Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 205 Do Outsiders Think They Are Eating Soft Food? [Please Subscribe, Please Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 205 Do outsiders think they are eating soft food? [Please subscribe, please monthly ticket]

Zongmen construction team, that is the real version of Xianxia.

The most exaggerated, Zhang Deming even saw Liangyi overhauling construction, can you believe it?

Therefore, the general construction was done very quickly by the Zongmen. In terms of details, there was also a special person responsible for it, and a lot of things were moved in the Zongmen.

Therefore, it is clear that this gathering place of the Flower Fairy Forest is a newly built place, but it is quite large now, and the facilities are fairly complete.

There are also quite a few people here at the moment, mostly from the Miscellaneous Affairs Department and the Resources Department.

Those from the Miscellaneous Affairs Department were working, and many from the Resources Department were operating the light screens, connecting to the resources in the forest, and at the same time being responsible for various scheduling.

The scene was interesting for a while, the most normal thing was that a chubby resource department student was surrounded by three or five light screens, constantly operating it.

At the same time, on-site or remotely, he directed the various disciples in the Miscellaneous Affairs Department to work hard.

People who are too much, while directing, all kinds of complaints and cursing.

If any frivolous things damage resources, contributions must be deducted.

Any carelessness that omits resources will also deduct contributions.

If the handling is not careful and unqualified, the contribution will be deducted.


Zhang Deming looked interesting for a while, and said to Sunshine Fu, "You also belong to the Ministry of Resources, right?"

Sunshine Fu nodded, and said, "Yes, senior brother, I also gained qualifications like this."

Zhang Deming stared, looked at each other, pointed to the disciples who were surrounded by light screens and kept moving their mouths, and said, "You call this seniority."

Sunshine Fu smiled and said, "That's right, the Ministry of Resources survived like this."

"Ha, it's no wonder that the Miscellaneous Department is the best place to enter, but grandma doesn't love grandpa.

No wonder the Ministry of Resources can become the leader, with the ability to overwhelm many departments.

Look at one by one, oppression and exploitation are taken for granted.

What's even more speechless is that those who are summoned also take it for granted...

As long as your department maintains such a 'good' relationship with the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, the Resource Department's status as the second-ranked one will at least be stable. "

Yang Guangfu said with a smile: "This is no problem, after all, resources are becoming more and more important in cultivation nowadays.

The chore department also needs resources. In other words, they need resources the most. After all, they have the most people..."

Zhang Deming didn't know how to complain for a moment.

How did the current situation of these two departments come to be? When I looked at the top leaders of the two departments before, it was not like one dominated the other?

Obviously the boss fights very hard, why does the younger one become the younger brother? What is the effect of what is said?

Could it be that the private relationship between the two old men was in a different situation?

Yangguang Fu continued: "Of course, we at Yuling Peak don't take these things too seriously.

After all, we don’t need to fight for it. As long as we need it or even have a little intention, there will always be people vying to give it to us. If we don’t accept it, we won’t be happy.

Senior brothers, you will gradually understand these after you stay in Yuling Peak for a while. "

When Zhang Deming heard this, he couldn't help but smile a little, that's good!

"Why don't these people from the Miscellaneous Affairs Department be dispatched by themselves?" Li Shifan, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but ask when he saw this scene.

Sunshine Fu smiled and said: "Because the regulations above are for joint development, the Department of Resources is the main one.

Moreover, these resources are also managed by our department, and they need corresponding permissions to be deployed.

In addition, our two departments often cooperate in this way, and we have been used to it for hundreds of thousands of years. "

Zhang Deming shook his head and said, "It's really a good one who often 'cooperates' like this, let's go, we don't care about our affairs anyway."

He is not one of them, and there is no need for him to do anything.

Besides, it was Zhou Yu who beat Huang Gai—one was willing to fight, the other was willing to suffer.

Sunshine Fu led the two of them to a relatively deserted room. When they came to the counter, a somewhat bored disciple saw the arrival of the three of them, and instantly regained his energy.

Sunshine Fu ignored the other party, directly swiped his identity, and said: "I need a special Secret Realm Token, which has full authority for the Cyanwood Forest and the Cyanwood Flower Sea."

The other party was slightly astonished, and carefully confirmed the message in front of him. After it was correct, he said:

"Okay brother, there are only four tokens like this, and now this is the last one.

The short-term formation department is not available, so please don't lose it, it will be very troublesome if you lose it.

Not only does it involve re-doing, but it also involves a series of issues such as cancellation of authority and immediate verification of lost goods. "

Sunshine Fu looked at Zhang Deming, and then replied, "Yes."

Hearing this, the disciple quickly manipulated it for a while, then took out a token from a grid, and handed it to Yang Guangfu with both hands.

"This is your order talisman, I need to ask brother to leave a spirit seal."

The rune core of Sunshine Fumei disappeared in a flash, leaving a special symbol on the special utensil handed out by the other party, and then he took the command talisman and handed it to Zhang Deming.

"Brother has heard the explanation just now." Sunshine Fu said.

Zhang Deming nodded, and Sunshine Fu continued: "I hope brother pay attention, otherwise, it will be really troublesome.

If it weren't for the real need, and the external access would take a long time, the Formation Department wouldn't be rushing to make this kind of thing.

Because the involvement is a bit big, after all, within the scope of the sect's large formation, this thing can enter the secret realm at any time. "

Zhang Deming nodded again, and said, "I will be careful."

Sunshine Fu heard the words and said, "That's ok, let's go to see the residence at the end. After finishing this, we will successfully complete the task today."

Yang Guangfu led the two of them again, left the gathering place, passed through the light curtain, and came to the sea of ​​flowers.

In the corner of the semi-circular sea of ​​flowers, near the edge, in the endless sea of ​​flowers, several buildings were built.

Because it is necessary not to affect the sea of ​​flowers as much as possible, the buildings are all turrets.

The bottom is empty, and it is supported by several pillars. The building stands on top of the flowers in the sea of ​​flowers.

Although no flowers and trees have been cultivated in this area, the existing flower demon flowers have not been cleared. The flowers under the turret are still growing normally.

"Because we need to take into account the feelings of the flower demons and elves, we didn't rush to clean up an area.

After all, although these flowers are not their children, they are still in the reserve.

When everyone is not familiar with the situation, we try our best to maintain a harmonious relationship.

So the residence is a bit crude, but fortunately, it is said that it does not require long-term residence of tens or hundreds of years. "Sunshine Fu looked at the turret and said.

Zhang Deming looked at the turrets, but frowned slightly.

Yang Yangfu turned around and saw Zhang Deming's expression. He was slightly startled and said, "Senior Brother Zhang, what's the point of dissatisfaction?"

Zhang Deming said: "Since it is divided into four areas, why do four people live together? This sea of ​​flowers is not small."

Yang Yangfu suddenly said: "This is the intention of several peak masters, saying it is to facilitate communication."

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "I'm too lazy to run anyway, so you can get a special area for me, just click this one.

Don’t tear it down here. If you have an idea, you can come over and have a chat. "

Yangguangfu paused and said, "That's no problem. It's very fast to build this kind of turret. The construction team can finish it in one or two hours."

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "Okay, that's it. Just build it in the center of the remaining area to avoid having to run around too much."

Sunshine Fu paused again when he heard this. This Master of Heyue Peak is really a character!

They are all so salty and lazy...

"No problem, senior brother, I'll give the order right away." After Yang Guangfu spoke, he started operating on the light screen.

Yang Yangfu completed the operation in a moment and said: "Okay, senior brother, you can see the sample in the afternoon. If you are not satisfied, you can make adjustments at any time in the past three or four days.

After that, it may be closed, and it will be a bit troublesome to adjust it.

So if you have any ideas, senior brother, please put them forward as soon as possible these days.

There will be dedicated people who will handle it immediately.

The command talisman you just received can enter the secret realm at any time within the scope of the sect. The entrance is at the gathering point just now.

As for the exit formation, it can be found at any gathering point.

However, only the place just now and the several turrets in front of them have exits to Yuling Peak. "

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

"Senior brother, is there anything else you want to see? I can lead the way for you. My job today is to settle you, senior brother.

You can call me anytime if you need anything later. In a few days, I will be arranged to guard the cliff at Feiquan Waterfall. "Sunshine Fu said with a smile.

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment and said, "You've been through your seniority, so why are you still working in the chore department now?"

Yang Guangfu said with a smile: "Well, only when I get through it can I choose a place by myself."

Zhang Deming was slightly startled and looked at Yangguang Fu seriously. So this guy also knew a lot about him?

But it should only be part of it, otherwise the content of the previous chat would be different, and it would be impossible for one Senior Brother Zhang to call another Senior Brother Zhang.

"Okay, I'll note it down." Zhang Deming paused, looked back at Li Shifan, who was very silent today, and said, "Do you want to go shopping?"

Li Shifan shook his head and replied succinctly: "No."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming said: "That's right, you changed places today, you should be a little busy. Now that the things are done, let's go back first."

Sunshine Fu said: "Okay, these attics are equipped with miniature exit formations. The corresponding exit of Building 4 is the Feiquan Square where we came from."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Deming took Li Shifan and the three of them directly to the attic.

Inside the attic, the layout has been completed and the setting is quite elegant.

Yang Guangfu came to a separate room and said: "Because it is a miniature formation, we can only leave one by one, so I will come first."

Zhang Deming nodded. Seeing this, Yangguang Fu entered the formation first. He bowed to the two of them, and his aura surged and disappeared directly into it.

Zhang Deming and Li Shifan looked at each other, and Zhang Deming said, "You go first."

Li Shifan didn't delay, stepped in directly, and activated the formation.

Zhang Deming followed closely behind. Although the formation was small, it could be seen that the person who created it was highly accomplished. Zhang Deming just returned to Feiquan Square in a daze.

After the three returned to the square, Zhang Deming looked at Li Shifan and said, "You should be busy these days, so go ahead and do your work first."

Li Shifan nodded and said, "Well, if anything happens, senior brother, you can call me anytime."

Zhang Deming replied: "Well, you can come to me if you have any trouble."

After saying this, Li Shifan gave a slight salute, turned around and left.


Li Shifan was not far away. He held his left hand slightly and heard Li Cheng's voice in his mind.

"Tsk, tsk, senior brother, you are getting more and more invisible. But when I look at it, you don't look so handsome, do you?"

Li Shifan was silent for a moment, and then sighed: "Who says it's not the case? Today, this member of the secret team of the Ministry of Resources, or someone who got into the secret team of Yuling Peak, is so fawning over my senior brother.

It seems that the rumors about senior brother are both true and false. "

Li Cheng shook his head and said: "If your senior brother really eats soft food like this and even Patriarch Yue changes his attitude, then it will be really..."

It’s so enviable...

Boy, why don't you think about it too? In this case, we can avoid going to the back mountain twice.

Look at today's arrangement, there are so many comfortable things. "

Li Shifan smiled bitterly and said: "My grandson wants to do it too, but old man, you haven't prepared a childhood sweetheart for me who has potential. How do you want me to learn from it?"

"Why don't we go to the main peak? In the sect information I read a few days ago, the Dang family has a daughter who is just right for him!" Li Cheng said.

Li Shifan rolled his eyes and said, "Although we entered Yuling Peak, are we hooking up with the party's pearl?

Forget it, old man, I still want to live a few more years, I can go there, it is a Heavenly Spirit Sect minefield.

I don’t know how many eyes are staring at it!

In my capacity, it will explode at the first touch and be shattered into pieces. "

"If you want to have a soft meal as hard as your senior brother, without his luck, how can you not take some risks?" Li Cheng replied encouragingly.

Li Shifan walked alone, shaking his head like a rattle, and saying to himself like a madman:

"I'd better go to the back mountain. The chance of survival is better. Dang Rushuangna, my grandson is timid, qi-deficient, and even more kidney-deficient!"

Li Cheng: "······"

In private, when Li Shifan and Li Cheng got along, they did not maintain their personalities, their true nature was exposed, and they let themselves go a little bit.

It really fits that sentence, every iceberg has a boring heart, no matter whether the iceberg is real or fake!

In this way, Li Shifan talked to himself and let himself go, heading towards the reporting point.


After Zhang Deming and Yangguang Fu watched Li Shifan leave, Zhang Deming said, "I'm going back too."

Sunshine Fu nodded and said: "Okay, Senior Brother Zhang, if you have anything to do, you can come to me at any time. I will move there in the afternoon. In terms of procedures, it may take a few days to come down."

Zhang Deming was slightly startled. He was so impatient. Is the cliff mouth of Feiquan Waterfall so fragrant?

(end of this chapter)

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