combined with the storybook and nonsense, seems to have a good effect. '

In his thoughts, Huang Lao's figure slowly changed into Zhang Deming's.

The surrounding buildings slowly disappeared into the chaotic mist, the light spots in the sky also disappeared, and the Xuanhuang Tower returned to its original appearance.

After recovering everything, Zhang Deming took a step forward and returned to a place of chaos. The atmosphere around him changed, from the Grotto-Heaven blessed land, to a pure feeling of spiritual nurturing space, surrounded by a vast expanse of white.

At the same time, the crystal amber-like Hong Quanyang reappeared.

In the amber, Hong Quanyang just felt like he was in a trance. When he came back to his senses, he was back at the place where he was caught before. The surroundings were gray and nothing could move except his mouth.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist and Mr. Huang had a good chat!" Zhang Deming looked at Hong Quanyang and said with a smile.

Hong Quanyang paused, regained his previous composure and sophistication, and said calmly: "I'm just doing things as promised!"

Hearing this, Zhang Deming raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but without trying to discredit the opponent, he looked at Hong Quanyang and said:

"Fellow Daoist does not need to remind me, no matter whether the oath is binding now or not. For me, I will not fail to promise what I promised, otherwise I would not have bothered to make the oath with you in the first place."

"I hope so!" Hong Quanyang felt a little more relaxed as he spoke.

"In that case, then Fellow Daoist should sleep for a while first!" Zhang Deming was about to wave his hand after saying this, but in the middle of the action, he suddenly remembered something and said:

"Oh, by the way, since your half Dao Fruit was originally used as a medium for the Taoist oath, you don't mind if I learn about it, right?"


(end of this chapter)

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