Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 323 Luanchu 5

Chapter 323 Luanchu 5

A few people look at me, I look at you, Guan Shouxin made up his mind for a long time and said: "Let's do it, cut half of it and walk away, it can be regarded as saving people.

Anyway, in this situation, Qu Wenbai was already in trouble. If you don't cut half of it and go, just withdraw, let's not talk about whether we withdraw or not, even if we withdraw, there will be problems with the operation of Tianxin Festival. "

Guan Zhenzhen also nodded and said: "Well, it's okay. Anyway, the Nine-Life Evil Soul Dao cultivated by Qu Laogui should not be able to die. Saving half of it can be regarded as saving people. At least he was not left alone."

Several people nodded, and they all agreed with Guan Zhenzhen's conclusion that he couldn't die. But whether it is considered alive or not is also a question. You know, not dying does not necessarily mean you are alive.

The Dao of Nine Fate Extreme Evil Soul is Fate, and even Qu Wenbai's Fate Soul and Fate Body have now separated from entities in the traditional sense, turning into black mist is black mist.

But if the main body and the soul are torn in half by the living... This saves people... It will be more ruthless than the attacks of Zhang Deming and the others below!

The four people who made up their minds worked together to drive the Tianxin altar that hadn't stopped completely. The Tianxin altar paused slightly, and the aura surged.

Qu Wenbai, who was trying his best to endure the attacks and torture from Huang Lao and Puhua, trying to survive until the other party's spiritual power was exhausted, felt the power of the altar, and he was stunned.

The distorted black mist is wriggling, about to turn into a human body.

But he just changed a little. Before the lower half of his body appeared, he was sucked and pulled by the altar, and the lower half of the distorted black mist ball was torn violently, and it was pulled into the altar.

"Ah... Guan Zhenzhen, the old man helped you..."

Qu Wenbai let out a shrill scream. Before he could finish his words, as the black mist was torn in half, Qu Wenbai's condensed upper body also disintegrated again, turning into a small ball of unconsciously squirming black mist.

The entire black mist seemed to have lost consciousness and became stupid. Huang Lao clearly felt that the power of the spiritual seed was left in this half, and at this moment, there was not much resistance in the black mist.

Well, there should be resistance, but there is no sense of resistance.

When the other party was torn in half, his consciousness was on the verge of collapse. The current Qu Wenbai is probably two halves of a vegetable!

After feeling the state of the black mist, Huang Lao was stunned for a while, and stopped frantically mobilizing the spirit seeds to wipe out the half of the black mist that was neither body nor soul.

Before Huang Lao and Pu Hua pursued the other four things, after the other half of the black mist was pulled into the altar, the other four things were also pulled into the altar.

The mini Tianxin altar was shocked again and turned again.

But because the black mist lost its self-awareness, and half of them were missing, let alone reuniting the dolls, it was difficult to maintain the normal operation of the altar.

If it weren't for Duan Yuanbing's strange state and a lot of help, it would be really difficult for them to continue to activate the Tianxin Festival.

The altar gave up the blockade to the surroundings and turned slightly.

Seeing this, Puhua's expression changed. Although he was completely unable to shoot down the Tianxin Altar in its current state, after all, the defense on the altar's surface would not be broken for a while. But there are still ways to retain people.

"I wish: no breaking of the sky is allowed here!"

"I wish: trap immortals and demons in a net of heaven and earth!"

Following his wish, Puhua waved his hand and spread out a golden net bag that looked like a fishing net. A huge net bag covered the entire area of ​​the broken Qingyu Green Boat, preventing the Tianxin Altar from leaving.

And as the Tianxin Altar was removed from the ban, many people in this area could clearly feel that their eyes were fixed on it, some following the signs and some following Puhua's guidance.

"Start the sacrifice!" Guan Shouxin said decisively when he felt the moment of gaze, and found that the altar did not escape as expected.

All four of them had a meal, they all knew the urgency of the matter, no one hesitated, and started to do it.

I saw the miniature altar rapidly expanding, becoming the size of a city when Zhang Deming first saw it, but it also became transparent.

On the five corners of the altar and above the five pools, the five objects projected five huge phantoms respectively. Xu Ying stepped on the pool, like a scholar, with one hand on his back and the other holding an object, looking up at the sky, standing.

With the appearance of five phantoms, an old voice appeared in the Tianxin Altar, as if it had spanned tens of thousands of years and floated out from those long years.

"To calm the heart of Heaven above and to support the hearts of the people below, we must prosper; if Heaven has no heart and the Immortals have heart, we must punish them;

The sky is dead, and the heart of heaven must be established. Today Hongmeng has Tao but no intention, and does not respect the eternal Tao. I swear here: I will destroy all Taoist spirits, destroy the deformed Tao network, and establish the Heart of Heaven for the sake of the people of the world. Heaven, body Dao Integration! "

The voice is vast, revealing endless sadness and ultimate yearning.

As the sound came out, the entire altar shook, and the liquid in each pool decreased rapidly. The karma was rotated in a strange way, and dissipated between the heaven and the earth under the pull of the sound.

The Hongmeng Realm, which had been clear for countless years, suddenly became a little muddier and a little more murderous.

Since the destruction of heaven in ancient times, there have been countless calamities, no gods killing calamities, and no aura of killing calamities. Although only a small one was born this time, this is the starting point of it all.

The sound came out, and after the liquid in the five pools of the altar disappeared, the altar did not stop, but entered the Rank Two stage.

Then, ordinary phantoms appeared in the altar. These phantoms included young people, old people, and teenagers. They were all different, but they were very similar.

Because they are all mortals, all Martial Artists, each of them is running the Northern Ming Fire Technique, with a core of extremely evil devouring, but surrounded by this faint aura of fireworks, they have a shell of great kindness.

There is actually a certain amount of public opinion among these people, and they are actually the most famous heroes in the world in all martial arts circles.

Huang Lao even saw a familiar old man among the hundreds of figures, the old man who cut off his arm in the inn. It's just that at this moment, his hands are normal.

Hundreds of figures appeared on the altar, dotted around the altar in strange formations, and they all bowed to the small altar in the center of the altar and said: "We gather the people's hearts and take over the public opinion, and we are willing to use this to sacrifice the heart of heaven!" "

As hundreds of Martial Artists came together to offer sacrifices, the entire Tianxin Altar shook and spun again.

Between heaven and earth, the areas of Tianling, Huashui, and Baizhu began to have wisps of power, converging towards the center of the Tianxin Altar. The power was strange, emanating from the battles of the monks, but invisible and slowly accumulating.

At this point, the entire huge illusory altar shattered into a sky-filled aura and dissipated between heaven and earth.

As for the Tianxin Altar itself and the five people on it, well, four and a half people, as the Tianxin Altar dissipated, they disappeared to no one knows where.

And this huge movement attracted countless eyes, the main ones being the monks.


After a long time, everything returned to calm.

After the altar disappeared, Mr. Huang looked around and found no target, but frowned slightly.

After hesitating for a moment, the body instantly disintegrated and turned into hundreds of spiritual seeds. Each one stretched and turned into hundreds of Huang Lao.

It's just that the aura of each one is comparable to that of Tai Chi, and they are all bean soldiers who can only use basic vine techniques.

Hundreds of Huang Lao, with flashes of spiritual light, rushed towards the various filthy insects around them.

Seeing this, Puhua also paused slightly. After hesitating, he crossed his legs and levitated, sitting on an illusory lotus that rose into the sky.

"I wish: to transform my energy into my body and let the Buddha's light shine everywhere!"

Following his wish, Puhua pressed his palms together and pushed forward, and an illusory golden ball of light floated out.

After the golden ball of light was pushed out by him, it emitted many dazzling golden beams. Each golden beam would select an old Huang or a fleeing disciple and sink into his body.

For those who are hit by the golden light, the aura of Tai Chi monks is directly strengthened by 50%, and the aura of Liangyi stage monks is also strengthened by about 20%.

In this way, hundreds of Huang Laos appeared, and the golden light of Puhua shone, allowing the disciples of various families who had been driven away to stabilize the situation. Every disciple spontaneously moved closer to the nearby bean soldier Huang Lao.

The situation was stabilized, but Huang Lao's spiritual energy was consumed very quickly.

It wouldn't be a problem if it could be solved quickly. But the worm is extremely weird and very difficult to kill. Even if it is cut into several sections, it can still survive, and even one section can turn into a worm.

Although the aura has become weaker, the number has also increased. In addition, after being injured by the filthy insect, everyone needs to be very careful and try their best to prevent reverse invasion by the filthy power in the filthy insect's body.

Therefore, the battlefield was stalemate for a while, and everyone used the nearby bean soldier Huang Lao as support to struggle with the dirty insects.

Feeling that in Anzi, Heizi's spiritual power storage was completely empty, and all the differentiated Dou soldiers, Huang Lao, only had about half of his spiritual power, Huang Lao frowned slightly.

After a pause, hundreds of Huang Lao all raised their heads, looked at Puhua suspended in the sky, and said: "Puhua Bodhisattva, can you help the old Taoist gather these disciples and levitate them?"

"Yes!" Puhua was suspended in the sky, the golden ball of light flashing in front of him, making him sit cross-legged and solemn.

After answering, he pointed at the golden ball of light in front of him, and the ball of light exploded into hundreds of parts, and all of them sank into the bodies of all Huang Lao.

Then he stood up, stretched out his hand, and the lotus platform under his feet slowly shrank, and he caught it in his hand.

"I wish: the lotus blossoms will bloom and save all sentient beings!"

While making the wish, he threw the lotus platform in his hand, and the lotus platform exploded into countless spiritual lights, and each spiritual light turned into a lotus flower.

After the lotus flowers all over the sky were formed, they paused in the air, and then rushed toward the disciples below. Each lotus flower found a disciple.

As it fell, it rapidly grew in size, and when it landed in front of the disciple, it became the size of a tufted cattail.

"The poor monk Xuande Temple Puhua, those who believe in the old monk, can survive the danger on the lotus platform!"

None of the disciples who have survived to this day are stupid, and almost all of them are around Dou Bing Huang Lao, so everyone knows the actions of hundreds of Huang Lao just now.

Therefore, there was almost no need for Puhua to speak. All the disciples jumped on the lotus the moment it appeared in front of them.

Countless lotus pedestals rose up, each one was the size of a tufted cattail, with a disciple in different states standing on it, forming a sea of ​​flowers in the sky.

"Donor, the poor monk is finished here." Puhua was suspended in the air, surrounded by the disciples from various schools who had been rescued, like soldiers from heaven, the scene was spectacular.

After hearing Puhua's words, everyone around looked down.

As the disciple was picked up, Huang Lao's pressure suddenly increased.

Huang Lao persisted, and after waiting for Puhua's signal, he took a deep breath, and all the bean soldiers transformed into spiritual seeds, reuniting into Huang Lao's appearance.

Mr. Huang appeared on the wreckage of Qingyu Lvzhou. He stood on the tallest building among the wreckage. The breeze was blowing, and his hair and robes were flying. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the filthy insects in this place with an indifferent expression. .

In the hellish environment, the indifferent Huang Lao is like a god.

The scene at this moment was deeply engraved in the minds of the disciples who had just experienced a thrilling and dangerous escape, and they will probably never forget it in this life.

Many disciples even have a little bit of the idol mood of the Xianxia side, even though Mr. Huang's hair is as silk as snow.


Because of the disciple's ascension and the fact that Huang Lao stood in a conspicuous position and deliberately exuded his own aura, all kinds of filthy insects on the ground were attracted and gathered towards Huang Lao.

Mr. Huang didn't care about the countless filthy insects that gathered. He put his hands on his back and said lightly while his hair and Taoist robes were flying:

"Law: The wood attributes here are strengthened!"

"Legal Order: The bloodthirsty here is strengthened!"

Following Huang Lao's words and the rapid consumption of spiritual power, a strange wave spread.

Puhua in the sky frowned slightly when he saw the gathering of filthy insects. But as Mr. Huang opened his mouth, he was slightly surprised.

Are you willing to practice or are you willing to practice?

Before Puhua could continue to think, Mr. Huang started the final move.

As the law came into effect, strange fluctuations filled the entire wreckage of the Qingyu Green Boat.

At this time, the nearest filthy insect was almost in front of Mr. Huang.

Huang Lao no longer waited any longer, and for the first time he made a magic move. He pressed his hands on the ground, and his whole body surged with spiritual power.

Develop rune spells: Vine Path ●Sea of ​​Thorns!

Countless emerald spikes suddenly appeared on most of the wreckage of the Qingyu Green Boat. They pierced out like lightning and extended to a height of more than ten meters in an instant.

The gathered worms, without exception, were all stabbed into sausages by the emerald spikes. They were controlled in place and kept struggling.

The ground was not as shocked as the sky. As Huang Lao's magic was activated, what he saw in the sky was a sea of ​​spikes emerging from the sky. The cold light flashed with emerald light. It was dangerous and dreamy at the same time. Such beauty.


‘Is this the legendary great monk who has the power to change the world? '

Many disciples gasped when they saw this scene, thoughts flashing in their hearts and their eyes twinkling.

But when Puhua looked at this scene, his expression suddenly changed, and he warned in a horrified voice: "Be careful! These filthy insects are not all born from filth. Some of them seem to be specially bred! They have special powers in their bodies!"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Huang raised his head and looked at Puhua. With an indifferent expression, he showed a very small smile and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, it's just some karma. It doesn't matter."

Pu Hua's expression froze and he looked at Huang Lao in surprise. Originally seeing Huang Lao's incarnation as a three-talented peak cultivator, he originally thought that the other man was a Four-Elephant monk, but his reaction to Karma...

Even he, who has been a Bodhisattva for thousands of years, can only be careful in the face of karma. Once it enters the body, no matter how much, it will be a big trouble. The Four Symbols monks cannot be so casual...

Mr. Huang ignored the surprised Pu Hua. He looked at the squirming worms on the ground. Even though each one was stabbed by dozens or even hundreds of thorns, none of them died. Struggling.

Moreover, some filthy insects had traces of unknown air-conditioning in their bodies, which flowed back into Huang Lao's body along the spikes.

Huang Lao ignored the ominous cold current in his body, but looked at the dirty insect and activated the final spell.

Rune spell: Bloodthirsty Vine!

As Huang Lao activated his magic, most of the emerald spike forest on the ground turned into spiritual light and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

The emerald spikes that stung the filthy insect all turned into rubies, shining with a strange light.

The wretched insects that were originally twisting and struggling quickly stopped one by one. The effect of the bloodthirsty vine seemed to be unusually good, even a little too good.

Because the wound of the dirty insect was already exuding various scents, trying to follow the spell and corrode Huang Lao.

Huang Lao used the blood-thirsty vine to suck it in, just like a concubine. With a little effort, he didn't even need to use his power to devour it. The moment the blood-thirsty vine's suction channel was established, all the filthy insects on the ground were wiped out in the blink of an eye. Just dissipate into nothingness.

And a strange force mixed with countless filthy auras, with traces of karma mixed in it, rushed directly into Huang Lao's body.

Huang Lao's body stiffened, barely suppressing the mixed filthy aura, but the karma in it flowed towards the consciousness in Huang Lao's mind and was not suppressed by him at all.

The mind moved slightly, the entrance to the subroutine in the body was opened, and the consciousness returned directly to the spirit-nurturing space, and the karma followed closely behind.

"Karma +1.9!"

Before the karma could show its power, the editor automatically appeared in the spirit-nurturing space, absorbed all the karma that followed, and then slowly disappeared.

When all the karma was absorbed, Huang Laocai returned to the body. After the karma was cleared, it was much easier to suppress or eliminate the remaining filthy atmosphere.

After Huang Lao returned to consciousness, he spread his hands, and vines sprouted from his palms. The filthy power in his body was quickly forced out by Huang Lao, and condensed into a mixed projectile in his palm.

After doing this, Huang Laocai put his hands on his back again and said to the sky: "Okay, Puhua Bodhisattva, you can put me down."

Following Huang Lao's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Puhua looked at Huang Lao in surprise. He was pretty sure just now that the karma had definitely entered the opponent's body, but then not only did he not respond, but he also disappeared inexplicably.

Not only Puhua, but Mr. Huang also felt the gazes that came before, and they kept patrolling Mr. Huang.

Huang Lao waited for a moment, but the battle subsided but no one evacuated. He frowned slightly and said to the sky: "It's not just the Fellow Daoists who are so curious about the Daoist. If you want to see it so much, why don't you show up and come to see him?"

Pu Hua's descending figure paused slightly and said: "It's the poor monk, isn't it? There are two brothers who are poor monks. When the seal was broken just now, the old Taoist informed them, and they should be arriving at this moment."

Mr. Huang looked at Puhua who came down from the lotus platform with a lot of people, and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just that the old Taoist doesn't like to be watched like this."

"There is nothing we can do about it. Not everyone has the skill of incarnation like you, the donor." Puhua smiled and replied.

By this time, everyone had landed, and the lotus flowers under their feet had dispersed.

Mr. Huang ignored Puhua for the time being, turned his head and looked at the disciples, and said: "Okay, now this matter is over, and the seal has been broken.

You juniors who should be called parents should do so quickly. I think many of the disciples who came here should be frightened.

As for those who didn’t make it…”

Huang Lao paused for a moment, looked at many disciples who looked very depressed, and sighed: "Alas... I can only say that fate should be like this, cultivating immortals and seeking the way, there will always be many disasters.

From the moment you decide to embark on the Avenue of Longevity, you should understand that this road is doomed to be very difficult and dangerous, and you will get used to it after seeing a lot. "

"Disciple, thank you, senior!"

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life today!"

"Thank you, senior, for your teachings!"


Following Huang Lao's words, many disciples regained their senses slightly. He thanked and saluted Huang Lao with very irregular and different words. But the gratitude was unusually unanimous.

Mr. Huang didn't respond. He looked at everyone indifferently. After everyone had finished the ceremony, he looked at Song Huidong in the crowd and said, "Are you the person in charge of this Heavenly Spirit Sect?"

Song Huidong hesitated for a moment, and said: "Back to the senior, there is still an uncle on the head of the junior."

"Where is the person? Why didn't I see it just now?" Huang Lao frowned.

Song Huidong also shook his head, and said, "This junior is not too sure."

Huang Lao glanced around with a flash of light in his eyes, but did not find any human figures. He said: "It's not because of the trick that the old Tao just did that destroyed the ritual vessel of your Heavenly Spirit Sect, so he hid and invited some of your sects." A supreme elder, prepare to ask the old Taoist to pay for the spirit stone!"

Song Huidong's face froze when he heard the words, looking at Mr. Huang, he didn't know how to respond.

Are you laughing?

Although this is a cold statement, is it considered a joke?

Uh, I'm not sure if it's a cold joke or not, well, it's really cold enough.

Song Huidong, who was a little confused, didn't know where his thoughts had diverged. After a while, Song Huidong showed a stiff smile and said, "Senior, you just joked."

Huang Lao shook his head and said: "Forget it, there's no point in looking for you. I'll give you another explanation. You can go down. There should be a lot of things to deal with the wreckage in this place."

Huang Lao paused, looked at the people around him, and said: "You guys should go down and clean up, whether it's collecting the remains of your fellow disciples or dealing with the injuries, there are a lot of things to do, so don't stand in front of me!"

"Thank you, senior!"

"Junior, thank you, senior!"


After another salute, everyone dispersed and started to do their own things.

When the crowd dispersed, Mr. Huang turned his head and looked at Pu Hua who had been looking at him without speaking.

Seeing that after Huang Lao sent the people away, Huang Lao just looked at him. Puhua put his hands together and saluted, as if meeting him for the first time, and said, "Puhua, a poor monk from Xuande Temple, has met this benefactor."

Huang Lao raised his eyes and looked at the other party, with his hands behind his back, he said indifferently: "Old Taoist Huang Cunshan, he has seen Puhua Bodhisattva."

Surname Huang? An extremely face-to-face monk? Very likely four images?

Puhua's expression moved, he combined several pieces of information, and said hesitantly: "Leiyin Temple asked various temples some time ago whether Mr. Huang and the donor...?"

Huang Lao paused slightly and said: "If you are referring to the Huang Lao that Monk Fuyuan met, if he has not met other Huang Lao during this period, he must be an old man."

"It turned out to be Donor Huang, what a blessing!" Puhua said.

A slight smile appeared on Mr. Huang's indifferent face, and he looked at Puhua and said, "Puhua Bodhisattva is so polite."

"Donor Huang, are you a disciple of Sanqing Temple?" Puhua asked, looking at Mr. Huang who seemed to have arrived in his true form.

Huang Lao shook his head and said: "No, Lao Dao has nothing to do with Hongmeng Sacred Land. He is just an ordinary idle independent cultivator."

Puhua paused slightly when he heard the words. He saw that Huang Laodian had stopped and did not continue to say more. He, who is thousands of years old, instantly understood what the other party meant and did not continue to ask questions.

Puhua looked at Huang Lao. At this moment, a black mist ball and a dirty projectile were suspended next to Huang Lao. He looked at the two objects and said, "I just saw those five elements remnants, and I was very afraid of Huang Donor. I didn't know that Huang How much does the donor know about the remnants of the Five Elements?"

"Puhua Bodhisattva, if you ask about the past events of the Five Elements Remains, I think there is no need for the old Taoist to talk nonsense. After all, Bodhisattva, you should know more and in more detail than the old Taoist." Mr. Huang paused, looked at Puhua and continued:

"Bodhisattva, if you are asking about the remnants of the Five Elements, the old Taoist knows a little about it because of some involvement."

Puhua's expression changed and he said, "Oh?"

"This happened because one of my descendants accidentally entered the Five Elements Ruins. Later, he got involved with this person." Huang Lao pointed to half of the black mist beside him and said:

"By chance, I met this kid several times, but because he used ordinary incarnations and this kid was extremely slippery, he slipped away every time.

This time, because I sensed his aura in advance, I applied a little more force when I came forward.

Unexpectedly, he still slipped away... Well... This kid's current state should not be considered as slipping away.

Even if the old Taoist returned this half of his body to him, it would not be that person who would recover, at least not all of him. "

Pu Hua looked at the black mist beside Mr. Huang and said: "It is indeed difficult to die in the extremely evil soul path of Nine Lives, but this life soul and body were torn in half like this...

Even if he doesn't die completely, it is already the reason for his great destiny. But it is estimated that the other party's consciousness is not very sound anymore, and it is unlikely that Sancai's cultivation will be restored. "

Mr. Huang looked at the black mist in front of him and said, "Who knows!"

Puhua also looked at Heiwu and said: "Donor Huang, how do you plan to deal with this... thing..."

Before he finished speaking, Puhua's body wavered.

Both Huang Lao and Puhua were stunned, and Puhua smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that the poor monk can't hold on to the arrival of Senior Brother Puxian!

This was originally a temporary clone created with the help of golden body relics. It came in an extremely hasty manner, and then consumed too much. Now it is almost reaching its limit. "

Huang Lao paused and said: "Old Dao's side is about the same. There is only a little bit of spiritual power left to support him."

Puhua looked at Huang Laowan's body, not sure whether the other party's words were true or false. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Huang Shi, please come to Xuande Temple later. Let's exchange information about the remaining members of the Five Elements."

Huang Lao paused and said, "Let's talk about it later. In fact, Lao Dao doesn't know as much about the remnants of the Five Elements as Heavenly Spirit Sect does.

Heavenly Spirit Sect probably knows everything about the recent remnants of the Five Elements that the veteran knows, and Heavenly Spirit Sect also knows a lot about what the veteran doesn't know.

Rather than hoping to communicate with an experienced person, you might as well try to communicate with someone from Heavenly Spirit Sect.

Even if your Xuande Temple blessed land and Heavenly Spirit Sect come to visit, even if they do not belong to the same Sacred Land, it is not difficult to have such an exchange. After all, it is beneficial to both parties. There really isn't much communication here in Laodao. "

Puhua paused slightly and said: "Is that so? After that poor monk goes back, he will think about it... Zi..."

At this time, Puhua's figure fluctuated again, and his figure became a bit unreal.

"Stop dragging it out. If you drag it on any longer, the golden relics on your disciple's body will be scrapped, and the old Taoist will leave." Huang Lao looked at Puhua and said.

Puhua's illusory figure paused and sighed, then the dim golden light gathered towards his chest and turned into a dim rosary again.

His tall golden figure slowly shrunk by a section and returned to his Huixin appearance.

After recovering into Huixin, Huixin saluted Mr. Huang and said, "I've met Mr. Huang!"

Obviously, during this period of time, he was also conscious in Puhua's body and knew what was happening outside.

After all, it is the treasure of protection given by the elders, and it is not some old monster who made the controller. Such a situation is considered normal. Maybe the wisdom heart in the body can still feel Puhua's feelings.

After all, Huixin can also get a lot of benefits in this way, which is quite consistent with the concept of making golden relics.

Elder Huang glanced at Hui Xin, nodded, and said: "Go and do your work, the old man's time is almost up, and the rescue team that can't support either party has arrived.

But you don’t have to worry, the remnant of the Five Elements has already been injured by the combined efforts of the old Taoist and your Xuande Temple Bodhisattva, and he probably won’t be back in a short time. "

Huixin clasped her hands together again, bowed respectfully, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Huang, for your concern. The young monk understands."

Mr. Huang nodded and said: "Well, you can go ahead. I see that your Xuande Temple team has suffered quite a lot of casualties, and they should have dealt with a lot of things."

Upon hearing this, Huixin bowed again before turning and leaving.

Huang Lao looked around, and there were quite a few disciples who survived, and quite a few died. The Baishu Sect, as the send-off team, was considered to be the worst team among them, with the most serious casualties.

The entire Qingyu Green Boat ruins are extremely busy at the moment. However, when many disciples were busy, they would always subconsciously pay attention to Mr. Huang, who had an indifferent expression and had his hands behind his back.

"Sigh..." After looking around for a week, Mr. Huang sighed at the miserable situation on the Qingyu Green Boat, "These remnants of the Five Elements must die when they get there."

After saying that, Huang Laowei disappeared from the place with a small ball of black mist and a dirty projectile.

The spirit seed that came as a bean soldier dissipated immediately, and the remaining countless special spirit seeds returned to the room where they were hiding before, and regrouped into Zhang Deming's appearance.

Zhang Deming looked at the black mist and dirty projectiles, and when his spiritual power surged, he temporarily sealed them. Then he flipped his hands and put it into the storage bag. He would deal with this thing when he got back.

It is the first time to use the mirror image of the bean soldier with a tool man as the signal station + split channel + clone to deal with the enemy. The effect seems to be good. Under the integrated union of the bean soldier and the split channel clone, there is almost no loss in strength.

After putting away the things, Zhang Deming hesitated for a moment, entered the Yuling Space from the subroutine entrance, and looked at the warehouse.

As he expected, this time not only harvested 1.9 karma.

Because rescuing many people still involves a large walking team under heaven, and also affects the pace of the remnants of the five elements, the merit and luck are not small.

Merit harvested 2.1 points, luck was the most, harvested a full 34.2 points! Now warehouse merit: 13.5, luck: 82.7, karma: 8.4.

Luck is enough for another spell level, but there is no rush now, I will deal with it when I go back, there are still a lot of things outside, waiting for him to deal with, this is not the time to do this.

The consciousness exited the warehouse, left the spirit cultivation space, and returned to the body.


After Zhang Deming regained his consciousness, he felt the almost empty spiritual power in his dantian, his mind moved slightly, and he began to practice exercises distractedly.

With the operation of the exercises, the subprogram scripts of the exercises in the body also started to run, and the spiritual power in Zhang Deming's body was rapidly recovering.

Feeling the recovery of the spiritual power in his body, Zhang Deming held the spiritual stone in his hand, and while performing the exercises, he used the identity jade pendant to open the protection of the room, and walked out.

Outside, because of the disappearance of Huang Lao and Puhua Bodhisattva, it was not affected. Most of the people were busy under the leadership of the leaders of the three parties.

Among them, Heavenly Spirit Sect is the most, after all, the side with the most disciples.

Zhang Deming just took a look, and found Song Huidong in the center of people coming and going.

The moment Song Huidong looked at Zhang Deming, his anxious and flustered expression suddenly relaxed, and his whole body relaxed.

He took two steps in three steps, stepped forward and said, "Junior brother Zhang, where have you been? I'm so scared to death!"

What he said was not false. You must know that he was really a little confused just now. If there is a problem with this person, looking back at Huifeng digging manure and reform through labor, it probably won't be able to solve it.

Just talking about the explanations between Master and Uncle Yue before he left was enough for him to attach great importance to Zhang Deming's safety. Even Uncle Gu Liancai used threatening words to explain to him.

Gu Liancai said: If something goes wrong with Junior Brother Zhang, he doesn’t have to come back, otherwise the Headmaster and the Party Patriarch will probably pull out your skin.

And in addition to these, there is also Junior Sister Ling'er who is completely unreasonable, and now even Senior Uncle Yue can't suppress her.

If she knew that Junior Brother Zhang had a problem under his care, based on his understanding of Junior Sister Ling'er over the years, he would really go crazy, and even his master wouldn't do that.

Therefore, when Zhang Deming could not be found just now, he realized that he had not accepted an escort mission this time, but that he had a thunder on his head, or it was a thunder from the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

Once something goes wrong, all parties will be furious!

Before, I only thought about getting closer to each other. I also felt that Master took good care of him and gave him such a good job.

After Zhang Deming disappeared, he panicked and realized that his master might be someone else's master and didn't love him as a disciple at all. This was a complete mess!


Song Huidong came to Zhang Deming. Without waiting for Zhang Deming to reply, he continued: "How is it? Someone is injured."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and used a weak spiritual light to scan Zhang Deming's injuries.

Zhang Deming was slightly startled, and felt a little uncomfortable with Song Huidong's unusual enthusiasm.

He took a small half step back, opened some distance, looked at Song Huidong awkwardly, and said: "Senior Brother Song, I'm fine, I was just hit by the battle wave. I found a place to hide for a while, and then I recovered my breath. .”

After Zhang Deming finished speaking, Song Huidong also completed the scan. After confirming that Zhang Deming was fine, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I'm really scared to death, brother!" Song Huidong touched his chest, exhaled a long breath, and showed an expression of lingering fear.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming's face twitched slightly. Although your performance was very good, your expression was a bit too much! The relationship between the two of us is not enough for you to worry about me so much!

Zhang Deming felt that Song Huidong had the potential to develop into a drama star, so he decisively changed the subject and said, "How is the situation? Also, where is Uncle Guanshi?"

When Song Huidong heard this, his face darkened and he said: "It's a bit bad, a lot of disciples have died, but fortunately the disciples who came are all new...well..."

Halfway through his words, he stopped and realized that what he said seemed wrong. He paused and did not continue. Zhang Deming also understood what he meant and there was no need to continue talking.

"As for Uncle Guanshi, I don't know."

Zhang Deming frowned slightly and said: "I don't know what it means? I hid and watched most of the battle just now, and I didn't find any figure of the official master uncle. It's impossible to be invisible in the aftermath of meditating."

After all, he is an uncle. In the previous situation, with the two big bosses, Mr. Huang and Puhua Bodhisattva, it should not be difficult to save his life. "

"I don't know. I haven't seen Uncle Guanshi since the accident." Song Huidong said.

"Wait, what did you say?" Zhang Deming's expression changed and he said in surprise.

"I said I don't know, what's wrong?" Song Huidong asked doubtfully.

"The last sentence!" Zhang Deming said.

"I haven't seen Uncle Guanshi since the accident." Song Huidong said honestly.

"You said before that few people pay attention to Uncle Guanshi. Do you have any information about Uncle Guanshi in the sect?" Zhang Deming said with a faint look in his eyes.

Song Huidong was stunned for a moment, then looked shocked and said, "You can't be suspicious that this matter has something to do with Uncle Guanshi, right?"

Zhang Deming nodded and said directly: "Yes!"

Song Huidong immediately shook his head and said: "It's impossible. Although I haven't read the information about Master Guan, the Guan family is an established family in the inner sect and is deeply involved in the sect in all aspects. It is impossible for Master Guan to do this. "

Still one update

(end of this chapter)

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