Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 807 Establishing clear rules and precepts (seeking subscription! Asking for monthly pass!)

Niu Bo's eyes were lively, and when he heard this, his eyes rolled, and he immediately knew what Ling Qing was going to do.

I couldn't help but think about it in my heart, 'there is a saying in the world that a new official takes office three fires, this is really true.

If the young master ascends the throne and doesn't do something, who will take him seriously?

Yes, his sword is unparalleled in sharpness, making all the monsters terrified, but such methods once or twice are frightening.

It's just that he has used it too many times and has no other means. People think he only knows this.

Now the leader is directly throwing the great teaching to the young master, and went to retreat to practice by himself.

The next thing must be the young master's decision, why don't I help out a lot, according to the world, it is also a meritorious service? '

After thinking about it in my heart, I immediately got up and said: What the young master said is true.

There is a saying in the world that there is no circle without rules.

We are just used to idleness, which led to the last time Tieguai Li and the others suppressed many of our partners.

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt something was wrong, the young master had done this with them at the time.

If he complained about the Eight Immortals, wouldn't even the young master also complain?

He hurriedly said: Of course, the young master also taught us a lesson at that time.

This lesson applies exactly today.

We must change this situation under the leadership of the young master, so as not to be counted again...

In order not to need the young master's warning.

Those who are demons and demons do not have high cultivation and high realms, so they can know right from wrong.

This just represents their achievements in a certain aspect, which is far beyond ordinary people.

It doesn't mean they are omnipotent.

Why do we say that practice should be regarded as cultivating the Tao? It is because, when cultivating the Tao, one can understand many truths of heaven and earth.

In this way, everything in the world cannot escape his vision.

They won't be like monsters like them, who can't see Mount Tai with a single leaf.

Niu Bo is thoughtful and his cultivation is not weak, but he is limited by himself after all. If he really wants to flatter his horse, ask for advice and offer advice, he is not as good as a mortal above the court.

Some words that want to please Ling Qing, but what is said is forgetting.

However, Ling Qing didn't take it seriously, and Niu Bo was able to stand up and perform, which already surprised him.

Lingqing glanced at him, and motioned to Chun, who understood, stood up and said: These days, the young master spent a lot of effort to establish some rules and regulations for my Tongtian sect.

Announced to the public today, I hope you can always be vigilant and keep it in your heart.

Otherwise, violators will be punished under the canon.

All the monsters also understood at this time, saying so much, the young master should set the rules for everyone.

Isn't it just to let everyone listen to him? What's so difficult about it?

They didn't think much about it, and because Ling Qing's previous threat was still there, they all stood up and responded: We will definitely abide by the religious rules and dare not neglect.

Lingqing said in a clear voice: Okay, I hope you can remember what I said at this time, otherwise, if there is any violation, don't blame me for not predicting what I said.

Don't dare! The group of monsters responded again.

Chun took out a piece of silk and read aloud: In the course of a great religion, there must be rules and regulations, and the way of practice is to eliminate evil and promote good.

Here are five basic precepts to proclaim to everyone, I hope you can listen to them:

One, do not kill or harm life, for taste, and do kindness, as well as insects;

Two, don't sneak up on shady thieves, harm others to benefit yourself, and practice yin virtue to benefit all living beings;

Third, one should not be obscene, depraved, or condescending, and one should keep one's chastity, so that there is no fault;

Fourth, don't be greedy and insatiable, accumulate unrighteous wealth, be frugal, and benevolent to the poor;

Fifth, don't be fierce and angry to bully others, flatter thieves and do harm to good people, and should reconcile Qi and disposition, and focus on clearing emptiness.

Chun read it, looked at the demons and said: These are the five general precepts, and there are various detailed precepts after that, and I won't go into details one by one.

In the future, I will hand over a book of clear rules and precepts to you and others, and I hope you can study them in detail.

The group of monsters who had just promised to hear it couldn't help but look at each other.

Isn't this the precepts of Taoism? Why is our Demon Sect doing this too?

The first rule is that you must not kill or murder, and use it as a taste, everyone can't do it.

In the past, which one is not Xiaoao Mountain Forest, you can eat whatever you want?

The more struggling, the more excited everyone was to eat.

And the fish and turtles in the sea have become fine, and even their own offspring are used for the food of fellow Taoists.

From now on, everyone will not be allowed to eat it, so what to eat?

This is the meaning of teaching you to refrain from killing and refraining from anger. Ling Qing looked at the faces of the demons looking at each other, and said.

Cultivating the mind and seeking the Tao, purity is the most important thing. If you let the dirty thoughts in your mind run rampant, how can you see the true way?

Young master, we are all used to it, so what if you tell us not to eat it? This time even King Shenying couldn't bear it anymore.

Although he was patient, he still didn't change his habit of eating blood.

He doesn't eat people, it doesn't suit his appetite.

But those hares in the mountains and deer in the forest looked extraordinarily plump.

They were torn apart with their claws, and each had its own taste when eaten alive.

Lingqing asked: How many years have you practiced?

King Shenying pondered for a while and said: I didn't count it in detail. It has been seven or eight thousand years since I started to have spiritual wisdom.

Lingqing asked again: Maybe you can live on breath?

That's natural. King Shenying said proudly, My subordinate was able to eat Qi and live a long life five thousand years ago.

Does that tell you how long Tieguai Li, the earliest cultivator among the Eight Immortals, has practiced?

King Shenying hesitated for a moment, then said with certainty: I really don't know about this, but it won't be thousands of years.

How is his practice of thousands of years better than your practice of nearly ten thousand years?

This... King Shenying hesitated for a while, and finally said reluctantly: Although my subordinates can't beat him, he can't even try to catch up to me.

You have practiced for nearly ten thousand years, but he has become an immortal after only a few hundred years of cultivation, far surpassing you.

Have you ever thought about the difference?

It's clear that Heaven doesn't let us live! Not only was King Shenying angry, but Sun Hu and the others were also dissatisfied.

A monster is a monster. If you have practiced for ten thousand years, you are still a monster. You can't become a fairy at all!

Yeah, why do they look down on us?

Why can't we become immortals if we are demons?

Chunying hadn't felt anything after listening to Lingqing's words, but now she couldn't help being angry.

Her husband, Jiaolongjing, practiced for thousands of years and devoted himself to becoming a fairy, but in the end he ended up dead.

He wants to become a fairy, so what's wrong? Why didn't God give him this chance?

Chun didn't have their righteous indignation, seeing Lingqing looking at everyone with a flat face, he could see happiness and anger.

In order not to make everyone angry with the young master, she hastily shouted: Be quiet!

Ling Qing watched everyone calm down and stared at him, and then said: You can't become immortals, but the evil thoughts in your hearts don't stop.

That Zhang Guolao was also a newborn mouse in heaven and earth, who cultivated into a bat and became a spirit.

Why can he become a fairy?

He didn't become a fairy until he turned into an adult! Those who knew couldn't help but say it out.

Correct answer. Ling Qing nodded and said: Because of his pure mind and body, he accumulated meritorious deeds, and after reincarnated as an adult, he obtained a fairy fate.

Then do you think, after you die, will you be able to obtain this fairy fate in the next life?

Ling Qing didn't wait for their answer, and continued, It's impossible if you think about it.

Because of what you are doing now, in the next life, let alone a human being, you will be born with a fairy fate.

Even if one can enter the animal realm and become an animal in the world, there is no such opportunity.

I am afraid that most of them will fall into the realm of hungry ghosts and hells, and many of them will not be able to be reborn forever.

Ling Qing's words made all the demons drip with cold sweat.

They are not without fear, and all the previous bragging is just because of their ignorance.

At this time, after listening to Ling Qing's words and thinking about the future, he naturally understood.

Even if you have a heavenly cultivation, you will still have to go through the cycle of reincarnation after death.

When the time comes, how will this underworld be judged, and how can they be the ones to decide?

Lingqing said to everyone again: I told you today to abstain from killing, refrain from anger, and keep good from evil, but I didn't mean to let you correct your evil and become good people.

It is to guard against the killing heart in your heart, remove the anger and troubles in your heart, so that you can practice with a pure heart.

In the future, even if you are cultivating the way of the devil, I should be the devil and the mind as the envoy.

It's not that the thought is a demon, and I am controlled by this demonic thought.

As the saying goes, those who understand the truth touch people's hearts.

What Ling Qing said this time was not empty talk, but was based on the fear of him in the hearts of the previous demons.

Let the spell imprint these words on their hearts, so that when they hear Lingqing's words, whenever they think about it, the words in their hearts will echo.

The more they think about it, the more they feel that this idea is their own impression after listening to Lingqing's words, and it is their own enlightenment.

That's what makes them so.

This kind of spell is very tasteless, and the conditions are very harsh.

Moreover, when teaching apprentices in a serious way, this kind of trickery should not be used, lest the spirituality of the apprentices be damaged.

But this group of monsters have done too many evils in the past, even if there is a little bit of inspiration, it has long been wiped out by the dirty thoughts in their hearts.

Ling Qing didn't care if it would ruin their spirituality.

Furthermore, he can use this to guide them to be good, and he will use the power of the spirit dragon to gather spiritual light for them in the future.

If he can't guide him to be good, he will inevitably be cleaned up when he rectifies the educational affairs in the future.

At that time, they may not even have the right to choose.

Ling Qing asked again: I don't know if you are willing to abide by it?

I'll wait... The monsters hesitated for a moment, seeing Ling Qing's expression was flat.

But it was this kind of plainness, coupled with the Zhuxian sword behind him, that made them feel like they were hanging from the sky.

They all bowed their hearts and said: I will wait for my wish!

Okay, since you have such a kind heart, you will have immeasurable merit in the future! Lingqing clapped her hands and praised.

If you can abide by my clear rules and precepts, I will guarantee your success in Taoism and karma in the future, and it is not impossible to become immortals!

Thank you, young master! All the monsters were overjoyed and bowed in admiration.

The demons don't care about Taoism or not, but they still have a lot of expectations for becoming an immortal.

After all, whoever has started to practice, who can not want to go further.

For Yao, their practice has come to an end. If they can really become immortals, even if there is a slight chance, they are unwilling to give up.

Since you all have agreed, then go back and tell your subordinates that I will ask the leader to open an altar for you to accept the precepts and keep the talisman. Ling Qing nodded in satisfaction.

He also warned: Once you receive the precepts, you must abide by them carefully, otherwise, once the precepts are given, all dharmas are ruthless, so don't touch them lightly.

There will be a sword spirit of mine in that precept talisman, if you have evil thoughts in your heart, this talisman will alert you.

Let you restrain your mind.

If you are still obsessed with your obsession and go your own way, the sword energy in this talisman will kill you.

My heart is merciful, Sheer and other true spirits will go to reincarnation, but if they have today's cultivation, I am afraid it will be hopeless.

I hope you can be careful and don't commit light crimes.

Don't blame me for being too vicious, you must know that the most difficult thing to control in one's practice is the mind.

But if you are afraid, you must use this forceful effort. After a long time of force, it will become natural.

If you can achieve moral achievement in the future, then this amulet is a life-saving means I bestow on you.

Ling Qing's repeated reprimands made all the monsters feel fear and a trace of regret.

But this regret is not as good as the fear of Lingqing in their hearts.

And if you break the precepts, even if you are punished, it will be in the future, it is better than facing the horror of Lingqing now.

A group of demons took the canon and dogma to enlighten themselves.

Chun also made it public, and taught some little monsters early, and asked them to explain it one by one to the little monsters in the teaching.

It is important to make them understand that the meaning of each item and each example is well understood, and they must not be vague.

Otherwise, let them accept the commandment talisman as a whole, and when the time comes, they will be killed by Zhu Xian's sword Qi because of the commandment they accidentally touched.

In this way, this is not a merit, but a sin.

The precepts in the religion are not limited to the five proclaimed by Chun.

For believers of different levels, different cultivation levels, and different races, there are different requirements.

More than half a month later, after Chun had informed the whole sect, Lingqing invited Zang Lingzi to preside over the ceremony of holding the talisman and accepting the precept.

Although Zang Lingzi didn't like this thing, he didn't refuse.

After all, since he said to let Lingqing handle it, he has no reason to break his promise.

Except for the five precepts proclaimed by Chun that must be obeyed, the rest will be dealt with according to the specific situation.

For example, if you tell a deer not to eat meat, isn't that taking off your pants and farting?

Ordinary deer monsters are used to eating grass, so he won't eat it if you give it to him?

Also, a wolf demon has not cultivated to the point of not eating or drinking, and if you tell him not to eat, it is purely killing him.

Like this wolf demon, if he observes the meat precept, he will naturally not be able to eat meat in the future.

If you don't hold it, you can eat meat, but you can't kill for the sake of killing.

In order to fill one's stomach, one can kill, but no matter how much it is, it is a desire, so one must be cautious.

If you are full, you just want to kill him and play with him, watching him struggle for fun, this is an evil thought.

If there are criminals, they will be punished first, and those who are stubborn will be executed without mercy.

This talisman is formed by their thoughts, that is to say, they have made an oath and are willing to abide by these precepts, so this talisman can be generated.

Therefore, the talisman is in harmony with his mind, and he is very clear about what he thinks.

There is no situation where others wronged him.

If he was really killed by the sword energy in the talisman, it must be because he had evil thoughts in his heart and put them into action, breaking the precepts.

This is the way of self-destruction, which belongs to heaven.

With the canons and dogmas, the entire Tongtian Sect has a new look.

But from time to time, there are those evil people who, after receiving the precepts, ignore them and are punished by the precepts.

This made the other monsters tremble, but they didn't have the guts to resist, so they could only obey the precepts honestly.

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