Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 108 Wake Up

Chapter 108 Wake up

Zhai Shijiang looked at Zhang Deming in fear. Did the person in front of him have some misunderstanding about anti-interrogation?

Although waterboarding is terrifying, it is completely incomparable to the extreme experience of this tentacle monster, right?

Or, do you have any misunderstanding about the anti-interrogation instructor?

"Oh, right.

Well, what I'm talking about is physical, you should have mental shit, I'm not sure about that.

Anyway, if he is like this, I am willing to hang him with my spiritual power. If the rattan nutrient infusion is given, I can keep him alive and well for ten days and half a month.

Oh, maybe add some psychostimulant drugs.

I see that in your pile of small bottles and jars, maybe there are?

Or. I'll give you both a shot of what's in this syringe?

I heard just now that there is dry wood and raging fire inside. You were very excited just now.

How about I give you all an injection so that you can stay in this Chicheng state and talk about life together?

Talk about ideals?

Maybe, this will allow us to talk in more depth! "


Following Zhang Deming's words, Zhai Shijiang swallowed again.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming let go of the vine in the other's mouth, and said, "Who are you?"

"Hongmeng Foreign Affairs Office, Tianling Special Affairs Branch, belongs to the non-existent place." Zhai Shijiang replied quickly, with precise and straightforward language.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly, he understood what he said, but he didn't understand it at all.

"Are you from Earth?" Zhang Deming asked.

When Zhai Shijiang heard the words, he had a flash of doubt, and before Zhang Deming raised his eyes again, he said quickly:

"Earth? Where is that? We are from the Tianyu Federation.

We shot you this time because of the mission.

As for the content of the task, I don't know too much, I only know that it should be your Heavenly Spirit Sect insider, and your own people placed the order.

I don't know the mission requirements. Ji Tianlin, the teammate next to me, is mainly responsible for the mission information. "

Zhang Deming heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that, as long as it wasn't the Earth, it wasn't players, reincarnations, or transmigrator groups.

At the very least, he was completely relieved to lose the wholesale Goldfinger army, a possible hostile force.

Immediately he frowned again, and he roughly figured it out.

They should be similar to foreign agents like the CIA of the United States.

Or like some non-existent organizations in the United States, they were originally born from the government, but now they have become semi-official personnel of the assassin organization, coming from the so-called Tianyu Federation.

But is there a technological country in Hongmeng Realm?

Wasn't the entire Primordial Realm already unified by the Three Great Saints tens of thousands of years ago?

The humanities have long been unified and have been deliberately maintained. This kind of ancient culture, what the hell is this federation?

"You guys." Zhang Deming who spoke changed his expression, turned his head in horror, his eyes sparkled.

In the far distance of the woods, several figures approached rapidly.

"Damn it, you should take the initiative to tell me that you still have many teammates nearby." Zhang Deming said with an ugly expression.

Zhai Shijiang's face changed when he heard the words, and he said, "Wait, I can help, I can make them retreat."

"Heh, what about cheating ghosts? Do you think I don't know the nature of agents of the Foreign Service Department?

I still don't know what kind of ghost characteristics are people like you? "

Zhang Deming quickly looked around for a moment, gritted his teeth, and the vines swam, trapping Ling'er directly on his back.

Looking at the equipment on the ground, Vine picked up all the guns.

At this moment, Zhang Deming's sense of crisis suddenly increased, and his hair stood on end.

Without hesitation at all, the spiritual shield spread out.

A long-range sniper bullet appeared directly on the shield in front of Zhang Deming, causing ripples in the spiritual shield.

"When you go to hell, remember to blame your teammates." Zhang Deming turned back to the two of them and said.

"Wait." Zhai Shijiang said in fear, trying to delay Zhang Deming from taking action against them.

Zhang Deming didn't hesitate at all. Various vines sprouted from the two of them, just like two flower fertilizers growing various vines.

What's even more terrifying is that the two of them are not dead, and as long as they don't destroy the vines and Zhang Deming doesn't finish them off, they can even live on the vines for a long time.

This was intentional by Zhang Deming, and he wanted to leave it to those people.

As long as they are proficient in medical treatment, and with their level of technology, it is not difficult to detect them, and these two people can still be saved, at least physically.

It can even be said that with the right method, he can be rescued 'without injury'.

However, this requires an unknown amount of time and certain medical equipment.

Zhang Deming tried this to achieve the purpose of delaying.

If it were a federation with the same culture as in the previous life, rescue should be an equally important task. After all, human life is at stake.

Looking at the four people lying around, thinking about the previous conversation between the two, Zhang Deming carried Ling'er on his back, light wings emerged from his heels, turned around and ran away.

The target of the other party is obviously the two of them, or to be precise, Ling'er, who was implicated just now.

Zhang Deming has no intention of hardening steel before he knows exactly what the technology means.

Technology can be very strong, of course, or it can be very weak. After all, he is not really a native.

But this weak premise requires sufficient intelligence to determine the opponent's technological level.

The best option right now is to run away.

At this time, the three people who were approaching quickly from a distance all paused and said, "What's going on? Did you shoot the vulture?

Didn’t you say, don’t do anything without my order? "

A reply came from the headsets of the three people: "The other party's quantum power, well, the magic power has not been sealed, and it has already begun to run away."

The three people approaching quickly paused, and the captain said in astonishment: "What did you say?

What Lao Ji brought was a one-star quantum pulse bomb that could deal with an unprepared Tai Chi magician in a short time? "

"I don't know what happened. Anyway, one person ran away with the target. You should hurry up, otherwise this mission may suffer."

Hearing this, the captain said, "Send the drone to track us. Don't lose us."

At this time, the person next to him said: "Captain, if this is discovered by Heavenly Spirit Sect, it will cause a diplomatic incident, right?"

Although we are no longer official, we still have half a name. "

The team leader said at this time: "We can't control that much. The vulture said that if one person is awake, if he is an inner disciple and goes back alive, we still won't get any advantage.

Solve the immediate trouble first, and let the person who sent the task solve the trouble later.

This is the result of a serious mistake in the information he provided us. It would be more appropriate to trouble him to resolve it. "

When the two teammates behind him heard this, they quickly pulled off a disc-shaped epaulette the size of a palm from their shoulders.

The disc is pitch black, about an inch thick, and looks like the speaker cover of a speaker.

The two men held the disk and each threw it in the air.

In an instant, the disk flew out and chased Zhang Deming quickly in the direction where he disappeared.

When the three of them arrived at the scene of the incident, the sniper Vulture behind them also caught up with them.

The medical soldier was the first to step forward, checked the status of the two of them, frowned and said: "It's strange, it looks scary, but it didn't kill him in the slightest.

It doesn't fit the behavior style of Hongmeng star magician at all, why? "

The vulture frowned and said: "Need to say, let's save people and delay our pursuit!"

The team leader also frowned, shook his head and said: "The humanities in the Hongmeng Realm are different from ours, they would never have such an idea.

Human life matters, that is in the Commonwealth, where human life in the wild is like nothing, it is normal, and it has already been deeply realized.

What's more, the distance between immortals and mortals here is so deep into the bone marrow that you shouldn't hold back at all!

You must know that when the government does diplomacy, if it does not send a magician, it will be clearly ignored.

You were stung by ants, will you be trapped like this, or will you just crush to death? "

Vulture heard this and said, "Then what do you think it's for, Captain?"

The team leader frowned, shook his head, and said, "I don't know!"

Zhang Deming quickly ran and jumped among the trees.

At the same time, she felt the state of Ling'er on her back. The spiritual power in her body was disturbed by a strange breath, and the circulation could not be effectively rebuilt.

It's nothing to be in a coma, it's just because there is no spiritual support, and the fragile body is fainted by the strange impact.

Sensing the general situation, Zhang Deming quickly input a little spiritual power.

With spiritual power in his body, Zhang Deming is a thrill.

The moment his spiritual power entered the opponent's body, it was frozen and dispersed by the chaotic spiritual power.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly, her spiritual power already has the characteristics of ice, has she already started to advance a certain distance on the road to promotion?

In this situation, if you don't stay in the sect, why run out to join in the fun?

Just like when I was a child, it is really worrying and a headache!

Unable to appease the spiritual power, Zhang Deming could only input a little spiritual power again and stimulate her head.


With a whisper, Ling'er opened her eyes in a daze.

At first, I was a little confused, and then I was confused.

who I am?

where am I?

Who is this?

A series of philosophical questions quickly impacted on the thoughts that have not recovered.

After being stunned for a while, he came back to his senses and quickly became vigilant.

"Don't move around, don't cry when you throw it out." Zhang Deming ran, jumped, and said.

Linger's tense body instantly relaxed, and she asked, "What's going on?"

"Are you asking me? I haven't asked you yet? You're already half-promoted, why don't you hide in the sect for meditation, why come out?" Zhang Deming said.

"I'm not because you are wrong, what does it matter to you?" Ling'er argued.

"Ha, don't worry about my business, that is to say, it's okay if I leave you behind and hand it over to the people behind?" Zhang Deming asked back.

"You lost it, and I didn't pull you." Ling'er said with a little anger.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly, this little chubby girl is not cute anymore, she was obviously spoiled by that old monster, she is really disgusting!

One day, I will let that old monster know that there is a price to pay for spoiling my little chubby girl.

Zhang Deming fell silent, and Linger stopped talking, not fooling around.

At this time, Zhang Deming suddenly frowned, and looked at the sky almost at the same time as Linger.

"It's the tracking Law Weapon from outside the domain, we are being targeted." Ling'er said gloomyly.

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Well, it seems that they won't succeed, so they probably won't give up."

Immediately, the vines carrying various weapons around him quickly shrank and clung to Zhang Deming's body.

"Nod carefully, don't scratch it. In this situation, I can't just waste my spiritual power and keep opening the shield." After Zhang Deming said something, he jumped off the treetop.

Directly on the ground in the bushes, he started running quickly.

The surrounding vines roughly protected Zhang Deming and Linger.

But because it is a dense forest without people, the bushes are thick and dense.

Teng Tiao only protected Zhang Deming for a while, because as he moved forward quickly, blood stains quickly appeared on Zhang Deming's body.

Zhang Deming seemed unaware and ran quickly, just protecting the people behind him and his own face.

Blood flowed out and dyed the clothes red, and the person behind him was stunned for a moment.

After a long time, Ling'er said: "Leave me alone, we may not be able to run away if you do this."

Zhang Deming said nothing and continued running.

"Besides, we're not familiar with each other, we've only met a few times.

Didn't you say that what you hate the most is idealism and the Holy Virgin? " Ling'er said.

"Shut up." Zhang Deming ran quickly and said.

"Put me down. It will take at least five hours for my spiritual power to return to stability. You spent a lot of time fighting before.

If you carry me on your back, you won't be able to run for that long with such a high consumption of energy. "

"Pan Juan'er, shut up. If you don't fight me for ten years, are you really planning on going to the house?"

Zhang Deming said directly, without any more charades, just playing the trick of you knowing and I knowing, but I just won’t tell.

Ling'er or Pan Juan'er was stunned and said for a long time: "I don't know what you said?"

"Really, what was that little white snake in the medicine garden raised for?

Are you waiting to become a spirit and come back to repay your kindness?

I tell so many stories, why don’t you plant gourd vines! "Zhang Deming said calmly.

Pan Juan'er was silent, Zhang Deming paused, and said in astonishment: "You don't really plant gourd vines in the inner gate, do you?"

"I'm here to refine weapons for my senior sisters!" Pan Juan'er immediately argued.

Zhang Deming: "."

This little chubby girl seems to have lived a bit lawless these years, otherwise can she mess with these things?

Fortunately, they separated when they were only eight years old, and the inventory was not exhausted. What Nezha made trouble in the sea, skin cramps and so on have not been arranged yet.

Otherwise, it’s hard to tell what the result will be.

"I don't know what tricks you are going to play now, you know my talent.

So if you don’t want to admit it, I don’t have any problem with it.

I know you caused the matter at Qingyoutan in the outer gate.

I also thought that being kept was actually pretty good. "

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"So how you want to play, I have no objection until it touches my bottom line, if you want to play charades, play ambiguous, or play house, I will accompany you.

But there are some words, if you haven't made up your mind not to want me, you'd better not say it.

What kind of temper am I, I think you figured it out before I was eight years old.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have had nothing to do with you since I was six years old. "

Zhang Deming ran while talking, and there were many wounds on his body, blood seeping out.

Pan Juan'er looked at the figure in front of him and listened to the unwavering words, and was a little dazed for a while.

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(end of this chapter)

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