Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1753: Industrial Speed ​​3

Xuan Tiantian Jun looked at Lei Cheng quietly.

Lei Cheng also widened his eyes and Xuan Tiantianjun cross-eyed.

Xuan Tian Tianjun did not show the breath of the quasi-sanct to suppress the other party-it is not in line with the identity to bully the small, but the breath of the quasi-sheng itself has caused cold sweat to Lei Cheng behind. But even so, Lei Cheng still refused to accept and lost eyes with Xuan Tian Tianjun.

Impossible is impossible! This is a typical compensation for land severance, and Lei Yu knows such terms well.

During the period when Lei Cheng went to Zhoutian World, he also focused on the history of the Ocean Group. Since the outbreak, Ocean Group has continuously signed various treaties and agreements. Even some treaties are engraved on the stone monuments of the Dayang Group.

For example, the "Sufeng-Tianyuanxing Peace, Development, and Trade Treaty" is the most typical. This is a seemingly fair unequal treaty-superficial fairness, but if science and technology are considered, it is a complete unequal treaty.

In the history of the Dayang Group, there are many unequal treaties, and there are not many people who cede land and pay compensation. Therefore, as soon as Lei Yu listened to Xuan Tiantianjun's conditions, he immediately thought of the Dayang Group's unequal treaty.

All previous negotiations between Celestial World and Zhoutian World are basically in an equal position. Although some articles delve into the problems of one kind or another, at least on the surface and in the general direction, both parties are equal.

The world of Zhoutian has a strong cultivation system and a strong scientific industry. There are more quasi-sacred (demon sage) in the heavenly demon world, as well as the heavenly monster nine-headed dragon.

On the surface, the Demon World is even higher. It's just that the world of Sky Demon has been dragged down by the world of Gaia.

But now listening to Xuan Tian Tianjun's meaning, even to cut the ground, Lei Yu absolutely dare not agree, let alone agree. Really agree, the Lady of Heavenly Demon can tear herself away.

Xuan Tian Tianjun heard Lei Cheng's decisive rejection, just waved a smile, and waved his hand to catch ‘people’. “This is our condition. You go back and report to the Heavenly Demon Mother.”

Lei Yu looked at Tianshu Xingjun next to him. I think you are divided into two camps in Zhoutian World. Maybe Tianshu Xingjun will have different suggestions here.

I don't want Tianshu Xingjun to meditate directly, his eyes are closed, it seems to be completely deaf to everything outside.

Upon seeing this, Lei Yun sighed slightly, and finally only bowed slightly, withdrew from the hall, and quickly returned to the Lady of the Heavenly Demon. This matter also needs to consult the goddess Madonna. Specifically, Lei Cheng now has some core meanings that are not sure about Zhou Tianda World.

After hearing the retelling of Lei Cheng from the side of Our Lady of Heavenly Demon, he did not show much anger on his face, but asked Lei Cheng calmly: "What do you think?"

"Can't agree."

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon shook her head slightly: "I asked, what do you think the other party's real bottom line and real purpose are.

Negotiations are indiscriminately asking for the price and paying back the money on-site, but since the other party made such a request, it means that the other party must be well-thought-out, and it is not easy to deny it.

I need your advice now. "

Lei Cheng is not a child, and he gradually calmed down after hearing the words of Madonna. After thinking for a while, I said carefully: "I think that the other party just wants to have a private land in the Valley of Genesis and have a foothold.

Zhou Tian Da Shi attaches great importance to the Valley of Creation, and it is said that maybe the secret to the road to the saints may be found there. Even if it's just a little bit.

And with the last experience, they must be thinking about stability.

So the other party said, ‘have your own territory’, maybe we can reward them in the name of a blessing. For example, we can confer Zhang Hao as a little king. In this way, Zhang Hao can be brought together, at least Zhang Hao has a good impression on us.

In doing so, it may be possible to slightly split the tacit understanding between Zhang Hao and Zhou Tianda. "

There is no fool to say that you can become a master. Lei Cheng was also stunned by a series of things before. Now the reaction is coming, and the bad water is coming out one after another.

The celestial beast nodded slowly: "Feng grants Zhang Hao a piece of land, which is good. But it can't be granted forever, it must have a period of time."

"It is limited to the time of cooperation between our two worlds. Our provisional agreement is fifty years, and the time for that land is fifty years. If the cooperation time is increased to one hundred years later, the time for the land is one hundred years. analogy."

The celestial deity nodded again. "Yes, you go to Shuangyang Galaxy again and try to negotiate."

"The bottom line... how big is the area? There are secrets that the other party is exploring, we should ask to share."

After thinking about it for a long time, the Madonna said: "It doesn't need to be too large in area. If Zhou Tianda completes the transformation of the star cluster inside the fief, it will be troublesome."

"There are no stars in the valley of creation..."

"But they can use star cores, even spaceships, etc. to arrange the formation. Um... so, ask the other party not to arrange the formation."

"Okay." Lei Cheng responded and began to get busy after exiting the hall.

But when Lei Cheng came to the side of Zhoutian World again, he could not see the Quasi-Saint. It was the disciples of Zhun Sheng who received Lei Cheng.

A delegation of quasi-Saint disciples, jointly dispatched by Qixingjun and the new quasi-Saint Alliance, received Lei Cheng. In the delegation, of course, there are related staffs of Ocean Group and Blue Star Group.

But as soon as the negotiations started, it was not smooth. Because Zhou Tianda has already been instructed in the world-to delay time!

Nonsense, there is always a chance to get stuck in the world of demon, how can we simply start or even end the negotiations neatly. According to Zhang Hao's suggestion, the agreement should not be reached until halfway through the work of the Chaoge Star Cluster.

In short, the opportunity is rare, we must strive for their own interests as much as possible. But it shouldn't be too much. Zhang Hao estimates that the bottom line of the Sky Demon World is half of the infrastructure of the Chao Ge Cluster.

During the negotiations, when did the Virgin Mary jump on her feet, and when did she sign a new agreement. Or it should be said to be a'supplementary agreement'-the original agreement was only temporarily ignored, not torn.

Negotiations are always difficult. One day, another day; seven days later, the fleet of special spacecraft has arrived at the predetermined location and dispersed at the first time.

The Chaosing Star Cluster has been planned for a long time, and how many special spacecrafts and data are required for each star has been calculated and set.

Generally, there are six spaceships on a small star, and the six spaceships have a bottom-up configuration. The signals from less than six spacecrafts cannot cover all the planets. As for the large stars, depending on the situation, some super blue giant stars may require hundreds of spaceships.

These special spaceships fly to their predetermined positions, and after a little proofreading, they can complete the transformation of a star in a few hours; and then wait another three or five days for a star to basically complete the transformation.

The speed of industry is creating unprecedented miracles. But in the view of the heavenly monster world, it is also an unprecedented threat.

On the side of Our Lady of Heavenly Demon, when I first saw Zhou Tian Da Shi willing to negotiate, I waited patiently. But after waiting for a few days, I suddenly found out that Zhou Tian Da Shi was cheating, and suddenly startled.

On the one hand, I was shocked by the speed of Zhou Tian's world-fast, too fast!

The Madonna of the Devil thought that the other party would be transformed quickly, but it was a bit beyond imagination. In less than one day, one-fifth of the special spacecraft of Zhoutianda World was completed, and about one-fifth was on the way to the target star.

The remaining three-fifths are already accelerating and have quasi-saint protection. At the current speed, it will take another three days to complete the transformation of the core part of this Korean singer star cluster!

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon is really anxious.

Wasn't it said that the Korean singer star cluster would take at least ten years to build? Oh damn, I know you speak with water, but ten years becomes ten days, is your water a bit oceany!

If it is calculated according to the time when the special fleet rushes out of the world gate, it is not ten days!

Of course, the complete Chaoge star cluster plans to transform three or four thousand stars. At present, these special spaceships can only transform five or six hundred stars, which can only be regarded as the first stage of the first phase of the project.

But considering that the Blue Flag star cluster protects the gate of the world with more than 360 or so stars, it would be terrible if it were transformed into another 500 or 600 stars.

Must be stopped!

Our Lady of Heaven Demon can no longer care about anything else, and immediately picked up all the Monster Saints, and then jointly activated a colorful dragon scale of Heavenly Demon·Nine-Headed Saint Dragon·Chi Xiao.

With a roar, the celestial field trembles for dozens of light-years, and the dragon scales, inspired by nearly forty demon saints, showed an extraordinary moment.

A phantom appeared from the dragon scale, and then a crazy dragon appeared in the void.

This divine dragon has three heads! Behind is a pair of bone-spurred ‘wings’ — wings look similar to Phoenix wings, but they are stronger and more fierce.

The whole ghost image of the dragon is more than 3 million kilometers. The ordinary planet looks like a small marble in front of such a giant beast.

More than thirty demon holy figures flashed and attached to various parts of the phantom of the dragon, while the celestial deity was standing in the center of the dragon's shoulders, where the three heads split, and quietly looked at the void in front.

At this time, the height of the celestial deity is also more than 60,000 kilometers, which fully reveals the power of the flame phoenix. The flame of the celestial madonna is tumbling, faintly connected with the breath of the central head of the dragon, and there is flame.

The three heads of the Shenlong are cyan, red, and silver-gray.

When the Virgin Mary ran away, the quasi-Saints on the Shuangyang Galaxy all moved. In fact, everyone has been prepared for a long time, and everyone expects that the Virgin Mary will jump, and this time will not simply stop.

If you don't hit it, it won't work!

This is a collision between two big worlds: negotiation, temptation, war, and renegotiation. Only by going back and forth several times can the two sides truly stabilize. Of course, even if it stabilizes, it is still temporary; maybe it will not take long for both sides to turn their faces.

At this time, Tianshu Xingjun looked at the phantom of the dragon in the distance, and said slightly dignified: "The legend says that the holy dragon has nine heads, each holding different abilities. Now three heads are called, and the color should be mastered The ability of wind, fire, space. The ability of flame echoes the celestial deity.

Hey, a little trouble! "

Xuan Tian Tianjun shook his head slightly: "I think this is an opportunity to try what the saint can do! Maybe this will help us understand the saint.

Dayang Group's scientific research spacecraft is ready to collect data. "

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