Lingqing had heard Lin Lingsu and others say it before when Sa Shoujian made a breakthrough.

If one can have enough comprehension in the three realms of thunder, fire, and wind, then it will be much easier to save the three calamities of the earth and immortals.

After that, he took this remark to heart, and focused on comprehending and mastering the supernatural powers of the five thunders and the innate one-qi god thunder.

Now Lei Zhidao, except that he is comprehending and mastering the supernatural powers of the five thunders and the innate one-energy god thunder.

There is also the ready-made Five Elements Divine Thunder, and he has also comprehended the magical power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

As soon as the wind blows, he comprehends the supernatural power of the nine-day gang wind.

Although it can't be compared with Lei Zhidao, it is much more proficient than ordinary people.

There is only one way of fire, but there is nothing to achieve.

It was just that when the Druids passed on the way of elements, they refined a real fire of samadhi through Zhu Guang's bright light flame.

Afterwards, it was just regarded as a treasure, used to open the inheritance, without too much in-depth research.

As for the red lotus karmic fire, although it is called fire, it is more of a form of expression, and its essence is still karma rather than fire.

Now that there is Zhu Guang, a master of fire techniques, he took the opportunity to sort out these fire techniques one by one.

It is even better to realize a supernatural power.

Seeing what Lingqing took out, Zhu Guang said in surprise: Your fire method, there are quite a lot of fire treasures!

As he spoke, he also displayed the fire spells and fire treasures he had collected.

In front of them stood a variety of flames.

Behind the flames are related practice methods or sacrifice methods.

Looking around, Lingqing saw that there were only two precious flames of light, and the real fire of spiritual light that he had not refined yet, and the real fire of samadhi.

There are also several precious flames such as the real fire of the sun, the ghost fire of the ghost, the fire of Nanming Li, and the real fire of the earth's core.

There are many precious flames in the world, but in front of Lingqing and Lingqing, there are less than half of the top flames.

In Lingqing's hands, apart from the red lotus karma fire, there are three kinds of star fire method, nine heaven real fire, and nine ghost fire, which are comparable to several precious flames in Zhu Guang's hands.

Among these three kinds of flames, the star fire method has exercises but no cultivation methods, the nine-day real fire and the nine ghost fire have precious flames but no cultivation methods.

But Zhu Guang refined all the precious flames in his hand.

Now the two of them specialized in studying these three precious flames.

The star fire method comes from Zhou Tian Xing Fighting Method, which is an ancient method.

Among the two, Zhu Guang provided the know-how to practice the fire method and control the flame, and Lingqing was responsible for combining the current method with the ancient method.

Turn it into a method suitable for the practice of the present method.

Zhu Guang may not be good at how to integrate the two martial arts, but his understanding of the way of fire is far superior to that of Ling Qing.

Within a few days, the two sorted out a method of supernatural power practice.

Star True Fire Jue.

Practicing this method can comprehend the supernatural power of stars and real fire.

In this way, if he can get the method of Taiyin True Fire again, he can combine with Zhu Guang's original Sun True Fire.

Then you can gather all the three real fires of the sun, moon and stars, and combine them to form the three light fires.

Strike while the iron is hot, Ling Qing borrows the power of the stars from the map of the galaxy, and he and Zhu Guang each practice this method.

Ling Qing also took the opportunity to cultivate the Sun True Fire.

These two fire techniques are also very helpful for him to comprehend Zhou Tianxing Fighting Technique.

The real fire of the stars and the real fire of the sun are in harmony, and the fire of the nine ghosts and the fire of the ghost are also quite similar.

Jiuyou ghost fire is the combination of Jiuyou devil energy and ghost fire, which can invigorate people's vitality and reduce the number of people's lifespan.

But the ghost fire of the nether world is the original fire of the nether world.

The nether world is also called the ghost world, and every ghost has this kind of flame accompanying him, which is the vitality of the ghosts.

Moreover, this ghost fire can make ghosts seize the vitality of living beings to increase their own yin life and strengthen their own ghost fire.

Among the two, Jiuyou ghost fire wins by being a demon, but because of this, it loses the characteristic of increasing its own yin life.

The ghost fire is very common, but it has no upper limit for growth.

Lingqing has only one Nine Nether Will-o'-the-wisp snatched from Gao Qiu's hand, but she has no way of practice.

However, he has a deep understanding of the Nine Nether Devil Qi.

Although it is not a system, it can be slowly analyzed by combining the Nine Nether Ghost Fire Jue in Zhu Guang's hands, and a Nine Nether Ghost Fire Jue can be made.

However, this method has been sorted out, but Ling Qing and Zhu Guang dare not practice it.

It's like Gao Li's physical body, unable to avoid being taken away by the will-o'-the-wisp.

If you want to practice this tactic, you will only slowly feed the vitality of your body to the Jiuyou ghost fire, and become a mass of demonic fire creatures from then on.

This is the fundamental characteristic of Jiuyou ghost fire, but it is unavoidable.

Lingqing and Zhu Guang looked at each other, but they had no choice but to put it on the shelf, and then came to comprehend the Nine Heavens True Fire.

The Nine Heavens True Fire, Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Nine Heavens Stellar Wind were formed by Jiuzhong Yunxiao receiving the Hunyuan Qi.

The Nine Heavens Stellar Wind is formed by the Qi of Absolute Beginning transforming into Yang in Nine Heavens.

The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder was formed by inheriting the qi of Taiji to transform into Yang, and the Nine Heavens True Fire was formed by inheriting the qi of Taishi.

At the beginning, Lingqing cultivated into the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind with the help of a secret method.

Now both of them don't know the aura of Taishi, so naturally they can't use the nine-day true fire to cultivate supernatural powers.

However, Ling Qing had previously cultivated the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, but she did not cultivate the Qi of Tai Chi first.

Therefore, the two of them could only work out a Nine Heavens True Fire Jue based on the principles of Nine Heavens True Fire that Ling Qing had investigated and sorted out, combined with Zhu Guang's understanding of fire techniques.

Lingqing has already refined Nine Heavens Stellar Wind and Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, after he has refined Nine Heavens True Fire.

Suddenly, a cloud of light spontaneously rose from above his head, and the three supernatural powers of wind, fire, thunder, etc. changed in turn.

At one time, the cloud light was turned into a cloud of thunder, at another time it was turned into a cloud of fire, and at another time it was turned into a cloud of wind and cloud.

After three changes like this, the cloud light was as clear as promised, and the three visions of wind, fire and thunder dissipated.

But there are three dao rhymes hidden in it.

Ling Lingqing has a feeling, but raising the cloud light can cover herself and protect herself from the wind, fire and thunder between heaven and earth.

When Lingqing told Zhu Guang about this, Zhu Guang was both surprised and pleasantly surprised: I didn't expect these three methods to have such a magical effect.

Doesn't that mean that in the future in the fairyland, even if you can't pass the three disasters like nothing, the difficulty of crossing the tribulation can be greatly reduced?

That should be the case. Ling Qing nodded.

Immediately, Zhu Guang began to practice these three supernatural powers with all his strength.

At this time, the five qi are complete, and he is reconciling yin and yang, mixing the elements into one, hoping that the five qi will turn to the original and transform the spirit.

After a successful breakthrough, it is time to warm and nourish the spirit of Yin, and then survive the three disasters.

If he hadn't discovered such a secret, he might have to be like the Taoist of Lingguan and start to stay behind closed doors to prepare for crossing the catastrophe.

But now that he has such benefits, he naturally doesn't want to let it go.

Zhu Guang had never practiced any of the three supernatural powers before, so Ling Qing gave him a copy of the cultivation method and the three supernatural power seeds he cultivated for him to slowly understand.

On the other hand, he first took out the memorial archway of the two realms, produced a dungeon, found Taoist Lingguan, and told him about it.

After all, he is currently preparing for the three calamities, and this method is most needed.

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