Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 646: Escaping from Tokyo

After going through this ordeal, Lin Xiaoniang grew up a lot.

She is no longer the one who stays at home with her husband and wants Lin Chong to make decisions about everything.

Besides, under the guidance of coach Zhang, she herself is not a gentle and independent woman.

Previously, it was only because she loved Lin Chong too much that she was willing to listen to him in everything.

The most important thing is that Ling Qing said at the beginning that if she can make it through, she will be able to watch the clouds and see the moon, and survive the cold wind to open the spring.

The premise is that she must save herself in order to be saved.

Now that she doesn't have the backing of Lin Chong, she has to cheer up for herself and her future children.

After Zhang coach thought about it, he felt that if his daughter said, staying here would only cause trouble.

There is a saying that only a thousand days can be a thief, so there is no reason to catch a thief in a thousand days.

How can I defend myself against everything?

Only after leaving this Tokyo city, after a long time, Gao Yanei stopped thinking about it.

What kind of women are there in Tokyo? The yamen of the majestic Taiwei's mansion, don't believe that he can still be so infatuated?

If in the future he forgets about this time, Lin Chong will be pardoned again, and it won't be too late to come back together.

Immediately nodded in response, Okay, just follow me.

Then let's go. Lin Xiaoniang said and got up.

Not in a hurry. Coach Zhang pulled her back and said, Lin Chong just left today, I'm afraid Gao Yanei sent someone to spy on him secretly.

We still have a certain amount of kingly law in Tokyo city. If we leave Tokyo and are caught up by them again, I am afraid that we will really be called responsible every day, and the earth will not work.

Let me go out to investigate, make some preparations, and make plans tomorrow morning.

In the end, it was the older, more mature and prudent person who kept things secret.

Now I went out to find some acquaintances, set up some doubts, and deceived the secret watchers.

Before dawn on the second day, together with Lin Xiaoniang and Jin'er, they fixed the horses and came to the gate of the city with their bags.

As soon as the city gate opened, he mixed into the crowd and left the city, then headed straight to the east.

According to Lin Xiaoniang, The officials and I should have suffered a catastrophe in Tokyo, and we should reunite in the East.

What's more, the officials are also assassinated in the east now. If they go there, they may meet each other soon.

Under the arrangement of Instructor Zhang, the three of them left the city smoothly without disturbing the people in Gao Yamen.

However, there was a person who accidentally saw it at the city gate, and followed closely behind.

Coach Zhang went out of the city and drove his horses for five or six miles in a hurry. He met a forest and hid Lin Xiaoniang and Jin'er in it.

He picked up a simple knife, pointed behind him and shouted: The man behind, what are you doing with the old man?

He has rich experience, and since he left the city, he felt that someone was following behind him, but he was afraid that if he got entangled at the gate of the city, it would attract more people's attention, so he hurried all the way.

Firstly, it would be better if he could get rid of it, and secondly, if he couldn't get rid of it, he could find a secluded place to do it, so as not to have him report and attract people.

Following his shout, a fat monk jumped out from the forest behind him, and he was seen:

The soap is straight on the back and wears double sleeves, and the green round sash is slanted and double-headed. The Jie knife shines three feet of spring ice, hidden deep in the sheath; the Zen staff swings a jade python across the shoulder. The egret's legs are tightly tied to the foot cloth, and the spider's belly is tightly tied to the mantle.

Thousands of severed iron wires are gathered around the mouth, and a band of gallbladder hair is exposed on the chest. Born to eat meat and eat fish faces, he is not a person who reads scriptures and recites Buddha.

As soon as the Mang monk jumped out, he waved his hands repeatedly and said, Old man, don't misunderstand, the Sa family and your teacher Lin are sworn brothers.

The Sa family was afraid that Brother Lin Chong would suffer on the road, so they wanted to send them off today, but they ran into the old man and the young lady as they were leaving the city.

So I thought about sending you to a safe place first, and then looking for my brother Lin Chong.

While talking, Jin'er, who was hiding in the forest, also recognized the great monk, it was Master Lu Zhishen who was familiar with his officials, so he came out to recognize him.

Instructor Zhang hurriedly put aside the simple knife in his hand, cupped his hands and said: So that's the case, thank you Master for your righteousness, I almost wronged a good man.

Lu Zhishen hurriedly helped him up, and when he heard that they were going east, he took up the burden and escorted him.

With such a strong monk, the road was seven or eight points safer, and the group of people walked three points faster.

In the evening, she walked more than 30 miles, and when she was resting, Lin Xiaoniang suddenly sighed.

Don't worry, my son. We are already far away from Tokyo City, so we won't be able to find that Gao Ya Nei. Instructor Zhang comforted him.

I'm not worried about us, I'm afraid that the officials will have something good or bad on the way.

In case Taiwei Gao didn't want to let the officials go, how could he be prepared with heavy shackles? After Lin Xiaoniang said, she couldn't help sobbing softly.

Little lady, don't cry, it will make the family upset. Lu Zhishen said from the side, Hey, now that my husband and my lady have left Tokyo City, and following my old man's prudence, the usual tricks of the rivers and lakes can't do anything to you.

The Sa family caught up with Brother Lin Chong overnight and went to escort him for a ride.

With Sajia here, there must be no accidents.

That's it, thank you, master. Coach Zhang said happily after hearing this.

When he sent Lin Chong off yesterday, he didn't feel anything, he just thought that he would serve well after arriving in Cangzhou, waiting for pardon.

After hearing his daughter's words, he also felt a little guilty, but he took Lin Xiaoniang and Jin'er with him, so he couldn't care about Lin Chong.

Since Lin Chong's sworn brother is going today, he is naturally relieved.

Then he said to Lu Zhishen: There is a dangerous place on the road from Tokyo to Cangzhou, called 'Wild Boar Forest'.

In the past, if those criminals wanted to wait for an opportunity to solve the prisoner, they must start here.

The master can go straight to the wild boar forest, if Lin Chong has not been harmed there, then there will be no worries.

Generally speaking, if one wants to harm someone, no one is willing to go the wrong way.

Therefore, it may be solved in this very vicious forest not far from Tokyo.

Then go back and say that the prisoner ran away or accidentally fell to his death, just looking for an excuse, but no one asked more.

Sajia can save you. Lu Zhishen took down the detailed route and nodded.

They went east all the way out of Tokyo City, and Lin Chong and the others headed northeast all the way.

After calculating the time, Lin Chong and the others would arrive at the wild boar forest tomorrow, and Lu Zhishen didn't dare to neglect at the moment.

Yifa ate about ten catties of meat, took another ten catties with him, a jug of wine, tightened his leggings, and rushed away overnight.

Lin Xiaoniang watched his figure disappear into the night, and then sat down with a sigh.

Don't worry, my son. I think Master Zhishen is a believer, and he will definitely be able to save Lin Chong's life. Instructor Zhang handed her the warm pancake.

Furthermore, Lin Chong is not a man of unlucky fortune, so he will surely be able to turn bad luck into good luck.

May the gods bless my family and officials to be safe and sound. After Lin Xiaoniang finished speaking, she recited the meritorious scriptures again.

Coach Zhang didn't say anything, just rested overnight, and took the two of them eastward before dawn the next day.

On the other hand, after bidding farewell to his father-in-law and wife, Lin Chong walked thirty or forty miles that day.

On the second day, the stick sores broke out on my body, and I didn't walk fast, but it was still thirty or forty miles away.

At night, Xue Ba and Dong Chao scalded his feet with boiling water.

On the third day, he was given the newly woven hard straw sandals to wear, and the blisters were worn out, dripping with blood.

Lin Chong himself was beaten to pieces with a stick, and he was wearing a sedative shackle specially designed to suppress repeat offenders. How could he resist?

Reluctantly, it was noon and I came to the wild boar forest.

Dong Chao and Xue Ba exchanged winks, intending to kill Lin Chong here, but they were afraid that the sedative shackle would not be able to suppress him.

He tricked Lin Chong again, and bound him with the God-binding rope given by Gao Qiu.

Only then did he raise his water and fire stick with confidence and said, Don't blame Coach Lin, it must be because the two of us are about to kill you.

Instead, Lu Yuhou was ordered by Gao Taiwei to teach me two to come here to end you.

Hugh must blame my two brothers.

As he spoke, he raised his stick and struck at Lin Chong's head.

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