Cultivation Is Like This

Chapter 602: lucky 3

   Chapter 602 Lucky 3

   The next day, Lu Bei left Jingshang Palace and met Zhu Xiushi as promised.

  The golden dragon of luck is transferred, without this big treasure, the treasure house of the old Zhu family can open his legs to Lu Bei.

  Lu Bei and the royal family had a total of four accounts, three times for King Xinli and one time for King Yuan Xuan. The father and daughter were planted in his hands, and the priceless life became negotiable.

  The original plan was to arrive in the capital a few years ago and search for the exercises from the integration period to the tribulation period from the treasure house of the Zhu family.

   The plan is not as fast as it is to change. There is a priority option for the Holy Land Treasure House. The Zhu Family Treasure House in Wuzhou will not be fragrant immediately.

   The treasure house of the Holy Land is protected against both villains and gentlemen. The treasure house of the Zhu family is open to the inside on a daily basis. The jade slips carrying the secrets of the exercises are not so limited. They are guarded against gentlemen but not villains.

  Lu Bei touched them one by one, and prostituted a wave of exercises and skill books.

   Most of them are available during the fusion period, and there are also some who have transcended tribulation. Generally speaking, the level is average, far less than the Star Dou Secret Art given by Hu Erxiang.

It is understandable that Hu Er regards Lu Bei as a good eldest son. The family does not talk about the two families. She is very satisfied with what Lu Bei wants. .

   From the point of view of the old Zhu family, no one dared to make a promise. Whether this young man will become the next evil dragon should be somewhat guarded.

   "Good sister, your family's secret manuals are not of high grade!"

  Lu Bei looked at Zhu Xiushi dissatisfied: "I said it's up to me to choose, why hide all the good things?"

   "Sect Master Lu is wronged, my Zhu family is not a thousand-year-old Xuanlong, and it has less than 900 years of foundation. You are used to seeing high-end goods in the Holy Land, so you naturally despise my Zhu family's junk."

  Zhu Xiushi has suffered a lot. She hid some secret techniques for her practice during the transcendence period, but it was also out of self-protection. What kind of qualifications is the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect who was struck by lightning?

   Lu Bei took the wrong path, and he also avoided going to Heaven Sword Sect to bring tea and water, so it is not a bad thing to keep one hand.

  Lu Bei will not say more. As far as the treasure house of the old Zhu family is concerned, the upper limit is the great perfection of transcending the calamity. The cultivators of the Zhu family have no absolute confidence in breaking through the Mahayana period. Zhu Xiuyun was forced to change jobs, which can also be regarded as insufficient family background.

   I don’t know what path Zhu He has taken, but Zhu Xiuyun’s lessons learned from the past, he doesn’t want to follow in the footsteps, and will definitely find another way.

  Thinking of this, Lu Bei was eager to move. Mingren didn't speak secretly. He was very much looking forward to Emperor Jizong's inability to think about it. In this way, he might as well have a wave of experience behind Hu Er.

   After half an hour, Lu Bei left the treasure house with Zhu Xiushi.

   The secrets of the practice method do not go away, all the prostitutes, four accounts, and two magic weapons for the first level of calamity, but the biggest gain should be dozens of sub-professional skill books.

   The opening of a sub-professional is difficult, but simple.

   On Lu Bei's personal panel, the initial sub-profession is a farmer, an ancestral craft, no one can lose it without it.

   As a sign of respect, it has never been upgraded.

   To put it simply, Lu Bei studied alchemy, arrays, and utensils in his early years. In order to have a common topic with Bai Jin, he learned the painting skills book because of what he liked, and thus opened up sub-professionals such as alchemists, blacksmiths, and painters.

   These are simple, indicating that Lu Bei has this talent, and the affinity is very high. It can be activated by spending some skill points.

   You don’t even need to spend skill points, you can learn and practice more.

   For example, he was hanging out with the senior brother Lin Yu, or he built a factory and started a platform. Without a skill book, he started the sub-professions of a fishing guy and a businessman.

  A born airman and entrepreneur.

   Difficult ones, such as Kendo masters.

   In all fairness, he has already learned the immortal swordsmanship, which is unparalleled in martial arts and swordsmanship, and the sub-professional related to swordsmanship has only been evaluated by a master, and he can't stop watching.

  The same is true of cooking. He has sent away the special roast goose of Sanqingfeng. He has also studied recipes. He has not been able to start his sub-vocation as a chef.

   Therefore, Lu Bei has read dozens of skill books, and it's hard to say how many sub-professionals he can open.

  No talent is no talent. He has been punching for so long, and he has been hammered to death for several times of tribulation, but he still has not started the sub-professional of boxer.

   Only luck.

   Fortunately, these skill books are not expensive, and the total cost is only 1,000 points. If he can open one, he will earn it.

   "If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't do anything, how could this sect master make such a bad plan? After all, my luck should not be bad..."

  Lu Bei muttered to himself, glanced at Lucky 3 on the personal panel, and after a long time, he focused his head.


"Six is ​​the number of the cathode, and nine is the number of the anode. All have three births. Dao produces one, one birth two, two births three, and three births all things. It is the creation of all things, and the laws of all the universe. Lucky 3 translate, it is a multiplication of organisms. gigantic."

   is justified and can be round.


   As the New Year is approaching, the player exits.

   Version 1.0 has ended. Version 2.0 will be launched in a month, when the upper limit of players will reach 80.

Level 50 to 80 doesn’t seem like much, but it’s also related to the duration of version 2.0. The running time is three months. It’s a transitional version. During this period, a few patches that are not very useful have been applied, and the transition to version 3.0 will soon be completed. Version.

  Lu Bei didn't know much about this, but only knew that the 2.0 version of the professional game was very hip, and it was held, but it didn't make the players happy, and there was a sense of urgency in rushing to the field.

   Based on his knowledge of the current world, 3.0 is the crucial version.


   Not much gossip, Lu Bei was invited to attend the clan gathering of the old Zhu family. All the children of the Zhu family were present. The boys and girls were all 100 years old, and they also had husbands or wives who were related by marriage.

  The meeting place was in the imperial city. Lu Bei didn’t understand the affairs of the big family. He just thought that this banquet was very similar to the year-end summary of a big company.

  Originally, as the suzerain of Lu Beitianjianzong, I disdain to participate in such low-level gatherings, and I didn't talk to Husan about it. The cultivation realm is too low, and I really don't deserve to sit at a table with him.

   Otherwise, the elders of the Heavenly Sword Sect should have an opinion.

  Nai He was invited by Zhu Qilan. During this period of time, he and Butler Yu have been obedient and charming to him, and there is really no reason to refuse.

  Zhu Qilan held a sigh of relief. In previous years, he avoided clan gatherings if he could, for fear of being ridiculed by seven aunts, eight aunts, or passers-by whom he did not know at all.

   After holding back for a long time, he forcibly held back his inner demons, and only then did Lu Bei Kecheng Ji.

   Now that he has found Wu Zhou's top husband, and his parents have also seen him, he doesn't want to walk in brocade clothes at night, so he naturally wants to pull the dead ghost out and show his ill-will.

   Today, she wants to tell everyone that it is not that she cannot marry, but that she is waiting for the person she is destined to marry.

  No, at 18+N months, Lu Bei was born and she waited for her.

   In the banquet hall, Zhu Qilan wore a palace attire, went out of the pavilion with hair and makeup, and her temples were curled up in the wind and mist, and her eyes were smiling like smoke, and everyone wanted to show off.

   is very tea.

  Lu Bei followed him. It was the first time he saw Leng Meiren so pretentious, secretly interesting, and took steps that he did not recognize, trying his best to satisfy Zhu Qilan's vanity.

  Although he was the one who was pulled out and yoked, it didn't matter, it was interesting.

   In previous years, I asked Zhu Qilan's relatives. Today, he pretended to be deaf and dumb, and he didn't brag about his husband and his son, and he didn't praise his children. Everywhere Zhu Qilan went, birds and beasts scattered, and no one dared to stand up and compare with Lu Bei.


  Zhu Qilan secretly said that he was refreshing, and the depression in his heart disappeared, his eyes wandered and he looked at his own dead ghost, and the more he looked, the more happy he became.


   Zhu Qilan raised her hand to cover Lu Bei's mouth, unable to speak, and was even more happy.

  The Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect is full of majesty, and with the help of Emperor Extreme Sect, he has an aura of deterrence, fear, bloodthirsty, etc. With him, the banquet hall has its own depression invisibly.

  Zhu Qilan showed herself for almost half an hour, satisfied, and whispered a few words in Lu Bei's ear.

   There are many rewards in the evening.

   Then, let the person go.

   She knew that Lu Bei didn't like this kind of occasion, and she was willing to come to make her happy, and the show was also showing. It was her turn to follow Lu Bei's mind.

  Lu Bei nodded with a smile, walked through the banquet hall, and walked towards the edge.

   In the crowd, I saw a familiar back, dodged several times, and did not dare to face him.

   "Interesting, I didn't come for nothing today."

  Lu Bei grinned, and in the avoidance of the surrounding Zhu family children, he accurately captured the target and blocked it in the courtyard outside the venue.

   "Yo, isn't this Elder Jing Jijing?"

  Lu Bei's eyes narrowed slightly, intercepting Jing Ji in the realm where there is no way in the sky and no door in the ground. With the hearty laughter, Jing Ji's face turned white, and the whole person shook into a sieve.

When   Qinggan rebelled, Jiujian elders had their own thoughts, Xie Qingyi was the most straightforward, ran to Wu Zhou with a bucket, and led a group of disciples to the capital.

   Later, Lu Bei rebuilt Tianjian Sect in Yuezhou, Xie Qingyi went to Yuezhou with a bucket, and he bowed his head, willing to be the little brother of the lackey.

  Xie Qingyi was loyal to the immortal sword intent, unwilling to engage in rebellious business, he knew the general pattern, and his attitude was sincere, and there were not many black spots on his body, so Lu Bei accepted him.

   bestows the great fear of the sky, Xie Qingyi is still the elder of the Nine Swords.

   When Xie Qingyi left the capital, Jing Ji asked him to give Lu Bei a message. As long as Lu Bei did not blame the past and did not kill or imprison, he would immediately defect and present the Sifeng Treasure House as a certificate of surrender.

   He didn't dare to meet directly and hug his thighs, and complained that he was loyal and loyal, because Jing Ji knew Lu Bei too well, and he dared to go, it was the rhythm of never returning.

   If it were not so, they would not accept the court's invitation.

  Let's talk about Lu Bei, he came to Jing Ji, and he had no other intentions, and handed over the treasure house of the four peaks, otherwise he Lu someone would not understand the bright sky, let alone the rules of the capital, and he would see blood when he punched.

  Jing Ji shivered and stood opposite Lu Bei, secretly saying that the sky was going to kill me, how did he hit Lu Bei as soon as he was maintaining order at the scene?

   Could it be that the royal family sold him?

  Jing Ji thought about it a lot, but the first thing was to survive, he forced out a simple and honest smile, bowed and saluted: "Sinner Jing Ji, I have seen the sect master."

   "Elder Jing, you don't need to be polite. You were recruited by Wu Zhou and ate the imperial food. You are the elder Keqing of the Tian family. If you are so servile, wouldn't it be a disgrace to the royal family."

Lu Bei stepped forward with a sneer and held Jing Ji's shoulder: "Chong Yuxiao and Yan Jun were killed by this sect master, Wu Chengyi and Jun Fei fled to Qi Yan, were sold to this sect master by the Ji family, and were also killed by my sect master. Kill, except for you, all the other elders are dead!"

   "How, how can..."

  Jing Ji Khan rained down and said dryly: "Zhan... Le Xian, Zhan also died?"

   Facing Lu Bei, Jing Ji was too frightened, and his shrewd mind couldn't turn around for a while, thinking that Zhan Lexian would die after selling his daughter. He had no daughter under his knees, and no old mother on his top. Wouldn't he be smashed into thousands of pieces.

   "Oh, you said that kid Zhan Lexian..."

  Lu Bei pouted: "He is still alive, but life is not as good as death, he often thinks about his own shortsightedness!"

   "The suzerain is above, and Jing also wants to live rather than die."

   (end of this chapter)

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