Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 541: Corpse Transformation Orphan Hall

Let's go. Ling Qing stood up and said after Lingji and the two had eaten something.

Now that night has fallen, it is easier to encounter powerful ghosts when traveling at night.

Just take advantage of this journey to experience them again, let them see people's hearts, ghosts, greed, infatuation and resentment.

After going out from here, the three of them need to be strong and have experience and experience. Presumably he will be able to let them go on their own.

He can't protect them forever.

Seeing them getting up and leaving with the two children, the shop owner opened his mouth, saw the Taoist robes on the four of them, shook his head and sighed silently.

Before Ling Qing went out, she flicked her sleeves, a little light fell on the roof and turned into a lion-backed beast, and then strode away.

Not long after Lingqing left, a group of people brought a dead body to the lodging on a cart.

He said he was asking the boss to make it easier for him, so he just rested in the firewood room for one night and then left.

The boss also knew that there was no Yizhuang outside the town, and it would be unreasonable to ask them to leave the corpse at will. He sighed and waved his hand to let them enter through the back door, so as not to disturb the guests.

Although there are not many customers.

A group of people thankfully turned to the back door. As soon as they entered the door, they heard a lion's roar, and then saw the body covered with white cloth trembling, and a puff of black smoke stained the white cloth with ashes.

In astonishment, everyone lifted up the white cloth, and saw that the originally pale body began to rot quickly, turning into a pile of dead bones in a short while, but there was no smell coming out.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do, the buddy called the boss, and the boss suggested that he send out firewood and transport the bones to an open space not far away for burning.

A group of people hurriedly nodded their thanks, and then, under the leadership of the staff, transported the bones to the open space, burned them as ashes, and collected them in the jar presented by the boss.

After all this was done, the lion-backed beast that had disappeared had reappeared and settled on the roof of the inn.

Lingqing, who had already walked a long way outside the city, shook the Wanhua Whisk in her hand, and looked at the lonely hall in front of her.

There is a middle-aged Taoist in the forest outside the pavilion, looking at the inside of the pavilion with a troubled expression. At this time, there is a man and a woman inside.

The man looked like a scholar in his twenties, while the woman had a vicious air.

Suddenly the fox demon screamed, broke free, and jumped out of the window with its tail between its legs.

Little lady, little lady, don't go! Come back!

The man hurriedly got up and chased after him, pleading, but he had already disappeared.

Seeing this, the middle-aged Taoist murmured: What kind of evil did this poor Taoist do?

It's all because Pindao was too young and playful to cause such trouble.

Seeing the man returning to the house with a disappointed face, and hastily cleaned up the mess, he was sighing in frustration.

The Taoist also walked out of the forest, turned to the trail, and was about to walk towards the Guguan, when he saw Lingqing and three people appearing with an inspiration.

His eyes froze for a moment, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes, then he relaxed a little, and asked, Where did you come from, fellow Taoist?

Pindao was walking with the three disciples, and missed the dormant, and was about to find a place to rest. Ling Qing saluted.

His original intention was to take advantage of the journey back to Wudangguan to let the three of Lingji see people's hearts and ghosts.

Now that the scholars, fox demons, and Taoists are all here, something must happen, just for them to experience it.

People who practice Taoism don't shy away from talking about sex. It's natural for this person. Ever since Lingqing experienced the heart-cleaning at the Lushan banquet, she has been able to freely contain and let go of lust in her heart without being disturbed by it.

At this time, although Lingji and Wenjun knew the difference between men and women, they didn't have any defenses between men and women in their hearts. Just now when they saw the scholar fighting with the fox demon, it was just normal.

But Sun Yuwei is different. Now that she is in university, she should have understood it a long time ago, and her face was red when she saw it just now.

Seeing the indifferent faces of Lingqing, Lingji, and Wenjun, she was also embarrassed and just tried to calm down.

But she is not a person who invades her heart. When she found the middle-aged Taoist, she knew that this matter was not easy, so she adjusted her mentality after a while.

It just so happened that Pindao also missed Sutou, so let's go together. The middle-aged Taoist said it was a coincidence, but still warmly invited him.

So, please, Daoist. Ling Qingsu greeted him, and then walked side by side with him, introducing: The poor Taoist Ling Daoqing, these three are poor Taoist disciples, Ling Xuanji, Wei Xuanjun, Sun Xuanwei.

Poverty Taoist Maoshan Li Changyang, greet fellow Taoists. The middle-aged Taoist Li Changyang nodded slightly and smiled.

It turned out to be a high-ranking disciple of Maoshan, and the poor Taoist disrespected me. Ling Qing said in surprise.

He could only see that Li Changyang's cultivation base was similar to his own, and he really didn't care much about what method he cultivated.

At this time, if you look carefully, there is indeed a bit of the breath of the supernatant method.

When he came to the gate of the solitary hall while speaking, Li Changyang hesitated for a while, and then said: The young man in there has some predestined relationship with the poor Taoist, this time is to resolve this matter, and I hope fellow Taoists can help me a little bit.

The purpose of his coming here was for this scholar, but he did not expect to meet a fellow student.

If it's normal, it's fine, but among the four masters and apprentices in front of me, there are actually three human beings.

You must know that he has only just begun to warm and nourish the five internal organs, and his realm is a little worse than Lingqing. Now he only hopes that Lingqing and others will not ruin his business.

I pointed out my background earlier, not to use power to overwhelm others, but to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

Where is it, this is a matter of the fellow daoist's own family. I am afraid that the poor daoists are powerless. Lingqing understood what he meant. He was not asking him to help him, but he just wanted himself to stay aside and not do anything, so he was helping.

Of course, there is still something to be said in this scene, However, if it is useful, feel free to speak.

And Li Changyang was also happy when he heard it, and immediately said please, and then pushed open the door.

Little lady... The scholar heard the door opening, thinking that the fox demon had returned, and immediately exclaimed in surprise.

But as soon as he got up, he saw several Taoists, big and small, appearing at the door, and immediately sat down with a sigh and disappointment.

He sighed secretly in his heart, 'meeting these Taoists, it is likely that the little lady will be in danger.

It's a pity, it's better to stay here with me and have a good time. '

Sighing in his heart, his face straightened, and he invited Ling Qing and the others: Several priests can sit down casually. There is a freshly lit fire here. There is heavy dew at night, which is good for dehumidification.

He also saw Sun Yuwei, but he just glanced at it and stopped looking.

As for Wenjun, although he fought with goblins, he was not yet a beast.

He knew that he was born with extraordinary talents, even monsters, let alone ordinary people, so he didn't want to harm other people, and he seldom even went to the Red Chamber Chu Pavilion.

One is that it is unpleasant, and the other is that it costs too much to go once, and it is useless.

Thank you, scholar. Li Changyang thanked him and sat near the scholar.

And Ling Qing took the inspiration and the three of them started another fire and sat aside to watch the play.

Now even Sun Yuwei, who has the weakest cultivation base, can sleep for days without rest, so naturally she doesn't care about this night.

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