Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 246 Tong Hou's Promotion And Auction [Seeking Subscription, Monthly Pass ]

Chapter 246 Tong Hou's Promotion and Auction [Seeking Subscription, Monthly Pass ]

Seeing this, Zhang Deming paused again. Under the gaze of the three people, a vine stretched out, took the amulet, put it on the tea table, and said: "Then such a boy will thank the master for his kindness."

Old monk Fuyuan replied: "Everything is just fate."

After saying that, he turned back again. The scholar Gu Donglin glanced at Zhang Deming doubtfully, and then looked at the old monk with an inexplicable expression.

Zhang Deming didn't hear a word of the rest of the conversation, and he just didn't recognize anyone after the conversation.

At this time, the law enforcement patrol team also arrived. Seeing this, this strange trio also walked up. The scholar Gu Donglin came forward, and the entire patrol team was very respectful to them.

In a moment, the three people, the law enforcement team, and the nuns all disappeared into the street.

Zhang Deming watched everyone disappear and looked back at the amulet on the table, with no intention of picking it up again.

As cautious as he is, he would never accept other people's things at will when he goes out, especially such inexplicable things.

If it hadn't been for the situation just now, and he didn't want to get into any weird trouble by refusing casually, he wouldn't have accepted it.

After sitting quietly for a long time, Zhang Deming stood up and left. The amulet he left behind flickered slightly on the table.

Zhang Deming did not hang around anymore, but went directly back to Huayueling Building.

As soon as he entered the room, Zhang Deming's expression moved, and his mind came to the spiritual cultivation space, where a picture was playing.

The screen shows the outer gate of the Heavenly Spirit Sect, a two-star Cave Mansion dedicated to Tai Chi advancement.

In the picture, Tong Hou sat quietly for a long time, took a deep breath, and then his hands began to fly.

As his hands flew, he opened his mouth and spit out a somewhat blurry ball of rune light.

There are already some rune fragments in the light ball. It is obvious that his Foundation Building technique has advanced to the Rank Two stage, the control level.

After the rune ball was spit out by him, he continued to spit out several mouthfuls of essence at the rune ball.

The originally rosy complexion suddenly became extremely pale, and the whole person became very weak.

He paused for a moment, then began to concentrate. He picked up various materials in front of him, followed the promotion method in the technique, turned them into countless spiritual lights, and threw them into the rune light group.

As he moved, the fragments in the rune mass began to slowly join together and become perfect.

In the end, an illusory chessboard appeared in the rune group. There were some chess pieces on the chessboard. On the chessboard, there was a yin-yang fish pattern as a background.

When the runes were perfected, a powerful sea of ​​spiritual energy quickly took shape and covered a large area.

With the supplement of countless spiritual powers, the runes slowly solidified, and finally turned into flowing light, flying into the opponent's eyebrows.

At this point, the sky scene ended, but it did not disappear like the enlightenment scene, but played in a loop again.

At the same time, in Zhang Deming's warehouse, the lucky light groups began to surge rapidly, condensing one by one.

When everything stabilized, Zhang Deming found that luck had increased by a full twenty points, but there was still no merit.

I have to say that Tong Hou is a sheep with extremely abundant hair, but it is a pity that it has white hair. It would be great if it had golden hair!

Zhang Deming looked at the warehouse. Merit: 21.4, luck: 207.6, karma: 2.4.

Now after three people practicing Tai Chi, Zhang Deming already has a rough idea of ​​the direction of energy acquisition.

Changing one's fate seems to be the most rewarding, but if you want to take a closer look at this, you still need to look at Xu Weihai's subsequent promotion.

If conditions permit, find another person who has never had the opportunity to embark on spiritual practice and conduct a sufficient comparative test.

Of course, these are subtle comparisons. At present, the general direction has actually been revealed.

After returning home this time, you can start thinking about raising sheep in order to obtain wool.


Time flies, just a few days.

In the past few days, Zhang Deming has also learned about Huayue City.

On this day, Huayue City's Apex Level event, the Huayue Joint Auction, arrived with the anticipation of countless monks.

Zhang Deming got up to exercise, washed up and had breakfast as usual.

Because he had a VIP card and a special private room, Zhang Deming was in no hurry to go. He estimated that the time was almost up, so he leisurely headed to Huayue Auction House.

When we arrived at the auction house, the auction was about to start, but there were still many people entering the venue one after another.

Zhang Deming did not go to the ordinary queue channel, but went directly to a small gate not far from the main gate.

There are two disciples guarding the gate here, guarding here.

"Senior, this is the VIP passage. Please show your VIP card." A gatekeeper disciple looked at Zhang Deming and said.

Zhang Deming turned over his hand and took out the VIP card Wu Gongzong had given him before.

The other party checked it and did not return it to Zhang Deming immediately. Instead, he made a gesture of invitation.

Zhang Deming followed the other party and entered the door. There was a row of female nuns standing inside the door.

Each and every one of them, if you look at them from the previous life, they are almost stunning. They are not the kind that scares people to death after taking off the makeup, but they are truly stunning without makeup.

The disciple guarding the door handed the VIP card to the female cultivator at the front of the queue, then gave Zhang Deming a bow and said, "Senior, this disciple will take you to your private room."

Zhang Deming nodded, and the other party turned around and left.

The female cultivator took the VIP card, looked at it briefly, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Senior, your private room is in the junior VIP area, private room No. 121, please come this way."

Zhang Deming paused, followed the female cultivator for a moment, and came to his private room.

The female cultivator took the card and swiped it gently, and the door of the private room opened.

Then she led Zhang Deming into the private room and handed the VIP card to Zhang Deming and said:

"Senior, this is your private room. The auction will start soon, but it will enter the warm-up stage first, and there will still be some time before it actually starts. During this period, senior, you can check out our auction house's in-app purchase store .”

Having said this, she came to a row of soft seats in a room, pointed to the small table in front of the soft seats and said: "Put your VIP card on it, and you can see our in-app purchase store.

These were all prepared for this auction. Although some items did not reach the level of auction, because they were specially prepared by the joint auction, there were also many exquisite items. "

Zhang Deming looked at the layout of the room. The overall layout was that of an ordinary auction private room.

The viewing angle facing a row of soft seats is the auction venue below. The place where he is currently seems to be the second floor of the building, and the viewing angle is okay.

In front of the soft seats, there is a small long table that looks like it is made of glass.

Zhang Deming listened to the female cultivator's introduction, stepped forward and sat down, and gently put the VIP card upwards.

A flat-panel-like display appeared on the small table that seemed to be made of glass.

Zhang Deming grabbed the screen and the entire screen was suspended directly, forming a three-dimensional virtual mirror in the air.

Then Zhang Deming leaned on the soft seat and turned over casually.

There are quite a lot of things, and it looks a bit like an online store. I have to say that the owner of this auction house is a good businessman, and he is extremely up to date with the times.

"Senior, if you are okay, then I will go out first. I have been outside during this period. If you need anything, senior, you can call me at any time. If you need anything," the female cultivator began to say at this time.

Zhang Deming paused slightly and looked up at the female cultivator.

Any of your needs are interesting. Are we too complicated, or are you too pure?

In other words, what message are you conveying to the crowd, and what entertainment methods can you use while waiting for the auction to officially begin?

Although I'm already too strong, it doesn't matter whether I stick to Primordial Yang or not, but this new body is my first time anyway, so let's forget about applauding you or something like that!

The female cultivator was looked at by Zhang Deming and did not react at all. She just lowered her head shyly and waited for Zhang Deming's instructions.

After a moment, Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Okay, you go down first."

The female cultivator paused slightly when she heard this. She didn't do any unnecessary things. She bowed slightly, turned around and left the private room.

Zhang Deming came back to his senses, looked around, turned his head and looked down. There were many places in the hall below.

In front of each location, there is a virtual light screen. At this moment, many light screens display so-called in-app purchase stores.

An auction, not to mention the commission from the subsequent bidding, just talking about the surrounding areas and the various markets it drives, can also make the organizer eat a lot of money.

It's almost like an industrial chain, and it's really...

After looking at it for a moment, Zhang Deming came back to his senses, looked at the virtual screen in front of him again, and kept reaching out to swipe at it.

It can be seen that these things have indeed been carefully selected, and there are many types and varieties, which should be suitable for many monks.

Zhang Deming scrolled casually with a browsing mentality.

For a moment, his expression changed, and his sliding movements paused slightly.

This is······?

Zhang Deming stretched out his hand towards the light screen, and with a slight tap, the objects in the light screen were three-dimensionally displayed in front of Zhang Deming.

This is a flight backpack with a strong sci-fi element. There are two long cylindrical air tubes on the backpack.

Looking at this thing, Zhang Deming was obviously taken aback.

Huayue City really has something to offer. You can get everything from Tianyu Federation, and it seems that there are quite a lot of them, which is rare.

You must know that the three sects of Tianling, Huashui and Baishu are all in the middle or lower reaches of the Four-Nine Sect.

For this reason, among the three major sects, there is only one thing similar to an embassy in the sphere of influence, which is related to the Tianyu Federation. There are no religious churches that have opened here.

Under such circumstances, we can get a lot of federal items, but we need some skills. It is worthy of being the land of the three sects. It was the first to respond to the call and contact places outside the territory.

Zhang Deming looked at the selling price, and then felt a toothache.

Item: Extraterrestrial Flight Law Weapon

Rating: one star

Price: Three hundred and twenty-five spirit stones.

Note: Although it is a one-star Law Weapon, it is difficult to obtain because it is an extraterrestrial object. It also has the flight function that only two-star flying Law Weapons have, so the price is positioned at the two-star medium Law Weapon level.

Special reminder: This object can not digest the user's spiritual energy at all, can be driven by spiritual stones, and of course can be driven by itself. Therefore, this item can ignore any cultivation level. This is the best gift for disciples and young people.

Zhang Deming looked at this information and was speechless. More than three hundred spirit stones were considered expensive among the two-star artifacts.

Nowadays, a jet backpack can be sold for such a price. Zhang Deming really doesn’t know how to complain.

While my thoughts were swirling, the auction below had slowly begun.

“Hello friends, it’s time for the Huayue Joint Auction held once every ten years.

I am the auctioneer for this auction, Wu Haidong! Here, on behalf of Huayue United Auction, I would like to welcome everyone. "

The auctioneer was a very young man, at least in appearance.

However, the vicissitudes of life revealed in his eyes and his peak Tai Chi cultivation suggest that he is not young at all.

Following his words, there was a lot of applause from below.

“I think after the previous warm-up, many friends have been looking forward to the auction for a long time.

So I won’t be too long-winded and will announce that this Huayue joint auction will now begin.

Next, please invite the first auction item. "

Following Wu Haidong's words, a young female disciple walked up carrying a tray.

In the tray is a small, palm-sized bag that looks like a sachet.

Wu Haidong held the small bag and said, "I think everyone should have guessed what it is when they see this.

Yes, it is a storage bag, but this storage bag is a little different.

This storage bag was handcrafted by Wu Bairen, the only three-star weapon refiner in Huayue City and the ancestor of our Wu family.

Although it is still a two-star Law Weapon, the storage space does not exceed the two-star limit of ten cubic meters.

However, due to the materials used and the refining techniques, this item has two characteristics of Samsung storage bags - sealing and locking.

I think many people know that although the two-star storage bag cannot be detected by ordinary means, it can still be detected by some special means.

The ban can isolate most special detections, allowing you to have good confidentiality.

As for the lock, there shouldn't be any need to explain. Once the storage bag is locked, it will be difficult for outsiders to open it without any damage.

I won’t go into too much nonsense, I think everyone knows this very well.

The starting price is five hundred spiritual stones, and each increase in price must not be less than fifty. "

"Six hundred!"

"Six hundred and five!"

"Eight hundred!"


Zhang Deming looked at the first first auction item and his expression moved slightly. He may have thought it was nothing before, but after experiencing the guinea pig incident, he felt that these functions were still necessary.

After hesitating, the price has soared to 1,100 spirit stones. The price of an ordinary two-star storage bag is already a bit expensive.

Zhang Deming clicked on the light screen directly and chose to bid.

"One thousand and five!"

Zhang Deming suddenly added four hundred at once, causing the place that had just heated up to become cold again in an instant.

"No. 121 bids one thousand and fifty. Is there any higher price? This is half a three-star storage bag."

No one responded below. An ordinary two-star storage bag only costs 9,000 spirit stones. This is the price of a good three-star item.

If there were more than one or two hundred, someone might still compete for it, but now the price is considered too expensive. The auction has just started, and no one is enthusiastic about it yet.

"One thousand and fifty times!"

"One thousand and fifty-two times!"

"Dealed! Congratulations to the distinguished guest No. 121, for winning the first auction item of this auction. Here is the second item..."

After a while, a prompt sounded in the room's formation, and Zhang Deming waved to open it.

"Senior, this is your auction item." said the female cultivator guarding the door.

Zhang Deming nodded, took the things, and said, "Yes."

"Senior, do you have any other instructions?" the other party asked.

Zhang Deming glanced at the other party, shook his head indifferently, and the female cultivator went out again.

After the other party left, Zhang Deming picked up the small, palm-sized cloth bag.

Because it was made by the Wu family, it was sent with it, and there was actually a fairly detailed introduction, with some hints of operating instructions.

After looking through it for a while, I have to say that this thing is indeed more convenient than the one I used initially.

In addition to a few more cubic meters of space, the bag can be as big or small as you like. The largest is the size of the internal space, and the smallest can be shrunk to the size of your thumb.

The surface decoration is specially made of Samsung materials, and has a special appearance array control, which can have twenty kinds of built-in appearances.

Ten types have been set by the Wu family, and the others are left to Zhang Deming to set by himself, and these settings can also be modified.

I have to say that it is worthy of being refined by a three-star refiner. The handling of these small details makes people very comfortable and like it.

Zhang Deming held the new storage bag like a new toy and tested it for a long time.

Now I have three storage bags on my body, but both of them can be as big as you want, so you can bring them all.

A total of twenty-four cubic meters is almost enough. After all, you can't carry all your belongings on your back when you go out. You can't do this even if you have space for utensils.

If something happened, wouldn't he be caught blind, just like the mouse before, if he really wanted to carry all his belongings on his back, he would vomit blood depressedly.

After Zhang Deming had mastered the storage bag, he put some more expensive things into the new bag.

The original stomach bag is still mounted on the body. The two new storage bags were shrunk by Zhang Deming to the size of a thumb. They were slightly packed and made into a small pendant for the belt.

Under the guise of a stomach storage bag, these two pendants are completely inconspicuous.

The original stomach storage bag, on the outside, is used as a storage bag, and inside, it can be used as a prop for borrowing space for the Queen's Sleeve Qiankun to cast spells.

After Zhang Deming finished, he took a look and nodded in satisfaction.

Uh... Do I count myself now, the man who hides the treasure in the crotch?

The goods outside were being auctioned one by one, and Zhang Deming's thoughts diverged for a while.

"The efficacy and rarity of the Yu Lingzhu, I don't need to say much, it can be said that it is the most popular thing in the Hongmeng Realm.

The following is a set of beads, inheritance beads, to be precise, it is a mastery-level extreme inheritance set.

This set of inheritance sets consists of five sets of spell beads, each with five beads, for a total of twenty-five beads.

Some people may wonder, why there are only five, and Huayue withheld it privately? Or are the spiritual cultivators cutting corners more and more?


No, to be precise, this set of beads is unusually large enough.

Even if you are lucky, the user can even treat it as two sets and train two disciples.

Because the provider of this set of beads did not adopt the quantity supply method of the traditional market, the twenty-five Yuling beads are all proficient, and there is no miscellaneous color. "

Having said this, Wu Haidong reached out and removed the cover from the tray in the hands of the female cultivator behind him.

A beautiful glass box was inlaid with twenty-five beads, five in a row, a total of five rows. A beautiful picture appeared instantly in front of the light screens of all seats.

(end of this chapter)

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