At that time, this king will be able to use this skill to participate in the good fortune of yin and yang, and to realize the true fruit of immortality.

At that time, this king will be able to jump out of this turbid dust bubble, the vast world, and be at ease forever. The deafening voice of the ghost king of Yinshan Mountain rippling in the whole Yinyu of Mount Tai, it lasted for a long time.

Ling Qing understood what the Yinshan Ghost King said.

People who can cultivate such abilities and make such achievements cannot be swayed by words.

At the same time, it also gave Lingqing a deeper understanding of the way of heaven.

Although the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of Humanity, and the Dao of Immortals have the same name, they are different from each other.

The goodness of humanity and immortality does not represent the goodness of heaven.

The behavior of the ghost king of Yinshan Mountain is a great evil in the eyes of humans, but in the eyes of heaven, it is just as he said, in the movement of Yin and Yang, it is the goodness of the way of heaven.

Sure enough, the ghost king is profound in Taoism and profound in law principles. However, different ways do not conspire with each other. Poor Taoists also have their own ways to practice, but I hope the ghost king can make it perfect.

However, the way of Yinshan Ghost King is practicing the way of heaven, and Lingqing's way is also practicing the way of heaven.

The principles of the world are not between words and words, but between the level of Taoism and deeds. I want this king to fulfill your way, let's try your way and mine, which one is better. Yinshan Ghost King also said bluntly.

Then he stretched out a big hand suddenly, the palm made of rocks looked like five mountain ranges, and slapped Ling Qing in the air.

It should be so! Ling Qing stretched out a hand with a dignified expression and slowly pushed forward.

An innate one-qi great grabbing hand that was about the size of an mu appeared behind him, absorbing the vitality around him, the tornado continued to grow bigger, and went up to him.

Two palms of average size slammed together, after a short pause.

boom! ! !

A strong shock centered on the palms and spread rapidly to the surroundings.

But everything that touches this undulation is instantly turned into fly ash, and then blown away.

The lonely and wild ghost who had just climbed out of the Yin-Yang tunnel was the first to bear the brunt, and was swept into flying ash without even making a pitiful scream.

Quickly get out! Lingji and others who had already reached the exit of Yin Yu did not dare to stay when they saw this, they turned around and got out.

Whoosh! !

Ling Qing's figure flew backwards like an arrow, flying thousands of feet before barely stopping her figure.

Sure enough, based on the strength of the body alone, it's okay to deal with the average peak human immortal, but to deal with this kind of perverted person than me, you can only suffer. Ling Qing gently wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and calmed down a bit. With the mana surging in his body, he smiled lightly.

At the beginning of self-cultivation, this is the first time I have tasted my own blood, and it feels really bad.

After the Yinshan Ghost King succeeded in one blow, he didn't hesitate at all, and started to chase after Lingqing.

Despite his huge stature, his speed is not slow at all, and he even thought that his exaggerated strides were just one step in front of Ling Qing.

boom! ! !

He raised his mountain-like palm, pinched it into a flat mountain seal, and struck it down again.

Huge size, lightning-like speed, and the wind pressure alone will compress the surrounding air like iron stone.

What's more, the Pingshan Seal is an extremely profound supernatural power, which claims to be able to seal mountains into flat ground with one seal.

Lingqing raised her head, her eyes flashed, a talisman appeared on her forehead, and she wrote: Innate One Qi Dao Purifies the Divine Talisman!

It is the innate one-qi talisman that is the foundation of his whole body.

As soon as this talisman appeared, it evolved into infinite changes, turning into an illusory world to wrap Lingqing in it.

As the Yin Sha Ghost King slowly raised his palm, he saw Ling Qing standing in the palm print he made as if unscathed.

Seeing this, he raised his foot and stomped down.

But with a flash of blue light, a portal appeared in front of Lingqing, he turned around and went in, then disappeared, leaving another footprint of the Yinshan Ghost King on the spot.

On the Devil-Breaking Sword, Ling Qing emerged from the green tower, and the innate qi talisman on top of his head emitted various auras to wash away his body.

Even though he was protected by the innate one-qi talisman just now, it still caused him to suffer a lot of damage. At this time, he used the restorative spell fused into the talisman to heal his injuries.

The Yinshan Ghost King is not only powerful, but also has rich combat experience. At the same time, his fighting style is also crisp and neat.

Seeing that Ling Qing was not killed, he didn't say much nonsense, stepped on his foot, and rushed towards Ling Qing again with a huge roar.

Facing the fierce sword energy emitted by the Devil-breaking Sword, he just swiped it away with his left palm, and then slapped it with his right hand.

This is not only because of such a huge body, it is suitable for this kind of fighting method, but he has been able to return to the original state.

Every move of the Yinshan Ghost King seems to be ordinary clapping and stomping, but all of them are blows that condense all of his own strength and magical powers.

Faced with his seemingly simple moves, Ling Qing always has a feeling that no matter how good your spells and combat skills are, as long as any supernatural powers can't reach his level, you will be blown away by him. .

Lingqing simply didn't do these nonsense anymore, she waved her hand first, buzzing, buzzing and trembling.

In front of him appeared nine hundred feet high and three hundred feet wide gates.

boom! ! !

Click! Click! Click! Click!

The Yinshan Ghost King slapped it with his palm, and the leading gate just held on for a while before bumping into the second gate, and then slammed into the third gate again.

Only after a few times of buffering, the Qing Emperor Jiuzhongque, which was tempered by the true energy of Qingmu Changsheng, had a strong resilience.

The Ghost King of Yinshan felt that he had hit layers of nets with his palm, and the rebound was stronger the further he went.

By the time the nine gates were stacked together, all the power of his blow had been removed.

Then a huge rebounding force pushed his palm back.

After the Nine Layers of Green Tower, Emperor Miaodao flashed out from Lingqing's body and joined with the merit wheel in his hand, and evolved the Nine Heavens Dharma Realm to cover Lingqing's body.

Immediately, Lingqing gained the power of the Nine Heavens, and a Dharma image appeared outside her body to envelop her.

Then the Miaoxiang Emperor flicked the imperial whip in his hand, and the surrounding vitality evolved into tens of thousands of beasts and merged with them into the dharma form, turning them into muscles, bones, skin, internal organs, twelve regular channels, eight extraordinary meridians, and 365 acupuncture points around the body, etc. .

In the end, it turned into an immemorial spirit dragon, entrenched in the sea of ​​Qi in the lower dantian of Faxiang.

Emperor Miaoyuan waved the Hunyuan banner in his hand to generate 129,600 elf worms, which turned into a world built by vitality and merged into the Tanzhong acupoint of the middle dantian.

Thousands of yuan elf worms were born, and each cell was derived and merged into the dharma.

Emperor Miaoyou merged with the wonderful tree in his hand, and fell into the purple mansion of Dantian on the dharma image, turning into a towering giant tree.

This giant tree has ten thousand roots pierced into every blood and meridian in Fa Xiang's body, and ten thousand branches grow on the top, and each branch bears a different number of flowers.

Some melons are ripe with crystal fruits hanging from their stalks, some with green skins and firm stems, some with colorful flowers and reds, and some with tender buds...

Every flower and fruit on this tree represents a spell that Lingqing has mastered, no matter how big or small it is, it appears here.

The remaining Emperor Miaoling showed the map of the galaxy in his hand, and the 365 celestial orbs on it fell into the 365 acupuncture points on Faxiang's body, showing a spirit god sitting in it.

When he combined himself with the treasure map, he turned into a robe of stars and fell on Dharma Xiang's body, setting it off with brilliant and shining stars.

As Emperor Miaodao evolves the dharma form with the Nine Heavens Dharma Realm, Emperor Miaoxiang transforms Yuanjing into the sea of ​​Qi, Emperor Miaoyuan transforms Yuanqi into the middle of the shank, Emperor Miaoyou transforms Yuanshen into Zifu, and Emperor Miaoling summons the spirit to stay behind.

This dharma form has turned into a giant nine hundred and ninety-nine feet tall.

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