Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 271 People Are Really Different!

Chapter 271 People are really different!

After Dang Xiangjun left, Zhang Deming thought for a long time alone before he came back to his senses.

Today, the interest entanglement and the platform problem of expanding the store have been initially resolved, and the store can be considered to expand slowly at that time.

But this expansion method, as well as the number of Yulingzhu in each store, have to be carefully considered.

Now he uses Rank Four's spiritual nurturing technique, and he does Rank One's nurturing spirit beads, about once a minute or two.

This is almost the limit, and there should not be any major shortening of the production of Rank One Yuling Orbs in the future.

Therefore, based on his success rate, twenty or so per hour is the limit output, and in the future it will only be thirty.

Even if it is thirty, after working hard every day, doing three to five hundred is considered high-intensity.

On a long-term average, there should only be three to five hours a day, and if he does it continuously, any more will seriously affect his progress.

Therefore, the monthly output is also fixed.

Then if he wants to expand vigorously, it is impossible for this blockbuster product to be sold in every store, one hundred per month.

After a long time, Zhang Deming shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. Let's take it slowly in the future about the formation of the industrial chain.

Now all he needs to do is spread out, spread the nurturing spirit beads, accumulate merit luck for him, and earn spirit stones by the way.

Hmm... The light spots in Yuling Space are actually a kind of harvest, a more advanced resource, but it is far from being developed.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Deming got up, packed up his things, returned to the third floor and started hanging up.

But as soon as he sat down, Zhang Deming's expression changed.

When my mind came to the spirit-nurturing space, a picture of the sky began to appear.

The picture shows a training room. The first thing that catches the eye is Qian Xiaogong's face, which is so cute that people can't help but want to pinch it.

At this moment, Qian Ruyan was standing next to him with a nervous look on his face, with a pink glow lingering around him and a faint strange fragrance permeating the air.

These things made Qian Xiaogong feel less nervous and fell into a strange state.

He held a spirit-nurturing bead and activated his spiritual power. Countless points of light spread out, forming a hollow ball that enveloped him.

In the light spot, an emerald vine sank directly into the center of the opponent's eyebrows.

At this time, Qian Ruyan's aura suddenly surged, but it did not affect Qian Xiaogong at all.

A little bit of strange pink mist was born from Qian Ruyan's aura. Qian Ruyan immediately had a hard look on his face and patted his chest.

Her face instantly turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted into the haze.

The pink haze turned into a faint fragrance, flowing into the light spots and breathing in from Qian Xiaogong.

Immediately, Qian Ruyan's whole body went limp and she almost lay down. She shook a little before she could stand firm. The fact that Sancai's overhaul could be so weak showed how much money had been spent just now.

When Zhang Deming saw this, the corners of his mouth trembled and his face twitched. He was just learning the first technique, so what?

This is really infuriating. After eight years of hard work and hard work, it was difficult to find someone to impart my experience or give lectures. The square was full of pretentious people!

It's good for you, even if you start with high-quality spirit-nurturing beads, you still have a talented mother who fights to escort you. It's really... the gap between people can't be so big!

Are these people lining up to give him lemons today?

The genius was sent away on the front foot, and the second generation started like this again on the back foot?

While Zhang Deming was thinking, the hollow sphere composed of light points began to flicker, and an emerald-like seedling was born from Qian Xiaogong's hands.

No surprise, Enlightenment succeeded!

Can it fail? The high-quality soul-nurturing beads that Zhang Deming worked hard to produce now have a 40-50% chance.

The other party got the beads, but it took half a year to do it. It was obvious that during this period, he had been familiar with the growth technique, and maybe there was someone to guide him.

Adding these together, there is a great possibility of direct success. Now, Mrs. Qian has not known what means to harm her own origin, and she is fighting for the escort. If she still can't succeed...

It doesn't matter if the road of Qian Xiaogong is not repaired.

But immediately after, Zhang Deming was stunned, because the picture didn't end!

At the moment when the emerald seedlings emerged and the hollow ball of light began to flicker, the smoke that flowed into Qian Xiaogong's breath began to emit from his body.

At this time, Qian Xiaogong had a serious face, but appearing on his cute face made people want to laugh.

His hands began to pinch, and kept flying. He used an extremely complicated method, and what he consumed was the pink fragrance that overflowed into the sky.

When the spell was completed, two nurturing beads flew out of the pocket in front of Qian Xiaogong again, which were the growth spells of Rank Two and Rank Three.

Zhang Deming was shocked when he saw this, could it be...

The moment an idea popped up in Zhang Deming's mind, the two Nurturing Orbs were activated simultaneously, and countless light spots overflowed.

Outside the light-point hollow sphere on the first layer, the second layer and the third layer are continuously nested.

And because of the appearance of the next two layers, the first layer kept flickering and did not disappear. It maintained this frequency and started to flicker non-stop.

Is it really the "Inheritance" technique?

Among the seventy-two earth evil techniques, it is the most suitable for teaching disciples, and the legendary technique that is professionally positioned in teaching! A technique that is inextricably related to the technique of cultivating spirits!

This money is like smoke, it’s really not easy!

He actually took advantage of the opportunity of his initial enlightenment, combined with his spirit-nurturing beads, and used the inheritance technique to directly kick open the original door of Qian Xiaogong with a tough attitude.

After learning Rank Three growth, the foundation was completely laid for Zhang Deming's custom-made set of techniques.

It is not too easy to use the growth technique of Rank Three to understand other spirit-nurturing beads and start to extend other vine techniques. A dozen spiritual roots are not a big problem!

This is really a Transcendent Level baby-protecting maniac!

That kind of baby is the mother of her life! I have been protecting my baby to the point of being sick.

Why do you say that?

You must know that Qian Ruyan is practicing incense, and his industry is also beauty products, refining Youth-Retaining Pill, selling incense and making incense.

With this kind of path, no matter how awesome and powerful she is in the Seventy-two Earthly Demon Techniques, Zhang Deming can still understand the seventy-two transformations and so on.

After all, even if these techniques have nothing to do with the way of incense, if they can increase the means of protecting the way, if you accidentally get this technique and have some free time, there is no harm in learning it.

But the art of "Inheritance" has nothing to do with her Tao!

And because of the relationship between the art of "Inheritance" and the art of cultivating spirits, this art has been sold at a sky-high price, and many monks know that sky-high price.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to pick up accidental gains.

Under such circumstances, the opponent obviously spent a lot of money to buy this technique, and then spent a lot of energy to learn this technique with the blessing of talent and luck.

As for what it is used for?

Haha, there’s no point in guessing this result!

Isn't this all right in front of him? Zhang Deming can roughly guess the opponent's plan even from these actions!

If you want to pursue the ideal of cultivating spirit beads, you should use the spirit cultivating beads as a basis to start the inheritance technique, use the beads to gain insights, use the inheritance, and try your best to help Qian Xiaogong realize the Tao.

If the purchase is not ideal, she should use her own body to carry out inheritance and pass on the incense path she has practiced to the best of her ability without any personal bias.

The only difference between the two methods is that the former will cause less damage to her foundation, while the latter will seriously harm herself.

After all, the inherited technique was originally used for dying people!

You can only imagine how much she has done overtly and covertly for her baby's little advantage and little progress!

To this extent, it should be considered beyond normal and a bit pathological, right?

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, all three levels of spiritual cultivation light spots began to flicker.

At this time, around Qian Xiaogong, jade vines began to sprout again, but his vines at this moment were already different from Zhang Deming's.

Zhang Deming's vines are very pure, like emeralds, green and transparent.

But on Qian Xiaogong's vines, little pink threads appeared, like smoke flowing, and the vines still exuded fragrance.

Ha, this growth technique has also changed a bit. From the looks of it, it is still very suitable for the variation of Huamudao. How much private goods has this Qian Ruyan added?

The light spots flickered for a moment, and the three layers of light spots spread out together, making a "wave" sound.

The pink haze fragrance on Qian Xiaogong's body was directly shaken away by the fluctuation of light spots.


Qian Ruyan, who was already a little shaken and looked extremely pale, let out a muffled groan the moment the scent of the smoke was dispersed.

His body softened and he sat down directly. Then he saw Qian Xiaogong was about to finish and stood up again with difficulty.

The dignified Sancai Daxiu was so weak that his fundamental foundation was obviously damaged, and it was not a minor injury.

At this time Qian Xiaogong opened his eyes, and before he could be happy, he saw Qian Ruyan bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Qian Xiaogong suddenly became anxious and exclaimed: "Mother!!!"

"It's okay, it's just that using the technique is a bit more expensive." Qian Ruyan pretended to smile casually, and gently stroked Qian Xiaogong's head.

Qian Xiaogong raised his head with tears on his face, looked up at Qian Ruyan, and said, "Mom, do you think Xiaogong is stupid? Can you believe Xiaogong in such a way?"

Qian Ruyan fondly touched Qian Xiaogong's head and said, "Haha, our little palace is so cute, how can she be stupid!"

"Mother." Qian Xiaogong raised his head and looked at Qian Ruyan.

"Huh?" Qian Ruyan responded.

"Forget what happened today, but Xiaogong has to walk his own path from now on. Mother can help, but if you continue like this, Xiaogong... Xiaogong will abandon his path and become a mortal for the rest of his life."

Qian Ruyan was stunned for a moment, looking at her son with his head raised in his arms and his expression extremely serious, with a little tear in his eyes. After a long time, she nodded and said: "Okay, mother will remember it!"


The picture ended here, disintegrating into a point of light, flickering in the sky of the spiritual cultivation space, and Zhang Deming was a little dazed for a moment.

At this time, the fluctuation in the warehouse brought him back to his senses. Merits gather slowly, luck gathers quickly.

There are about 0.5 merits in a moment, which is better than three spells to achieve enlightenment, but not much better. Good luck, it increased by six.

Zhang Deming paused slightly when he saw this. This was a mixed-wool sheep with relatively rich wool, but it definitely didn't live up to his expectations.

I originally thought it was a big golden retriever, or one with white fur.

Now it seems that the golden hair is not as good as Li Shifan, nor the newly acquired Nangong Cheng, and the white hair is not as good as Tong Hou.

But at least he had an extra bonus. Compared with others, he realized that only the standard one was much better. It barely belonged to his No. 4 reserve sheep - the mixed-haired one!

Speaking of this, someone like Qian Xiaogong only has six luck, while that guy Tong Hou only has one or twenty to get started...

I wouldn’t know without comparison. This comparison... This guy is a bit fierce. Who is he?

With his thoughts flashing, Zhang Deming exited the spiritual cultivation space. Today is really a good day, good things are coming one after another!

Well...except feeding him lemons!

Zhang Deming was in a good mood, hanging up the phone, making spiritual beads, and thinking randomly.


For the next few days, Zhang Deming hung up the phone calmly, making spiritual beads, and occasionally observed Nangong Cheng and Qian Xiaogong through light spots.

Neither of them is a loner. One changes his path and the other reaches enlightenment. It is no small matter. Therefore, after completing my enlightenment, I worked hard for several days before falling into peace.

After Zhang Deming had finished observing, on this day, Zhang Deming came to the spiritual cultivation space.

With one step, Zhang Deming arrived at Xuanhuang Tower. He stretched out his hand and a ball of light appeared.

Rune Summoning: Spiritual Summoning Technique·Dragon Turtle!

As the spell was activated, the ball of light stretched rapidly and turned into Huang Lao's appearance, and Zhang Deming's consciousness was directly submerged in it.

Then Huang Lao opened his eyes and sensed that without Feng Mingyou's tea ceremony blessing, Huang Lao's identity always felt like something was missing.

So Zhang Deming waved his hand again, and another light group appeared.

Rune Summoning: Spirit Educating Summoning Art·Feng Mingyou!

As the light group integrated into his body, Huang Lao's temperament instantly changed. Transcendent and indifferent temperament came out. After feeling it, Zhang Deming nodded with satisfaction.

After looking around and seeing that there was no problem, Zhang Deming stretched out his hand and three light spots appeared in front of him.

They are Tong Hou, Nangong Cheng and Qian Xiaogong.

Because the time chosen was in the evening, the three of them happened to be practicing in the room. Zhang Deming observed it through the light spots, so there was no need to pay attention to anything.

He stretched out his hand and quickly pointed at the three light spots, and three channels emerged.

The figures of the three people appeared almost at the same time. They were all in a trance, and then they came back to their senses.

The next reaction is interesting...

After Qian Xiaogong came back to his senses, he looked around with a confused look on his face. After he realized what he was doing, he tried his best to show a Transcendent Level cute expression, staring at his huge eyes with a cute and confused look on his face. Huang Lao.

His big eyes seemed to be shining, and coupled with his extreme good looks, he obviously didn't have any charm skills, but his lethality at this moment was a bit off the charts.

If there is someone who really has ill intentions towards him, as long as he is not a pervert, his ill will will probably plummet at this moment. He is indeed a child taught by everyone in Xiang Dao, his methods of defeating enemies are so unique;

But Nangong Cheng's expression suddenly changed. He put one hand behind his back and put the other hand on his abdomen, and said, "Both the refined and the popular will appreciate the storyteller, the storyteller with a lotus tongue!"

But when he started to finish, not even half of the book appeared in front of him, and he was stunned again;

Tong Hou's actions made Mr. Huang puzzled.

The moment he came back to his senses, he found that the world had changed. His expression changed drastically. He almost didn't care about anything. He directly crossed his hands, pressed his chest, and said: "I stabbed my body with a thousand swords, pierced my soul with thousands of arrows, and fell into Shura. I sacrificed myself." Said: The soul escapes and the body is devastated!"

Tong Hou and Nangong Cheng started almost at the same time, and then were stunned at the same time, because they both found that the spell had no effect at all, and they did not sense the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power.

Mr. Huang clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the three people's performance with a strange look on his face. After being stunned for a moment, the two quickly regained their composure.

Especially Tong Hou, after seeing Huang Lao's face clearly, his tense nerves relaxed a little. Although he was still on guard, he was no longer in the state of panicking and choosing a way out when he just regained consciousness.

Obviously, the current situation is not the worst one he expected.

His skilled and prepared reaction just now was obviously not prepared for this situation.

Mr. Huang looked at Nangong Cheng and said, "Although storytelling is a great way, I don't want you to take it out."

Nangong Cheng was stunned for a moment and did not speak immediately.

Mr. Huang looked at Tong Hou again and said interestingly: "Little guy, you have a lot of strange things on your body.

Practicing the Yin Yang Chess Way is weird and rare enough, but there is also a hidden way of sacrifice that is both good and evil.

And you have already cultivated to such an extent. With your level of cultivation, you shouldn’t have practiced this Tao yourself, right?

Did the last master directly sacrifice his way to you?

Gee, your reaction is really interesting. You didn’t understand anything at first, so you ran away. Who do you think arrested you?

By the way, how did you break through the blockade of sacrifice countermeasures and reopen your own path?


Huang Lao paused and continued: "You are really a thoughtful person. The Yin Yang chess path in the dilemma is combined with the sacrifice path. Haha, put yourself in a good posture to sacrifice. They really complement each other... ··

I have seen quite a few disciples of the younger generation. I really don’t see many of you who have such great ideas. You are a promising person. "

Tong Hou and Nangong Cheng didn't reply, but looked around with vigilant expressions.

At this time, Qian Xiaogong spoke, with a Transcendent Level cute expression and a Transcendent Level kawaii voice: "Grandpa, can you tell Xiao Gong where this is? Xiao Gong is a little scared!"

When Mr. Huang heard this, his face twitched, and he resisted the urge to reach out and pinch this guy's cute face, and said:

"Little guy, it doesn't matter if you pretend to be stunned in front of me. Before your mother taught you this trick, didn't she tell you not to use it in front of the old man? It's easy to meet a 'strange' old man."

When Qian Xiaogong heard this, the super cute expression on his face paused slightly, and a flash of panic flashed deep in his eyes. Then he quickly forced himself to calm down, and his expression control and emotional control were pretty good, at least far better than those of his peers.


(end of this chapter)

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