Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 230 Monitoring Elf 1.0

Chapter 230 Monitoring Elf 1.0

This time, Zhang Deming didn't have the lightning to retract it, so he clearly felt a cold breath flowing along the metal piece into his Dantian, but before he could act like a monster, it was absorbed by the editor.

"Karma +1.3!"

When all the strange auras were completely absorbed, Zhang De's karma already reached 2.4.

Karma goes beyond two. If you have the chance, you can try it!

After a little concentration, he felt the metal fragments. After the cold and strange aura no longer invaded, the vines curled slightly, wrapping the metal fragments in front of his eyes.

Zhang Deming looked at the silver metal piece in front of him, slightly confused.

Is this the debris from that spaceship? Did it explode when it fell?

Even though there was no air-conditioning, Zhang Deming did not reach out and touch it rashly. With a flash of light in his eyes, Rank Two's detection technique was activated and he looked at the metal piece carefully.

Well, is this... a trace of the formation path?

The aura in Zhang Deming's eyes changed, and countless runes began to appear. With the blessing of Rank Three's formation heart, countless densely packed runes appeared on the metal piece.

The runes are very weird, most of the styles are completely different from those of Hongmeng. Zhang Deming recognizes a small number of them, but there should be no harm.

After hesitation, Zhang Deming reached out and picked up the metal fragment. There was no special change. He paused and input a little spiritual power.

The fragments in his hand disintegrated instantly and turned into countless small dots under the eyes of Zhang Deming Rank Three's runes.

Zhang Deming took a closer look and realized that these little dots turned out to be countless nanorobots.

As the fragment squirmed, it turned into a mini ball the size of a thumb in Zhang Deming's hands. The light on the ball flashed, and a prompt sounded at the same time:

"Hey, failed to connect to the main brain..."

Restart the connection······


Connection failed, please reconnect again..."

Every time the aura flashes, the prompt completes a cycle. The aura keeps flashing, and the small ball keeps trying to reconnect, but nothing seems to work.

Until the little bit of spiritual energy input by Zhang Deming was consumed again, the ball turned back into an ordinary small steel ball and fell silent.

So this is the fragment of the intelligent core that was floating on the sea?

Is that thing a multi-module weak artificial intelligence?

Or is the other party an intelligent life, and this fragment is just an auxiliary module created by the other party?

Looking at this thing, Zhang Deming's eyes flickered and his thoughts swirled. After a long time, he turned over his hands and put the thing away.

After I get back, I will study it slowly and carefully.

Whether it is weak artificial intelligence or an auxiliary module for intelligent life, with the editor panel to reveal the source code, Zhang Deming can at least get a glimpse of the core algorithm that he has always coveted.

With the core algorithm, haha, rune life and other things don't seem to be impossible!

However, looking at the mechanical appearance of this module, it is obvious that it cannot have the core algorithm of intelligent life.

Well, he should know something about the core algorithm of artificial intelligence. He had never been exposed to this thing in his previous life, and he was quite curious and new for a while.

And if this thing can be found, one of the biggest problems of the alliance, which Zhang Deming has never dared to develop rapidly, will be initially solved.

That's the problem of monitoring.

Nowadays, a few people are fine and don't need his constant attention, but if they want to vigorously develop members and there is no monitoring, wouldn't the rules set before become nonsense?

Because of this, Zhang Deming has never started to develop members.

The business alliance plan has also been delayed because monitoring is one of the two necessary conditions for a business alliance, and the other is a backer.

After putting away his things, Zhang Deming looked around, waved his hand, aura surged, and Rank Three's growth technique was activated.

The flowers and plants that were blown down by the air pressure swayed and stood up again.

Only the small hole created by the explosion remained in place.

However, the surrounding flowers and trees left a lot of holes, and this one was a little bigger. Zhang Deming spent 300 taels of silver to fill it up.

After doing this, Zhang Deming stopped nurturing flowers and trees. Instead, he waved his hand to disperse the clouds in the sky and turned around to leave the secret realm.

After returning to Feiquan Waterfall Building, Zhang Deming came to the training room, calmed down, and took out the things.

Then Zhang Deming called out the editing panel, and as the spiritual light surged, his spiritual power connected with the small ball in his hand.


The moment the little ball gained spiritual power, it started to cycle prompts again, constantly trying to connect to the main brain.

Because it is just a broken module, and presumably it is not an important module, because there is almost no defense.

With the spiritual power network connected, many strange codes appeared on the editor, and Zhang Deming was slightly startled when he saw it.

This thing uses a completely different set of code than the notebook. Zhang Deming is not referring to the logical algorithm, but the entire operation method is different.

As Zhang Deming conjectured, ordinary codes cannot generate quantum forces that interfere with reality.

Tianyu Federation, on the other hand, uses a conversion method to mark and encode the magic runes into specific codes.

Just like Chinese characters can be typed after character encoding, a specific code is used to refer to a specific rune. When the code is compiled, specific artifacts are used to compile the runes, and the so-called quantum power appears.

In essence, it is no different from Hongmeng Formation.

The difference is that Hongmeng Formation directly operates runes, while Tianyu Federation operates runes indirectly through operating codes.

To put it simply, a set of data can be extracted from it, which is similar to ‘UTF-8’ encoded data.

Therefore, Zhang Deming has now gained this set of codes, which means that in the future, the quantum system of Tianyu Federation will at least not completely blind him.

This is not Zhang Deming's biggest gain. The biggest gain is that Zhang Deming discovered that the rune code of this ball has undergone serious mutations.

Under the combination of the chaotic forces in the secret realm, the intelligent core invaded the earth spirit, and a fundamental Integrated Union occurred, and the manifestation was the Integrated Union of the extraterrestrial magic runes and the Hongmeng array runes.

This thing is obviously the key foundation of the new formation.

The knowledge that Zhang Deming gave to Xu Weihai a few days ago, plus the knowledge that Xu Weihai learned himself, what Xu Weihai himself has to do is this combination.

But with this thing, as long as the core algorithm is obtained by then, the new spells of the array will already be available.

In other words, in the last twenty steps of Xu Weihai, Zhang Deming found the appearance of the twelve or thirteen steps again, and he did not need to realize it on his own.

After getting the core algorithm, he only needs to take one or two steps forward, and it is not a critical step or two, it is just ordinary splicing, one or two steps that anyone can take!

For this chess piece, Zhang Deming has continuously opened the back door to ensure that the move is successful!

With his thoughts racing, Zhang Deming began to modify the core structure of this small ball.

Although he had never been exposed to artificial intelligence in his previous life, he had never thought about it before.

And even if you have been exposed to it, without tools and auxiliary modules, it is impossible to build an artificial intelligence from scratch, even a weak artificial intelligence with a brain-dead level.

But on the existing basis, Zhang Deming can still modify the structure and change the core terms of its services.

After all, you start making modifications from the source code, which is very thorough.

For example, this core key: {

If (disconnected from host)

{Then, call the loop connection module API to start the loop connection;}

Otherwise {then, run under host control;}


This thing is what guarantees the control of the so-called main brain, and all basic operations of this system module are also based on this thing.

If the source code cannot be obtained, Zhang Deming can only block its signal and prevent it from connecting.

There is nothing that can be done about this fundamental core rule that is rooted at the bottom of the system.

This has nothing to do with hacker capabilities, because this is the core key to the operation of this system.

But if he can modify the source code, Zhang Deming can modify its core so that it can run normally without the supervision of the main brain.

And Zhang Deming also retained the connection module with the main brain, but modified it to reverse exploration and added a prompt module.

In this way, this module is no longer about contacting the master brain, but constantly exploring the existence of the master brain. Once something is discovered, it can prompt Zhang Deming.

Well, he was probably one of the other party's subordinates who instigated rebellion.

From the original obedience to his words, he has become a traitor and has completely changed his mind and cannot turn back.

It's just that there are some rogues in this operation. It's probably that Zhang Deming didn't instigate rebellion step by step, but directly forced (Harmony) to rape the brains of this young man.

There are more than one or two such functions, Zhang Deming has made various modifications.

After a while, as Zhang Deming made modifications, the flashing light of the ball began to slowly stop.

The endless loop of connection prompts slowly disappeared.

When Zhang Deming got everything right, the small ball was no longer the same thing as before.

In addition to the most basic operation rules, the service methods, service objects, and service rules have all been modified by Zhang Deming.

Today, Zhang Deming named this small ball, Blue Sky Monitoring Wizard version 1.0.

It has only one main function, which is to monitor, monitor the movements of the light points in the spirit-nurturing space, record data, make corresponding prompts, and simply give responses.

Monitor the bright spots that have signed a contract, strictly prohibit their breach of contract, and monitor when the bright spots ask for help.

These are its main functions. It is more of an advanced intelligent system than an artificial intelligence.

Of course, this sphere cannot be entered into the spirit-nurturing space, only its internal rune system can be entered.

Zhang Deming tested it for a long time, and after finding that it was correct, he copied it into the spirit-nurturing space and hung it high in the chaotic sky of the space.

Looking at the start of monitoring, the constraints of development personnel have been completely improved. Although this monitoring is very basic, it can be gradually improved in the future.

Nowadays, the development of the business alliance only lacks the key backstage support.

Zhang Deming already has an idea about this. Isn’t this the reason for accepting such a high-profile order this time?

When Zhang Deming finished all this and left the practice room, it was already less than half a month later.

After half a month of intense work, constantly modifying the code and testing functions, Zhang Deming felt very tired.

If he hadn't had good cultivation now, he would probably have lost another handful of hair.

Not to mention other things now, the first benefit brought by cultivation is that it is difficult to go bald. You no longer need to carefully take care of this hair, and you can still have long and flowing hair.

After some activities in the yard, Zhang Deming came to the lake. He waved his hand and constructed a small concealment formation. Then he jumped into the lake and had a good swim.

After almost swimming, Zhang Deming wove a rattan raft under him again and gradually fell asleep.

After more than ten days of retreat, Zhang Deming was really tired.

After sleeping for a long time, Zhang Deming felt that lying down like this was not suitable for sleeping for a long time. After a long time, he felt a little uncomfortable, so he flew up and went back to the house to sleep.


After a sleepless night, I woke up again at noon the next day.

Zhang Deming felt refreshed again and his whole body came to life.

After several days of seclusion, Zhang Deming went to the secret place for a long time to be pregnant and nursed.

Then he ran to give Xu Weihai a lesson, improving his formation skills bit by bit. It can be seen that he has slowly begun to absorb the knowledge Zhang Deming taught.

And we are trying to integrate the two systems into each other's Integrated Union.

Although his qualifications are not very good and his talent is even worse, fortunately, with hard work and sufficient information, Zhang Deming is a good tool man.

After that, Zhang Deming began to go in and out of the information room again, thinking about all aspects of the order.

On this day, Zhang Deming was slightly stunned, and his mind quickly entered the spirit-nurturing space.

A long-awaited scene slowly emerged in the spirit-nurturing space.

The picture shows Tianling City. Judging from its appearance, it should be a small courtyard in an ordinary residential area.

Tong Hou held a Rank Two Yin-Yang Chess cultivation spirit bead, took a deep breath, and activated it completely as his spiritual power surged.

The Spirit-nurturing Pearl turned into countless spiritual light spots, forming a hollow sphere and wrapping it in it.

As the runes disappeared between his eyebrows, after a long time, a yin-yang fish pattern appeared on his body.

Zhang Deming looked slightly stunned when he saw this. What the hell is this?

The manifestation of Yin and Yang?

This is not something that can happen only if you have at least understood the classics of Rank Seven or above. Remember, it is only possible...

A Rank Two magic method enlightens the Tao, and there is an external vision of the Tao's intention?

A big boss who can master a Rank Two spell and understand the posture of a Rank Seven classic needs the help of spiritual cultivation beads to get started?

Are you kidding me? ! !

Zhang Deming was shocked at this moment!

As the yin and yang fish emerged, Zhang Deming slowly discovered something strange. It turned out that the entire yin and yang fish pattern was densely trapped by a huge chain.

As Tong Hou's understanding progressed, the yin-yang fish pattern began to vibrate slowly and slowly rotate.

As it rotated, the chains on the Yin-Yang Fish began to shake, and eventually each section was broken.

It shattered into auras that filled the sky. At the moment when the chain was broken, the slowly rotating yin-yang fish pattern behind the opponent also miraculously disappeared.

At this time, Tong Hou's whole body was shaken. Although his appearance had not changed at all, in Zhang Deming's eyes, the other party became different, and very different.

They are obviously exactly the same, but to Zhang Deming, they feel like they are two people, both visually and visually.


There was a strange feeling like meeting Li Shifan for the first time, and this feeling was much stronger and purer.

As the Yin Yang Fish disappeared, Tong Hou slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a long breath. His whole body seemed to have been relieved of some burden, giving people an extremely relaxed feeling.

At this point, the picture completely ended and turned into a point of light.

At this time, energy surged in the warehouse again. The enlightenment merit of 0.02 was no problem, but the enlightenment luck was a full one. Compared with the fixed 0.2 for others, it was a full five times.

This guy seems to be a person with a story!

Zhang Deming looked at the light spot in front of him and fell into deep thought, thinking about whether to pull him into the Duzun Building.

"Forget it, wait for a while, wait until Xu Weihai's harvest is over, and let's see the specific results.

And you can't pull people every time you finish your enlightenment. Once this kind of thing happens too much, it's easy to be found out. "

After getting the idea, Zhang Deming waved his hand, threw the light spot into the chaotic sky, and then exited the spirit cultivation space.

In a blink of an eye, adding up the previous and later, it has been half a year since the last breakthrough. With the dual combination of spiritual stone and Cave Mansion, Zhang Deming's cultivation level has almost advanced again.

Kung Fu: Mizuki God Technique (Rank Six)

Cultivation level: Tai Chi Lv2 (54.3/60/10,000)

Rune Core: Spiritual Summoning Lv3 (5/50)

Branch Rune: Enhancement Lv3 (50/500)

Skills: Jade Demon Vampiric Vine Lv3 (0/50), Words & Speech Spirit Lv3 (0/50), Hidden Breath Art Lv3 (0/50), Flying Art & Remnant Lv3 (0/50), Spirit Shield Lv3 (0/50), Yin Yang Chess Game Lv3 (0/50), Scouting Spirit Eye Lv2 (0/10)

Spiritual power recovery: 200 spiritual power/3 minutes

Experience growth: 20 experience/3 minutes

Originally, he planned to choose vines for the Taiji second life rune, and the third life rune to be determined.

However, the Integrated Union transformation of the speaking technique has nothing to do with summoning or cultivating spirits. However, like the strengthening technique, it surprisingly possesses the plasticity of all techniques, and can also be used as a rune.

Moreover, Zhang Deming feels that the speech technique seems to be very suitable for his summoning technique of nurturing spirits, and it is suitable for being a branch rune.

Therefore, Zhang Deming decided that for the second life rune, he should choose the word magic. The third life of the rattan skill would be the same. After all, this thing in Zhang Deming is positioned as a 'normal attack'.

And as the cultivation base approaches Taiji Sansheng, Liangyi is not far away, and the matter of promotion needs to be slowly started to pay attention.

More importantly, this Tai Chi promotion resource is a bit of a headache.

As a big boss who is recovering his strength, and now the senior management knows it, the promotion of resources cannot be called advanced.'s not impossible, after all, his superficial identity is only Tai Chi.

But Liangyi's promotion resources are still very precious, or extremely precious, for Sijiu's door-to-door visits.

Liangyi monks are the mainstay of all major sects and the main force in daily affairs. Among other forces within the sect, Liangyi is the top force.

So the high-level people who go out to work are almost all at this level.

Moreover, the core of Zhang Deming is the summoning of spirits, and there is no corresponding formula, so the general Apex Level promotion resources need to be summoned.

Of course, there is really no way out, and you can also look at the summoning of the demon spirits as before, and try to see if you can use this to promote.

Even so, promotion resources are still needed, mainly because of the main material.

The main material of the Liangyi period, the Heavenly Spirit Sect range, is extremely difficult to buy on the market. In this era of resources, most high-end materials are controlled by sects and aristocratic families.

Therefore, if he really pretended to be promoted with great fanfare.

He felt that the Zongmen should allocate resources to him on the surface, and then a few big shots quietly took them back.

Speaking of it, it seems that it doesn't fit the status of a door-to-door?

But this possibility is really great!

You must know that a top Liangyi monk can have a lifespan of eight hundred years, but the number of Liangyi monks in the sect is less than two hundred.

This is still in the case of their sect, which has three Rank Three spiritual masters as the base.

It can be seen that a copy of the main materials for Liangyi promotion, especially the main materials for top promotion, is still very important to the sect. It is really possible to take it back privately.

Therefore, he needs to think carefully about how to get Liangyi's promotion materials.

Even with the idea of ​​the Zongmen Material Library, once you get it, you can't give the other party a chance to go back in private.


(end of this chapter)

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