Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 188 Sweet Talk Is Like This?

Chapter 188 Sweet talk is like this?

After leaving, Zhang Deming turned around and came to the Spell Pavilion on Baiyi Street, changed his identity, and walked in.

Skillfully arrived at the second floor, an apprentice female nun came up.

Zhang Deming straight to the point: "Do you have any spells related to speaking skills?"

"Some seniors, do you need books or jade..."

"Books, learn by yourself, not traditional orthodox collection." Before the nun finished speaking, Zhang Deming said skillfully.

The female cultivator paused, then said with a smile, "Senior, please come this way."

Then he led Zhang Deming through a large area, came to a corner, and said, "Senior, this bookshelf area is full of talking skills."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming raised his head and looked at the bookshelf in front of him. After taking a small look, he said in surprise:

"So few? And why are there Rank One's? Isn't the second floor a Rank Three spell area?"

In the area in front of Zhang Deming, there is only one bookshelf, and it is not densely packed with books like in other areas.

Although there are many books, compared with the surroundings, there are very few.

The female cultivator smiled and said: "Senior, although speaking skills rarely appear in regular battles, because of its special nature, it is still a very precious technique.

Therefore, there are only a few copies of Rank One's words, which are placed on the first floor below, and there are the same samples above.

In other words, all speech skills belong to the boutiques sold on the second floor.

Therefore, almost all the tactic-level speaking skills of our pavilion are displayed here. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming nodded, and looked at Shufa. Seeing this, the female cultivator quietly stood aside and waited.

Speaking skills have a special status in the Hongmeng world.

No matter what kind of speech technique the starting point is, there are probably three kinds of ending points, the words follow the law, the big prophecies, and the big wishes.

Among these three kinds, "Making a Great Vow" is the most prosperous one, because Buddhist Gate Bald Donkey has developed this way to a very brilliant level.

Loan consumption, it’s a smooth ride!

In addition to speaking skills, I especially like some...well...people who have unique hobbies in cultivation.

Some even spent a lot of effort to specialize in speaking skills, and even turned speaking skills into regular fighting methods.

In a fight, you can knock someone down with just one mouth.

Because of these, coupled with the uniqueness of Hua Shu Shu, Hua Shu’s current status has been created.

Zhang Deming came to the bookshelf and found that these spells were classified.

It looks like a lot, but in fact many of them belong to the same category, but they are developed in different directions.

Zhang Deming browsed around and found that there were only a few categories in total.

"Speech Skills: Rumors", "Speech Skills: Lies", "Speech Skills: Laws and Orders"

These three categories actually occupy most of the entire bookshelf. Based on a rumor, there are a total of twenty-seven kinds of Rank Two spells developed.

This is not even the most numerous. As the most basic technique of speaking, the laws and orders are the most numerous.

Rank Two variants are developed, up to fifty-two.

Of the three major categories, lies are probably the least common.

These three categories probably correspond to the peak words, great prophecies, and great wishes in the future.

Looking at these three types of foundations, Zhang Deming couldn't help but think, so the prediction was made out of lies?

Is Yan Chufa Sui just relying on rumors to talk nonsense, and in the end it becomes Yan Chufa Sui?

The speaking skills are really...

There is only the basis for making great wishes - the law, which is quite normal, at least there is some shadow connection that can be seen.

In addition to these, there are some Rank One spells, some of which are variants developed based on these three, but have not been promoted to Rank Two spells.

Some of them are just uncommon words.

For example, the book "Speech Skills: Sweet Words" in Zhang Deming's hand has a message on the title page. Well, it's a strange message. It should be called a reminder.

It reads: 'Attention should be paid to the practice of this technique. This technique is the most unique among the speaking techniques. It belongs to the category of no specific format and focuses on the mind.

However, the requirements for talent are very special. For those without talent, no matter how high the cultivation level is, it is difficult to get started.

In addition, practicing the path of body charm, music, dance, etc., has a certain bonus to this technique. '

Looking at this spell book, Zhang Deming's eyelids twitched.

Did I come to some kind of dishonest area? Are you sure, it’s not about seventy-two Divine Ability stunts written in this thing?

"Senior, are you interested in this technique?" The female cultivator beside her looked at Zhang Deming in a daze holding "Shushu: Sweet Talk", and asked.

Zhang Deming said with a red face, "Isn't it possible? It's interesting to watch."

The nun looked up at Zhang Deming and said, "Yes, at least senior's image will not cause any obstacles to the practice of this technique.

that is······"

"What? Is there any problem with this technique?" Zhang Deming asked as he watched the female cultivator hesitate to speak.

"There is nothing wrong with the technique, but if senior wants to practice this technique, it is best to practice it in private.

Don't be known by too many people, at least not by too many female cultivators.

Because now the ancestor of Yin Yang Ji Dao has developed this technique to the level of classics and embarked on a strange path of harvesting and nourishing the avenue.

Let countless female cultivators be completely determined and willing to sacrifice their lives to serve the tiger.

In the eyes of many female cultivators, this technique is considered a witchcraft.

If the senior practices uprightly, well, he might be a little unpopular. "The female cultivator reminded me.

Zhang Deming also heard a slight hint of disgust in her tone, aversion to this technique.

Although she concealed it very well, Zhang Deming still heard it.

Zhang Deming looked stunned, huh? Tonic Avenue? sweet Nothing?

It really is······

There are no useless spells, only useless practitioners!

In the world of Hongmeng cultivation, no one who takes the extreme path and can get out of it is a simple person.

Of course, more people have not left.

After flipping through it casually, Zhang Deming nodded, put the technique directly under his arm, and continued to screen.

After the female cultivator finished reminding her, she continued to serve her quietly without saying anything.

When Zhang Deming finished browsing the speaking skills area, Zhang Deming saw an interesting magic book again.

"Speak: Words"

There is also a message on the title page, which is still not a famous saying, but precautions for practicing magic.

'The practice of this technique requires a strong recognition of talent. There is no specific format for its performance, and no specific tendency for its function. The specific effect depends entirely on the heart. '

Zhang Deming flipped through it in confusion and found that the style of this technique was a bit weird.

Therefore, Zhang Deming turned to look at the female cultivator and asked: "This technique style...?"

Hearing this, the female cultivator smiled and said, "Senior, you think the style is very innovative, right?

This is not a magic technique native to Hongmeng Realm. It is said that it was adapted from the extraterrestrial magic technique "God's Word", which was gained from the enlightenment of Hongmeng disciples at the 'Outer Territory Study Group Exchange Meeting'.

After the efforts of some monks to develop and continuously localize it, this spell no longer requires a specific "Shen Shuo" format.

Although it has been liberalized, it has also become very uncertain. The effect it will exert depends entirely on the will of the caster.

It has the meaning of an advanced version of the Rumor Talking Technique, and since it is a Rank One technique, its effect is limited, so it is not very popular.

Of course, the initial development of this technique was originally developed and mutated by rumor talkers. It is normal to have such a tendency. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming pondered and said, "Does this mean that whatever I say will be the effect of the spell?"

The female cultivator's face froze slightly, and then she said: "Senior, you are really funny, so it just means you can follow your words. This is just a magic formula, not a scripture.

However, in terms of performance, it is somewhat similar to Yan Yifa Sui.

After all, speech skills: words do not require a specific format, and the degree of freedom is closer to the way the words are spoken.

Therefore, this technique has great advantages in concealment and suddenness.

Of course, all talking skills actually have such advantages, but the degree is different.

There is a specific format, which is slightly less concealed and sudden. "

Zhang Deming nodded thoughtfully and put it under his arm again.

The female cultivator raised her eyes again and glanced at Zhang Deming. Her resolute and handsome face revealed a mature and vicissitudes of temperament.

The techniques this senior seems to have chosen are a bit weird. Is it a collection of techniques?

Zhang Deming ignored the female cultivator and took two books of teachings. After browsing through all the spells, he saw no more spells that made his eyes light up.

Then Zhang Deming took another copy of the rumored orthodox advanced Rank Two spell, then went to the hidden area, selected an advanced spell of Hidden Breathing Technique, and then chose to check out.

Arriving at the counter, Zhang Deming said, "Let's pay!"

Immediately, he threw the four spells in his hand in front of him.

The other party took stock and said, "Senior, the three books you chose are all talking skills, which are considered rare spells.

Our prices are four spiritual stones for Rank One and sixty for Rank Two.

As for this Rank Two Hidden Breath Technique, it is the most basic technique, so it has forty spirit stones, so a total of one hundred and eight spirit stones. "

Zhang Deming nodded, still finished reading the jade slip given by the other party, then paid the bill, put away a few spell books, and turned around to leave the Spell Pavilion.


After returning to Cave Mansion, Zhang Deming opened the editor and looked at the warehouse.

This month, Zhang Deming told Qu Qizhong that he was slightly inclined to sell the 150 Spirit-nurturing Pearls to Independent Cultivator, so most of the ones sold were used.

It brought fifty or sixty realizations to Zhang Deming, golden and white light balls, and the harvest was very good.

In addition to this secret realm, it seems that there is not much gain, but those are items, anyway, the merit and luck have increased to a certain extent.

The energy in the warehouse today, merit: 3.8, luck: 16.2, karma: 1.0.

Merit seems to be able to open one or two more mounting locations, luckily, it is enough to learn the magic in hand.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Deming didn't edit it immediately. Let's wait a few days to do it together.


(end of this chapter)

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