Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 465 It's Yourself To Blame

Okay! Wen Jun nodded, stretched out his hand a little, and the energy around him gathered and condensed into a seed that fell under Yuwei Sun's body, and a huge lotus pod bloomed in an instant, holding it up.

The Wuyun orb protecting her sensed energy fluctuations, but she didn't find any attack power, and couldn't find a clue to counterattack, so it immediately turned into a milky white shield to protect Sun Yuwei.

Quiet! Just as the scene was getting more and more flustered, when Lingji and Wen Jun were about to take Sun Yuwei away, a loud voice suddenly overwhelmed the noise in the casino.

The two turned their heads and saw a middle-aged man who was neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, leading three or five people before the gambling sign in the main hall.

The chaotic scene around him also slowly recovered.

Boss Tang! Boss Tang! The gamblers, guards and others who came back to their senses shouted when they saw this person.

It was Tang Yuan, the big boss of the gambling shop who came here by fate.

The name is very mellow, but his figure is not recognizable at all, and he is also known for his ruthless behavior.

Because this temperament is not suitable for doing business, he has been hiding behind the scenes. This time, he really came out because he saw that the scene was a little out of order.

I disturbed everyone's pleasure this time. It's my fault that I came to the gambling house, but let's keep these things that are not yours. Tang Yuan waved his hand, and all the coins hidden in the gamblers' arms flew away. come out.

An old man with an abacus beside him reached out to catch it and put it away.

Of course, Tang is not an unreasonable person, and when I figure out the reason, I will naturally compensate everyone for their losses.

But today is not free, I still hope everyone Haihan. Tang Yuan said as she cupped her hands.

The old customers who had seen Tang Yuan's tricks immediately responded with a smile, then turned and left.

But for those who came less often, or those who came for the first time, they were frightened by Tang Yuan's fierce eyes as soon as they opened their mouths.

Just when Lingji and Wenjun were about to take Sun Yuwei away, Tang Yuan suddenly stopped them, You two, your companions have messed up Tang's situation, so leaving without saying a word is a bit unreasonable, isn't it?

What? My sister is so tired from gambling that she can't even take a break. Do I have to force her to continue gambling?

If you don't bet, you have to fight. Isn't it forbidden to fight back? Lingji's figure paused, the strange light in his eyes flowed like waves, and he said indifferently behind his back.

He and Wen Jun had already noticed Sun Yuwei's strangeness, but when Ling Qing didn't act, they had been watching her secretly to prevent her from having any accidents.

Therefore, they can see clearly the cause of this chaos.

My subordinates acted recklessly, and I will naturally deal with it afterwards, but I need you to give me an explanation for the loss of our workshop today. Tang Yuan waved his hand, and the three guards who were only slightly injured in the chaos Surrounded.

Four people came out beside him, and came to the three of them, as if inviting them to come to Tang Yuan.

There's nothing to say, it's your own fault. Lingji's more indifferent voice came again.

Hearing his words, Tang Yuan couldn't help but change his expression, and the four people around him also moved slightly.

However, before they could take the next step, Lingji had a pig-headed human body that seemed to have just rolled in the mud.

As soon as it appeared, it spewed out a large amount of sludge swamp and rushed to the surroundings.

The four people and a circle of guards were submerged in the swamp before they could react.

Seeing this, Tang Yuan's complexion changed again, sensing the vicious aura in the sludge, he didn't dare to touch it lightly.

The formula in his hand changed, and he hit it in the air, touching the formation in the workshop and eliminating it.

A group of men with tragic figures were revealed, and he glanced around, and saw that there was still a lot of poisonous light like sludge attached to these people.

Either pustules and yellow water flowed from the body, or the head was covered with a cloud of blood, or the heart was covered with green smoke.

It's nothing to say, it's your own fault. Tang Yuan grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a ferocious smile, and said with a hey smile.

Then don't blame Tang for being rude.

He directly urged the mana, operated the formation, and enveloped the three of them.

Immediately, they saw that the surrounding space changed, and the three of them came from the gambling house to a dark space.

With the cries of babies and the sound of wheezing and wheezing, there are countless black shadows wandering around.

With a shrill cry, countless Taotie with sheep's body and human face, tiger teeth and human claws rushed over wrapped in grayish-yellow mist.


Facing the rushing Taotie, the pig-headed figure on Lingji's body groaned twice, and following his movements, he also drew out a claw weapon.

With a rake, it turned the rushing Taotie into a gray-yellow mist.

Then the long mouth opened and sucked violently, and the gray-yellow mist fell into its mouth all at once, and disappeared without even a single blow.

However, there seemed to be endless gluttons rushing up, and this poisonous pig method alone could not completely suppress them.

With a flash of inspiration, he pulled out the Fenghuo Erqi stick, and after a flash it turned into a ten-foot-long bowl with a thick and thin mouth, and fired it out in circles.

He didn't go far, just stayed near Wen Jun and Sun Yuwei.

And Wen Jun held Sun Yuwei, raised his hand and flicked with ten fingers, and the seeds flew out one by one and fell to the surroundings.

No matter whether these seeds fell on Tao Tie's body or in the surrounding yellow mist, they took root and sprouted in an instant, and grew into delicate and beautiful flowers.

When it blooms to the extreme, it withers and withers in an instant, and three or five, or seven or eight seeds are born, and they are replanted.

After a while, the surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​flowers, making this gloomy space very bright.

At the same time, all kinds of flowers spread out and spread to the distance.

Tang Yuan, who was manipulating the formation outside the formation, couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw this, and operated the formation to divide the sea of ​​flowers laid out by Wen Jun.

Huang Wu, who had dispersed the inspiration, restrained it with a formation before it could absorb it, and turned it into even bigger monsters.

The formation is supposed to be able to borrow the power of heaven and earth, but the formation in his gambling shop at this time is to connect the power of the entire street into a whole, and has accumulated power for countless years.

At this time, even if he didn't forcefully borrow the power of other families, he was confident that he could trap any immortal with his own savings.

What's more, it's just two boys and girls.

The fact is also the same, after he turned these filthy qi into evil beasts, it was much more difficult whether it was a brainstorming or Wenjun taking the power of flowers in an instant.

If they were one-on-one, they would naturally not be afraid, but this swarm of swarms quickly forced the two of them to only hold the space in front of them.

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