Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 46 Movement and Stillness Kung Fu

Yes, Senior Brother Zhang.

Yesterday Lu Qing introduced to the three of them that the whole monastery is full of apprentices of the master, so they are all called brothers and sisters.

Those who start first are called brothers and those who start later are called brothers, regardless of men, women or children.

And among the senior brothers who have just started, I haven't heard of any apprentices.

The cliffs and ravines in the back mountain are steep, and it is not easy to carry water. You should go collect firewood first.

Zhang Duchu pointed to Lingqing and Zhang Zhe and said, then looked at Zhu Guang.

As for you, you don't know if you can bear the pain with thin skin and tender flesh, fat head and big ears.

Brother, you can suffer, you can suffer.

Seeing this, Zhu Guang said quickly.

After finally being able to formally enter the immortal sect, he didn't want to be like Wang Sheng, who was fooled away by a simple spell because he couldn't bear the hardship.

Well, I wanted to keep you to help in the kitchen, since that's the case...

But according to senior brother's order, I am willing to help. Zhu Guang stopped senior brother Zhang's conversation and said with a smile.

As I said before, Zhu Guang has a round body, with a fat head and big ears, and a slender white jade.

Obviously, these days have been very comfortable since childhood.

With his round and smooth appearance, no one would believe him if he was not a foodie.

For him, helping in the kitchen is much better than chopping firewood and carrying water outside in the wind and sun.

It's not like he's taking the path of exercising his body. It's really hard to say whether he can survive after a long time.

Even if it's just as tiring, it's more comfortable to guard and eat than to face the bark.

So, you will follow me later, the two of you have chosen your tool and go.

Senior Brother Zhang said with a smile, obviously seeing through his thoughts.


Ling Qing and Zhang Zhe looked at the joyous Zhu Guang with some envy, and each chose a deputy pole and an ax and walked towards the back mountain.

I didn't expect this fat man to be really lucky. Zhang Zhe joked on the road.

Who made it so that we don't have his body. Ling Qing also said with a smile.

Along the way, Ling Qing and Zhu Guang got to know each other a lot, and they were able to make some small jokes.

But neither of them is too envious, each has his own fate.

Besides, chopping firewood is quite suitable for two people.

After exiting the backyard gate, we went down the back mountain along a steep and rugged path, separated from the people who fetched water at the mountainside, and walked across a single-plank bridge to Chaishan Mountain.

The name of this firewood mountain is also heard from people. All the firewood in the temple is made from here, and I heard that the trees on this mountain are not used for other purposes except for burning fire, so they are called firewood trees.

Ling Qing and the two walked a few steps to catch up with the senior brothers who went ahead.

Among them are not only the uncles and nephews of the Li family and some talented people, but also some brothers in the dungeon.

Then Liu Yun was assigned to grow vegetables in the vegetable garden, not with everyone.

But I heard that the vegetable garden needs to be fertilized, so it's no wonder that Liu Yun complained.

Going up to Mount Chai, the two found a tree separately like others did.

Ling Qing put the hemp rope aside, picked up the ax and chopped towards the root of the tree.


A muffled sound like a bronze bell sounded, and the bark remained motionless.

At the same time, a force bounced back from the axe, causing his hands to go numb, his bones and tendons brittle, and he almost couldn't hold back the strength and sat down on the ground.

The same is true for Zhang Zhe on the other side.

Hahaha~ The others burst out laughing upon seeing this.

Only then did the two realize that they were just putting on a show and didn't do anything.

Most of the hands-on are seniors who have entered the door early.

After a while, the man named Li Li came over and said to the two of them: The wood in this chai mountain is very hard, we first climbed up the tree and cut some twigs.

If you want to cut down the whole tree, it will take a while, after you get used to it.

Thank you. The two thanked him after hearing the words.

Others didn't have any fun watching it, so they climbed up the tree to cut firewood.

It's okay, don't be angry, everyone has no malicious intentions, we all came here like this.

Li Li was afraid that the two of them would have resentment, so he walked up to him and said.

The two of them saw that it was indeed the case, even the seniors who had just started were all putting on a show nearby, just waiting to see their fun.

After seeing Li Li coming to explain to the two of them, he started walking up the mountain to find some thicker trees to chop.

It's okay, next time we'll punish others together. Zhang Zhe raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

That's right. Ling Qing agreed with a smile.

Okay, atmosphere.

Li Li gave a thumbs up and said with a mysterious look: I'll tell you one more thing, try to chop wood as hard as you can, and carry as much back as possible in one trip.

No matter how much strength you put out, how much strength you can carry, don't worry about your strength.

Thank you Brother Li. Lingqing and Lingqing were thoughtful after hearing the words, and thanked again after recovering.

After hearing Li Li's words, Ling Qing pinned the ax to his waist, grabbed the tree with both hands, and jumped up the tree like a spirit ape.

After he upgraded Wu Qinxi to the expert level, what he gained was not only the attribute value, but also the martial arts experience that the expert level should have.

Now his skill is not much better than some people who have practiced martial arts since childhood.

Of course, this is compared to the martial artist who did not have time shards a year ago.

Now like Tian Yong and Zhang Zhe, they have already developed their internal strength after going through several dungeons.

Since the appearance of dungeons, martial arts can be roughly divided into two types.

One is the exercise of exercising qi and blood, exercising the muscles, bones and skin externally, and exercising breath internally.

But this qi is not used to attack, but to keep the qi from leaking after being contained.

One is the static work of moving the inner breath, piercing the acupoints through the meridians, rubbing the inner breath.

When it works, it can increase the physique internally and sharpen weapons externally.

The Wu Qin Xi of Lingqing Academy belongs to the dynamic exercise of exercising qi and blood, while Tian Yong and Zhang Zhe obtained the static exercise of transferring inner breath in the dungeon.

But no matter whether it is dynamic or static, it is not a single thing, but there is stillness in the movement, and there is movement in the stillness.

Just leaning differently.

After opening the bridge between heaven and earth and entering the innate realm, there is basically no big difference.

And the way of fighting and the way of practicing are not the same thing. Being able to practice does not necessarily mean being able to fight, and being able to fight does not mean that his kung fu level is high.

Lingqing climbed up the tree, sat down on the branch, chose a branch as thick as an arm, and chopped it down with an axe.

He used the stick technique he had exchanged in the special affairs department before, the method of chopping and smashing hard.


Seeing a gap cut out above, Ling Qing was overjoyed.

There is a door!

This branch looks about as thick as his wooden stick, and its hardness is not much worse.

You must know that his wooden staff is made of iron birch, which can block bullets.

Thanks to the sharpness of the axe, otherwise it would be hard to say.

Since Li Li said that he should spare no effort, he should use all his strength, so there must be no need for him to lie.

It doesn't matter even if you know people but don't know your heart, it's just a waste of effort, and the two spells will recover.

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